Wolf Woes

By Werewitch12

179K 4.9K 925

I do not own this story, but it's on another website m.fanfiction.net. It's by btvscharmedgirl I just wanted... More

Chapter 1 : Strange feelings (part 1)
Chapter 1: Strange feeling (part 2)
Chapter 1: Strange Feeling (pt 3)
Chapter 2: Friends (pt 1)
Chapter 2: Friends (pt 2)
Chapter 2: Friends (pt 3)
Chapter 2: Friends (pt 4)
Chapter 3: In The Cell (pt 1)
Chapter 3: In The Cell (pt 2)
Chapter 4: Josie's Home (Pt 1)
Chapter 4: Josie's Home (Pt 2)
Chapter 4: Josie's Home (pt 3)
Chapter 5: The Truth (pt 1)
Chapter 5: The Truth (pt 2)
Chapter 6: Conversations and Blood (pt 1)
Chapter 6: Conversations and Blood (pt 2)
Chapter 7: Running Wild (Pt 1)
Chapter 7: Running wild (pt 2)
Chapter 8: Big Date and Even Bigger Secrets (pt 1)
Chapter 8: Big Date and Even Bigger Secrets (pt 2)
Chapter 9: Let's Talk About Sex, Baby
Chapter 10: Testing the Bond (pt 1)
Chapter 10: Testing the Bond (pt 2)
Chapter 12: The Merge
Chapter 13: So?
Chapter 14: Fighting and Friendships
Chapter 15: Loose Ends
Chapter 16: The Bond
Chapter 17: Malivore
Chapter 18: Happy Birthday Hope [Final]

Chapter 11: Into the Unkown

5.1K 129 24
By Werewitch12

The rest of spring break went by in a blur for Hope. When she wasn't holed up in her room with Josie, they were with the boys playing games, or bonding with Lizzie over the illegal spells and fight training. Hope and Josie continued to test the limits of their bond, with Hope as a wolf and as a human. With each shift, they could feel the bond grow, but they had yet to be able to hear each other telepathically while Hope was in human form.

When Hope wasn't with one of the twins, she was spending time with her Aunt Rebekah. Sure, she spent plenty of time with her when she was home for the holidays, but it never felt like enough time. Maybe because she had always worried whenever she was around her family. Fearful that they too would succumb to the same fate as her parents. That fear had been lessening over the last few weeks. What with her friendship with Penelope and Lizzie and her relationship with Josie, it was becoming easier for her to accept those she cared for weren't going to up and leave her. It was still there, at the back of her mind, but she was learning to push it away and enjoy spending time with those she cared for.

Freya and Keeling arrived on the last day of spring break. The school was filled with parents returning with their children, taking the time to meet with Caroline and Alaric. Which meant Rebekah had the day off from planning their attack on Triad. Her and Josie spent the day, catching up with her aunts and playing with her cousin.

Lizzie joined them for a while but headed back to her room long before it was time for dinner. Despite being back on her meds, she was still flying higher than she should. She was doing her best to keep herself in check, but it was clear that she was still struggling.

Penelope returned to school just before curfew, so Hope decided to leave her very crowded room and spend the night with her, even though it meant dealing with Penelope's bitchy roommate. Yes, she put Penelope's bitchiness to shame. She spent the entire night not saying a word to them but glaring at them from across the room. After a while they pulled Penelope's bed down on the floor and built a fort round it, allowing them to cast a silencing spell around them so they could talk freely.

They laid together, passing Hope's tablet back and forth as they played a game of scrabble on it, talking as they went. Hope told Pen all about the mission they were planning, and the spell that they were performing to close Malivore for good. She naturally wanted in and was happy when Hope promised she could be.

Penelope then changed the subject to Hope's sex life, point blank asking her if they'd done it yet. Hope fumbled a little, then confided in what had happened a few mornings before. Penelope was sympathetic, and even told her about what happened the first time she had done anything more than simple kissing. She accidentally released a blast of energy, that exploded through her house. Her mom came to see what had happened, and found her half dressed on top of her girlfriend.

"That's why she sent me here," Penelope admitted. "Not because of the sex part, mom was pretty cool about that. She just wanted me to have better control over my powers. Some of the girls in my mom's coven went here, so she enrolled me a few month later. It sucked leaving Wendy, but I've learned so much here. And I got to be with Josie for a while, which was nice while it lasted. Now I have you to chill with. Mom actually got a job in Belgium. There's a witch only school not far, so I could see her more. We were supposed to leave over spring break, but I told her I wanted to stay." Penelope handed the tablet to Hope and looked at her pointedly.

Hope took the tablet but laid it on her chest. "You stayed because of me?"

"At first, I was I was waiting to see if Josie would give me a reason to stay, but she gave me a million reasons to go. Then you sat down with MG and I out of the blue one day, and things spiraled from there. Don't get me wrong, MG's cool and all, but you're the only one here who's treated me like family. You trusted us to tell your wolf problems too, which shocked the hell out of me. You've always been an incredibly private person."

"I am... No, I was a private person. I guess something changed inside of me when I bonded to Josie. I think she makes it easier for me to trust that people won't always leave me."

"Are you still afraid people will leave you?"

"Yes. Every day. It's what people have done my whole life, but Josie makes me feel... whole, I guess. She makes conquering my fears easier."

Hope played her word then handed the tablet to Penelope. "I'm sorry," She sighed. "I know this must be hard for you."

Penelope rolled onto her side. "Your right. It is hard as hell to hear you talking about Josie like that, but at the same time I'm happy for you and her. You literally have a romance straight from the story books. Who am I to stand in your way?"

"Someone who loves Josie," Hope said.

"And a part of me always will, but she's not mine anymore. I screwed up and I realized it to late. She made it clear before you realized what was happening that she didn't want me back, and as painful as it has been to accept, even if you would break up, I have no chance with her. It's best if I just move on."

Penelope played her word then handed the tablet back to her, then rolled onto her back again. "Besides, the more you talk about her with me the less I hurt, and the more Josie shifts from my girl to yours in my mind."

"I just don't want to hurt you. You're kind of the first real friend I've ever had, unless you count my grandma Mary."

Penelope looked at Hope. "Are you serious?"

"Yeah. Grandma Mary was the only person my mom trusted enough to know where we were hiding, and I haven't really made any friends here for reason's I've already stated."

"Well then I guess I should tell you that you're the only real friend I've made at this school, well beside MG, but he only counts when he isn't following Lizzie around like a little puppy dog; which is like ninety percent of the time."

"She has no clue he's into her," Hope stated. "We should either try and fix them up or find another girl for him. Someone who is actually going to notice that he likes her."

"Or boy," Penelope said. "MG's into guys too."

"I didn't know that," Hope informed her.

"It's not widely known. He's out and all, it's just he's always following Lizzie around so everyone who isn't his close buds thinks he's straight. We should try and set him up with Landon. I get the bi-vibe from him."


"Oh yeah. I have excellent gaydar. I knew Josie was into girls the second I laid eyes on her."

"And you never thought that was just your hormones lusting after her?"

"Maybe, but I was still right. I'll work my magic with MG and Landon. See if we can't sway MG's attention onto him."

"Hey, I'm pretty sure Lizzie's into girls. You could ask her out," Hope said suddenly.

Penelope looked at Hope with wide eyes and then laughed. "Me and Lizzie. You can't be serious?"

Hope smiled at her. "I got you to laugh though."

"You have a devil side to you Hope Mikaelson," Penelope chuckled. "I like it."

"I am my father's daughter," Hope chuckled. "In all seriousness though, Lizzie's not as bad as she seems."

"Seriously? You're not messing with me again?"

"Lizzie and I have found a common ground. We've been spending a lot of time together. She's not as bad as you would think. I'd like it if the two of you could at least be civil around one another."

"Lizzie is the reason Josie and I broke up. She sucks the life out of Josie, leaving nothing left for anyone else."

"I know Lizzie requires a lot of Josie's attention, but you have to remember that Josie is more than willing to be that person for her. Part of their problem stems from Josie not being able to voice herself to Lizzie, who literally needs to be told what is going on around her. They've fallen into this codependency cycle, and just need a little understanding and help from those who love them."

"You sound like a therapist," Penelope deadpanned.

"I've been doing a lot of reading on Lizzie's disorder, and I've met with Emma twice this week to get her advice on how to help. I've also talked with Lizzie about what it's like for her, to try and understand it from her point of view. It sounds tough from both their positions."

"You did all that? I was only gone a week."

"I care about Josie and want to do anything that will help her and Lizzie," Hope replied honestly.

"I... Damn Hope..." She rolled over onto her back and stared up at the blankets above them. "You must think I'm a horrible person."

"No. Why would you think that?" Hope asked, honestly confused by what Penelope was thinking.

"Because I never once even thought about looking up Lizzie disorder. Hell, I never even bothered to try and understand her. All I saw was how much time and energy she took from Josie, and I hated her for it."

Hope grabbed Penelope's hand and gave it a good squeeze. "I don't think you're a horrible person. I just think you're flawed, just like we all are, and that's okay. My dad was a thousand years old and still made mistakes. I think it's what you do once you realize you made a mistake that matters the most."

"Why are you so damn perfect?" Penelope joked.

Hope snorted, "I am far from perfect."

"Well from where I'm sitting, you are perfect for Josie."

"No... She's perfect for me."

"I don't see the difference."

"I guess that's what being soulmates means," Hope said shrugging her shoulders. She lifted her tablet up and played her word. "So, what'd you do during your break?"

"Mostly helped Mom finish packing. She's sold the house, so all my stuff either went with her or is being shipped here."

"What about your dad. You haven't really talked about him."

"Because there's not much to say. My parents divorced when I was younger, and he hasn't spoken to me in over two years. Ever since he found out I like girls just as much as boys." She passed the tablet to Hope. "Ha. I win."

Hope took the tablet and rolled onto her side. "Do you miss him?"

Penelope sighed heavily. "Sometimes, when I do really well on a test, I'll forget for a moment that he hates me, and I'll go to call him to share the good news like I did when I was younger, but then I remember that he does hate me. I miss him for a split moment, and then I just hate him for hating me."

Hope wrapped her hand around Penelope's bicep, as the girl struggles to keep her tears a bay. "I don't have my dad to share anymore, but I do have three really great aunts, one of whom seems to like you a lot. She kept asking when you were coming back to school."

Penelope rolled over to face Hope, with a soft smile on her face. "Auntie Bex is the best."

"Don't let her hear you say that. It'll go to her thousand-year-old head."

Penelope chuckled then handed the tablet to Hope. "Best two out of three."

"I've already beaten you twice."

"So best three out of five then."

Hope woke the tablet up and said, "You're on."

Penelope decided to join Hope for breakfast with Josie, which she was sure would be awkward as hell. She wanted nothing more than to be on the other side of this pain. To be able to sit with her friends without pining over the fact that she still loved Josie. She just wanted things to be normal and okay.

Breakfast wasn't as awkward as she thought it would be, but she suspected that was because Hope and Josie were doing everything in their power to refrain from any sort of couple-y actions, outside of a chaste kiss good morning. Josie seemed to enjoy having her there, which was a nice change from the glares and the 'I hate you' she used to get from her. Not that she blamed her, Penelope hurt her pretty badly when she broke up with her.

For weeks before she ended things, they fought nearly every day about the same thing. Lizzie, and Josie's incessant need to take care of her, even when it meant Josie neglected herself. Well, at least that's what Penelope believed.

It never occurred to Penelope to try and understand Lizzie a little better. To her, Lizzie was just this offensive person sucking up all of Josie's time, energy, and love, and never returning any of it. She saw Lizzie as nothing more than a black hole. It hit her hard when she heard Hope talking about Lizzie and Josie the night before and made her realize that Lizzie had never been the problem in their relationship, she had.

In a way, that made dealing with her residual feeling for Josie easier. She hadn't wanted Hope to know how much it pained her to see her with Josie. She had been playing it off that she was fine with it, but in reality, it hurt like hell. After her conversation with Hope, she realized that Hope was Josie's person. The one everyone dreams of finding, but rarely ever does. It went more than the bond they shared. They were perfect for each other, and that was something Penelope could get behind.

Sure, she still hurt seeing them together. She figured that wasn't going away anytime in the near future, but she wanted both of them to be happy. It was that desire that helped her get through each day. Hope had quickly become one of the best things she had in her life, and she wasn't about to screw that up.

Penelope had been telling Josie and Hope about the job her mom got in Belgium, when Hope suddenly asked, "Are you alright?"

She was confused as to why Hope was asking that, but then she remembered that she literally shared a bond with Josie. Fear crept into her chest as she turned to Josie, who was sitting there as though nothing was wrong.

"It's not me," Josie answered casually, which just confused Penelope more. "Lizzie's having a panic attack. I should probably go make sure she's alright."

"Do you want me to come with, or maybe go get my aunt?" Hope asked.

"No... It's just a panic attack. Nothing I haven't dealt with a hundred times. She's probably just worrying about what to wear. You two stay. Enjoy the sunrise. I'll see you in class."

Josie left before either of them could stop her. When Penelope was sure Josie was out of ear shot, she turned to Hope and cried, "You can feel Lizzie too?"

"Only when Lizzie's feelings are overtaking Josie's. Lizzie can feel me too when my feelings are over taking Josie's."

"Poor Josie. That are a lot of feeling that aren't her own to deal with."

"She seems to be handling it alright. She doesn't feel Lizzie all the time, and the majority of it is a more physical manifestation. Lizzie's been having a hard time recently and the magic she's consuming hasn't been helping any. We've been meditating with her every day, which seem to be helping a little. I think the more into fight training we get, the more of an outlet she'll have."

"Again, I say, how are you so damn perfect? And do I get to start fight training?"

"Tonight. Right after classes. We've been doing it here, but I think we may need to move it to the gym. I guess we'll try it here first and if we don't have enough room, we'll find a better spot," Hope answered. "And I'm not perfect."

Penelope rolled her eyes at her, then asked. "Won't Dr. Saltzman become suspicious?"

"I have a story ready for if he comes snooping around," Hope said, then pointed out over the horizon.

Penelope stopped and look, amazed at the view. She had been at the Salvatore school for over a year and had never bothered to get up early enough to see a sun rise. She preferred to sleep until she had no choice but to get up. It was nice to enjoy something so simple, yet amazing, with her friend.

After the sun was completely visible, they packed the blankets and pillows into a chest that Hope had put there days before.

Her day went by in a blur. Most of her teachers didn't make them do much, as it was the first day back from spring break. During her world history class, she was summoned to Dr. Saltzman's office and was surprised to find Hope sitting outside the office as well. Before either had a chance to question the other's presence, MG opened the door and called them in.

Both were surprised to find only Alaric in his office. For weeks now, at least one of Hope's relatives were with him. "Girls," he said and gestured to the chairs. "I'll make this quick. A complaint has been made against the two of you."

"A complaint? By who?" Penelope asked.

"Your roommate Amanda," Alaric sighed. It was clear that he wasn't happy about having this conversation. "Apparently the two of you destroyed the room last night and stayed up all night talking and doing magic."

"That bi... beechnut."

Hope gave her an amused look.

"She wouldn't stop glaring at us, so we built a fort on the floor, on Penelope's side of the room. It was only a little after curfew when we did this, and I cast a silencing spell so she couldn't hear us."

Alaric groaned, "I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that last part, and simply give you this warning. No more sleepovers in Penelope's room on school nights."

"Come on Dr. Saltzman. I asked for a private room months ago. Why should I be punished because my roommate is a bi... beechnut?"

"You are on the top of the list for a new room in the fall. As long as you remain third in your class the room is yours. Until then, keep the sleepovers out of your room on school nights. Am I clear?"

"Fine," Penelope grumbled.

"You can go, Penelope. Hope will catch up with you for fight training."

Both Penelope and Hope looked at each other, then look at him with the most innocent look they could give him. "We don't know what you're talking about," they said in unison, which shouldn't have freaked him out as much as it did, considering his daughter did it all the time to him.

"Yeah. I bet you don't. Go ahead and get everyone to stretch. Hope will be there soon," he instructed.

Hope nodded her head and said, "I'm be there soon."

Penelope listened to Hope and headed back to her room to change into gym clothing before she made her way to the old mill. MG and Kaleb were the first to show, which Penelope was shocked at. She didn't realize Kaleb had become part of the Avengers squad. She chatted with MG as they waited for the rest to show up. Turns out MG invite Kaleb to fight training because they had gotten close over the break. She wasn't a big fan of Kaleb, but if MG was cool with him, then she could at least tolerate him.

Josie and Lizzie arrived together, with Landon and Rafael trailing behind them. Lizzie didn't look happy to see her, but she didn't comment.

"Is this everyone?" Penelope asked.

"Except for Hope, yeah," Josie answered.

"Hope's tied up at the moment," Penelope told them. "She asked me to get us all stretched out while we wait for her."

"Great, Hope left Satan in charge," Lizzie grumbled.

"Be nice Lizzie," Josie reprimanded quietly. "Remember what we talked about. Penelope is Hope's best friend, and you like Hope now, which means you have to at least be civil with Pen."

"Fine, but don't expect me to become BFF's with her."

Penelope led them in some simple stretches, mostly for those who didn't have supernatural healing. Everyone followed her lead, even MG and Kaleb. Hope didn't show up by the time they were sufficiently stretched so they moved outside and started a simple game of dodgeball, with the vampires as targets. The goal was simple, hit a vamp while they were zipping around them at super speed.

They were twenty minutes into the game that the vamps were winning when Penelope noticed Josie pause and grab her chest. Concerned she made her way over to her while Lizzie continued to through balls at the vamps. Penelope had to smirk at the smile on Lizzie's face. She didn't think it was possible for her to be happy with anything.

"You okay?" she asked lightly.

Josie jump slightly. "Yeah," she said. "It's not me. Hope's upset."

"Do you know about what?"

Josie shook her head. "No. She is coming though, and she really wants to wolf out."

"Okay," Penelope said. She turned to where Lizzie and Landon were standing back to back and let out a high-pitched whistle. MG and Kaleb came to a stop just feet away from them and looked at her questioningly. "Training's cancelled for today. I suggest you guys head back to school, unless you want to become the sticks in Hope's game of fetch."

Both vampires visibly cringe at the mental image and start backing up.

"Naw man. We're good," MG declared and started heading back to the school with Rafael and Landon in tow.

"What's going on?" Lizzie asked looking upset. "I was having fun."

"Hope's coming and she wants to wolf out," Josie answered.

"Well she could have waited until after training was over," Lizzie scoffed.

"Lizzie, she's upset," Josie scolded.

"Oh... I didn't realize Mikaelson was capable of being upset. She's always so... put together."

"Well she is. So be nice," Penelope demanded.

"I'm not the evil one here, Penelope," Lizzie growled.


"Stop it... Both of you..." Josie snapped. "If you can't be civil then leave."

Both opened their mouths to say something but closed them again when Hope rounded the corner.

Hope smiled weakly at them, then moved past them into the mill without saying a word. A few minutes later, Hope emerged in wolf form. She let out a long howl, then took off towards the forest.

"She says she just needs a little time to run. She'll be back later and not to wait around for her," Josie said.

Penelope turned to Josie in shock. "You can hear her thoughts?"

"Yeah. We've been testing the bond all week," Josie replied. "She's asking to be left alone."

"Well I don't know about you two, but I have homework to take care of," Lizzie said, then grabbed her sister's arm lightly. "Tell her she knows where to find me if she wants to talk."

Josie closed her eyes and then opened them a few second later. "She says thanks."

Penelope watched Lizzie leave unsure of whether that was really Lizzie Saltzman or not. She turned to Josie and weakly cried, "I was only gone for a week."

Josie smiled at Penelope. "I'm going to go get my homework and a sweater and I'll wait for her in the mill. You're more than welcome to wait with me, but it's going to be awhile."

For the first time since their breakup, Penelope found herself feeling uncomfortable in Josie's presence. That was a feeling she was no accustom to. "No. I think I'm going to go find the boys," She said, and gracefully moved away from Josie. Apparently, she was cool with Josie only if she wasn't alone with her.

Hope ran through the forest at lightning speed, swerving left or right to miss the trees, occasionally kicking of the base of one when it couldn't be missed. Her paws dug into the ground kicking it up behind her, creating a storm of dust as she went.

She could still hear Josie in her mind, occasionally asking if she was alright. She would reply, not wanting her beautiful girlfriend to worry. Well, worry more than she already was, anyway. She could feel the storm of emotions coming through the bond, and the worry in her voice when she mustered up the courage to ask.

Hope tried to let the comforting emotions Josie was sending through the bond in droves wash over her, soothing her troubled mind. Unfortunately, even Josie couldn't calm her. She was scared and upset and felt trapped and those feelings were manifesting in dangerous ways.

She attempted to hold back the darkness inside of her, fearing her girlfriend's reaction to it. This would be the first time since they began testing the bond that she would allow her basic wolf instincts to break free. For her to allow her human side to take a back seat to her wolf, and Josie's reaction to it scared her. She didn't want Josie to look at her like a monster.

She paused at the stream to take a drink, then quietly crossed. She could still hear Josie projecting her thoughts to her. She was still aware of the bond they shared, and knew Josie was aware that her human mind had slipped to the back, allowing her wolf to play freely.

She caught the scent of a deer, not long passed, and slowly followed it. Over the hill she went in between two thick trees, and into a clearing of just blooming wild flowers. She crouched down so the deer couldn't see her and waited until she was sure they preoccupied.

She pounced, leaping through the air, landing on the closet one, while the rest of them ran for safety. Her teeth sunk into its throat and it dropped almost instantly. She tore out a chunk, relishing in the blood she tasted. In the kill.

Her taste buds as a wolf were vastly different than her human ones. The meat she tore from its body tasted heavenly to her. More so than if the meat were cooked and flavored. If she were human, the raw meat would taste horrible, but as a wolf it was divine.

In that moment she didn't feel guilty for the life she took. She didn't feel dirty for the blood she lapped up and the raw meat she ate. She didn't feel wrong for being this way. She just felt free, and free is what she needed to be.

It was well into the night when Hope reluctantly made her way back to the mill. She would have been more than happy to spend the rest of the night out in the woods, running free, but she knew Josie was still waiting for her.

She approached the mill slowly, a small part of her afraid to know how Josie felt about her now that she'd experienced one of Hope dark sides. She was afraid that Josie would want to break the bond and their relationship because of it. It would make what Hope had to tell Josie that much harder.

Josie was laying up in their spot, the blankets and pillows she bought spread out, a dozen or so candles were lit, though they weren't floating like usual. It reminded Hope of this tv show she binged.

Josie smiled tiredly at her as she approached her and patted the bed next to her. "It's okay Hope. I know you're not ready to change back yet. I'll stay with you."

Hope whined lightly and pawed at the floor. She wanted to say something to Josie. To ask if she was alright now that knew what Hope liked to do while in wolf form, but even in her mind she couldn't form the words.

Josie seemed to understand what Hope was unable to ask. She patted the makeshift bed and said, "I'm okay. Come lay. Please."

Hope whined again, then move forward and laid down next to Josie, who tossed the blanket around her, and wrapped her arms around her and pulled herself closer. Josie whispered a spell to extinguish the candles, plunging them into near darkness. Not that Hope needed them to see anyways.

She relaxed into Josie's warm embrace and allowed the comforting emotions Josie was sending through the bond wash over her. She knew she would have to change back in the morning and deal with all the feelings she tried to outrun, but until then, she was happy to avoid the world as long as Josie was there with her.

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