Expecting The Unexpected

By sleepytinker__

8M 284K 35.7K

"I AM NOT MARRYING YOU MR. KNIGHT AND THAT'S IT" I yelled. From where did you get this much courage that too... More

Author's Note
CHAPTER 1: Hey it's me Eveline Carter
CHAPTER 2: Meeting My Crush?
CHAPTER 4: Overexcited Friend
CHAPTER 5: Marriage?
CHAPTER 6: Meeting Him.
CHAPTER 7: Broken Dreams
CHAPTER 8: Feisty Me.
CHAPTER 9: Arrogant Jerk
CHAPTER 10: Evil Plan for Ev!
CHAPTER 11: Blake Simon Vs Alexander Knight
CHAPTER 12: Falling for the most Stupid Plan
CHAPTER 13: You are in love with Who?
CHAPTER 14: Shopping
CHAPTER 15: Wedding Ring
CHAPTER 16: Wedding Day
CHAPTER 17: Crazy Friends
CHAPTER 18: First Day as Mrs. Knight
CHAPTER 19: Reception
CHAPTER 20: Caught?
CHAPTER 21: Stealing Chocolates. Are We?
CHAPTER 22: Getting Impatient for that One Call
CHAPTER 23: Exposed?
CHAPTER 24: You Did What?
CHAPTER 25: The Cute Angry Bird
CHAPTER 26: Gift from Mr. Arrogant Knight
CHAPTER 27: Something's Fishy
CHAPTER 29: Jealous?
CHAPTER 30: My only Knight in the shining armour "Alexander Knight"
CHAPTER 31: Parent's Surprise
CHAPTER 32: His Nightmare
CHAPTER 33: Honeymoon
CHAPTER 34: What's wrong with him?
CHAPTER 35: I think I am falling for you
CHAPTER 36: He Kissed Me?
CHAPTER 37: Will he never fall for me?
CHAPTER 38: I am lost!
CHAPTER 39: He loves me
CHAPTER 40: Back Home
CHAPTER 41: Love You!!
CHAPTER 42: Blake Simon Vs Alexander Knight (Part 2)
CHAPTER 43: Date
CHAPTER 44: All about her Date Night
CHAPTER 45: My Cute Thief
CHAPTER 46: When he Lost his Temper
CHAPTER 47: I am Sorry Xander
CHAPTER 48: Without him for a Whole Week?
CHAPTER 49: He's Back
CHAPTER 50: Shattered
CHAPTER 51: He Hates Me Now?
CHAPTER 52: Is She Drunk?
CHAPTER 53: Sick
CHAPTER 54: Fainted!
CHAPTER 55: Pregnant!
CHAPTER 56: Why did he Lie?
CHAPTER 57: He Forgot My Birthday?
CHAPTER 59: Please be Okay!!
CHAPTER 60: Our Baby!!
EPILOGUE: Together Forever

CHAPTER 28: It's Complicated!

113K 4.1K 496
By sleepytinker__

Hey guys just to inform you all that this chapter is going to be a long one.

So Enjoy reading!!

We were now on our way to home. I was looking out of the window.

There were so many things going on in my mind.

About Anna and that guy Aiden. I am damn sure that there is something going on between those two.

Then my Cass. It was her first date I hope she was able to manage everything. I really want her to date someone she has never had a boyfriend and Evan is a nice guy.

And the most important one Rose and Blake. I hope he was able to convince her. I really don't want them to break up.

I am so tired right now that I don't even have the strength to walk to my room. Thank God that tomorrow is Saturday. I will be able to rest a bit. Now I have two freakin' days to rest. YASS!

I was thinking about these things when Xander finally broke the silence.

"I hope you enjoyed tonight." I just nodded I was too tired to even utter a single word.

Then the car finally stopped. Why did it had to stop? Now I have to walk back to my room. I got out of the car making my way to the house when I stumbled a bit. GOD these heels. I didn't notice Xander was beside me he held my hand and asked with concern in his eyes "You okay?"

I nodded and was about to take one more step when he picked me up in his arms. I was in no mood to protest. I circled my arms on his neck and rested my head on his chest.

"You look really tired." He said.

"I want to sleep." I said closing my eyes moving more closer to him. I think I fell asleep when he was taking me to bed. But I remember one thing he told me while placing me on the bed "You are beautiful."

I don't know whether it was a dream or not but it was amazing to hear that from him.


When I woke up in the morning it was 8 am already. I got up from the bed brushed my teeth, took a bath and changed my clothes. I made my way to Xander's room. I knocked but no one opened. After knocking three more times I went inside to see no one in the room. I went downstairs hoping he would be there but I only saw Maria making food in the kitchen.

I went to her "Good Morning."

"Oh dear good morning. Come and have your breakfast."

"Have you seen Xander anywhere? I could not find him." I asked.

"He went to office."

"But today is Saturday right. It must be a holiday."

"It's not a holiday for him dear. But ya Sundays are day off for him. So I guess you'll have him tomorrow all to yourself." I nodded sadly. I felt bad that he went to office without even telling me once. After eating my breakfast I went to my room, took my phone from the nightstand to see 105 messages.

Some were from Blake.

Some from Anna.

Some from Rose.

And the maximum from Cass.

Oh I forgot that she had a date yesterday night. I called her.

"Hey." I said in a lazy voice.


What the hell is wrong with her?

"What is it?"

"We all need to meet up right now in 10 minutes. You know the café already. And I am fucking serious."

"Okay calm down why are you acting so dangerous."

"JUST COME FAST." And she hung up. I sighed getting up from the bed I got dressed up and asked Frank to drop me to the café. When I went in I saw Anna sitting beside Rose and Cass was sitting in front of her. Anna was providing napkins to Cass and Rose while both of them were just crying.

OH GOD! I am tired of all these dramas. Can't my life be peaceful for once. I went to them and took a seat beside Cass. When she saw me she hugged me and started crying again.

"What is it? Why are both of you crying?" I asked.

"Okay one is crying of anger and the other one is crying of happiness." Anna said and I just rolled my eyes.

"Will you tell me what is it?" I asked Cass and she started her story sobbing.



Cassandra was really happy after Eveline dressed her.

She was waiting for Evan feeling extremely nervous. Though she is never nervous to do anything but Evan does makes her hell of a nervous person.

She was thinking about how will everything happen tonight when she heard the doorbell ring. She excitedly went to open the door taking a last look at herself in the mirror. As she opened the door she saw an extremely handsome and sexy Evan standing there with a bouquet in his hand.

He smiled at her once giving her the bouquet.

"You look pretty." He said which made Cass blush.


"Shall we?" he asked and she nodded. He opened the car door for her she went in he moved to the other side and started driving.

When they finally reached the destination Evan put his hands on her waist guiding her the way inside. They got seated on their seats.

Cass was getting really nervous as it was her first time on a date with a guy. She kept on biting her lip, fidgeting with her fingers. Evan seems to have noticed each and every movement of her. He was smiling at her nervousness.

"Are you planning on taking out blood from that lip of yours?" Evan asked smiling at her.

She looked up and finally stopped biting her lips.

"So Cassy it's your first time on a date. Right?"

"N-no. It's not." She lied to him.

"Stop lying. I can make out from that face of yours."

"I am not lying." She said and Evan just rolled his eyes. He then signed a waiter to come to them and take their orders.

"Order whatever you like." He said and Cass ordered for herself. "I'll have what she is having. Make everything two." He said and dismissed the waiter.

"So why haven't you dated anyone earlier." She was about to say that she has dated but was cut off by him again "and I want to know the truth."

She sighed and said "It's not like I have not wanted to but no one has ever asked me out. Maybe because they do no find me interesting."

"Really? But I find you very interesting. I want to know more about you."

"There is nothing much to know about me."

"Is that so? So how about we start about our likes and dislikes first."

They started talking about there likes and dislikes. Evan in his life has never wanted to know anything about a girl. He just wanted to sleep with them but he found Cass really different. He wanted to know everything about this one girl. He wanted her to trust him and tell him everything she feels. He has never enjoyed talking to any girl so much.

He was observing her smile her hands that were roaming in the air when she was talking her eyes they were so beautiful that he could stare at those for all day.

After the dinner Evan asked Cass for a walk. They went to the pool side of the restaurant. While walking Evan looked at Cass with a smile and said "Cass."

"Huh?" She said.

"Umm... I don't know how to say this but I find you really different from the other girls."

Cass kept starring at him thinking that different meant that he did not like her. A frown formed on her face.

"Can we take this relationship a further. I mean like..... Oh God How to say this?" Evan was getting nervous too because it was his first time asking someone to start a serious relationship with him.

"Evan if you don't like me you can tell me directly. It's okay."

"No it's not that. I like you I really do that is why I am asking that will you be my girlfriend?"

Evan was waiting for her answer and Cass stood there completely shocked.

"W-what? You are kidding right?"

"No I am not. I want to spend more time with you."

"I-I-" Before she could say anything Evan's phone rang.

"I have to take this. Just 2 minutes." Cass nodded and he excused himself to pick up a call. He was talking on the phone.

Cass was standing there starring at the water when she saw a girl coming to Evan and hugging him from back.

While Evan turned around to see the girl. "Jennie? What are you doing here?"

"Oh I was here for dinner with a friend when I saw you. So I came here to say a 'hi'."

"Okay. I have to go now." Evan was going to leave when Jennie held his hand and pulled him closer to her. Evan was trying to get rid of her but she was just not leaving him. "What are you doing?"

"Baby did you just forget the night we made love to each other. You said that I was amazing. Why not we go somewhere and just repeat the same thing again." Jennie said placing her hands around his neck.

"No I can't do that. I am on a date an-" he was cut off when she kissed him. He was shocked by her sudden action for sometime. Then he moved her away from him.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Come on baby I know you want it too and since when you started taking your dates seriously. Evan I know you are just playing with her."

"Liste-" Evan started but stopped when he saw Cass standing there tears streaming down her cheeks he ran to her.

"It's not what it looks like listen to me." He held her arm trying to explain everything to her. But she moved away from him and stopped him from coming any further.

"I am not like your other whores Evan. You said I was different. What did that different mean? Was that your another way to fool me? You are disgusting Evan Black." She said in her shaky voice.

"Cass listen to me."

"You can't fool me anymore." She ran out of the restaurant. Took a cab.

She was hurt. Spending sometime with Evan gave her the hope that she can trust him but he cheated on her. One moment he was asking her to be his girlfriend and the other moment he was kissing some other girl. She thought he truly liked her but he was also an asshole. All the guys are the same.



"All the guys are the same using girls like objects. Fucking asshole. Bastard." Cass said sobbing.

"Aww Cassy stop crying. Don't waste your precious tears on a guy like him." I said.

"Why did he do that? I thought he really liked me." she said and again started crying on my shoulders.

"Listen all the guys are not same. Blake is different. He is mad about me." Rose said lost in her thoughts.

"How is he different." Cass snapped glaring at her.

"Cass calm down. One guy did that to you that doesn't mean everyone is like that. All are not like that." Anna said blushing.

I gave her a suspicious look she changer her expression. I again showed her the sign 'I am watching you.'

"So yesterday...." Rose started her story.



Blake was all ready with his plan. Excited to even think about it.

He asked Rose to come and visit him for the last time. But he knew that this would be a new beginning to their relationship. While thinking about it he kept smiling to himself.

He was getting really impatient waiting for her.

When Rose finally arrived the place she was shocked to see the decoration.

She went inside the tent and called him. "Blake where are you? And what's all this you told that we would be ending everything after this. Then why is this place decorated so much? Blake"

"Because I don't want to end anything with you." A familiar voice came from behind her.

She froze. She knew if she sees him she would never be able to end things between them.

He took his steps towards her. "Look at me Rose." She shook her head. "Please." He turned her around she was just looking down when he held her chin made her look at him.

Her eyes were all watery. "You look beautiful Rose."

"Just stop it Blake. Why are you making things more difficult."

"I am not making things difficult Rose. I want to be with you."

"No we can't."

"We can Rose just you have to agree to it."

"Why don't you understand Blake, Alex would never accept this."

"I have told you earlier also and I am telling you again Rose, Alex will accept this. He will. But you can't just give up on us so easily. You have to trust me Rose."

"I trust you. I do. But I don't want to lose Alex. There are very few people whom he trusts and I am one of those. I don't want to break his trust."

"You won't lose Alex. I know what is he for you. Rose once I have been the reason for him to lose someone but I don't want to be that reason again. I promise, you won't lose him. But just give me sometime I will definitely talk to him when we are okay and not fighting. Rose I can't do that without you I need you. You are everything for me. I didn't realize how much you meant to me till you left me. I am nothing without you." He fell on his knees, tears rolling down his cheeks. "Don't leave me Rose. Don't do this to me."

"Please don't leave me." Looking at him like that Rose couldn't control herself. She sat on her knees taking his face in her hands. Their foreheads touching together.

"I am sorry. Sorry." She cried. Kissing his cheek she hugged him.

"I love you." She said still hugging him.

He pulled away from the hug. Cupping her face he wiped her tears and said "I love you too. God I can't even imagine how much I love you."

And finally he claimed her lips.



"YASS!" I shouted all excited listening to Rose's story getting up from my seat. When everyone looked in the cafe gave me wierd expressions I laughed nervously and sat back and saw Cass glaring at me.




My plan worked. I knew she would fall for this one.

"Sorry I got excited." I said clearing my throat.

"Ya and what about me." Cass asked.

"Umm... I guess we have to think about that." I said. Then I looked at Rose "I am so happy for you. You know I was so angry when you did that dumb move. But now everything is just so perfect."

"Everything is not perfect. Evaannn." Cass whined and started crying again.

Poor Cass.
Aww.... Blake and Rose❤️❤️❤️ I am so freakin' happy for them.

I don't know what to say about Cass and Evan😑

And the most important thing.....

I am so done with all the 'friends' love stories and now it's time for just Xander and Ev. So we are going to take a break from the other love stories.

Only Xander and Ev my favourite ones 😍😍😍


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