Here Lies the Queen

By kbnash22

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Belladonna is finally settling into her role as Queen of Vearus. Her people follow her, her kingdom is flouri... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 16

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By kbnash22

Bella told them everything. About her life, her quest, and what was around the corner.
The sun was all the way up by the time she finished. A hush had fallen over her people as she talked. Now, they stared at her with their faces in varying degrees of shock.
"I'm asking you, my citizens, to fight with me. It is a choice but one I highly suggest making," she said.
"Of what?" someone yelled. The crowd shifted. "You'll kill us?"
"No." She pointed to her walls and what lay beyond. "She will. If you choose to follow me, you will be rewarded. If you choose that girl, well." She smirked. "You know what will happen."
"How do we know you are the right Queen for us?" someone else called. "The Devil's Flame hasn't bloomed for you."
"I cannot guarantee I'm the right one. You will have to trust me, as I have learned over the past week. Please. I am begging you to do what you think is best for this kingdom."
Her people broke out into whispers. It's not every day their Queen begged. She could've sworn Hunter's mouth twitched up into a smile as if he could hear her thoughts. She risked a glance at her mother and found her frowning.
"If you decide to join me on the battlefield, I will be waiting." She turned and was about to walk away when a child's voice piped up.
"Have you chosen between us and your Prince?"
She looked down. A small girl with horns and reddish skin looked up at her. As Bella stared at the girl, she saw herself in her eyes.
"Yes, darling. You don't need to worry." She winked before walking off the platform. Tears sprang from her eyes but she didn't falter until she got into the castle.
She fell against Hunter, weeping for things to come. He held her while she sobbed. Any time someone got too close, he would just look at them and they would run the opposite direction.
When her sobs turned to shudders, he picked her up and carried her to her room. He placed her in her bed before laying next to her. Mel stayed outside to take care of any unwanted attention.
"I'm so sorry," she said, her tears drying on her face. "I'm so sorry."
"Don't be. It's a difficult choice," Hunter said. He smiled at her. "If this is the time we have, then I am happy. I am happy I got to meet you and share many memories. I am happy. Don't you forget that."
"But you're going to..." She couldn't finish before sobbing again. He wrapped his arms around her.
"It'll be okay," he said. "Your kingdom comes first."
"Why? Why does it have to be this way?"
"Because sometimes you have to sacrifice something to achieve peace. Bella, I am willing to be that sacrifice if it means you and your kingdom live."
"I don't care if it makes me selfish but I want you to live. I know I need to choose my kingdom but I want to choose you too." She sighed. "It's selfish."
He turned her face so she would look into his face. "No. It's not selfish at all. It's what anyone would do. You have to do what feels right."
"It's all a game, isn't it? A game of survival made by the gods and the universe. One that will never end."
"I suppose it is." Hunter traced circles on her hand. "Relax. It will be fine."
She shoved his hand away and stood. "It won't be fine." The water was already running in her bathroom. "I need to clean up."
Mud floated off of her and swirled around in the water as she scrubbed herself clean. She dressed in a simple tunic, pants, and boots before strapping on her weapons. Hunter was gone when she emerged.
Mel was waiting for her. She fell into step beside her as they strode for the hall. "What are we going to do?"
"Fight," Bella said and pulled open the doors. She gave orders to gather whoever was to fight and waited.
Half an hour later, her army stood in front of her. Her Commanders went through different strategies and settled on ones that they were strongest in. Mel and Bella debated how they were going to use magic to defeat Shayde. It was definitely going to be used but they didn't know how.
After a quick lunch, she met with her brother and the Kingdom Guard to see how well they fared. Made of 5,000 people, including cavalry and infantry, they were camped out in the woods where the trees used to be. Ash and her father walked her through their strengths and weaknesses and how they may fight.
Afterward, Bella went out to the monsters to see how many there were. She was shocked to see more than the Kingdom Guard.
"Many don't want to die," Stirin said.
"Are you the leader?" she asked.
"Of mine. There are five others here."
"Call a meeting."
Bella set up a small clearing in front of the gate where they met. Stirin had called in the Snowghosts, the Torolo, the Burki, and another type that had no name. The Torolo leader was so tall, it towered over the trees. It looked like a tall, slim, white stick with several limbs. On the other hand, the Burki was the size of a bug but much more deadly. It could bury into human skin in the span of a second. It was nearly impossible to catch.
The No-Name was a swirling mass of black smoke with a humanoid figure in the center. Bella tried to see within but she could only see it out of the corner of her eye. When she did look within the cloud, she saw... unexplainable things. Stirin snatched her away before she could lose her mind.
She explained to them that under no circumstance were they to kill or harm her allies. They agreed but as a precaution, she cast the spell on them. A shimmering blue net settled over them then disappeared. They didn't feel anything but she felt a slight tug in her gut whenever one strayed too far.
She invited the monster leaders into her castle for dinner. They ate in the garden to allow the Torolo to eat. The No-Name didn't speak at all. Whenever it agreed or disagreed with something, she felt a shift in its energy. The Burki required a human to eat. She happily supplied a murderer to it.
Her parents had walked in on them when they were eating. Her mother had turned pale and immediately left but not before emptying her stomach. Her father decided to talk for a few minutes but left after the Burki started eyeing him.
Mel joined her after the monsters left. "I finished distributing the weapons. Is there anything else I can do?"
"Not right now. Hunter is in Hell right now preparing their troops." Bella flicked a knife free. "Train with me?" Mel nodded. They were about to go down to the ring when a messenger appeared.
"The Maidens request your presence, Majesty," he said.
Bella looked over her shoulder at Mel. She shrugged and sheathed her weapons.
"Let's go," she said. Bella followed her out.
The messenger told them the Maidens were waiting at the Dragon's Den. Bella threw open the doors and a wave of sound washed over them.
"Why did they want to meet here?" Mel whispered as they made their way into the pleasure hall.
"They watch out for them," Bella said. "If someone tries to hurt them, the Maidens will protect them."
They made their way to a woman who seemed to be in charge. She pointed them to a secluded spot near the back.
The Maidens were waiting for them. They could pass for sisters, with the same blonde hair and striking purple eyes. One had a silver circlet over her head. With everything Bella had heard about them, they seemed harmless. No armor or scary-looking swords, save for one. She approached and slid into an empty spot. Mel remained standing behind her.
"You wanted to see me?" she asked. The Maiden with the circlet leaned forward. Her long braid fell over her shoulder.
"Yes." Her accent was not of this world. The words were guttural and seemed forced. "You are marching on Shayde, yes?"
"That's right. You're joining us?"
"Perhaps." She glanced at the others. "We have questions."
"Of course. I will do my best to answer them." She glanced back at Mel. The girl was watching them like a hawk. "What are they?"
"What is your strategy to fight her?"
Bella explained what she planned to do. Concentrate the stronger parts in the middle and front and the weaker in the back. Hell's demons would take to the skies to attack. The smaller monsters would be in the very front to attack. The larger would be in the back to see any surprise attacks. They would use magic first, then when they got a feel for their power, attack on foot.
The Maidens listened without speaking. The sounds of the pleasure hall made it hard to concentrate but Bella managed to convey the most important details.
"Where will we be?" the Maiden asked.
"Where would you like to be?"
"Fighting with you."
Bella blinked in surprise. "I'll be waiting for the right moment to appear. You're sure you want to wait with me?"
"Yes." The Maiden leaned back and crossed her arms. "All of us."
"That's great. Can I ask you your names?"
The lead Maiden's mouth lifted up in a ghost of a smile. "I'm Emilia." She pointed to each of the other Maidens. "These are Alice, Augusta, Donna, Marion, and Rosamund." They each nodded their head at the sound of their name.
Bella smiled at all of them. "See you on the battlefield." She stood and exited the hall.
Mel caught up to her as she leaned against the wall outside. "That was stressful."
"I didn't know they would be so intimidating," Mel said. "When we met them individually they were much less scary."
Bella chuckled. "I'm glad I'm not fighting against them."
"Let's go rest. We've still got lots of planning to do tomorrow."
They walked back up to the castle in silence. Hunter was still in Hell and her family was training with the Guard.
Mel and Bella practiced in the ring for a bit before Bella was called to join her family.
The Guard was struggling. Nerves were getting the best of them. She yelled at them to get it together but only made them more scared.
"What are you scared for?" she yelled. "You've fought before, haven't you?"
"Bella, they're the Guard," her brother said. "They keep the peace, not fight in wars."
"You're the one who said they could do this. Why aren't they?"
"I'll get them in line," he promised. "They'll be ready."
"They better," she said and strode out. She barely made it ten steps before her father intercepted her.
From the look of his face, she knew it was bad news. "What?"
"We need to start marching. Now," he said. "Shayde's army is halfway across the desert."
"How is that possible?"
"I don't know. If they had the power of the wind, they could, but—"
"But Renada isn't fighting." Wheels turned in her head. "Start preparing the troops. All of them. I need to find a way to tell Hunter."
He ran off and Bella sprinted to her room. She pulled her battle suit out of the closet.
It was a close-fitting suit that fit like a second skin. The fabric was soft and flexible, allowing her to move without making a sound. The padded bottoms would stick to walls and had springs ready if she needed to climb. She had woven a small piece of metal right over her heart to protect it.
Mel interrupted her while she was dabbing kohl around her eyes. "What do you mean, we march now?"
"Get ready," Bella snapped. "There's clothes for you in my closet."
Mel pulled out an identical suit. She wrinkled her nose. "What is this?"
"It will protect you. Just put it on and help me with my hair."
She slipped on the suit and began braiding Bella's hair. It was similar to what the Maidens wore back when they first fought but she left off the beads. Two braids ran above her head before tapering off at the base of her neck. She placed a crown of red rubies on her head before starting on Mel's hair.
She braided Mel's exactly like the Maiden's. Several smaller braids on the side of her head joining the rest of her hair in a long ponytail down her back. She put some beads in but not enough to distract her while she fought.
"Ready," Bella announces. The two women headed down to the armory to gather their inventory. A blacksmith handed her armor that was engraved with flames. She began putting it on while Mel got hers.
The blacksmith handed her a helmet when she was ready. The helmet was dark as night with several spikes shaped like a crown. It completely covered her face except for her eyes. She grinned at it. When her enemies saw her, they would see Death.
Before they began marching, she called a meeting. Looking out over her army, she was filled with awe, and perhaps a sliver of fear. She had never seen so many trained soldiers in one area. Her monsters were scattered throughout the humans. The humans around the No-Name were careful to look anywhere but within. She wondered how many of them would die.
"We march now," she announced. "Shayde has already moved into position. She will be waiting for us. We must be ready. I understand you are all tired. But you must be vigilant. I don't want to lose any more of you brave people than I have to."
As soon as she finished, they moved out. Several of her people rode out in their own armor to join them. Less than she had hoped but more than she expected. She filled them in on what was happening as they rode.
They reached the spot where Bella had met Shayde under peace at midday. She commanded her armies to rest for a bit. Mel appeared beside her to give her some water and a loaf of bread.
"Where's Hunter?" Mel asked while Bella gulped down the liquid. "Were you able to tell him?"
She froze. The bread seemed to solidify in her stomach. "Shit. I didn't have time."
Mel's worried face matched Bella's. If they didn't have Hell, how long would they last?
Her family approached as they prepared to continue. Ash and her father were dressed in black armor, a standard sword at their sides. Her mother was still in a dress but it was... different.
She noticed Bella staring and said, "It's made of iron. I don't like pants." The skirt was less puffy than what her mother usually wore but probably because it was iron. The bodice was encrusted with small spikes that gleamed in the sunlight.
"You're going to fight?" Bella asked.
"Not within the army. I will stand behind, with you and use my magic."
"I'm not standing behind. I'm waiting for the right moment then I'm fighting with my kingdom." She leveled a pointed stare at her. "Unlike you."
Her mother snorted, her delicate nose flaring. "You will die."
"Then maybe you'll be happy." She turned from her mother and yelled, "MARCH!" The army began to move out.
She glanced back and said, "Maybe after this, you'll understand me." She nodded to her brother and father. "Please tell your men thank you." Her mother stared at her as she galloped off to join the army. Mel followed without sparing a glance toward them.
They reached the middle of the desert by night. A small river separated the two armies. On the other side was Shayde flying banners of the Southern Seas, the Ice Kingdom, and another one. Bella's stomach dropped as torches lit up the symbol.
A sun hovering over a bar of gold.

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