Wolf Woes

By Werewitch12

176K 4.9K 924

I do not own this story, but it's on another website m.fanfiction.net. It's by btvscharmedgirl I just wanted... More

Chapter 1 : Strange feelings (part 1)
Chapter 1: Strange feeling (part 2)
Chapter 1: Strange Feeling (pt 3)
Chapter 2: Friends (pt 1)
Chapter 2: Friends (pt 2)
Chapter 2: Friends (pt 3)
Chapter 2: Friends (pt 4)
Chapter 3: In The Cell (pt 1)
Chapter 3: In The Cell (pt 2)
Chapter 4: Josie's Home (Pt 1)
Chapter 4: Josie's Home (Pt 2)
Chapter 4: Josie's Home (pt 3)
Chapter 5: The Truth (pt 1)
Chapter 5: The Truth (pt 2)
Chapter 6: Conversations and Blood (pt 1)
Chapter 6: Conversations and Blood (pt 2)
Chapter 7: Running Wild (Pt 1)
Chapter 7: Running wild (pt 2)
Chapter 8: Big Date and Even Bigger Secrets (pt 1)
Chapter 8: Big Date and Even Bigger Secrets (pt 2)
Chapter 10: Testing the Bond (pt 1)
Chapter 10: Testing the Bond (pt 2)
Chapter 11: Into the Unkown
Chapter 12: The Merge
Chapter 13: So?
Chapter 14: Fighting and Friendships
Chapter 15: Loose Ends
Chapter 16: The Bond
Chapter 17: Malivore
Chapter 18: Happy Birthday Hope [Final]

Chapter 9: Let's Talk About Sex, Baby

6.2K 150 26
By Werewitch12

[This one is just one long chapter, no parts, so it's going to be long]

Josie was lying next to Hope on her girlfriend's bed cuddled into her side. There was a movie playing on the television, but Hope's attention was elsewhere. Though it wasn't where Josie wished it would be. In her hands was the book that held the answers to Hope's werewolf woes.

"I thought you couldn't read it?" Josie asked quietly.

"I can't," Hope said.

"Then why are you looking at it like you can?" Josie asked.

Hope sighed and the closed the book and laid it next to her. "I guess I keep hoping it will start making sense. I do know a little French, but not enough to make head or tails of it. Penelope said she was going to translate it for me, but she never got around to it."

"Well here. Let me see it," Josie said.

"You can read French?" Hope asked as she handed the book to Josie.

"Yes," Josie said. She opened the book to the spot Hope had marked. "And Latin and Spanish."

"Wow," Hope said impressed.

Josie rolled onto her back and Hope rolled with her. She laid her head above her chest and draped her arm over her waist. She listened closely as Josie translated the French words, her soft tone luring Hope into a peaceful relaxed state. Her voiced wavier when she reached the ritual to complete the bond.

Hope looked up when Josie stopped reading aloud. "What is it?"

"Oh... um..." Josie stumbled, then cleared her throat. "The ritual is just very precise. I have to bite you as you..." She paused. "As you orgasm and stay there until after I've orgasmed."

"Oh..." Hope said. "Is that... I mean... I've never..."

Josie looked at Hope unsurely.

Hope sat up and faced away from Josie. Despite not being able to see her face, the emotions flowing through their bond told her everything she needed to know. Hope was scared and embarrassed .

She set the book down on the bed and rolled onto her side. She reached across the bed and gently rubbed Hope's lower back. "Whatever it is, you can talk to me about it."

Hope sighed heavily. "It's just I've never done this before."

"Done what?" Josie asked, not grasping what Hope was talking about. Then, as though a light bulb went off in her head, she understood. "Oh, you're a virgin."

Hope nodded her head lightly, then turned to face Josie. "I understand the logistics of having sex with a girl, but..."


"But you have more experience," Hope said.

"I do," Josie said. "But I would never pressure you into something you're not ready for."

Hope smiled softly. "That's what Penelope said."

"You talked about this with Penelope?"

Hope nodded her head. "And Aunt Rebekah. Is that okay?"

Josie took Hope's hand. "Of course, it is." She rolled back over and patted the bed beside her. "Come here."

Hope reclaimed her position cuddled up to Josie.

"Sex is amazing, but it's also scary. I was scared the first few times Pen and I did it, and that was okay. I was afraid I wasn't going to like certain things, but I did. I read a lot about it on the internet, but nothing really prepared me for it. We talked about it a lot. About what we liked and didn't like, or what we wanted to try. Talking helped, but in the end. it was just going with the flow and doing what we were comfortable with."

Hope started drawing circles on Josie's abdomen, which kick started her libido, not that she was going to tell Hope that. She was afraid she would stop if she did, and she liked the feeling. "I'm afraid that I won't like it."

"I was too," Josie admitted. "It's a rational fear."

"But you do like it." Hope's figures stopped. "I mean you did like Pen going down on you."

Josie grasped Hope's hand. "Yeah. I did, but if you don't like it, then I'm not going to pressure you into doing it."

"What if I can't give you an orgasm?" Hope asked.

"Then you can't," Josie said. "I was terrified the first time I went low, and I didn't make Pen climax. It took a few tries before that happened. We had a lot of fun trying though."

Josie felt Hope relax, both physically and emotionally. Hope moved her hand up and rested it between her breasts. She siphoned a little magic from Hope and summoned the Harry Potter book she had in her bag. She opened the book to where they had left off, and quietly read to her. It wasn't long until she felt Hope fall asleep. She laid the book on the bed and closed her eyes, letting the soft sounds of Hope's breathing lure her into sleep as well.

An hour later, Rebekah returned to the room to get Hope, because they were planning on checking out the tomb, and found them sleeping adorably together. She pulled her phone out and snapped a few pictures, then left them alone again. She headed back to Alaric's office to show him and Caroline the pictures.

Josie woke to find Hope missing from the bed, and the spot where she had been laying was cold. She opened her eye's groggily and searched around for her. There was a tray of food sitting on the edge of the bed, still steaming. A smile graced her lips when she found Hope standing at her easel painting.

She sat up, which alerted Hope to her awaken state. She smiled widely at her, then went back to her painting. "You looked so peaceful. I didn't want to wake you." She looked over at her again. "I'd like to take credit for the food, but it wasn't me. Lizzie stopped by a few minutes ago with the tray. She says it's all of your favorites. She had the cooks make it special for you."

Josie smiled widely. "I guess that means she forgives me then."

"Did you really think she wouldn't?"

"I hoped she would, but there was a part of me that thought she might not," she admitted.

Hope put her brush down and moved to sit on the bed. She gently took Josie's hand, and quietly waited for Josie to continue.

Josie smiled at Hope as she felt soft reassurance flow through the bond. She knew instantly that Hope wouldn't judge her for what she was feeling, nor what she had done to Lizzie. That made her feel so much better about the situation, even if she wasn't ready to forgive herself yet.

"Paranoid delusions are a part of Lizzie's disorder. When she's manic or depressed it's hard for her to see what is real. I only made it worse for her. She had barely been out of the hospital a few days when I made that stupid comment about you spreading her condition around, and she believed me. She went around school for the last three years thinking everyone was making fun of her because she was bipolar, thinking they were talking behind her back. I planted the seed to her biggest delusion. She put up this front after that, making sure everyone saw her the way she wanted them to see her. In a way, I don't feel like I should be forgiven... by either of you."

"But you are," Hope reassured her. "You can't change the past, but you can do better in the future."

"That's very wise," Josie observed.

"Something Emma been trying to get me to accept. I don't think I really believed it until just now. I haven't always made the best choices in the past either. We all make mistakes. I think that's a part of growing up, but so is forgiveness."

"Is this about the death spell you almost used on Landon?" Josie asked.

"No, but that wasn't one of my finer moments either," Hope chuckled likely. "No, this is about my mom, and how I'm responsible for her death."

"Dad never told us what happened."

"She sacrificed herself to save me, just like my dad did."

"Hope, that's not your fault. Your parents did what every parent would do," Josue insisted.

Hope looked up at Josie with tears welling in her eyes. "Most parents aren't kidnapped by their children to lure the other parent back home."

A surprised look crossed her features, but she quickly changed that. She didn't want home to get the wrong impression.

"I had Henry, a wolf I turned into a hybrid, kidnap her and I cloaked her in a sleeping spell. It was just supposed to be until my dad came home." She paused as she tried to keep the tears welling in her eyes from falling. "I missed him so much, and I knew it would take something big like that to get him to come home. Roman showed up on his Nazi mother's orders and got her location out of me. Then she was kidnapped her for real. If I hadn't abducted her, then she would be fine right now. She would be alive and so would my dad and uncle. They are all dead because of one stupid mistake."

The damn of tears broke with a sob. Josie pulled Hope close, who allowed herself to fall into Josie's embrace. The pride and love she had been feeling because of Hope's honesty and trust, was washed away by the heartbroken, gut wrenching feelings that tore through their bond. It was overwhelming, but still she stayed, holding Hope as tightly as she could.

She leaned down and kissed the top of Hope's head tenderly, as she pushed back Hope's overwhelming feelings with as much hope and love as she could muster. She found it easy to draw on those feeling with each tender kiss she planted on Hope's head, until soon she heard Hope's sobs ease into soft whimpers, then into soft sniffles, until she was just leaning into Josie for the warmth she provided.

When Hope sat back up, she wiped away the stray tears with not an ounce of shame. For the first time in her life, she felt at ease with someone outside of her family see her break down. She knew what it meant; she could feel it deep in her soul. The love that was building for Josie, and she knew Josie could feel it too. Neither were ready to admit it yet. Perhaps out of fear it was simple the bond planting those feelings within them, or perhaps it was because it was still so early in their relationship.

Hope didn't say a word to Josie after that, but she could feel everything Hope was. Somehow, she just knew what Hope needed without her saying anything. She leaned forward and gave Hope a tender kiss, then pulled the tray of food closer to them. They ate in silence, then Josie laid back down allowing Hope to resume her painting. She picked up the Harry Potter book and picked up were they had left off.

They spent the rest of the evening like that. With Hope painting Josie as she read to her. It was so simple, but with how hectic their lives had been, it was an evening both women cherished.

Josie left just before curfew, leaving Hope alone with her Auntie Bex for the first time since she arrived. When she entered her room, she was surprised to find Lizzie had already gone to bed. She had expected Lizzie to be waiting for her so they could talk. It made her wonder if Lizzie had really forgiven her, or she was mistaken in her assumptions.

The next morning, Lizzie was already gone by the time she got up, much to Josie's disappointment. She got dressed and went in search of Hope, using the bond to lead her to her Dad's office.

Hope smiled from her place at Alaric's desk, then waved her over. Alaric was standing in front on a TV screen where Freya was displayed. "Auntie Freya found the journal my Uncle Kol kept during his time in Africa. Penelope was right, Malivore wasn't always in Georgia. It's movable. We'll not anymore. Uncle Kol book had the story of how Malivore was created, which means Auntie Freya knows how to permanently close the portal and destroy the dimension from within."


"Me," Hope said. "Malivore was created by a vampire, a witch, and a werewolf. Since I'm the only living creature to be part of all three species, my blood is the key to destroying it."

"Is there anything I can do to help," Josie asked.

"Yes," Freya said. Josie turned and went over to the TV screen. "This spell requires an incredible amount of power. I'd like it if you and your sister act as our magical batteries, giving us a power boost. We can't perform the spell until the next full moon, which give us almost a month to prepare. All I need you to do is siphon as much magic as you can, while using as little as possible. Do you think you can do that?"

"I can do that," Josie agreed quickly. She was eager to help in any way she can. "And I'm sure Lizzie will too, but..."

"What is it?" Freya asked.

"Lizzie has... meltdowns," Alaric explained.

"Which are worse when she's not taking her meds," Josie added softly, knowing she couldn't keep it a secret any longer. If they were going to succeed in their part of the plan, then Lizzie needed to be at her best. She wasn't going to be there if she continued to forgo taking her medication.

Alaric looked at her sharply. "That's why she flying so high? Why didn't you tell me?"

"It's my job to protect Lizzie's secrets," Josie explained weakly.

"Not this one Josie. Never this one," Alaric cried.

"Look," Freya said, gathering Alaric's attention again. "I'll be there in a few days. Keep Lizzie calm until I get there, then I can help her. Magical outbursts and mentally ill siblings are my specialty."

Hope came over to the screen and stood next to Josie. She gently wrapped her arm around Josie's waist and rested her head against her arm. "We got this Auntie Freya."

"I love you," Freya said.

"I love you too. Always and forever."

"Always and forever."

As soon as the screen went blank, Alaric went to his desk and grabbed something out of the top draw, then left the room without explaining where he was going. Not that it took a rocket scientist to figure it out.

"She's so going to hate me again," Josie sighed.

"No, she's not. I'm sure she'll understand once she learns why you did it," Hope assured her.

"I think we should go warn her though," Josie declared lightly. She stepped away from Hope and took her hand. Together they made there way around the school looking for Lizzie. When she wasn't in any of the school's common rooms, they went back to her dorm.

Lizzie was sitting on the edge of her bed, looking down at her hands. Alaric was sitting across from her on Josie's bed. The lie detector ball that was in his right hand, was glowing red, indicating whatever she had told him was a lie.

He turned when they opened the door, and almost immediately asked, "Where are her meds Josie?"

Lizzie's head snapped up and looked at Josie with a pleading look. A deep feeling of guilt settled in her. "I'm sorry, Lizzie," she said, then went over to Lizzie's closet and pulled out the bottles of pills that were still in her sister's suitcase. She handed them to her dad then sat down next to Lizzie. She tried to comfort her, but Lizzie shrugged the hand away and stood up.

Alaric opened one of the bottles and handed Lizzie two pills, which she reluctantly took. He waited for her to swallow them, then said, "We'll discuss this more tonight, when I give you your bed time meds. We're going back to how we used to do it until I can trust you again."

She didn't acknowledge his words. She just stood there staring at her pillows. He left with a heavy sigh.

"Lizzie, I'm sorry," Josie said.

Lizzie turned and gave her a withering glare, then walked towards the door, pushing past Hope who was still hovering there, unsure as to whether she should leave or not. "Get out of my way wolf."

Josie went to follow her, but Hope stopped her. "Let me," she said. "She's mad and might say something you both will regret."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah," Hope assured her. "Besides, we should probably talk anyways. Now that she knows I wasn't saying mean things about her."

"Okay. I'll go join the guys on their extravaganza thing MG has going on."

"I'll come join you after," Hope told her. She stood on her tippy toes and planted a kiss on Josie's lips, then turned around and left.

It took a little while for Hope before she found Lizzie hiding out at the old mill. Lizzie was sitting on the second level, where she and Josie had their first date. She had her feet dangling over the edge, with her arms crossed over the railing in front of her.

She carefully came up behind her, making sure to make enough noise that she didn't scare her when she sat next to her, mimicking her position.

"Did Josie send you," Lizzie said after a few minutes of them just sitting silently.

"No. I offered to come," Hope told her. "I figured we should talk."

"About what? About how my sister lied to me for years, making me believe you were telling people about my bipolar disorder, or the fact that my sister just betrayed me, again, or maybe how you're stealing my sister from me."

"All of the above," Hope said.

"Then talk..."

Hope carefully reached over with her right arm, and gently grasped Lizzie bicep. "My dad wasn't the sanest person in the world. He had his issues, and I'm probably not immune to them. You don't have to worry about me making fun of you, and if you need someone to talk to, I'm here."

Lizzie looked over at her. "I believe you."

Hope needed her head and retracted her arm. "You should cut Josie some slack for today. She was just trying to help you."

"I didn't need her help. I was doing fine without the meds," Lizzie spat.

"Where you though?" Hope asked. "Cause from where I've been sitting, you're been more high-strung than normal."

"I was handling it," Lizzie said.

"You mean like I've been handling my shit for the last two years," Hope countered. "Because I've recently come to realize, I haven't been handling it all that great."

Lizzie looked at her again but didn't say anything.

"Why'd you stop taking your meds?"

Lizzie looked away. "I don't like how they make me feel."

"Is losing control better than that though?"

She sighed and rested her head on her arms.

Hope offered her hand to Lizzie. "Take some magic," she demanded.


"Take some magic and then I'll explain," Hope said.

Lizzie took Hope's hand and siphoned a small amount of power. No more than she would need for a simple spell, as she'd been taught her whole life.

"Take some more," Hope told her, and Lizzie listened. "For the next month my Aunt Freya needs you to do that whenever you can. Josie's worried that you won't be able to handle that much power because you haven't been taking your meds."

Lizzie looked ashamed. "She's probably right. I'm broken."

"I don't believe that. Everybody has things they have to deal with. Yours is just more complicated. That doesn't mean you're broken. My Aunt Freya is going to be here in a few days, and she's going to help you. Until then, Josie and I are here for you."

Hope stood up, and wiped the dust off her bottom, then offered her hand to Lizzie, who accepted it. She mimicked Hope's previous motions, and then followed Hope out of the mill. As they neared the school, Hope said. "I hope you know; I have no plans of taking Josie away from you. I care for her and I would never do anything that would hurt her. At least not on purpose. She loves you. You're her family and in my family, that's always and forever. You are stuck with me though, for as long as Josie wants me around."

"Great," Lizzie sighed dramatically, rolling her eyes. "Just what I always wanted, a crossbred witch/wolf/vampire for a sister-in-law.

"Hey, I'm not a full vampire yet," Hope corrected.

"Yet... As in one day you will be," Lizzie said. "Hey. Do you think you get to keep your powers when you die?"

"Auntie Freya think I will because I was born this way instead of created, but I don't think I'm that lucky."

"I think it'd be cool to be a vampire, but I love being a witch. I don't think I could give that up."

"I love being a witch too," Hope agreed.

"Huh... Common ground," Lizzie mused.

"Is this how we become friends then?"

"That depends. What other illegal spells do you have up your sleeve?"

Hope laughed. "I'd hardly call them illegal, but I do have books loaded with them hidden under my bed."

They reached the school doors. Lizzie reached out and held it open for Hope. "Well then, sister-in-law, lead the way."

"Okay, but I need your help with something first," Hope said.

"I think that's only fair," Lizzie agreed.

She wasn't so happy when she learned what that favor was though. Hope lead them to her room where she ducked in briefly, then pulled her in to the bathroom.

"I haven't fed my aunt all day," Hope said, handing Lizzie the mug and tourniquet she had in her hands.

Lizzie cringed but took the band and wrapped it around Hope's arm. "Why are you feeding your aunt your blood, when the school has a supply in the kitchen?"

Hope handed Lizzie the end of the tube, which she put in the mug immediately, and then stuck the needle into her arm. "The school only has animal blood, not human. Animal blood taste gross from what I've been told, and while it will keep a vampire alive, it doesn't keep them at full strength."

"I didn't know that," Lizzie said as she watched the blood flow into the mug.

"It's not something your dad likes to advertise," Hope said. She pulled the needle out and waited for the rest of her blood to drip into the mug. As she cleaned the needle and tube she commented, "I'm surprised your mom has been handling the animal blood so well. She must be feeling the effects by now. I offered to bring her my blood, but she refused."

"What are the effects?" Lizzie asked.

"Mostly she'll just be weaker than a vampire who drinks human blood. She'll take a little longer to heal, and her stamina won't be as good."

"What would happen if a vampire attacked her, or a wolf, or a creature?" Lizzie asked.

"She could still take a wolf no problem as long as the wolf isn't wolfed out. We are faster and stronger than a vamp in that form. She could easily take any vamp in the school because she's older than them, but if she were attack by a vamp who drank blood, she'd lose. As for a monster, I don't know."

"Well that settles it then," Lizzie said, and began rolling up the sleeves of her blue sweater. "We'll fill a mug up for my mom. Here. Draw my blood."

Hope looked at Lizzie in shock. "Um... Your parents will kill me if I feed your mom your blood."

"So, give my mom your blood and give your aunt mine," Lizzie countered.

"Yeah, your dad will definitely kill me if I feed my aunt your blood."

"Now he won't, he loves you. Besides, if he did kill you, you'd just come back as a vampire, right?"

Hope eyed her closely, who was staring at her with an eager look. Then she realized that she had just found another thing they shared in common. "We need to get another mug, then I will fill it up, but you can take it to her. She won't be able to refuse it if your standing in front of her with that look on your face."

"Are you able to give that much blood?" Lizzie asked sounding, dare Hope think it, concerned.

"I should be fine," Hope said. "Perks of having vampire blood running through my veins. I heal quicker than an average wolf."

"Then let's go," Lizzie commanded, then siphoned the spell Hope had cast on the door. She held the door open for Hope.

Hope carefully carried the mug through the school. She ducked into the bathroom closet to the kitchen and waited for Lizzie to return with a clean mug. They repeated the same process as before, though Lizzie seemed less squeamish this time. Perhaps it was because she had already gone through it once, but Hope believed it was because the mug was for her mother.

Together they carried the mugs to Alaric's office, the most likely place to find at least one of their vampires. Alaric was sitting at his desk, with what looked like detailed maps covering every inch of it. Caroline was sitting on the couch with her laptop on her lap, and a plate of food forgotten on the coffee table. Rebekah was standing in front of the TV screen staring at what looked like building schematics.

Hope went over to Rebekah and quietly handed her the mug she was holding, giving her a little kiss on the cheek. She then subtly looked over at Lizzie and Caroline, to gage her reaction. Caroline looked at the mug Lizzie was handing her wearily, no doubt smelling that the blood wasn't animal, but as she suspected she wasn't able to refuse with the eager to please look on Lizzie's face. Hope had to smirk at the look. She looked like a three-year-old handing her mommy a pretty picture.

Caroline took the mug and sipped it, then looked over at Hope with a knowing look.

"Is it good?" Lizzie asked sweetly, gathering her mother's attention.

"It's perfect honey," Caroline smiled. "Thank you."

"Drink up, before it gets cold," Lizzy told her.

Caroline smiled then took a bigger sip.

Hope turned to her aunt and quietly said, "It's mine not hers."

Rebekah turned away from the screen and asked, "What darling?"

"What are you looking at?" Hope smoothly replied. She looked back over at Caroline, who had clearly heard what she said, because she looked more relaxed.

"Possible schematics for the Triad building," Rebekah replied, non the wiser. "Marcel found them on the Triad servers at one of the active buildings. He's on his way to Georgia now, to infiltrate the building."

"Do we know who is joining the raiding party?" Hope asked.

"Besides, you, me, and Caroline, Keelin rallied what remains of your mom's pack to help," Hope said.

"I want to go," Lizzie said.

Caroline, Alaric and Rebekah said, "No," at the same time, although Alaric and Caroline were a little more parental about it.

Hope rolled her eyes at them and then said, "You're on magic duty for the spell Lizzie. We can't risk losing you in the fight, and the less magic you use between now and then the better."

"Yay. I get to play magical battery while you get to play the hero again," Lizzie scoffed, then turned around and stormed out of the room.

Alaric yelled after her to come back, but she kept going.

Hope sighed heavily. She had just made headway with her, and now that was all down the drain. She headed after her, catching up with her as she ascended up the stairs to their floor.

Lizzie pretended Hope wasn't following her, so Hope grabbed her arm and pulled her up the stair and into her room. "It's not what you think." She bit her lip and then said, "The Triad take over is child's play. Pedro could take down one of those guys. The real fight is going to happen when we go to close Malivore. That's the fight you're going to be needed for."

"Wait What?"

"What? Did you really think I was going to go save the world and not bring my Avengers Squad with me? Please, Auntie Freya and I have been secretly planning this for days."

"Planning what?"

"Auntie Freya and I are sure that Malivore, or whoever has been raising the creatures, won't go down without a fight. You, Josie, Penelope, MG, and I are going to be playing body guards to my aunts coven"

"And you were waiting to tell me this why?"

"It not like I was going to tell you this in front of the parental units. They believe that with the key safe and the Triad people neutralized, they aren't going to have any problems when we go to close Malivore. Just don't go dying on us okay. It would really suck if I lost you just weeks after becoming your friend."

"Wait. I thought Josie and I were acting like a magical battery for the spell."

"No. I haven't had a chance to explain this to Josie yet, but all the magic you and Josie are consuming isn't for the spell. It's for the weapon."

"Wait, what?"

"Okay, so you know how Bonnie Bennet was able to destroy the Hell dimension?"

"Yeah. Aunt Bonnie called on her ancestors to channel the Hell fire into the dimension, destroying it from inside."

"Well we don't have a big enough blast of hell fire or access to our ancestors anymore, so Aunt Freya had to come up with another way to do it. The spell we are doing to close Malivore, begins with as many witches who are willing to relinquish enough magic into the weapon as possible. Just enough so they aren't completely depleted. Auntie Freya is already collecting magic from the New Orleans witches, but the majority of that magic will come from you and Josie, since you can just keep taking. Once the weapon is full, it will be tossed into Malivore, acting as our version of hell fire. Then the remaining witches will perform the ritual to ignite the weapon, which will pretty much be a bomb to will suck Malivore into it and explode it into the afterlife. Malivore will be gone forever. They have to cast a barrier over the pit as well making sure we don't accidental take Georgia off the map in the process."

"Where will you be when this is happening?"

"I will be right next to you and Josie, fighting any creature that tries to stop Auntie Freya."

"Are you giving your magic up?"

"Yes. Next to you and Josie, my magical contribution will be the largest, but since you can absorb more magic and I am also a wolf and part vampire, my magical limitations won't matter."

"Does this mean we get fight training?" Lizzie asked eagerly.

"Secretly, yes. We can't let your parents know what's going on until it's too late for them to stop us."

"Ooooo. Our own Dumbledore's Army," Lizzie beamed.

Hope chuckled are her enthusiasm. "Come on, Josie's worried about us." She stood up and went over to her door.

"That's weird you know," Lizzie commented.

Hope nodded her head in agreement. "I'm still getting used to it. The closer Josie and I get, the stronger the bond becomes."

"I feel like now would be a good time to give you the shovel talk," Lizzie declared.

"The what talk?"

"The shovel talk," Lizzie stated. "It's simple, Mikaelson. If you hurt my sister in any way, I will beat you to death with a shovel."

"That is... a very violent way to die," Hope commented.

"Yes, it is. So, I suggest you never hurt my sister."

"I would rather die than hurt Josie," Hope said seriously.

Lizzie looked at her with a curious glance, then said, "We have an understanding then."

They stopped outside the library doors and looked at each other. "I suppose we do," Hope said, then extended her hand out.

Lizzie took the hand and then formally shook on it. "Good, because I'd hate to have to kill you after just becoming friends."

The door opened suddenly, revealing a relieved looking Josie. She looked startled though when she saw her girlfriend and her sister holding hand. "Um... What's going on?"

They dropped hands. "Hope and I were just coming to an agreement. Isn't that right Hope?"

"That's right," Hope said, then stepped forward to kiss Josie a quick kiss. "You two should spend some time together. I'm gonna get my aunt to take me into town. Spend a little time with her. I'll see you tomorrow. Say for a breakfast date?"

"Our spot just before sunrise?" Josie questioned.

"I'll bring breakfast this time. Meet me in the kitchen around six."

"It's a date." Josie leaned down and kissed Hope again.

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