Error's book of angst and flu...

By Leffee

169K 5.1K 3.3K

Please for goodness heavens, don't comment if you're really young, I had to delete enough of cringy comments... More

Rest [Error and Nightmare]
Cold [Error and Nightmare's gang]
An accident [Error and Cross]
Helpless love [Error and Ink]
His day [Error and Nightmare]
Like the usual [Error and Ink]
In their free time [Error and Shattered!Dream]
A horror movie [Error and Horror]
A nice, warm bath [Error and Nightmare]
Happy for you [Error and Nightmare]
Waiting for you [Error and Reaper]
Just your cliche sick day [Error and Nightmare's gang]
Obsession [Error and Dream]
Growth [Error and Ink]
The big cleaning [Bad Sans Poly]
A new discovery [Bad Sans Poly]
Overcoming fear [Error and Fresh]
Online classes [Error and Nightmare]
Loving Outer...tale? [Error and Outer]
White panic [Error and Cross]
Glass of milk [Error and Nightmare]
"You've never been in Ikea before?" [Error and Killer]
Valentine's day [Bad Sans Poly]
The truth [Edit]
Stupid but lovable [Error and Fresh]
Cuddles [Error, Cross and Nightmare]
Depressive [Error and Cross]
Of the blankets and the pillows [Error and Dream]
One and only
A new method [Error, Dream and Blue]
Actually Important
Small moments [Error and Nightmare's gang]
Other type of confession [Error and Horror]
The system [Error and Nightmare]
The odd one out [Bad Sans Poly]
The end

Sleep deprivation [Error and Dust]

7.9K 226 237
By Leffee

Yeah, I just really like Error interacting with the bad sanses.

Dust was sitting on a couch, watching some TV and munching on a rice waffle. Today has been peaceful. No missions or anything, so everyone in the castle could relax and do whatever.

His peace was disturbed when he noticed Error walking down the stairs. For some reason his steps looked a little shaky and he almost fell two times.

Dust raised a brow, but saw that Error has successfully reached the bottom, yawned and slowly walked farther into the room he was in. He looked around for a second and stepped forward, seemingly not noticing Dust even thought he was in plain sight. Deciding to see what was up he asked.

"Hi Error, what'cha doing?"

Error then jumped a little and turned around to look at the other skeleton. He blinked and tried to process his presence.

"O-oh, hi...hi Horror." He answered.

"...I'm Dust." Dust frowned a little.

"Really?" Error came closer and focused his eyes on him, "Oh, yeah, sorry I didn't realise."

Dust was taken aback. Error mistook him for somebody else and also came very close only to look at him, which resulted in him almost tripping over the couch. Not only that, after this situation he once again turned around and started walking in the direction of the kitchen, only to stop after a while, stand still and just stare at a wall.

Ok, what the heck?

"Ummm Error? Were you planning to go somewhere?"

"..." Error just stood in place.

"Error!" Dust shouted now seriously worried. Some time ago Error would act similarly when he was hearing voices. Fortunately it seemed like they didn't torment him anymore. But now he was acting really weird.

The said monster winced in place. "Well...I-I think that I was going to the kitchen, but I can't recall why." He declared, slouching a bit and yawning.

Dust was a little relieved seeing that. It looked as if Error was only tired. Well, very tired. He opened his mouth, but before he could say anything Error added.

"Hey, what are you...eating?"

Dust was a little surprised and looked down at the package he was holding. Ah.

"I'm having some rice waffles, you want some?" He reached his hand holding the food closer to Error.

However he just stared at it for a while and exploded in laughter.

"AHAHAHA! PFF...hahaha! Rice waffles!" He squealed, "What a ridiculous name HAHAHAHA!" he was laughing so hard right now that he had to lean on the wall in order not to fall on his knees.

If Dust had been taken back before then now he was super confused. But he quickly thought.

"Error is acting weird, he almost fell down the stairs, forgot what he was doing, laughed at random things and...he was yawning quite a lot. Okay, he is definitely tired." He put the two and two together and came to a conclusion.

He teleported in front of Error, who was still recovering from his laughing fit, and put his hands on his shoulders. The glitching skeleton immediately looked up at him and his expression changed into an exhausted one. Being this close Dust saw bags under Error's eyes. He definitely didn't sleep yesterday.

"Error, when was the last time you slept?" Knowing him he probably stayed awake for at least 2 or 3 nights.

Some time ago the gang along with Error discovered that he actually needs to sleep. He only didn't have to do so in the anti-void since time doesn't really exists there. But after being out of this place for a little longer than Error used to be, he was practically knocked down and fell asleep in a matter of seconds.

Error just blinked once or twice and answered casually. "Five."


"Five...days ago...I think."

"Five days ago!? No wonder you act so oddly. But why would you stay awake for so long? We had found out that you literally need to sleep just like anybody else." Dust almost screamed in his face, but it was clear that he was worried. He still hold his shoulder in case he started passing out or something. At the moment everything was possible.

"I-I think I..." He yawned and went silent for a second seemingly trying to remember something. "Oh I know! I needed to get rid of some universes. Now I'm far ahead of Ink." He stated proudly.

Dust looked down at him and sighed. "Error, I know that it's your job and all, but now you have us, and with our help you don't need to go on sprees like these. And you're not in the anti-void so you must sleep."

Error's facial expression changed and he looked a little more aware than in his half-asleep state. "I-I know that Dust! But I don't want to make you do this. This is MY job, not yours. I can... m-manage." His voice cracked.

It seemed like he wanted to add something else, but at that moment Dust brought him into a hug. He was speechless for a second, but hugged him as well. He felt tears pricking in his eyes. He was suddenly so tired and frustrated.

"Error, I know that you are used to working alone, but recently we have been helping you and it worked. We just have to continue that. With all 6 of us it really is a quick process. There's no need for you to do things like that, especially if you're going to neglect your sleep in the process. So please, promise me that you won't do it again, ok?" He pet his back comfortingly.

The black skeleton looked at him with drowsy eyes and leaned deeper into the embrace. "Okay, I promise."

Dust smiled. "Good, now when we have this settled you seriously need some rest. And by some I mean a lot."

Error just nodded slowly and before he could even try they were teleported to his room. He felt the other picking him up and saw him readying his bed with one hand.

Finally he was placed under the covers and he felt all the tiredness, which he was fighting with the last few days, come to him. His eyes started closing and the last thing he saw was Dust's smiling face. He used the last bit of his strength to smile back and also tried to thank him, but all he heard coming from his mouth was some mutter. He heard Dust snort and finally his eyes closed.

After that he miraculously slept for 24 hours straight.

Don't mind the rice waffles situation, it literally happened to me some time ago in kinda similar circumstances and I just had to include it xd.

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