Los Santos Adventures

By DrexhunterCross

35.6K 1K 518

Hey guys here's another chapter. Now i know it's out of the blue and it seems kind of odd. But have a read an... More

Los Santos (Ch.1)
Business (Ch.2)
A Job for Three (Ch.3)
Michael De Santa (Ch.4)
Preparation (Ch.5)
Jewellery Heist (Ch.6)
Race Spot (Ch.7)
Alexa (Ch.8)
Training (Ch.9)
Racing Off (Ch.10)
Lamar's Heist (Ch.11)
Choices We Make (Ch. 13)
Crew (Ch. 14)
Patching things up (Ch. 15)
Prison Break (Ch.16)
The Mess (Ch.17)
Military problems (Ch.18)
Business Plans (Ch.19)
Sandy Shores (Ch.20)

A New Player (Ch.12)

1.5K 55 32
By DrexhunterCross

Y/N: "Ready... Set... Go!"

As Y/N said that. Michael sprung into the action, their eyes trained on the targets as they let loose barrage bullets. Within a few seconds, the two had emptied their mags going for a second one on the table.

The barrage of fire carries on and within ten seconds, Michael had ended his second clip with Y/N coming in second. The onlookers were silent as Y/N stared Michael.

Y/N: "Come on..."

Michael let out a little chuckle making Y/N groan. For the past ten minutes, the two had been in something of a standoff in the firing range. Michael had now beaten both the Hand Gun and Assault Rifle challenges.


With this one being the tiebreaker. Y/N scratched the back of his neck as he saw the scoreboards above. Michael had 10 000, while Y/N had 7 320. A near-perfect score. Compared to the literal score.

Michael: "Not bad kid."

Y/N: "Yeah... Not bad."

He said it in something of a grunt. But slowly he let go of some of his bitterness and nodded shaking Michaels's hand.

Michael: "Not so easy taking me on is it?"

Y/N: "No... No, it is not. How did you even fire off that many rounds without letting the bullets lose their mark or the gun move?"

Michael in his cocky state chuckles.

Michael: "Practice, but if you want I can show you?"

Y/N hesitantly nodded.

Y/N: "Alright..."

For the next half an hour, Michael explains to Y/N how to focus on firing several shots at different targets within a few seconds. It was difficult and took time. But slowly in some odd way Y/N was getting the hang of it.

It was like time had or was slowing down, while you speed up the world seemed almost still. However, Y/N knew this feeling all too well, it was the same feeling he had when he raced. Moments would slow down, he could weave between cars and trucks during the race. It felt natural dipping into this state.

Never had he thought it could be used for something like this?

Michael: "You're getting that hang of it."

Y/N: "Yeah... That's... Wow... I've never been this accurate with a gun before."

Michael: "Glad to hear it... Not like a, I get to show this to the family and stuff."

Michael said that as he starts packing his rifle into the bag, while Y/N placed the pistol on his hip. Then looked back to the chair where Jimmy sat maybe an hour ago, which was now empty.

He left without saying a single word.

Michael understood.

Y/N wasn't too sure about that...

After the whole hospital thing and the bar, the two talked for a long time. When the report came back and it was positive, the two were family.

Y/N thought that he might as well get to know his uncle after everything that's happened.

But it was quite a moment for the two, after all. Michael's family wasn't exactly open to talking to Y/N, especially after what Jimmy said about him.

Shouldn't be a surprise that Jimmy left like he did, not even saying a word. Just left.

Y/N: "Jimmy is-?"

Michael: "Don't worry about Jimmy, he's just upset about not getting a car."

Y/N: "Didn't he have a car?"

Michael chuckled and shacked his head as the two walked out of Ammu-Nation.

Michael: "It's a bit more complicated than that... He's just upset how we haven't bought him another car."

Y/N: "This might just be me... But why don't you just buy him a car from Izzy? He sells them at a fair price and I'm pretty sure we can give you a discount."

Michael stopped in mid-stride and turned to Y/N.

Michael: "See... It's more about the type of car he wants than the actual buying of the car."

Y/N nodded remembering his conversation with his father when he wanted a car. But instead, he got the family's hand car, then again. He didn't have a problem with it.

Michael: "Anyway, thanks for this kid. I've been feeling a bit..."

Y/N: "What?"

Michael brought his hand up and shook his head.

Michael: "Forget it."

Y/N: "Everything alright?"

Michael seemed hesitant as he walked up to the car and scratched the tip of his chin. Then sighed pushing his hair back.

Michael: "Alright... But you've got to be quiet about this OK?"

Y/N nodded as he walked over to Michael. The two appeared to be packing his car, however, the two were whispering to one another.

Michael: "After the jewelry store... Something happened, an old friend of mine. Well not really a friend more alike... OK, I can't go into details. But, I got found out. They knew it was me who did that job and are now making me do... Things."

Y/N glance over his shoulder and turned back to Michael.

Y/N: "What do we do?"

Michael: "You do nothing... Just don't do anything to make yourself stand out."

I chuckled at that.

Y/N: "Michael... I'm pretty sure I stick out like a sore thumb as is. Your talking to the guy that races on the streets and is nearly on the top ten leader board. I've had people come up to me during the day, to take pictures."

Michael: "Just don't... Do anything that can make you stick out even more, OK?"

I scratched my neck for a moment. Then sighed.

Y/N: "OK...

Michael: "Good, now I'm heading back home and going to have a drink, relax before I go to my therapist."

Michael closed his boot.

Michael: "Wanna come along?"

Y/N: "No... I've got things to do, Lester told me about a job and I need to check is if it seems legit."

Michael: "Alright, but stay safe."

Y/N: "Yeah you too."

Michael walks over to his car and disappears. While Y/N quickly got into his car and takes off.

[Time Skip]

[Y/N's Pov]

Y/N: "Now tell me about this other job you have in mind which is coming up?"

I could hear Lester fixing his glasses and typing on his computer.

Lester: "Yes, that one... I know the previous job, wasn't exactly well paying. But are you sure about this?"

I shrugged my shoulders as I'm finally over the mountain top and find a place to stop. I parked on a little section on the peak of a mountain, it was a place where hikers can get out to start their walk and such. Leaving there cars and such.

If anyone looked towards Los Santos they would see a hiking trail, while on the other end, near Sandy Shores. Was a large prison on the end, I'd already gotten my binoculars out and was watching the building.

Y/N: "I don't know yet? I'd rather have a bit more info about this kind of job before we even start."

Lester: "I'll ask them... Yeah their not telling me anything of value?"

I took a moment to study the terrain, no way of outrunning them unless we were in a four-wheel-drive car.

Y/N: "Do they scream government?"

Lester: "Yes... But, clearly a section of the government that doesn't agree with the rest."

I walked back and forth for a moment thinking this through.

Y/N: "Great, so this could end with us being handcuffed and brought to prison because it was planned that way. Or it could be used as a black-mail if we succeed. What do you think?"

He remained silent and I spoke up again.

Y/N: "Lester? Answer in the next five seconds or I'm ending the call."

We knew that someone could hack or listening to our conversations. Which is why if there's a moment of silence we end the call.

Lester: "Sorry, I'm here... I've just received a message from them, they've increased the amount from before."

I glanced over my shoulder, cars were passing me on the highway. I was the only one here standing alone. If this was a setup, it was the perfect time to jump out.

Y/N: "What are they asking?"

Lester: "They originally said $200 000. Now its $500 000."

I took a deep breath and sighed. As I leaned against my car thinking about the offer, putting a cigarette into my mouth and ignited it. Taking a moment to let it all sink in.

Y/N: "That's a lot of cash. They doubled their normal amount within a few calls. Something ain't right."

Lester: "All for one man that's in a prison... I don't understand the will and drive of it all."

I nod and glance up, studying the prison again. Watching the security guards, they appeared like ants even from this distance. But like ant's they appeared out of nowhere, some in the guard towers, some walking around. While others just sat on their asses, paying no mind at all.

Y/N: 'Heavily guarded, that make our move a problem. Gates, doors and so much more will have to be bypassed, we'll have to plan or go in guns blazing. Either way, we could die if we're not careful.'

Lester: "What are you thinking?"

Y/N: "It's a job for a crew of four at most."

Lester: "Yeah, you're going to need a few extra hands and I don't think our guys here are ready for it."

I nod, grabbing my black book from my jacket pocket.

Lester: "What are you doing?"

Y/N: "When I was in prison, I heard about a few crew members that are hiding out of states. I don't know them personally, but from what I understand they're professional. I've got a few names you should look into Mei Jiao Zhao and Oliver Taylor."

Lester: "Any particular reason?"

Y/N: "Mei is a hacker if I recall correctly. Which could be useful on a few missions. Herd, she's resourceful. Since Izzy deciding to go straight, she probably our best shot and from what I understand of Oliver. He seems to be an oddball. He's something of a pilot. But runs his mouth a lot. Can you have a look for me?"

Lester: "I'll look into the names mentioned and if I find anyone who seems trustworthy, I'll give you a call."

Y/N: "OK, anything we need specifically for this mission?"

Lester: "A pilot and a pretty good one at that."

I jump back into my car and start the engine heading back to Los Santos.

Y/N: "Too bad we don't know anyone like that."

Lester: "Yeah, keep yourself safe now."

I ended the call and leaned against my car, as I finish my cigarette. The air up here was fresh and calming, or that might be the tobacco talking.

Y/N: "Fuck me..."

I shook my head.

Y/N: 'This is too dodgy.'

I say that I remember the events of the past few days.

[Flash Back]

It was late in the afternoon when I woke up that day, I'd done many jobs stealing cars and getting things done to get the cash flow starting. But as I walk down the stairs.

I heard my car engines being revved.

Y/N: "What the-"

One of my mechanics comes running up the stairs with a bit of dread on his face...

Mechanic: "Boss... We have a problem."

I heard my car starting and its engine revving. The mechanic gulped in fear as I pushed past him grabbing his spanner in hand. As I made my way through the door. I saw two young teenagers. No older than sixteen or seventeen sitting in my car.

They were dressed up as your typical rich kids and by their looks. They seem to be showing off or proving a point. As they made a gang sign as they sat in my car.

Kid: "Wow listen to the engine roar!"

Kid 2: "We've got to take this baby out for a spin and-"

Y/N: "You do that-"

They turned and saw me holding a wrench "And both of you are going to the hospital. Now, why are you in my car?"

They stopped for a moment chuckling with fear, I stepped up to the driver's seat and opened the door.

Y/N: Get out! NOW!"

The young child jumped out of the car and runs to his friend.

Kid 1: "Sorry we were-"

Kid 2: "Hey are you the New Comer."

I turned to the child with the wrench raised and they step back.

Y/N: "What on earth are you two doing here and how did you get my keys."

I peered into my car and saw that my baby had been stripped, she was jury-rigged to starting. My body moved on its own as I clicked my neck from side to side.

Y/N: "Answer quick!"

The second stares me down for a moment.

Kid 2: "You try anything and we'll call-"

Y/N: "The cops? Go ahead everything is video tapped here. I don't suppose you noticed the camera's as you walked into my shop. Now I say again. What the fuck are you two doing here!"

My mechanic walks over to me.

Mechanic: "They wanted to race you."

I turned to him them the kids. As they point out two cars that have been, modified to look cooler than what they are.

Y/N: "Those cars are yours!?"

Kid 1: "That's right. We came to race you!"

I broke down laughing and turned to my mechanic as he chuckles along with me.

Y/N: "You came... To race me?" I handed the wrench to the mechanic. "Do you even know how to race?"

Kid 2: "Hey we're the best."

Y/N: "In what your school?"

Kid 1: "What are you scared!"

I bring my hands together and clap making them take a step back.

Y/N: "I'm always ready for a race, so... What will it be... What is the bet you two have placed?"

The kids gulp and look at each other.

Kid 1: "Bet? What are you-"

Y/N: "Oh, I suppose you've never heard of the big boy rules. We'll let my mechanic explain."

Mechanic nod.

Mechanic: "See kids, when you race like him you've got to options when you street race. A) You race for money or B) Race for the car."

The last part shook the kids as gulped again.

Y/N: "Since you came to my house... Touched and damaged my little girl, thinking you could race me without going through the proper channels. Option A) has been thrown out of the fucking window. Which means you only have option B). Are you still willing to race?"

Kid 1: "No we-"

Y/N: "Leaving? Let me remind you I have video proof of you two coming into my store and breaking into my car. So as the saying goes your stuck between a rock and a hard place. So... Where are we racing!"

[Time Skip]

Izzy: "I can't believe you did that!"

I chuckled as Izzy sat across from me in my office, he was furious and I know I shouldn't be laughing. But it was just too funny.

Y/N: "What!? I gave them home-field advantage and they still lost."

Izzy: "But they-"

Y/N: "We're asking for it. You saw the same video and what they did. Besides I've given you two new cars to sell or keep. What's the big deal?"

Izzy bit his thumb as he pulls out a cigarette.

Izzy: "You forced them into a race!"

Y/N: "Not in my eyes. We're lucky the whole thing was videotaped, so we could at least trace the kids and their cars. What's the problem this is our bread and butter back in Liberty City? People did this all the time and you never had a problem with it."

Izzy takes a long drag of his cigarette and puffs it out and shakes his head.

Izzy: "Yes! But... Ahh, fuck!"

I sat up and pulled out my pack of cigarettes.

Y/N: "What's wrong Izzy, stress? Work?"

Izzy: "I think I made a mistake. I think you should move out."

I stopped in place watching Izzy.

Y/N: "What?"

Izzy: "Listen you're on your own two feet. You've got the cash and I failed."

Y/N: "How? What did you do?"

Izzy: "I'm out..."

Y/N: "Out of what?"

Izzy taps the table standing up.

Izzy: "I mean... I'm out. I'm done. I'm going straight."

My cigarette fell from my lips as I studied Izzy completely shocked.

Y/N: "But we... We talked about this, friends for life. Ride and die-"

Izzy: "I'm not saying... That we can't be friends. But, I'm done with these jobs. I'm done with these heists. I'm going straight, man."

My right hand clenched and for once in my life. I wasn't sure what to do.

Y/N: "If this is about the-"

Izzy: "It's not about the race or the job."

Izzy handed me his cigarette reeking of weed and I placed it on my lips taking a very long drag. Trying to calm me down. Or at the very least find my feet own two feet.

Izzy: "I've been running the numbers. I've got the money, I'm a multi-millionaire and if I play my cards right. I'll be a billionaire when I'm thirty. Meaning, I don't need to steal to live anymore and the most important part. I enjoy my job and my lifestyle. I'm thinking of settling down bro... Having a wife, some kids. But if I do... I can't be the man I am now."

My lungs were ready to burst at the very seems. I've been nearly holding my breath for a minute or so now. As I breathed out shaking I spoke up looking at Izzy.

Y/N: "What about us man... This job? Are we still partners?"

I handed the cigarette to Izzy as he nods.

Izzy: "Of course... We're friends. We're still brothers and the shop is good for you. Heck, do you have any idea how much you've made me? You're a ticket item."

I chuckled as I lean into the back of my seat.

Y/N: "If anyone else said that I might be offended."

Izzy: "We both know what that means. In any other job, someone or somebody will use you. That's a job for you, they're always going to further their goals and I'm the same. But we're not like that. I'm not like that with you."

I finally reached down for my cigarette and place it on the table.

Y/N: "Am I fired?"

Izzy shook his head.

Izzy: "No... You're not getting thrown out or anything like that. But I think you need some time, some space from all of this. You never leave the shop. You need to find a place to relax and become... You again, not this... Distant thing."

Y/N: "Thing!?"

Izzy: "You just seem... Like a robot sometimes. I don't know, you seem distant, and every time you bring things up its always about prison. I think you need to see a therapist."

I took a deep breath leaning back into my seat and sniff, feeling my nose closing up. My pulse racing and my own hands clench out of instinct, ready looking for a fight.

Y/N: "Alright... Alright... What do you suggest I do?"

[Flashback End]

I was sitting on a couch as Michael talks to his therapist. As they both speak on and on. I could only look at my hands as the world seemed to crash around me.

Michael: "I'm not good, doc. Not good at all."

???: "I'm sorry to hear that. Tell me?"

Michael: "I don't know... I guess we've been having these conversations long enough that... I can recognize a trigger when I see one. You know, shit that gonna put me right over the fucking edge. Like my family, my son, my daughter, and my wife. Especially my wife. I mean they just set me right off doc. And I-"

The man held his hand up and Michael becomes silent.

???: "Michael, very good. But what about your guest. You said you were his-"

Michael: "Family... On my father's side."

The man reclined into his seat and stroked his chin in thought.

???: "What do you have to say to that Mr.-"

I finally looked up, noticing he called me out.

Y/N: "Y/N L/N and you are?"

???: "Isiah Friedlander. But please call me Doctor. Or Doc like Michael."

I sat up and stared the man down, he gulped.

Isiah: "So... What brings you to my office today?"

I turn to Michael and he taps my back telling me it's fine.

Y/N: "Alright. What was the question again?"

Isiah: "I asked, as to how you came to my office young man? Why come to me?"

I bit my lower lip and tilted my head down. Then looked up.

Y/N: "I was requested by a very good friend of mine and business partner that I've been acting odd... Slightly robotic-"

Isiah: "In what way?"

I chuckle turning to him.

Y/N: "You've surely taken notice. I mean, you are analyzing me now ever since I walked in."

Isiah: "Indeed I have."

Y/N: "What do you suggest I have?"

He gulps and looks to Michael.

Isiah: "You certainly have a disposition about you, much like Michael over here, No friends? Maybe your father used violence to-"

I pointed my finger to him, simulating my finger as a trigger as I pretend to hold a gun.

Y/N: "Finish that sentence... About my father... I will shove that degree down your throat and make you swallow, am I understood."

He nods but leans in.

Isiah: "Interesting... So you hold him on a pedestal. What made you-"

Y/N: "We're not here to investigate my standing with my late father. I'm here to talk about my problems, then you will give me an answer."

Isiah nods leaning back into his seat.

Isiah: "This isn't a hospital... I can't hand you a prescription or something like that. I have to delve deep into your mind, from there. Only then can I help."

Michael: "Trust me, kid... I've been going to this guy for years."

I glanced back at Michael rubbing my temples.

Y/N: 'This guy just seems off... I just don't trust him.'

I groaned, grabbing the bridge of my nose as I look the doctor in the eyes.

Y/N: "Fine, the question was. Why did I come to you? I know I've changed and I'm no longer the same person I once was three years ago. But was my change that bad?"

Isiah: "Change?"

Y/N: "Before I became what I am today. I was... Awful... A terrible human being."

Isiah pulled out a notepad and brings out his pen.

Isiah: "In what way? And how did you change?"

I leaned back into my seat and bit the tip of my thumb.

Y/N: "I was arrogant, ignorant, a selfish prick of a man and son."

Isiah: "To who?"

Y/N: "To everyone... To my friends, my loved ones. Everyone. Anyone that I could prove my importance to, my superiority. I ran my mouth a lot and treated people like garbage."

Isiah: "Do you think, that was the right thing to do?"

I looked at him for a moment, raising an eyebrow at that comment.

Y/N: "I don't know, what the fuck do you think! Of course, it wasn't the right thing to do asshole!!!"

Isiah: "Please, no swearing."

I stood up and stared at him.

Y/N: "But it's fine to say a comment like that. Insinuating I don't know what is right and wrong!"

Isiah brought up his hands.

Isiah: "I wasn't insinuating anything. Merely a question."

Y/N: "Right... Whatever you say doc."

I sat back down and took a deep breath, feeling a heavy burden being lifted off my chest.

Y/N: "But, no... It wasn't the right thing to do. I had a drug problem and a betting problem. But, I have that under control now. I'm off it. I'm clean"

Isiah: "Are you?"

I nodded and shrugged my shoulder

Y/N: "Yes... I'm no longer on the substances. I still have a cigarette now and again. But besides that not really. I don't get the highs anymore."

Isiah: "What made you change?"

Y/N: "What?"

Isiah: "Well drug addicts usually have to admit their problems and work them out. Don't get me wrong. It's truly an astounding feat if you've pulled it off. But, we all have problems and you probably have urges don't you?"

Y/N: "For cocaine? For heroin? For acid? No... Not anymore. I put something else in my life that's more valuable than the drugs."

Isiah: "What's that?"

I cracked my neck then looked at my two hands, they were toughened by work and pain.

Y/N: "Control... Being able to make my own decisions. Without the pain and suffering those drugs brought into my life."

I picked up a marble from the small stack he had placed in a bowl. I studied it for a moment.

Y/N: "To have control over one's actions, that's true power and strength of it all. To be able to fight off your desires and achieve the outcome you want. That's proving your strength, your fortitude."

Isiah: "To who? Who are you proving your strength too?"

I flexed my hand for a moment and release the marble. As I take a deep breath calming myself down.

Y/N: "That... I do not know?"

Michael turned to me, then faced.

Michael: "Maybe, you're trying to prove something to someone you once knew?"

I stroked my chin for a moment in thought.

Y/N: "For who... To Mr. Chen? To my late father?"

Michael: "I don't know that question kid... But, maybe. You're doing this because you've lost your way. I mean when I was in prison I wasn't sure about a lot of things. Do you have a goal of some kind or something?"

Y/N: "No... I'll be honest. I haven't had any goals as of late. I just keep working, it helps me... But... I do want to do something; I want to see someone."

Michael: "That's good so who-"

Isiah: "Sorry to do this to you gentleman. But our time is up."

We both turn to the doctor and I raised an eyebrow.

Y/N: "Come again..."

Isiah: "I'm afraid, I have a few more clients and we're currently going into overtime-"

Michael: "Come on kid."

I stand up and as were lead out of the room, he turns to us.

Isiah: "Oh Michael... I need to remind you that bringing family cost's a bit extra and-"

Michael was about to pull out some cash. But, I pull out my wallet and pay for the session which is $500 to now a $1 000. Then walks out of the room and waits for Michael. As I start my car, Michael follows soon after jumping into the passenger's side.

Michael: "He helped didn't he. Admit it, you feel a lot more open."

I drove off from the shrinks' place and turn to Michael.

Y/N: "That guy rubbed me the wrong way. His questions... He seems to have a superiority complex; don't you think?"

Michael: "The doc? He does seem a bit off sometimes. I wonder if he's even helping me. But now and again. I feel like I'm getting there. Becoming better, you know."

I chuckled and turned up the road, heading for Michael's place.

Y/N: "Sure... But, I feel like you helped me more than he ever did Michael. I mean, sure you didn't ask the questions. But you were giving me answers and helping work through them."

Michael: "I get that kid... I'm doing that on my own."

Y/N: "True... But, what were you going to say in there, before we were interrupted by the doctor?"

Michael: "Oh... I was going to say... Shit... I fucking lost it. Where were we again?"

I pulled up to Michael's driveway.

Y/N: "I was... Talking about me having no goals. Except for one."

Michael opened his door and I did the same, we entered his house and he nodded.

Michael: "Shit... Right, I was going to ask who do you want to see?"

Y/N: "Alexa... She's kind of my girlfriend. I haven't seen her in a week. She went to visit a friend in the next city over. The odd thing is... She calms me down and understands me. She makes me feel more human... If that makes sense. Our dates make me see the world in a different light."

Michael: "Yeah... I know the feeling."

I chuckled as we walked into the kitchen. He hands me a glass of whiskey as he pours his own. He holds it out for me and I tap his glass.

Y/N: "Cheers."

Michael: "Cheers."

As we start to talk about a few normal things. Michael heads to the fridge grabbing some ice from the freezer, he pulls out this large bag of weed.

Michael: "What the shit!? The fuck is this?"

Amanda: "Is that yours?"

Amanda had just walked into the room only a few seconds ago. She looked at me and I shook my head. She turns to Michael.

Michael: "No, of course not."

Michael hands her the bag of dried weed. She looks at it for a moment full of disgust and throws it to me as she grabs her glass of whiskey.

Amanda: "I've only got myself to blame for the mess these kids are in... You are either drunk or you're staring miserably at the clouds or you're out there doing god only know what!"

Michael turns to her as I place the bag of weed on the counter top.

Michael: "Oh yeah, I've done horrible by you. Pulled you out of a Midwestern trailer park. Got you a big mansion in Rockford hills, hell the only thing you got to worry about anymore is what part of your body you want to be chopped off or sucked out again."

Amanda turns to him practically getting up in his face.

Amanda: "Screw you, Michael!"

Michael: "But you fucking won't. Any fucking time I try to fucking talk to you or try to do something. You always say no or not right now. When I asked if we can go to therapy and talk this shit out. You say no... The kid even came along. What fuck does that say about you, Amanda."

Amanda turns to me as I shrug my shoulders.

Y/N: "I'm staying out of this."

Amanda: "Well your part of the family now. So I guess it's time to tell you about the time we caught Michael with a stripper."

I looked at Michael and I turn to Amanda.

Y/N: "This isn't my place... But didn't you sleep with your tennis coach?"

Amanda: "You're on his side!"

Y/N: "I'm not on anyone's side it's just the truth. He slept with someone, so you did the same thing wanting to get back at him. That's what it sounds like to me. Plus from the sounds of it. It wasn't your first time either."

Amanda: "Right. I guess it makes sense coming from his family that you would agree with him. After all, you're both nothing more than a bunch of liars and self-entitled pricks!"

I had just taken a sip of my whiskey and spat it out as I turned to her.

Y/N: "What the fuck did you just say!?"

Michael steps in front of me holding me back.

Amanda: "You heard me... Mr. Investor!"

Y/N: "You're so fuckin-"

Michael: "Kid calm down... She ain't worth it."

He stepped between us and I stopped.

Y/N: "After everything this bitch has done to you. The amount of time she's slept with someone else and has cursed you out. She does nothing for you except being littles you. Why the fuck are you with her man, if this was a job, you wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot pole. So why are you doing this for her? Protecting someone that hates your guts!"

Michael: "I don't know? I mean... I mean she and I, fuck!"

I stepped back grabbing my glass as I down it.

Amanda: "Look at that, another alcoholic. I guess its hereditary just like your fucking jobs! You're both the same. Lying, murdering, hypocrites! Thank you fucking Michael you have ruined my fucking serenity yet again. My yoga is fucked."

Michael launches out at her staring her down in utter anger and disgust.

Michael: "Is that what they're calling it now. You and your fucking yoga-"

???: "Did someone say Yoga?"

We all turn to the door. I see a man in shorts, a ponytail, and a tight top saying peace in Chinese. He looked kind of weird. Amanda seemed to lighten up when she saw the man.

Amanda: "Oh, hello Fabien darling."

The man bowed bring both his hands together.

Fabien: "Namaste."

Amanda: "Namaste."

Fabien turns to Michael with open arms.

Fabien: "Ahh you must be Mikael, Namaste."

Michael: "No I'm going by. Fuck yourself."

He held him out to him as he walked back over to you. However, Amanda wasn't done with him. Still fuming with anger.

Amanda: "Michael!"

Fabien: "You've got to work on your anger brother, it's killing you."

Michael: "Yeah tell me about it."

On cue we all see Jimmy walking into the room heading for the bag of weed. But Michael pulled it backhanding it to me.

Michael: "Ahh, there you are you little shit, mind telling me what the fuck is this."

Jimmy reaches for the bag. But Michael took it from your hands and kept it away.

Jimmy: "Very funny. You know you're a real asshole!"

Y/N: "What the fuck did you just say!"

He turns to me and steps back.

Y/N: "Might I remind you, you're the one who bought two kilos worth of weed."

Jimmy: "Oh don't even start with me asshole, you don't even have a right to be here, your just some faker or stalker. Trying to get money from us."

I stepped up to Jimmy grabbing him by his collar and he gulps out of fear.

Y/N: "Alright, let's get one thing straight you dumb mother fucker."

Amanda: "Drop him or-"

I picked Jimmy up and wanted to pin him against the wall.

Y/N: "You're abusing the shit out of your dad. Using his money. If you hate him so much move out of his place then. Instead of causing shit for him and don't even pretend like you don't even fucking know me. You have no idea what I've done and what's happened in my life. You can't even look after yourself Jimmy, your father and I saved, we had to fucking save your life. If you were still on that fucking boat. You would be dead right now."

Jimmy: "Hey I'm-"

Y/N: "Sensitive baby... Grow a fucking pair and maybe we can throw down. I might just break one of your fucking fingers to show you how delicate yo-"

Michael held your shoulder and you turned to him.

Michael: "Put, him down... Please, Y/N."

I turn took a moment to breathe and realized what I was truly doing. I put Jimmy on the floor and turned to Michael.

Y/N: "Sorry... I wasn't... I didn't mean-"

Jimmy: "That's right if you even lay a finger on me I would kick your ass. What you got to say asshole-"



???: "Did someone say Yoga?"

We all turn and see another person walk into the room. However, this time Michael, Amanda, and Jimmy were all speechless. It was only you and the yoga instructor that wasn't shocked. But more confused really.

Michael: "Trevor?"

Trevor: "Michael... "

Michael: "Hey... It's good to see you, man."

Trevor: "Mmm, yeah I bet it is. Of course, I'm not the one that's been resurrected. Ain't this grand."

Michael: "Yeah well. I got into an awkward situation."

Trevor: "You're telling me, bro, yeah. One of those fake your death to your best buddy, and then run off with the dough. Then live in a big mansion. Awkward situations."

Michael: "That's one way of looking at it."

Trevor: "Yeah do you have any other ways of looking at it, cuz I am all out."

Michael: "It was a long time ago man. I've been in witness protection, I still am."

This seemed to make him stop and piss him off a bit.

Trevor: "That's great... That's great." Then he suddenly spun around turning his attention to all of us. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Where are my manners right? Amanda, it is good to see you." He walks over to her "I missed you. You use to be fatter and nice new tit's by the way." He practically growled and pretend to grope her body. Then turns to Jimmy. "Jimmy, you. You use to be thinner. But, I can't blame you."

He walked around stopping beside Fabien as the tall man, looked now about a head shorter. He was leaning against the wall. Nearly cowering in fear.

Trevor: "Who are you?"

Fabien: "Namaste, I'm Fabien."

Trevor looked at the man and started working his way down, then stopped at studied the man's lower body.

Trevor: "Good lord."

He finally turns to me as I stare him down. He walks over and scratches his chin in a moment of thought. Then turns to Michael.

Trevor: "It's like staring at a younger version of you Michael. You know before the body hair and the hair problems." He turns to me staring me down. "So... Who the fuck are you!?"

I chuckled and looked him in the eyes.

Y/N: "Y/N L/N."

His eyes seem to open up amazed and turn to Michael.

Trevor: "Wow... You sure he's not your kid? I mean look at that face."

I clenched my fist about to throw a punch, but Michael speaks up.

Michael: "What do you want Trevor?"

Trevor: "I wanted to see you... See everyone again. So... Where is Tracey?"

Michael turns to Jimmy.

Michael: "Where's your sister Jim?"

Jimmy: "Uhh... She's uh, she's uh... She trying out for TV."

We all turn him, taking a big step back.

Y/N: "She's what?"

Jimmy: "She's auditioning for Fame or Shame."

Trevor: "Fame or Shame?"

Michael: "The fuck are you talking about."

Jimmy: "You know it's that talent/skill show. She loves it, you guys both know that."

Y/N: "What's her talent?"

Jimmy: "Dancing?"

Michael: "Oh christ, she's a horrible dancer."

Amanda: "Michael."

Jimmy: "She might disagree with you on that."

I groaned grabbing the bridge of my nose.

Y/N: "I'll get the shovel."

Michael: "We're not going to do anything bad. Where the hell is this thing taking place?"

Jimmy: "Um... The Maze Bank Arena."

Trevor: "Oh, Tracey being humiliated. Let's go, we got to get her."

Michael: "We?"

Trevor: "Yeah we! What are you gonna stand here and argue while your daughter becomes a national laughing stock huh! You're worse than I thought. Now let's go come on!"

Michael turns to me telling me to stay behind and I nod.

Y/N: "Alright, call me if things get out of hand."

He nods and he walks over to his car with Trevor following closely behind. As I hear the car take off.


Hey guys i want to just say thanks for reading this chapter and i've got some news.

I've started a discord server and if you want to join, all you need to do is follow the link below. 


Have a great day guys and i'll see you later.

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