War against Love

By _lovedoesntmatter

1.3K 146 54

After meeting a stunning vampire in the woods by the boundary that separate the werewolves and vampires. Alla... More

2.Night Out-Touch
3.The Talk-Jone
4. Family Finding-Allá
5. A new home but an old life-Lost
6.Engaged to the wrong one-The ring
7.The woods- Argument
8.The wedding-A moment to change a life
Thank you guys for reading my novel
9.Heart break-Jone Pov
10. Broken - Alla POV
11. Ripped Heart- The Honeymoon
12.In The Known- Max POV&Allas POV
13. Destined Mate-Blood Rose
14 . Caged-Allá
15.War-Where It All BEGINS (3 Weeks Later)
16. The Choice -Alla
17. The End.............Or is It?
18. The End-Time to let go/kiss goodbye
New story

1.In the woods- FLOWER

205 10 2
By _lovedoesntmatter

I heard a rustling sound in the woods outside of my window, I get up and brush my long ponytail out of my eyes to get a better look. I gaze out of the window, I glimpsed at a figure just standing there, my curiosity got the best of me. I climbed out of my window and went towards the figure that just stood there, it was deep in the woods, my small stubborn bare feet carried me there. With the age of 8 years, I was quit the runner, I finally came across the figure, it stood about my height, but it was a boy, about my age.

"Are you lost?" I ask the boy. He shake his head no.

"I'm not lost." He reply back sweetly. I smile and look below my feet where a line was drawn, the boundary line.

"Are you a vampire?" I asked him. He nod his head yes, and bared his fangs and made a menacing hiss. I stepped back a little frightened.

"Whoa, I heard gruesome stories about you vampires." I say, stepping back up to him.

"What do they say about us?" He ask.

"They say that vampires hunt humans and feed on their blood, and that they do not age, they dont have a soul."

He stare at me. "Well thats not true, we do age up until we are 18 years old and thats when we stop aging, we do have souls, its just not shown because we stop aging, we can produce offsprings, and the blood feeding part, thats another lie, we do feed on blood but not human blood, we feed on the blood of animals." He claimed, feeling offended. "And what they say about were wolves are that they are over grown dogs, and are not fitting for this earth."

I began to laugh because I know those are not true about us were wolves. He began to laugh with me, and thats how our friendship sprouted. Everynight since then we met up at the boundary line, we chatted about ourselves and we grew more keen to one another.

"My name is Jone, what is your name?" He asked me.

"My name is Alla."


10 years later...................

I heard a scratching noise on the tree, I smiled widely knowing it was him. I climbed out of my window and went to our spot, the boundary.

"Hey you." He say cheesing up a storm. His bright blue eyes shinned in the moonlight, his dark black hair moved slightly in the breeze, and his skin began to pale.

"Hey, its starting isnt it?" I ask him. He nodded his head and smiled. "It's time to become a full vampire." He say. I smile and was excited, because this is when I get my full wolf. We both are 18 years of age.Red light flickered around him, it surrounded him, it lifted him up and entered his body. A burst of light came from his body as he was gently placed on the ground. He looks up at me and smile.

Before I could say anything a blue light surrounded me, I fell to my knees as my arms and legs begin to transform. I did a howl before changing all the way into my wolf. I shake my head as I peer down at my white paws. They were huge, I was almost eye level to Jone. I change back into my normal self as he was taken aback.

"Whoa, what happened to your brown hair?" He asked me pointing. Confused I grabbed my long hair and glared at it. Sure enough it was a white color, I gasped greatly.

"I think that is what happen when a were wolf change into the wolf, it makes the hair the same color as his or her wolf." I say my breath taken away. Jone laughed his laugh and sighed.

" I have something for you." He say as he reach behind himself.

"What is it?" I asked him. He just simply smiled and outstretched his arm, a glistening flower was in the palm of his hand. It was different colors and wasnt like any other flower I have come acrossed.

"What type of flower is this?" I asked as he set the flower on the boundary line and nudged it to get to my side. I picked it up.

"Its a vampires secret, I made that flower from the palm of my hand, its one of the special powers vampires accompany." He smiled. "It is the sweetest flower you can ever smell."

I sniffed in its scent, he was right,it smelled sweeter than a thousand strawberries.

"I just want to hug you right now." I say still sniffing the flower. "If only we were not two worlds apart."

He nodded his head agreeing. "One of these nights we will be able to hug eachother." Jone say. I look to see the sun starting to rise.

"Is it true that vampires get burned by the sun?" I asked Jone as he was getting ready to leave. He shake his head no. "That is another lie." He started to smile as he parted from me. I smiled as I sprinted back to my house. I made it just in time for my mother to come snooping into my room.

"Good morning lady bug, how did you sleep?" She ask as she comb my sweat matted hair from my eyes.

"It was good." I say.

"You are sweating up a storm again." She say concerned.

"Its nothing mom, I am probably just too hot."

She nodded her head. "well I am about to cook breakfast, meet me downstairs with your father at 10:30 okay?"

I nodded my head. She finally closed the door, I pulled out the glistening flower, It was so beautiful in so many ways. I get up and decided to put it in one of my flower pots, and water it so gently. From all the rest I quickly put it on the top shelf, no one should ever touch that flower, or even have a peek at it. It was my flower that was given to me from a dear friend. I checked my watch and skipped down the stairs. I was greeted by my twin sister, Ella, and my annoying brother, Toby.

"Good morning Ella." I say to her. "Good morning Alla."

"Whoa, your hair color changed, which meant that you changed into your wolf, I am guessing your wolf is white." Ella stated as she played with my hair.

"And I am guessing that yours is as black as midnight." I say to her. She nodded her head. I smiled.

"Wow Alla, a white wolf, I see you have taken after your grandmother." My father say cheery. I smiled as he placed my food in front of me. It was the summer, Ella and I have graduated Wolf High, those unforgettable years came rushing back to me. Now instead of going to school we had to be prepared for what was to come next. Family finding.

Family finding is when the alphas of the pack, bring together two wolves they think would be a good fit and make them marry. I know it really isnt fair, but thats what they do.

"So Alla, are you ready to be brought together with your soul mate?" Ella asked me, half way chewing her food. I shrug my shoulders and continue eating. "Oh come on, I know you have to be excited about it." She pressed on. I ignored her.

"Alla, you will have to answer me, food dont last on your plate too long."

She was right, I quickly devour my food, leaving no mercy for it. Right when she said that, I realized that my food was completely gone.

"Alla, answer your sister please." My mother cooned smiling. I sighed and turned to her.

"I dont know if I am ready, we will find out sooner or later." I stand up and put my dish in the sink. I go back into my room and get dressed. I stare at the flower that Jone gave me, and smiled. It was so beautiful and stunning. It worked so well in the sunlight.

"Alla, one of your friends is one the phone." I rushed down stairs and grab the phone from my mom.

"Hey Alla, so we are going to a club tonight, its a human club so anyone is invited, its called Transvilla, care to join us?" Amana asked me. I smiled.

"Yes I would totally love to go." I reply happily.

"Good, we will be at your place at 9 pm. Bye girl." Amana hang up. I rush to my room and started to pull what ever I can find to wear to the club. Even though its only the morning its never to early to prepare for a club. Especially when its your first one.

"Alla, what on earth are you doing?" Ella ask me crossing her arms across her chest.

"Oh nothing, I'm just getting ready for a club I have been invited to." I say happily. She shakes her head and leave. I heard the scratching noise at the tree, I quickly go towards the boundary line.

"Jone, I am going to a club tonight, want to come with?" I ask him before he could say anything.

"Is it a wolf club?" He asked me. I shake my head no.

"Its a human club so any one is invited in." I say smiling. He smiles and nod his head. I clap my hands.

"So why did you scratch the tree?" I asked him.

"I just wanted to tell you something, but now I have a chance to tell you face to face."

"We are face to face."

"No when we can actually touch eachother."

I smiled and nodded my head. "Well go on and get dressed then." We parted.

"See you at nine, at Transvilla." I yell to him.

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