12.In The Known- Max POV&Allas POV

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I glared at Allá and this vampire hugged up,  I knew I smelt something off about Allá,  she had this scent that lingers around her. And I have found that lingering scent. 

" so that's who smell I sniffed on you Alla, I knew it.... A vampire...." I growled my lips curling up into a snarl.  I went towards Allá ready to snatch her,  and punish her for disobeying me when that vampire got in my way.  He quickly pushed her behind him.... Oh is he trying to protect her?  I growled deeply at him.

"Step away from my wife you filthy bag of blood" I say cruelly,  balling my fists up. 

"No... " He say in a deep tone.  My anger boiled in me as I stalked more towards them,  I was eye level to him.... Not a competition to me at all. 

"What?  You're going to just stand there protecting her?  You can't do that all night long."  I smirked.

"Watch me... " He say smirking as well.  I wiped my smirk off my face, he clearly want to fight,  the way he is standing and the way he is glaring at me with those blood shot eyes of his.... He wants to fight... And I will give it to him....

I turned around,  having my back to him,  anger still boiled in me, I turn around quickly, sending my fist flying towards his face,  but he quickly caught it mid swing and pushed me back with the same arm. I stumbled backwards,  a little shocked at how strong he was.  I rubbed my arm and went towards him again,  I under estimated him. I swung again aiming for his stomach,  but he blocked it and tackled me to the ground.  I hit the floor hard,  making my ears ring.  He continued to try to punch me in the face but I blocked everyone. I pushed him off of me,  changing forms as I got up.  I growled deeply,  glaring up at him.  He hissed at me as he came towards me,  his eyes changing colors from Blue to red in a second. I launched at him sending him to the ground,  I tried to snap at his face,  but his arm kept blocking me.  He punched me,  I got off of him and shook my head,  I growled more viciously, he grabbed me and sent me flying towards the wall,  I yelped in pain,  I got up just enough time to see him punch me hard again.  I shifted back to my human form, before he kicked me I grabbed his leg and flipped him on the ground,  I started to punch him like there was no tomorrow. His face was beginning to bruise, and bloody up,  I kept going.  Like a sharp arrow shot me in my face,  I fell to the ground,  just in enough time to see a white wolf growling at me... She clawed  me.  I held my face just before the vampire kicked me hard in the stomach,  I cried out.  I couldn't stand up and defend myself,  I watched as the vampire grabbed MY WIFE, and left out the glass door with her.  She didn't even glance back at me,  she just left with him.... Touch my property, he stole it and I will get back what was mine......

Allá POV

I opened my eyes to Jone carrying me off,  he was using his vamp speed to get away.  My clothes were torn, and my head hurt like hell.  Jone finally stopped and opened the door to a house,  he carried me into  a room and placed me on a bed and close the door.  He took a seat beside me and brushed my hair out of my eyes.  I sat up and stared at him.  His face was badly bruised and blood coiled from out of his nose.  I gasped and reached for my shirt,  I began to tear out a piece of cloth and dabbed his face with it. 

"that's no need for that Allá, vampires heal quickly. " He say.  I ignored him and continued to dab his face with my torn shirt.  He swiftly grabbed my arm and glared at me.  His black eye disappeared in an instant.  I sighed,  and nodded my head,  but he didn't let go of my arm.  He stared deeply into my eyes,  his face longing for my lips.  But instead of leaning in he stood up and walked towards a cabinet and grabbed a swab with alcohol on it.  He came towards me and began to treat my face. I pushed his hand away and shook my head. 

"Wolves heal just as quickly as vampires do." I say in almost a whisper, he nodded and stood up.  I glared around the room,  it was decorated in glittering objects which illuminated the room.  I was amazed at how perfect it was.  It was beautiful. 

"is this your room? " I asked him pointing.

" yes it is. " He grinned at me, showing off his fangs.  But if this was his room then that means......

" I'm over the boundary line,  oh my gosh,  take me back. " I say standing up too quickly,  I felt dizzy and almost fell to the floor but he caught me and sat me back down on the bed.

" I will not allow you to go back to that horrid place,  I won't let you get beaten and bruised by Max. " He whispered.  I gave in and sighed,  I  nodded my head again. He pulled me in,  slightly placing a kiss onto my head,  I smiled at his embrace.  I scrunched up my eyebrows and gazed up at him.

" how will you hide me from the other vampires?" I asked him,  it was clear that he had forgotten about that and sighed. He then smiled and snapped his fingers,  telling me that he had an idea. 

"I can bite you,  I can make you mine." He say smiling.  I smiled but remembered the harsh bite mark on my neck from Max. I shook my head no even though I really want him to.

"Max bit my neck,  I'm his mate... " I said a little saddened. 

" The only way he can make you his mate is if you were destined to be his mate,  not chosen to be his mate.... Did a blue light surround you when he bit your neck,  if that didn't happen then he isn't your destined mate.... Vampires can mark anyone as well,  a red light shine around us when a vampire mark his or her mate...... We can see if it works for you.... Maybe his will dissappear if I bite you... " He insisted, can Jone be my destined mate? Only one way to find out.

" Will I become a vampire? " I asked him.  He just laughed a little,  he then realized that I was serious.

"No.... Well not technically.... You'll still be a wolf,  and you will turn into a vampire but after a while you will have to choose between the two,  if you don't choose,  you'll die....." His voice trailed off.

"In order to become a vampire you will have to drink the blood of what you once we're,  like for instance if you were a human,  you would drink the blood of a human... But if you were a wolf,  you will have to drink and kill a wolf to fully become a vampire. " He concluded.  I nodded my head and sighed.

" Is that something you Want? " He asked.  I nodded my head. " Warning,  you will be stronger but you will start to get weak after two to three weeks until you feed on a werewolf, but to stay a wolf you will have to feed off of the blood of a vampire. " I just nodded my head. He took my head and tilted it to the side.  He took a deep breath and bit down into my neck as gently as he could, he withdrew from me and wiped his face with his arm.  A tingling sensation began to feel itself up my body,  I glared around myself and gasped. A red light flickered around me,  then it started to glow..... That means one thing.

I am his mate.....

Note from te author.......

Gasp, she's his mate!! Didn't see that one coming did you lol,  well comment, and vote and the next chapter will be up in a few lol. 

-The author aka Queenwolfy

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