16. The Choice -Alla

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Max scratched me, I bit him harshly. Drawing blood from his vile wolf, he growled, I hissed. We were going back and forth none stop, all the while Alla laid there helplessly, she was beginning to become weak, it's all my fault. I sighed and fought off Max the best I could, Max was beginning to get tired, I smiled as he plopped to the ground not able to continue. He changed back to his human for, breathing heavily, I looked over him, smiling crooked, I grabbed him and dragged him over to Alla.

Alla POV

"drink his blood become one of us Alla. " he say encouraging me. Max growled, when I bent towards his neck he grabbed mine and squeezed, Jone tried to grab him but another wolf came and pounced on him. Weakened Max stayed on my neck, not letting air pass through my lungs. I scratched his arms trying to get free but he stood up and had his face scrunched up.

"So my precious wife is going to obey that ratchet vampire huh? Well, it's either you feed off of a werewolf or die huh? Well you don't deserve to be my wife, or anything to me, you're better off dead somewhere." he flung me, I hit the hard ground with an impact that sulked the breath out of me. I coughed. Max got ontop of me, pressing his hands onto my neck, I couldn't breath, I was on the verge of passing out. My eyes rolled to the back of my head.


I snapped the wolf's neck and went towards Max and Alla, he had his hands around her neck, I tackled Max gruffly, and started to punch him none stop.... I couldn't stop. I stopped when he was a bloody Manson the ground, he coughed up blood. I went towards Alla, her face was blue and she wasn't breathing.

"no no no.... " I started to beat on her chest, but she didn't respond.

"Alla..." I say as tears tried to escape my eyes. She didn't respond to me. I shook my head no. Then I remembered. I went towards Max who laid unconscious on the ground. I picked him up and bent his head towards Allah mouth, his blood seeped into her mouth.

"Swallow it Alla, swallow please. " I say, my words trembling uncontrollably. I held my head as I dropped Max onto her, was she.... Dead? I tilted my head and yelled to the sky, I made an earpiercing scream. I glared around me, all fighting have stopped, they glared not at me but my master and their alpha fight to the death. I glared back at Alla, she still didn't move. I went and sat down beside her. My tears staining the ground.

I covered my ears.

Alla POV

Something sweet leaked into my mouth, I still couldn't open my eyes, but I felt something heavy on me, I moved my arms and pressed it to my lips, my fangs extracted and I dug into its neck, I swallowed the blood and it filled my body, I felt it struggling, trying to get free but as I got stronger, I wouldn't let it go. I felt it's life drain from it as the blood flow started to end. I let it go and opened my eyes, a red light surrounded me, it picked me up, I glared down to see Max paled and dead. Did I kill him? I saw as Jone started to look up at me, his eyes were bright, and happy. The two leaders that were fighting stopped and glared up at me, and so did everyone else, the red light entered me, I gasped.


I glared up at her, she finally swallowed it, is starting. Every one stared up at her too. She transformed into her wolf. It's white coat turning black, it did a howl before it stopped, and like it was dead it dropped off of her, it hit the ground and turned into red light. She was still up there, her hair not white and black anymore was just white, a pure white. Her skin have paled, the red light turned to black, it placed her onto the ground, she glared up at me, her eyes were a red color. I stood her up, she smiled at me, before I could hug her, the alpha wolf pounced on her..... Or tried to. She dodged him and grabbed him, slamming him to the ground. She did a growl, and a hiss at the same time, her hair was shorter, she went towards him and picked him up. Throwing him to the ground again. He gets up circling her, she turns into a huge wolf, the wolf was black. I gasped, she must have fought to keep her wolf. She lunged at him, quickly snapping his neck. The other wolves stopped, as they saw their Alpha, die and switch back into his human form. She changed back into her what ever form she is and glared at me. I smiled at her. The other wolves turned into their human forms.

"you're a...... Vampire, but you could still switch into your wolf, but how? " I asked her. She smiled.

"while I had my eyes closed, my wolf glared into my eyes, I couldn't let it go, I couldn't let it die, so I changed into my wolf, it started to turn black, but it fell off of me, instead of it turning into ashes I made it go into a red light, it floated back up to me. Next thing I knew I was a vampire, and a wolf. " she say. I hug her.

She turned to the other wolves and vampires, my master came towards her, he smiled at her and bowed.

"You have ended this war, I don't want anymore fighting going on between these two species, so for now on, you and Jone are the leaders of the both of us, I will destroy the boundary line. Vampires and werewolves will live in peace together, you have proved to me that vampires and wolves can get along. " he say. Alla smiled at him and turned to me.

She faced the entire species of both.

" we will live in harmony for now on, vampires and wolves shall live together. " she say.

"who ever oppose me, will be sentenced death."

The wolves howled and the vampires hooted. Everyone bowed down at our feet. I grabbed Allas hand. We did it.....

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