A Concert Changed my Life

By user43759793

14.1K 652 117

Day buys a ticket to a concert because his wolf is really agitated. What he finds is something he never bef... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 (R)
Chapter 6 (R)
Chapter 7 (R)
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 (R)
Chapter 11

Chapter 3

1.4K 61 11
By user43759793

 We get into a very high-end car. 

"Your band must be doing well?" I say as the rich leather smell engulfs me.  

He laughs and I can't help staring, as it sounds like pure music to me.  

He looks at me and smiles "we travel around with the excuse we are performing.  It was to help us search for our mate and to see what the other werewolf packs were up to" he tells me. 

I raise my eyebrow a little and angle my head slightly in thought.  

"Are you from the palace? Royal guards perhaps?" I question

I hear the driver grind his teeth and glance towards him.  

"We will explain everything to you once you've rested" Reece assures me.  

"I don't need much rest" I tell him having gotten use to little sleep since Jackson took over. He just rubs my hand with his thumb and smiles at me.  We pull into the biggest hotel in town and Reece helps me from the car.  

"Ghetto, tell the others only my brother is to be allowed into the room?" Reece instructs and Ghetto bows his head and we walk through the lobby.  

I hear him sigh and look up at him but he is looking at the female that was waiting in the dressing room.  She stands and smiles sweetly at him.  I straighten my shoulders and spread my feet a little. 

 "Reecie, Nikki told me to wait for him" she lies again. 

"No, he didn't and you'd be wise to leave before he comes back, as he will probably tell you not so nicely to leave him alone and my name is Reece" he says strongly.  

I see her eyes flash with anger before she puts on a fake smile and goes to open her mouth to talk again.  I see Reece linking someone and he pulls my hand as he moves away from her.

"Don't you walk away from me?" the woman shrieks and then I turn to see her being hauled out of the lobby by another guard.

"We will call the police if you try and come in here again and you owe the hotel for the drinks you've had" I hear one of the guards say.  

Reece guides me into the elevator and presses the top floor button.  We ride in silence and he guides me from the elevator when it stops. 

"Food will be bought up shortly" he tells me and I nod not really feeling hungry at the moment.

He opens a door and lets me walk in a head of him.  The room is a suit and the sitting area looks welcoming. 

"Make yourself comfortable, I'm going to take a quick shower" he tells me as he walks to the bedroom or bathroom. 

I sit down on the sofa and thankfully its soft so isn't to bad on my butt.   I hear the shower running and the hum of the shower and the past couple of hours seem to catch up on me as I fight to keep my eyes open.  I loose the fight and slip into sleep. 

I dream of my parents and the last time I saw my father.  I cry as I miss them dearly.  I try not to think of mother after father died as I know it wasn't really her, just a shell that missed my father. 

The image changes to the first time Jackson beat me.  I had stopped him from hurting a pack member and he didn't like it.  I was chained to the cell wall and whipped.  I can still feel the sting of it as it slashes across my back. 

"Hey wake up its only a dream" I hear someone say close to me. 

My eyes spring open and I'm staring straight into Reece's clear blue eyes.  He brushes his fingers over my cheeks and I realise I've been crying. I duck my head down and wipe my cheeks. 

"Sorry, bad memories" I mutter. 

 "Please don't hide those beautiful eyes from me" Reece gently says and lifts my chin with his finger. 

I blink at him and he smiles, and I can't help but smile back. 

 "Beautiful" he says again.  

The door to the room opens and I smell Chase enter.  He looks as though he's showered and changed before coming here. I see him and Reece exchange words before he looks at me. 

"I apologise for earlier.  My wolf was hard to control" he explains.  

I nod my head and try to smile.  

"Food should be up soon" Reece tells him.  

Reece sits down beside me and Chase sits on the arm of the chair closest to me.  

"What happened with Jackson?" I ask 

Chase glances at his brother before answering me.  

"He's dead along with the three dead beats next to him" he tells me.  

I nod my head and try to smile again. 

"I wanted to kill, so I could takeover my pack" I tell him.  

"Oh, well I," he stops and looks at me.   

"It's alright now, I've found my mate,'s," I add then look at them both still not believing I have two mates. 

"I don't suppose the palace would agree too their royal guards leaving just because they found their mate? Lucas will do a good job as Alpha" I add more to myself.  

"Guards we're not guards?" Chase says laughing

"Oh, sorry.  I assumed, as you were checking on the packs?" I explain 

"Yes father, thought it would help us, getting to know the different packs and Alpha's. Before we took over from him?" Chase says glancing between his brother and me.

I try and sort out what I've just heard.  It hits me like lightening and I cover my mouth with my hands shocked. They grin at me, causing me to blink rapidly as they really are handsome. 

"You're the twin Princes" I gasp and their smiles grow bigger and they bow their heads towards me. 

"OMG, and I let you tend to my arse!" I gasp and hear Chase growl low in his throat. 

"He has wounds on it" Reece explains and I feel my cheeks pink again as I realise what I just said.  

I stare at my knees as my mind races. 

"Your father is Reggie?" I realise and look up to see the twins now staring at me. 

"My father was one of your fathers head guards. He, use to tell me stories of their adventures.  He told me that your father had been a friend first and King second" I explain.  

I see them talking between themselves again and then they look back at me "you are Lui's and Sara's son?" they say together and I nod. 

"Our father will be sad to hear of his passing.  He often talks of him.  He had to cut ties so as not to let others know where he had gone. Sara was sick and needed to go to a place near the sea to recover.  Father thought others would try and get him to talk, if they found out who he was" Chase explains.  

"He knew and understood.  He always told me stories when he put me to bed. Then tell me it was our secret" I tell them.  

There is a knock on the door and Chase goes to get the door. I hear him push the trolley into the room and my stomach growls hungrily. I rub it and the twins laugh.  

"Should we eat here or at the table?" Chase asks 

"Here is fine the seats of softer" Reece answers and I'm grateful he remembered. 

"I could rip him apart again just thinking of it" Chase says. 

Without thinking I move my hand to his and give it a squeeze.  The shocks from the touch travel up my arm.  I go to remove it but he places his other hand over it stopping me. 

"Thank you," he says and I smile at him.   

I see his eyes darken and he gives his head a little shake.

"Food, I'm famished" he says and they both remove the lids from the plates. 

 There is all sorts of cooked meat, fries, and onion rings. I look over the plates 

"No veg?" I ask 

"No, we had veg, at lunch" Chase says.  

I hide my smile and nod my understanding.  

We eat and then I look up "sorry, I never told you my name" I realise.

They look at me and wait. 

"Day, my name is Day Riverbend" I tell them.  

I watch them both smile, "two of everything, is going to take a bit of getting use too" I say blinking from their beauty.

"How is it even possible to have two mates?" I ask 

"We are twins" Chase says 

I look at him thinking he is going to say more and glance at Reece when he doesn't. 

"Even though twins are rare in our world it does happen occasionally and history has taught us that twins often have the same mate and we are identical, so we knew that we'd probably have the same mate" Reece explains.  

"Your eye colour are different and Chase has a heavier foot fall than you do" I tell them.  

They blink at each other and smile "even our parents find it's hard sometimes to tell us apart and you've sorted it out straight away" Reece tells me. 

I sit back stuffed and feel the twins looking at me.  

"Surely that isn't all your eating?" Chase says 

"I'm full, I've not been eating as much.  As I had to make sure the pack had enough to eat" I explain 

"I'm sure my appetite will come back?" I add hoping to ease their worry.

"I've put a new toothbrush out in the bathroom.  It would be best if you didn't shower and let the balm work longer unless you want me to reapply it after your shower?" Reece tells me 

"No, I'm good thank you" I answer and see his lips twitch.  

I stand and walk towards the door he went through and find the bedroom with a big king size bed in it.   I walk to the other door and find the bathroom. There is a towel as well as the toothbrush on the counter beside the sink and I smile at his thoughtfulness.  

I wash my hands and face before brushing my teeth.  Once I'm finished, I walk out of the bedroom and see some PJ bottoms laying on the bed.  I change into them and then walk back out to the sitting area.  

"Thank you" I say and they turn around and smile at me again. 

'That is going to take some getting use to' I tell Bright. 

I feel his excitement and slam up my wall as I really don't need to feel that just before I climb into bed to sleep. 

"Thank you for the bed too" I say smiling.  

I turn and walk back into the bedroom.  I climb into the huge bed and wonder if I'll be able to sleep.  I can hear the twins talking quietly in the next room.  I close my eyes and drift off to sleep. 

I wake feeling very hot, I try and throw the blankets off me.  But my hand is being held.  I open my eyes and find Reece laying beside me, sleeping holding my hand.  I turn my head and see Chase sleeping spooning me.  He has his arm around my waist. 

I realise something else, they are both topless. The smell of them is making things hard for me.  I turn and admire Reece's bare chest.  I look up and suck in a breath as, I find him looking at me.

"Hi" I say my cheeks heating.  

He smiles back and I swallow, he's much to close to be smiling.  

"It's going to take a while yet, go back to sleep" he says.  I nod but my brain isn't working, so I'm not sure what he said.  I close my eyes trying to take deep breathes so I can calm down.  

I'm surprised when I feel myself drifting off to sleep again.  I wake up next when I'm gentle shuck.  "We need to buckle in as we will be landing soon" I hear and open my eyes. 

What could they mean? Please don't forget to comment and vote, thank you 😊✨

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