The Fallen Dragon King.

By ZBX6779

585K 5.3K 3.2K

Issei has been suffering for 19 years straight until he snaps. From weakest to badass. this is my first fanfi... More

part 1. prologue
part 2. full 180.
part 3. confrontation
part 4. exposed.
part 5. unofficial rating game.
part 6. showdown
part 7. broken.
part 9. reunion
part 10. hello Sona.
part 11. murderers.
part 12 new love
part 13. red dragon and black cat.
part 14. research and plumage.
part 15. gift and little kitten.
part 16. unwanted attention
part 17. the first fallen king.
part 18. training
part 19. the 8.
part 20. the queen.
part 21. dinner and stories.
part 22. well deserved laughs.
part 23. sharing the memories of the past.
part 24. chess
part 25. sparring match.
part 26. red vs yellow
part 27. Sitri gets owned.
part 28. a real match.
part 29. eternal bond.
part 30. the plan and the threat.
part 31 Loki
part 33: aftermath
part 34. unavoidable conversation and craziness.
part 35, new beginnings. epilogue.

part 8. return.

28.8K 261 245
By ZBX6779

No one could find Issei anywhere, almost as if he vanished. Sirzechs himself searched for him along with team Rias and team Sona. They checked every part of Kuoh, no trace of Issei's energy at all. It's as if he truly was dead and the blood in his apartment along with memories of him were all that remained. Everyone decided to go home after a fruitless all night search, they knew Issei wouldn't survive more than an hour after forcefully removing his pieces but Rias refused to stop looking. Team Rias and Team Sona still had to attend school the next day but team Rias didn't care and continued to search for him for 2 days straight, even searched the near by mountains but to no avail. Rias and her team along with Sirzechs and Grafia were devastated at the loss of Issei only an hour or so after showing his power as the red dragon emperor. They were completely guilt ridden and giving up after finding no evidence that he's alive, they declared him dead. News spread throughout the school that Issei was dead and rumours about his death gave everyone mixed emotions.
Some were happy but some were actually sad because Issei never really hurt anyone. Those two perverted guys showed no sense of loss over their "friend".

They eventually had to live their lives but it wasn't the same, Rias never really recovered and lived with the guilt as did her team. All four of them kept one or two of his pawn pieces as a reminder to be better and treat others right regardless off their strengths and weaknesses. For the first month Rias would have nightmares of Issei laying in a pool of blood, repeating those words he said to them when he was alive etc. She would wake up screaming or start crying, even tried to avoid sleeping as to not have nightmares but lack of sleep made her hallucinate and would see a glimpse of Issei, what hurt more was seeing that not even the hallucinations smiled because he never did ever since she reincarnated him, only anger, sorrow or same tear stained face. Rias says to her self.

Rias: Issei.....I'm so sorry. I just wanted to make things right.

Her team and Sirzechs would come to check on her since they fared better as compared to her. No words brought her peace and stayed alone. She tried to appear strong but everyone including the kids in school noticed that she was clearly in pain and it started when Issei died. Now back to Issei.

The night he went deep into the forest he sat under a tree and spoke to Ddraig.

Issei: alright now let's do this.

Ddraig: right.

Ddraig sends his dragonic energy through Issei's body and Issei grunts from the pain. His body becomes more muscular, his eyes go from brown to emerald green with slit pupils. Scales appear on his body along with his claws and his teeth now had long sharp fangs. The pain finally stops and Issei relaxes.

Ddraig: sorry about the pain, I had to accelerate the process to save your life

Issei: I'm glad you did. The quicker the better.

Ddraig: it's not over just yet, your horns, tail and wings will grow soon it'll be more painful than what you experienced a moment ago.

Issei: why am I not surprised?

Ddraig: rest for now. We will begin training your new found power in a few days after you adjust to your new senses.

Issei: sounds good.

Ddraig: also you continue to surprise me.

Issei: hmm?

Ddraig: not only did you achieve balance breaker but became the first devil who removed his pieces by force and lived then turned into a dragon by your own volition.

Issei: haha. Thanks. Dragons are way better than devils.

Ddraig: hahaha that's right. Now rest. You need it.

Issei: sounds good.

Issei immediately falls asleep. He started training and lived off the forest for a few months but made his way to town every now and then, in time he became stronger. His horns, tail, elbow blades made an appearance but both were hollow and flames like a blowtorch erupted endlessly which Issei learned to stop releasing and even used them in various attacks. His wings however were taking some time to develop. Ddraig kept Issei's aura from being detected by anyone.

A few months passed and Issei eventually decided that he's strong enough and doesn't want to live in the forest anymore plus he's got some shit to deal with at school. It was about time he made an appearance. The next day Issei used his magic to make himself look presentable, he wore black jeans and sneakers along with a nice red t-shirt with a black jacket, he tied his now long hair in a small pony tail and used magic to hide his dragon features thus looking like his more human self but now he's taller. He went from 5'7 to '6'2.

Issei walked into the school one morning and everyone was staring at him. No one recognized him at first except for one girl Murayama. She walked up to him and said

Murayama: Issei? Is that really you?

Issei: yeah... It's me.

Murayama: oMG Issei YOU'RE ALIVE.

Murayama exclaimed for all to hear and everyone was shocked to see the dead weak skinny pervert was now this good looking strong tall guy. The news spread like wildfire and it reached the ears of Rias along with the two perverts. Rias didn't believe it. She spent months mourning his loss and still hadn't recovered. The two perverts got to Issei first and said

Perv 1: Issei my man you're back.

Perv 2: no way. We're happy that you're back dude. Now what do you say we go check out some girls for old times sake?

Issei got pissed and grabbed them by their necks then lifted them in the air.

Issei: you fucking pieces of shit. Even after all this time you still haven't changed, I came here to clear my name so I can get on with my life and since you two were the cause of it then I'll prove it to everyone.

Both were just barely able to speak.

Perv 1: dude... we're friends....why would we try wrong by you?

Perv 2: yeah man...we never did anything wrong.

Issei slammed them both down and knocked the wind out of them.

Issei: friends? You don't know what it means to be a friend. You're going to confess that you bastards set me up.

The crowd gathered around them and started recording on their phones.

Issei: now tell them that you were the ones who put those magazines in my bag and locker. Tell them that you made me come with you to peep on the girls then let me take the fall when you were spotted.

Perv 1: what are you talking abAAAAAAAAA

Issei broke his hand like a twig.

Issei: each lie will earn you a broken bone now you have 5 seconds to tell the truth.

Perv 2: yeah we never did that AHAAAAAHA.


Issei broke his arm and bent it 180°. Some of the people in the crowd screamed and gagged. They never knew Issei was so brutal. The screams caught the attention of both Rias and Sona who came in investigate but had to get through the large crowd but Rias heard a familiar voice.


Perv 1: ok ok I admit it. It was us.

Perv 2: yeah we did it all. We're sorry now please let us go. Have mercy.

Both said while crying.

Issei: I did show mercy. Both of you can still jerk each other off with your other arms.

The crowd went: "OH SNAP".

Rias finally gets through the crowd and sees the two perverts each with a broken hand and arm respectively. Then looks at the man who stood tall and was clearly the one who did this. It was him. It was Issei. Issei began to walk away after doing what he came for, the crowd began to disperse and the pervs ran away from the crowd of girls that were going to kill them for using Issei as there scape goat.

Rias ran up to Issei and just hugged him.

Rias: You're alive. You came back. We all though you were dead.

Rias began to cry tears of joy and the people noticed Rias Gremory was now smiling and crying tears of joy while hugging Issei who broke the bones of 2 perverts less than a minute ago. Did she like him? Issei noticed the crowd whispering then sighed.

Issei: Rias.......let go. As far as everyone is concerned. The Issei you all barely knew is dead.

Rias: NO. YOU'RE WRONG....... You're still the Issei we love. Please just come back to us. I won't let go till you do

Akeno, Kiba, Koneko and Asia came over to see what was happening and Sona just looked on. She knew something bad had happened but no one wanted to talk about what had happened, only that Rias broke off the engagement and that Issei beat Riser.
Rias's team all came up to Issei and saw that it really was him and that he's stronger than before. He's got so much raw power in him now. Issei removes Rias's hands by force and looks at her. He notices that she doesn't look like her usual self judging from the dark circles and pale skin.

Issei: I don't want to make a bigger scene so let's go to the ORC and talk. Also call Sirzechs. I actually miss that guy.

Rias and the others agree and go to the ORC then calls Sirzechs. Issei only said that he missed Sirzechs and not them. Ouch.

Sirzechs: Rias do you need something?

Rias: there's someone here you need to see asap.

Sirzechs: you sound serious. I'll be right over.

Sirzechs appeared through a magic portal with Grayfia and asks:

Sirzechs: alright so who's the one you want me to meet?

He notices a tall man in the room and notices the similar energy.

Sirzechs: I....can't...believe my eyes. Is that you,....

Grayfia: Issei?

Issei: hey guys. I missed you.

Issei had a genuine smile that none of them have seen in years. Both Sirzechs and Grayfia just hug him right with tears in their eyes.

Grayfia: we missed you to little brother.

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