The Alchemist of Krydon

By yumekawaalchemy

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The story revolves around a young man named Kiro Ashenvar. Being an apprentice alchemist, his family's legacy... More

Chapter One - An Alchemist's Tale
Chapter Two - The Elegant Elf
Chapter Three - An Unexpected Outcome
Chapter Four - Kiro and the Single Tail
Chapter Five - At the Crossroads
Chapter Six - A Lone Depature
Chapter Seven - Passage into the Mirrored World
Chapter Eight - Trial, Errors and New Beginnings
Chapter Nine - A Blink of An Eye
Chapter Ten - Acceptance and Trust
Chapter Eleven - Audience with the Lord
Chapter Twelve - Together The Future
Chapter Thirteen - The Kiridorian Blade Dancer
Chapter Fourteen - Vacant Streets
Chapter Fifteen - A Step Forth into Rasheingal
Chapter Seventeen - Reassurance and Promises
Chapter Eighteen - Purpose and Investigation
Chapter Nineteen - Culprit Behind the Disturbance
Chapter Twenty - At Wits End
Chapter Twenty One - Reiguma's Natural Enemy
Chapter Twenty Two - Preparations and Family
Chapter Twenty Three - Progress and Instability
Chapter Twenty Four - Shrine of the Serabrae's
Chapter Twenty Five - The Maiden of Flames
Chapter Twenty Six - Interlude
Chapter Twenty Seven - The Overseer of Devotion
Chapter Twenty Eight - Our Promise
Chapter Twenty Nine - Party Amidst the Mist
Chapter Thirty - To Her Place of Origin
Chapter Thirty One - The Eternal Warrior
Chapter Thirty Two - The Demon's Awakening
Chapter Thirty Three - The Demon's Prowess
Epilogue - Records of an Alchemist

Chapter Sixteen - The Price of Blood

76 5 0
By yumekawaalchemy

"A vampire.. Succubus? Is that even possible..?"

"How rude, of course it's possible!~ So cruel... You're denying my existence, ehee but that makes me want you even more you know!~ Come on, bad mouth me more!~"

Her tail wraps around me even tighter in the most crucial areas.

"Say.~ You want it don't you? A kiss from a Vampire Succubus?"


It was only a matter of time before I wouldn't be able to resist. A purple miasma was surrounding her and little by little it was beginning to engulf me as well. What would happen if it swallowed me whole?

"I-I can't because.. R-"

"R..? Well whoever that person is they're not here right now. So it's okay to accept me to fulfill your desires! I can tell you have many.~ Come on! Tell me what you want me to do!"

"Did you want me to do this? Or perhaps that? Oo, your body reacted to that one!"


"Hmm... Why is it that your reactions aren't as strong as the others?~ Ehee, even I have to admit you're one tough cookie to break! But don't worry, we have the whole night to ourselves! Eventually you'll give in!~"

Drawing closer, her cold lips press up against mine as I seem to have no will left. My body begins to weaken, Reiguma... I'm.. So sorry....

"Kiroo!~ Wilfred said you came back, how come you didn't wa-"

About to submit to the darkness that was wavering my mind, a certain energetic voice brought me back.

Standing beside the entrance was Reiguma.

"Umm... Kiro? What is it that you're..."

My throat tightens as if the Succubus didn't want me to answer as she turns to face her.

"Oh what is it that we have here?~ C-can it be, this is your partner? Awww, a Serabrae! And a cute one at that, but too bad.~ You've seen what's happened, he couldn't resist me.~"

"Shut up!!~"

Raising her voice, it may have even came out as a roar.

"You're... The Succubus that's been around here right? I've seen it on the paper Wilfred was reading."

"Eheee, so what if I am?~ I would be afraid of a Serabrae, but you only have a single tail so-"

Reiguma's gaze pierces through as my heart skipped a single beat. It glimmered and as they both stared into each other, I could feel the dark grip weakening.

"Kiro... Kiro wouldn't do such a thing, it's you that must have played with his mind!"

As Reiguma continued to speak, her words began to have weight to them. It wasn't just that but her eyes were more defined and sharp, It was as though she was a completely different Reiguma from the one I've been around.

"Oho, but it's just what we do.~"

Even in the midst of danger, and the over empowering Reiguma. The Succubus didn't seem to change in attitude, It could even mean that she really wasn't afraid of her.

"Let go of Kiro."

"Don't wannaa.~ After I'm done with you, we're going to have a lot of fun together. Oh but of course you can watch me take him away from you.~ Eheee, I can't wait! So let's get this over with!"

As the darkness leaves my body, I drop to the floor to catch my breath as I watch the two exchange blows with each other. The forge was getting totaled, however it was of least concern.

The Succubus favours fighting in close quarters, they generally conjure up dark spheres and magic to control their enemies and use their agility to empower foes. However with Reiguma being a Serabrae, that alone would be efficient enough to negate their mind tapping ability. But it didn't leave Reiguma with the upper hand as she had no time to release her powerful flames. She had to constantly watch from all sides and only releasing quick flames, either surrounding her body with it or bursting it out.

And as powerful as Reiguma is, she's participated in little actual fights. In terms of experience, as hard as it is for me to say, the Succubus has the upper hand.

As their fighting continues, numerous times I wondered how I could help Reiguma. She was in a more helpess position as she was wearing thin on both power and endurance.

"Aww, what's wrong?~ Can't keep up with a mere Vampire Succubus?~ The Serabrae's must not be what they were before."

Numerous times she's been taunting her, and with Reiguma being like a child. She's fell for her traps plenty of times.

I knew I couldn't just kneel against the ground submitting to this hazy feeling within me. Using the closest objects to pull myself up, I push my heavy body to the weapons rack.

"Oo, and you still have some fight left in you?~ Well for a human to charm a Serabrae it must have taken more than just good looks.~"

I stand beside the panting Reiguma, with a sword in hand I take my stance.

"I'm.. Just not going to stand by, and watch my precious partner get hurt."

"Aww how sweet.~ But just how much can you do with that body of yours? You can barely stand! Just give up, I don't want your body to break before I start with you!"

With much bravo to back up her statement, she was right about one thing. I could barely keep the sword from falling out of my grip.

"Then how about I fill in his place?"


With a gasp the Succubus turns around, however it was already to late to react. A gleaming sword was already pierced through her abdomen. All the way towards the hilt of her blade, blood continues to pour from the open wound.

"J-jang Mi?"

Reiguma and I were both awe struck to see her appear from thin air. No that's an exaggeration, but where did she come from?

"Y-you...How did you even sneak up on me..?"

"Basic Kiridorian forms."

"K-Kiridorian..? No matter how much practice as you can get... You can't just slip pass my life line detection..."

"Hmm.. Well, I am the one closest to death as they say."

Pulling her sword back cleanly, the Succubus coughs out more blood before keeling over whilst pressing her hand against her wound.

"My heart beat's been very faint ever since."

With a strong swing of her sword, she uses the momentum to clean off the blood before placing it back in it's sheathe.

"...Well, things have gone rather south. I'm out numbered..."

"So... What are you going to do with me now?"

It was as though she was already accepting her fate. Would there be a reward even if we killed this Succubus?

"I don't mind dirtying my blade again, it's your call Kiro."

I look towards Reiguma for answers, however she was already having trouble standing up straight. It was up to me to decide her fate. Would it be a wise idea to silence her?

"....Hey, Vampire Succubus."


Even with an open wound, she wasn't demonstrating any signs of pain. We shouldn't underestimate her.

"Do you have a name? Something to address you with? Vampire Succubus or Succubus gets rather bothersome."

"Lilith, Lilly, Lila, that's what most people call me."

"...The ones you've killed?"

"Killed? Oh, nono.~"

"A Succubus drains life from men, leaving them with nothing but an empty carcass. Isn't that what you do?"

"Ufufu, men are so easily conquered. They're nothing but shameless animals.~"

"....But, I'm a Vampire Succubus you see. All I need is blood, not their life force.~"

"Then.. What were you doing with me moments ago?"

"Ehehee.~ Jus' taking advantage of my Succubi side, but I never killed anyone.~ That just means there's one less blood source in this world. Ehehehe. But I have played with a few and it's reeeaallly hard for me to hold back.~"

Just what am I going to do with this one?

"....That doesn't make your position any better, Lilly."


"Reiguma... Is she telling the truth?"

"Hmm... Well she hasn't been acting any different from when we started talking to her... Plus her current mind's an open book."

"Her breathing hasn't changed either. Though she started panting heavily when she mentioned not being able to hold back. I can't believed I touched such a filth wretched body."

"Awww, don't say that!~ My body's always clean!! W-well after I bathe.~"

"You've caused this city a lot of trouble, Lilly. Things won't just go back to normal until they know the Succubus won't appear anymore."

"Kiro... Doesn't that mean-"

"I'm not saying we should kill her, but... We're left with little options, if I want others to know they're safe. We need to prove the Succubus has been silenced."

"....U-umm... I don't have a say for whether or not I live?~ I don't know about you, but I realllyy want to keep on living. None of that death stuff please?~ Ufufufu.~"

"Hmm... How about a proposition?"

"Oo, are we going to negotiate how much I'll be able to get out of you?~ Or perhaps... You want me to pay with my body?~"

"I-I'm not falling for that... R-reiguma don't look at me like that!"


"Since we can't afford another set back like this, how about you don't show up around here anymore? If you do that then I'll be able to set you free, how's that?"

"Ufufu, awfully trusting aren't we?~ I could always take up your offer but appear the next day.~"

....There is truth in her words, what's stopping her from reappearing if I don't end it here? No, I can't give up now, there has to be a way.

"Hmm.. You could do that and catch us by surprise once more. But I'm an alchemist, the son of the Ashenvar family, I failed once to capture you. But the second time won't come, now that I know ordinary potions against a Succubus won't work. I'll have something ready to fight you when you appear, oh and of course Jang Mi will be lending a hand also as well as Reiguma here."

"And the second time, we won't let you off lightly with just a wound. We'll silence you then and there to make sure of it."


She bites her lips and soon came forth a sigh.

"I don't really want to be back out there though."

"...What are you trying to get at?"

"I can't survive out there! It's so dangerous for me!~"

Your argument just started and yet there's so many holes. Keeping toe to toe with Reiguma and not just that, I'm not sure if she's forgotten but there's a gaping wound in her abdomen that's been bleeding ever since.

"E-ekk.. With that look you think i'm lying."

"What you displayed earlier is no lie. What about you parents? You had a mother like you mentioned."

"Oh, I don't have one anymore."

"....Wait, you don't mean..."

She nods.

"Daddy was worried for her and asked me to stay put, but that was a long time ago.~ Ehee, I'm by myself which is a bit lonely! Which is why I started flying around here, It was rather lively up until a few days ago.~"

That's because no one wants to be out when danger's lurking.


"Then what is it that you want Lilly? If it's in my power I'll grant you it if it stops you from showing yourself to the city folk."

"How about I stay here?~"


"Oho, you just thought of something naughty didn't you? Ehee.~"

"K-kiro wouldn't be thinking of that! A-are you Kiro? Uwaa, you have meee.~~"

Whilst Reiguma was whining like a child, Jang Mi looks at me with disgust as she couldn't even hold eye contact with me for a second before looking away.

"Ek, no way. I was just thinking which box to stuff you in."

"Ehee then it's settled!~ Like I said I'm Lilly, it's good to be here!~ We're going to be the best of friends right?~"

"Jang Mi."

With a look, this was the only way. Some people may not forgive me for this, but... It's not like I can do anything else in this situation.

"Since I'm working as your guard I have to obey, though I still wish we could have done this another way."

"N-no way, my newly found friends are going to kill me!? How cruel!"

Jang Mi draws grabs hold of her swords handle.

"B-but I haven't killed anyone!!~ Noooo-"

And so the Succubus has been silenced with the pommel of Jang Mi's sword. It's not my place to say whether or not someone lives or dies. If Lilly can keep her word then everything will be okay.


Inside my parents wardrobe was an item to capture images with a snap, although of course the quality isn't as great compared to seeing the event with your own eyes. It could only capture faint colours, however it's more than enough for this situation. With the Succubus wounded with a large gapping wound in her abdomen, most may assume she's dealt with.

I only hope this doesn't come around to haunt me in the future. If anyone catches me harbouring the Succubus they assume I killed, my reputation will plummet. It's a risk, however I can't bring myself to blindly slaughter someone. Even if It is a teenage Succubus like her, however I seem to be able to hold a conversation with her. if perhaps I keep it up, she'll hold her end of the deal.

The following day, I'll hand this over to the front desk of the paper produces and explain what how I dealt with the Succubus.


A few hours later into the dead of night, I had to make room in the shed for Lilly after cleaning her mess in the forge. Reiguma of course didn't want me to be alone with her as she kept following me around whilst I was moving storage boxes and sheets. She fell asleep leaned against the wall as I asked Jang Mi to take her back to her room.

The shed didn't have much use except storing the unneeded items we've collected over the years. Since the house we live in is pretty large in size, the shed was rarely used. Upon stacking a bit of boxes and pulling over a sheet It was the best I could do for now.

"This place is so tight, it's like I'm tied up in a rope.~ Though I don't dislike that feeling... Ufufufu."

"I'm leaving."

"H-hey wait! Is this really where I'm going to be sleeping!?"

"There isn't exactly a place in the house where you'd be able to sleep in. And since we all don't really trust you, you're hold up in here for now."

"....Though, little by little. If the bond between us grows stronger, then perhaps I'll be able to expand the house a bit to fit a room for you."



"Ehee, I like this place.~  I don't mind being confined in a small place like this.~"

"...Then what was the problem..?"

"I want hay."

"As in the dried up plants used as fodder for animals..? That's new.. I never thought Succubus can eat hay."

"It's not for eating of course! I only want to drink blood that's all!~ Ufufu, perhaps I'd be able to taste yours.~ Eheee, but the hay's for sleeping on! It's so comfy.~"

"I'd rather have as much blood in my system as I can get, I don't want to be your source of life. There has to be another way...."

"Ufufufu, I don't mind suggestions.~ But until then, your blood's the only thing I want!! Come on, just a little sippy sip? Think of it as exchange for confining me here and not flying outside!~ That is what you want isn't it?~"

Placing her finger upon her lips, she tilts her body as her chest sways in front of me. No I can't be thinking of anything at the moment.

"Or I could take off right now.~ And break into a house.~"

Damn it, I didn't think this would happen.

"Just... How much blood do you need ot survive? Can't you eat red meat or drink animal blood?"

"Nuu nuu, that won't do!~ That's like asking you to eat human meat! ...Well unless you already do, if it is then that's okay too! I don't judge, ufufufu... But that means, maybe you can eat me.~~"

"No stop twisting my words into your own perversion."

"But to answer the question... A handful of blood is enough to last me a week.~"

A handful a week.... If I don't suffer huge blood loss from the battles to come, I may be able to last. However the fact of me being a blood donor to a Vampire Succubus, isn't exactly what I want.

"Lets say I agree to those terms, wouldn't you biting me turn me into a vampire?"

"A vampire?"

She bursts out laughing, holding onto her belly which bore no scar.

"Ahaha!~ Nuu, perhaps you may turn into an Incubus!!~"

She's laughing way to hard at this as she constantly flapped her wings.

"C-Calm down! Are you serious?"

Wiping the tear away from the corner of her eyes.

"That was a joke.~ My gosh... You won't turn into a Vampire because of my Succubus counterpart.~ Nor will you turn into an Incubus, because that's not the way it works, which is very unfortunate for you.~"

No I didn't say I wanted to be an Incubus, how could I be a respectable Alchemist if I were so?

"So back to the topic on hand, you won't disturb the city again if I supply a handful of blood every week?"

"Yuuup! I promise promise, come on I reallly want it now!~"

What am I going to do. I'm making deals with a demon, let alone a Vampire Succubus. A cross breed that I didn't think was possible.

I heave a sigh and accept her condition, sitting against the cloth layered over numerous boxes. Lilly plants herself behind me and takes hold of my shoulder and head with her hands. Bringing herself closer, I could feel her breath against my neck. And eventually a wet sensation was tingling against my skin.

"L-Lilly!? What are you doing!?"

I jolt as I wanted to break free, however I couldn't move.

"Ufufu, what an adorable reaction.~ Don't worry, I was just getting a taste before the real thing!"

Her sharp fangs pierce my skin as I could feel the suction of her mouth. Soon my entire body falls numb, in fact it was heating up.

"Ufufu.~ Already heating up are we?~"


"Uwaaaa, sooo tasty!"

Hopping off my back she flies against the ceiling as she flaps her wings as fast as she could. I press my palm against my neck as small amounts of blood continues to dribble.

"I don't think I'd get used to this."

However as an Alchemist, creating new concoctions is what we do best. A little extra work in the field of bodily fluids may give me an answer. Although  I'm not exactly looking forward to working with Lilly.

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