Diversus Est a Bella Artes

By ZoomieZoomie324

174K 4.8K 1.5K

Hari Potter isn't like any one else. She's different. She's stronger. She's Darker. And really hella emotiona... More

Chapter 3
chapter 25
Untitled Part 28
AN of thanks
Untitled Part 33
Stop the happy tears 😭
The Final Chapter


4.2K 150 13
By ZoomieZoomie324

"Are you sure you want to do this Ter? In front of the whole Slytherin common room?" She asked the fifth year girl.

"Of course! I need to put your ass in its place!" She said with a cocky smirk. Sirius, Severus, Lucio, and Narcissa were all there. Everyone was on the edge of their seats, desperate to see how the match ended up. Hari gave the girl a wide feral smile. Remus stood up and held his wand at arms length.

"Okay, is everyone ready?" The two girls bowed and walked five pases back. Bowing again, they held their wands at the ready, both waiting for someone to move. Hari casted a wandless illusion spell. Lila Ter started seeing images everywhere. Potter suddenly had large black wings and blood red horns. The girl slashed her wand trying to get rid of the image.

"SIT THE FUCK DOWN!" She screamed. Hari let out a crazy laugh. The duel began.

Hari ducked under a rare cutting curse and quickly sent her one bone-smashing hex. It hit the girls finger, and in her distraction Hari was hit with a tripping jinx.

"Empty bitches need water cause I'm gonna give you hell." Hari said with a rage filled smile. The girl sent another group of spells. 'Incarcerous', 'Reducto', 'Remsempra', and 'Relashio'. She was hit with Relashio and Remsempra, destroying her right arm (she was left handed) and giving it a good twisted shape. Hari herself was hit with a hard sound cancelling spell to the ear and a numbing spell on her left fingers. She was right handed.

The duel progressed, slowly getting into darker spells which was making Madam Pomferey sweat. She had been called after the first bone crushing curse was sent out. The old woman watched in morbid fascination as her favorite Slytherin was effortlessly dodging spell after spell.

"I got something for you! CRUCIO!" Hari felt pain rack through her body. Worse than any beating, any heart ache, and pain she had ever felt. She couldn't hear her own screams until suddenly she could. She fell to the floor, exhausted, but she wasn't losing her title as queen. A quick glance showed her friends sobbing and screaming.

"I'm better, aren't I?" Hari snorted and took the hand offered to her, crushing it immediately, rendering her wandless. She screamed in pain.

"It's like the Devil playing with Satan, isn't it?" She asked with an ice cold smile, sending shivers down everyone's spines.

"I'll kill you for this! Avada-" Suddenly her eyes glassed over and she stood very still. Pomferey was crying, Severus was murderous, and Sirius was insanely quiet.

"Bow." When the girl started refusing the imperious Hari held out her wand. "Bow!" The girl struggled a bit. "BOW!" The girl dropped to her knees, head down. She canceled the spell. When the girl tried to stand up again, Hari turned around and stomped her foot, accidentally sending a wave of wild magic towards everyone.

"SIT DOWN!" Ter fell unconscious and Hari turned around to face everyone.

"As you can clearly see, I am the queen of Slytherin. I doubt I could take any seventh years in my state at the moment, but if you want to fight we can fight tomorrow." She turned around when Blackwood started crying.

"Monster! Monster! You're a monster!" Hari turned around with a deadly smirk. She walked closer to the girl, no one daring to get in her way.

"I can smell your fear." She mused. She quickly turned around and walked away. A spell was casted at her, but Whiperjade launched in front of it. The snake hissed and inched closer. Hari wasn't stopping him, and it was scaring the younger girl. Whip brushed his fangs against her thigh before Hari called him off.

"Remember, I'm the definition of the worst kind of mean!" She said with a laugh, before she promptly passed out.


"Do you love me Tom?" Hari asked the boy. Tom nodded and wrapped the girl in a hug.

"Always and forever, my little horcrux." Her smile turned into a frown, then suddenly into an angry glare.

"Is that all I am to you, Tom? A Horcrux that's yours for the taking? That's all you think of me as, isn't it?" Tom was confused. Hari just glared, before her face popped up beside him.

"Do you love me?" Tom was about to respond when he saw it again.

"Do you need me?" Tom screamed yes, but Hari wasn't having it.

"Do you want me?" Tom was practically crying now. Suddenly Draco walked up and took Hari by the hands.

"Do you love me?" He asked. It was calm and distorted, but Hari replied with a happy yes.

"Do you need me?" Always and forever. His words against him.

"Do you want me?" The kiss was hot and heavy, something only Hari and Tom should share. Suddenly Hari had turned to him and raised her wand.

"Avada Kedavr-"

Tom sat up suddenly in his bed, sweat dripping off of him, falling in droplets onto the bed. He quickly entered his mindscape to find Hari sleeping. Shaking her awake he gave her a long kiss. Tongues sliding against each other and lips pressing against everything. Hari stared up sleepily at Tom.

"Promise me you want me and love me. If you want me to stop calling you my little horcrux. Please don't ever leave me alone." Tom sobbed into Hari's head. Hari just rubbed his back not knowing what to do. Hari pulled them both into Hogwarts, using a bunch of Hari's stored Magic. She pulled the sobbing Tom into her bed. She hugged him close and hard, whispering promises into his ears.

"I will always love you Tom. No matter what you do. Even if you cheat, I will still be fully yours. I don't recommend it though." Tom gave a watery chuckle. "I actually like your little nickname for me Tom. Makes me feel special to be honest." She mumbled sleepily. Tom sniffed a little and brought the girl closer, her face laying against his chest.

"Goodnight my little horcrux. I love you." But she was already asleep.


Hari was playing around when she decided to check the Marauder's map. She hissed the password, which she found worked in any language, and started spying on some of her friends. She saw the dots labeled "RON WEASLEY" and "NEVILLE LONGBOTTOM" in what looked like a broom closet. Draco was talking with Terry Boot, his new friend from Ravenclaw, Dumbledore was talking to Professor Lupin, and she wondered what it was about. The full moon was last week, and Professor Lupin was getting a lot better at staying healthy during the days before the full moon. All thanks to Sirius of course. It seemed that Papa, Dad, and Lucio were talking to the minister. Apparently they were looking for a rat animagus that was supposed to be Peter Pettigrew. Hari was all for Voldemort's support, but she hated Peter with a passion only seen in Rage-Murderers.

Hari began looking over the map when she noticed a certain dot- That mother fucker was pretending to be the Gryffindors pet rat. He was fucking scabers. Hari rubbed a hand over her face before she launched down the stairs, map in hand, to Dumbledore's office.

"Dumbledore! I know where Petergrew is!" The man raised his eyebrows and Hari showed him the map. She saw the happy gleam in his eyes seeing the map.

"No you can't have this. My Father, Papa, and Remus made it. It's a family heirloom." Dumbledore let out a sigh, but nodded non the less.

"I will call the minister. Hari, will you go get him?" Hari gave a wide smile and rushed down the stairs. She ran all the way to Gryffindor tower.

"Ah Hello Hari! Come in come in!" Said the Fat Lady as she approached. It seems the woman knew she was in a hurry. She smiled and ran into the room. When she opened the parchment again, she saw Scabbers, uh, Peter, sitting on Neville's bed. She folded the paper away and walked up the dorm stairs, Hogwarts opening the door for her.

"Hey Scabbers!" She said in a happy tone. Said rat poked his head up. Hari sat by the bed and rubbed his furry head. "Ron asked me to get you. Apparently there's a potion to make you more active or something. I don't know what he's talking about. I think you're perfect." Hari cast a wordless stupefy and the rat fell sideways. Hari's eyes widened in fake fear.

"Oh no! Scabbers! Let's get you to Ron!" She scooped up the rat and ran to the headmasters office.

"Here he is sir. One rat animagus." Dumbledore quickly casted the revealing spell, and there stood a rat faced man. It was like watching a speeded-up film of a growing tree. A head was shooting upwards from the ground; limbs were sprouting; next moment, a man was standing where Scabbers had been, cringing and wringing his hands.Hari casted a spell to bind him in ropes.

"Azkaban! Azkaban I say! We should throw him in!" Hari shook her head. She wanted to giggle when he saw her dad restraining Sirius. She got a sad look on his face.

"I don't think he deserves Azkaban Minister." She sent Petigrew a smile.

"Oh Hari! So merciful, just like james. Sirius! Remus! Old pals." The rat faced man began trying to grab at Hari's hands.

"We were no longer friends when you betrayed James and Lily! What about the Marauder's code? Friends before power!" Sirius growled. Peter seemed to coward behind her.

"Why don't you think he deserves Azkaban Hari?" Dumbledore asked. Hari sent a cruel smile at Peter and ripped her hand out of his grasp.

"It's simple, professor! I think we should throw him to the dementors, and give him a Kiss." They all shivered, but Sirius growled and stood by his daughter.

"I second that! No one hurts my family and gets away with it!" And so it was decided. Peter Pettigrew would get the Dementors Kiss.


"C'mon Hermione! I need to get some last minute reviews in! The tests are gonna be tomorrow! I need to be prepared!" Hari whined to the tan girl. She just laughed as they made their way to the library.

"You will be fine. Come on, let's go to the library and play chess with the boys. You need a cool down."

So they spent most of that day arguing about random things, playing gobstones and chess, trying to teach draco to draw. A good way to start exam week.


"Sister!" Said a two year old Cecelia. She chuckled as the girl launched her way into her arms. She patted her face. "Tes?" Hari laughed and nodded.

"What did you get?" Her papa asked as he went into the dining room.

"All O's except in Astronomy and Care. Astronomy is an A and Care is EE." Sirius clapped her on the shoulder, which Lia copied.

"She copies everything. We can't even kiss in front of her. She tried to kiss her bear and then attacked us." Hari laughed and hugged the two year old. She made a face.

"Daddy Pee Pee." Siriussighed and mumbled something suspiciously like 'We did this five minutes ago' and picked her up. Hari launched into a fit of giggles and began eating the breakfast Cupa the house elf and supplied. A soaked Sirius came back into the kitchen with a laughing Severus and giggling Cecelia. She looked at all of them.

"Your dad scared Lia and she threw me into the tub I was filling for her. Let's say i'm suddenly hungry and feel like eating really slow." Hari laughed again and kept eating, biting into a piece of cinnamon toast. A good day.

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