One Temptation

Autorstwa AlmostAngelic844

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Fan fiction based on Love Island The Game. I've switched things up, but in a good way. I hope you all enjoy... Więcej

Day One
Day Two
Day Three
Day Four
Day Five
Day Six
Day Seven
Day Eight
Day Nine
Day Ten
Day Twelve
Day Thirteen
Day Fourteen
Day Fifteen
Day Sixteen
Day Seventeen
Day Eighteen
Day Nineteen
Day Twenty
Day Twenty-One
Day Twenty-Two
Day Twenty-Three
Day Twenty-Four
Day Twenty-Five
Day Twenty-Six
Day Twenty-Seven
Day Twenty-Eight
Day Twenty Nine
Day Thirty

Day Eleven

710 10 6
Autorstwa AlmostAngelic844


You watch the beautiful goth stretch out on the sun lounger as you lift weights. Her fair skin glistened in the sunlight. She reminded you of one of those vampire chicks from the Twilight movies. She was a hottie, even if she wasn't the usual type you went for. You liked her fiery attitude, you liked the way she looked, you liked her brutal honesty. It was such a turn on. But let's be real, you thought all the girls here were hot. Hope's confidence was sexy, Marisol looked like the type of woman to punish you for misbehaving, Priya was a seductress, Hannah had this angelic thing going for her and Brooklyn, well Brooklyn was like the forbidden fruit. The one girl here who had never been deflowered. That was such a hot thought. Taking a girls virginity was a huge deal, because it only happened once, obviously. You drop your weights to the ground and take a sip of your water. You wipe the sweat from your face and toss the towel over your shoulder as you make your way towards the beautiful goth.

"It must be hard being one of the other girls." You say to her as you take a seat on the lounger beside hers.

She lowers her sunglasses down the bridge of her nose. "Why's that?" She smirks at you.

"Because you're clearly the hottest bird here. I bet they get all sorts of jealous."

"Tell me Jakub, I'm curious, do those lines actually work for you?"

"They ain't lines, bae. And yes." You give her a sexy smirk. "One hundred percent of the time."

She lets out a laugh. "Well you're barking up the wrong tree babes. I'm not interested."

"I think you're lying." You say with a smirk.

"I don't lie. In case you haven't noticed, I don't hold my tongue." She stares at you, her hypnotic green eyes piercing into yours.

"And in case you haven't noticed, I'm used to getting what I want and what I want is to get to know you. You don't scare me bae."

She chuckles and shakes her head. "That's the corniest thing I've ever heard."

You sit there and stare at her, a small smile playing at the corner of your lips.

She sighs. "Fine. Go on, tell me about yourself." She rolls her hand in the air as if to tell you to get on with it. She wanted to come off as callous and harsh, but you could tell by the glimmer in her eye, the flirtatious look on her face, that she did in fact want to know more about you.

"Well, like I said last night, I'm a professional bodybuilder. I do a lot of modeling, commercials, magazines, stuff like that. I'm also a personal trainer. I could teach you how to do a proper pull up." You smirk at her causing her to laugh.

"You saw that tragedy, huh?"

"I did." You smile. "Everyone has to start somewhere. I could help you develop some upper body strength."

"I'll consider it." She says with a shrug, giving you a small smile.

"Tell me about yourself." You say to her as you lean forward slightly.

"That's a bit broad. What do you want to know?" She says as she examines her painted black nails.


"Oh, you're a smooth talker, aren't you?" She says to you with a smirk.

"Nah, no smooth talking. I just want to know everything about you. You're hot, I'm hot. We should get to know each other better." You make your pecs jump bringing forth a ring a laughter from the beautiful goth.

"How incredibly shallow of you." She says through her fit of laughter.

You give her a sexy smile. "Just being honest. You're a bit of me."

"You don't even know me."

"Well I would if you'd go on and tell me about yourself." You say to her as you lean back slightly, your stomach muscles flexing in the hot sun. You watch as her eyes give your body a onceover. She was trying to act uninterested, but you could tell you had her attention. Women like Lottie, they needed a man who didn't back down and lucky for her, you had no intention of letting her scare you away.

"Well, I'm a makeup artist from Australia..."

You stop her. "I know all that... I meant the real Lottie. What makes you tick? What are you looking for here?" You lock eyes with her.

"I'm looking for the same thing the other girls are, babes. I'm looking for a prince to sweep me off my feet." She says with an amused smile.

You let out a laugh. "You're full of shit. You and I both know you don't want no prince." You smirk.

"Is that right?"

"You heard me." You say, biting your lip.

"Then tell me Jakub, what is it that I want?"

"A woman like you needs a beast. Someone who won't run off scared like a twat every time you get a little pissy. Someone who has no problem putting you in your place, giving you a little run for your money."

She turns moves her sunglasses to her head and turns towards you, planting her tattooed feet on the pavement, her eyes locking on yours. "Let me guess, you're that beast huh?"

You lean forward, leaving just inches between your faces. "I reckon I am, and I think you know it."

Her lips turn up into a sexy smile, a hint of danger in her piercing green eyes. "I think it's a bit presumptuous of you to assume that I like you."

"I saw how you were looking at me last night. You couldn't keep your eyes off me." You wink as you give her a wide smile.

She breaks into a fit of laughter. "Oh babes, come off it! You were the one who couldn't take your eyes off me."

"You only noticed because you were looking at me bae. Admit it." You laugh.

"I'll admit nothing of the sort." She says, shaking her head at you. She grabs the bottle of sunblock and begins to apply it to her fair skin.

"Turn around, I'll get your back." You say as you extend your hand, waiting for her to squirt the lotion into your palm. She stares at you for a second, her eyes narrowing slightly, before she finally squirts a small amount of sunblock into your hand and turns around. She takes her long blond hair in her hand and sweeps it to her shoulder. Your softly begin to rub the lotion into her fair skin, making sure to coat her back evenly.

"I like your tattoos." You say as you hold your hand out for another squirt of sunblock. She obliges and you continue rubbing the lotion onto her back.

"Ugh, you're not going to ask me to tell you what they all mean are you?" She asks.

You let out laugh. "Nah, I don't really care what they mean, I just think they look hot." You trace your finger down one of them.

She glances over her shoulder. "Good, because I wasn't going to tell you."

"I don't need a backstory on your ink." You let out a small laugh as you trail your fingers softly down her skin, making her shiver.

"Fair." She says as she repositions herself on her lounger, giving you a small smirk.

You turn your attention to the villa as you hear the doors open. Brooklyn walks towards the two of you and takes a seat on the lounger opposite Lottie.

"Hey babes." The pretty goth gives her a smile.

"Hey gorgeous." Brooklyn says back with a wink. "I don't know about you, but I feel like hell."

"You were a party animal last night." Lottie says to her with a laugh. "Shot queen over here." She looks at you, nodding her head towards the brunette.

"Ain't no shame in having a bit of fun." You say with a smirk. "She wasn't the only one I noticed getting a little dirty on the dancefloor. I reckon the two of you put on a bit of a show." You say to the girls with a wink.

Brooklyn blushes. "What can I say? Lottie's a sexy bitch."

"That, I am." The pretty goth flashes a huge smile.

"So how are you liking the villa so far, Jakub?" Brooklyn asks as she rubs sunblock over her tanned legs. She had killer legs. You couldn't lie. They were toned and just downright sexy. She was fit.

"It's nice. I stayed in a place like this last summer for a shoot I was doing."

"Lucky you." She smiles. "I've never stayed in a place this fancy before."

The girls chat for a bit as you all roast in the hot afternoon sun.

"Hey all!" Chelsea squeals as she skips towards the three of you. She makes her way over to Brooklyn and plops down on her lounger. "Look at you, lookin all hot to trot." She says to her with a giggle.

"Hey girl." The brunette gives her a killer smile.

"This is so amazing! The sun is out, the company is perfect! What more could a girl want?" Chelsea beams.

"Are you always this chipper?" The pretty goth asks with a smirk.

"I'm all about positivity girly." She says enthusiastically.

"Brooklyn! So I was thinking that when we get outta here, we totally need to get together. I'll plan a little shindig in London. We're gonna have a girls night!" The bubbly blonde's energy radiated from her body. "You're invited too, Lottie! We're gonna go out out and have a blast blast!"

The pretty goth rolls her eyes towards you, bringing a smile to your face.

"That sounds like fun." Brooklyn says with a smile.

"Totes! What's your poison? Beer? Champagne? I love me a good Gin and Tonic." She claps her hands together. "I bet you like champagne, right? Like, you're so classy! I could totes see you as a bubbly type of girl!"

"I'm not picky."

"See! That's what I love about you! You just roll with it. You're so chill."

Brooklyn lets out a laugh. "I love your enthusiasm babe."

"I haven't even had my coffee yet!" The bubbly blonde squeals.

"Let's try to take it down a notch." Lottie says as she closes her eyes and lays back on the sun lounger. "I'm trying to focus my energies here."

"Oops, sorry Lottie! Don't mind me!" The blonde shrieks.

Lottie gives the bubbly blonde a cold stare. You let out a laugh.

"Alright, I'm gonna take a dip. Lottie, fancy a swim?" You smile at the pretty goth.

"I think I'm just gonna lay here and enjoy the sunshine." She says with a smirk.

"Aw, come on. You know you want to."

She turns her face to yours, a small smile at the corner of her lips. "I'm good right here."

"Suit yourself. Chat more later, yea?" You stand up and grab your water bottle.

"We'll see." She says nonchalantly.

"Nice. I'll take that as a yes." You flash her a smile and stroll towards the pool, giving her a wink.

"Catch you later, bae."


"Guys! I've got a text!" You exclaim. "I've been waiting to get the chance to yell that out."

The islanders all make their way over to the kitchen as you read the text aloud. "Jakub and Chelsea, as the new arrivals to the villa, we found it only fair to allow you each to have some one-on-one time with some of your mates. Both of you will choose two islanders to take on a date with you today. #LetsGetToKnowEachOther."

"Dates!" You cheer happily. "Okay so I already know who I want to take. The first boy I'd like to take on a date is Bobby!"

The cute baker flashes you a huge smile. "I'd love to go on a date with you, Chelsea." You beam back at him.

"The second islander I'd like to take on a date is Lucas!"

Hope lets out a huff which brings a smile to Lucas' face. "Sounds like fun." He says with a broad smile.

"I promise I'll bring him back in one piece." You smile at Hope. She crosses her arms and shrugs. "Jakub, you're up!" You say to the bodybuilder.

He casts his eyes around at the girls. "The first girl I'd like to take on a date is Lottie. No question."

The pretty goth stands there, arms crossed, a smirk on her face. "I suppose I could go on a date with you."

"Don't want to seem too eager, huh? That's alright bae. I get it." He gives her a flirty wink making her break into a fit of laughter. "The second girl I'd like to take on a date is Priya."

The bombshell flashes him a killer smile. "I'd love to."

Another chime rings out across the lawn and you read it out. "Chelsea and Jakub, please get ready to leave the villa in fifteen minutes with your first dates of the day."

You bound off towards the villa excitedly and make your way to the dressing room. You grab a pink tube top and a jean skirt and slide them on. You give yourself a once over running your fingers through your wavy blonde hair and add a bit of gloss to your lips. You blow yourself a kiss in the mirror and make your way downstairs, where you find Bobby waiting for you on the couch. He stands up as you approach him.

"Wow, you look great!" He says as he extends his arm. "Shall we?"

"Such a gentleman!" You squeal pulling out a laugh from the adorable baker.

The two of you walk outside and climb into the jeep and head off to your date. The trip doesn't take more than ten minutes. The jeep stops and you both hop out and make your way down to a little table set up on the beach.

"Wow, this is gorgeous!" You say as you take Bobby's hand, dragging him excitedly towards the table.

He pulls out your chair and you sit down, placing a napkin in your lap. He takes a seat opposite you and grabs the champagne bottle, popping the cork effortlessly.

"Let's make a toast!" He says, a smile spread across his face.

"To a lovely date!" You cheer as the two of you clink glasses. You take a long sip, savoring the taste of the delicious liquid.

The two of you tuck into the food laid out before you. There were olives, meats and cheeses and some fruit. You take a little bit of each and dig in.

"It's so nice to get some headspace away from the villa." He smiles as he eats.

"I bet. You've had a rough few days from what it looked like." You say as you take a bite. "Or at least that's how it came across on the telly."

The bakers cheeks turn a slight shade of red. "Yea, I've been a bit of an asshole." He says through a laugh.

"I wouldn't say that." You shake your head. "But you know, you're gonna have to tell her how you feel at some point."

He stares at you, a smile playing at his lips. "Tell who how I feel?"

"Hannah, silly." You laugh. "Oh, come on! It's so obvious that you like her babe. It's nothing to be ashamed of. She's gorgeous and she really likes you."

"I don't know about all that." He says with a laugh. "She seems to have really hit it off with Rocco." He says the wanderers name with such distaste. "I'm nothing but a morsel in the back of her mind now." He says as he takes a long sip of his champagne.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that." You smile.

"What do you mean?" He asks, inquisitively.

"Well, it's obvious that she really likes you. You've just been so oblivious to it." You give him a pointed stare. "You really haven't noticed?"

"Nah, not at all."

You shake your head at him. "You boys can be so blind sometimes. She lights up whenever you come into a room. She even said in the beach hut."

He leans back in his chair and runs a hand through his short dreads. "I don't know. I do like her. She's a great girl. She's smart and funny and incredibly sweet."

"And drop dead gorgeous." You add.

"Yea, that too." He smiles. "But whatever feelings she had, those are in the past. She's with Rocco now."

"So what?"

"What do you mean so what?" He laughs.

"Exactly what I said!" You giggle. "If you like her, then you owe it to her to tell her. I have a feeling that she's only going for Rocco because she feels like she doesn't have a shot with you."

"How many glasses of champagne have you had today?" He chuckles. "I think you might be reading a little too much into it."

"Trust me. The signs are all there. She adores you Bobby."

"Why are you telling me all this? You picked me to go on this date, why are we spending time talking about Hannah?"

"Because I picked you so that I could give you the kick in the ass that you deserve." You say as you place your fork down on your plate. "Hannah is amazing. You're amazing. The two of you would be amazing together. She likes you Bobby. You just need to open your eyes and do something about it before..." You pause.

"Before what?" His hazel eyes burn into yours.

"Before Rocco steals her heart away from you. It's only a matter of time babe." You give him a small smile. "He likes her, Bobby. More than any of the other girls here. Consider this conversation like a warning of sorts... If you don't make your move soon, you're going to miss out on a chance with someone who is absolutely perfect for you."

"We're just so opposite. Sometimes I feel like we're on completely different wavelengths." He says as he shuffles his food around with his fork.

"Opposites aren't a bad thing. You two compliment each other well. You're so loud and out there, and Hannah, well she's a bit more reserved and quiet, but some of the best relationships are based off of two people who balance each other out. You don't have to date your exact replica. That would be so... boring. The differences between your personalities, well that's what makes a relationship exciting."

"I don't know... It's all so confusing really." He shakes his head. "I do really like her. It's like, it came out of nowhere. Took me by surprise, but we're such good friends. I don't want to mess that up."

"You're not going to mess it up by being honest with her, but you will mess it up if you keep taking jabs and patronizing her about Rocco. Look, I'm not trying to pry..."

He lets out a laugh. "It seems like you might be, just a little bit."

"Okay, well maybe I am. But it's only because you're one of my favorite people in the villa! I don't want to see you lose her." You smile warmly. "But enough about her. I've said my peace. Hopefully you take it to heart and think about what I said."

"Yes mother." He gives you a smirk. "I'll think about it, I promise."

The two of you continue eating and having small talk. He tells you about his life back home and you tell him about your life as an interior decorator. Time goes by quickly and before you know it, the two of you were being summoned back to the jeep. You both pile in and stare out the windows as you drive back, both of you in a food coma of sorts. You arrive back at the villa. Bobby climbs out first and extends his hand to you, helping you down from the jeep. The two of you enter the villa and head out to the lawn where the other islanders were waiting.

"They're back!" Priya yells to the others.

Everyone makes their way over to the two of you wanting to know where you went, what you did, the whole lot.

"Let's just say that it was very informative." Bobby flashes you a smile.

"What's that supposed to mean? That sounds vague." Lottie asks him.

"I'll talk to you about it later, Lozza." He says to the pretty goth.

She gives him a wink.

You make you way over to Brooklyn and Hannah. The three of you stroll over towards the daybeds. You had planned on talking to Hannah about your conversation with Bobby, but Rocco had interrupted and the two of them took off towards the roof terrace.

"So, I take it you two had a nice time?" Brooklyn asks, a smile on her face.

"Yea, he's so nice. But that's not why I picked him. I know all about Operation Bobby." You give her a wink. "I took him so that I could tell him to stop being such an idiot and admit his feelings for Hannah already."

"They're perfect for each other." The pretty brunette says to you as she looks over at Bobby.

"I know! He likes her, I've seen it. I can't really go into it since it's kind of the rules of the show, with me basically having outsider information and all, but he has been straight up flipping out ever since she picked Rocco."

"Really?!" Her eyes wide.

"Yes! He likes her. He's just too dumb to admit it to her." You say with a sigh.

"She really likes him, but she also likes Rocco a bit too. They've really hit it off which was a bit surprising. He's been so nonchalant about any of the girls up until now." She says to you.

"Yea, he seems to actually have feelings for her." You glance towards Bobby. "If Bobby doesn't do something quick, it's gonna be too late."

She nods in agreement with you.

"But enough about them. You and Henrik... Oh my God babes! You two are so adorbs together!" You beam at her.

The pretty brunette blushes. "Yea, he's such a great guy."

"I felt so bad for you when I saw the fallout between you and Gary. I've been Team Brooklyn since day one, so I'm happy to see you smiling again." You give her a soft smile.

"Thanks, Chelsea. That means a lot." She glances towards Gary and Henrik over with the others. "I can't lie. It's been hard. A part of me still has feelings for Gary."

"Aw, honey... Of course! Feelings don't just go away overnight."

"It almost feels unfair to Henrik. He's done nothing but make sure I'm comfortable, he's such a sweetheart. Through everything, he's been so supportive." She says to you as she looks down at her hands. "I'm not sure I deserve him."

"You deserve everything babes. I mean that from the bottom of my heart. Henrik is lucky to have you. What Gary did was horrible, but the universe has a way of giving us a hard kick in the right direction." You place your hand on top of hers and rub her skin affectionately. "Henrik is a real catch, girly."

"I think Henrik saw me flirting with Gary last night. I've tried so hard to stay away from him, but last night... The alcohol kind of got the best of me." She looks up at you, tears in her eyes.

"Oh babe, I'm sure even if he did, he didn't think anything of it. The bottles were poppin, the music was going. Parties are always filled with a flirty atmosphere. I wouldn't stress too much about it. Henrik knows that you've been hurt, and he's seems like the kind of guy who isn't going to let a flirty conversation with Gary stand in the way of what you two have together."

She wipes her face, brushing the tears from her cheeks. "I suppose. It just doesn't seem right to have to force him to deal with the emotional rollercoaster known as Brooklyn."

"He's not being forced to deal with anything babe. You're a total catch. You could ask him to walk through fire for you and he'd still think it's worth it. He's absolutely smitten with you."

She looks up at you, her beautiful honey brown eyes glistening. "Thank you, Chelsea."

"You don't have to thank me. You're my girl now. If you need anything, you just let me know." You pull her into a hug and squeeze her tight.

The two of you are interrupted as Henrik approaches.

"Hey ladies, how goes it?" His face quickly changes when his eyes fall on Brooklyn. "Babe, what's wrong?"

He takes a seat on the daybed next to her and runs his hand up her back.

"I'll let you two talk." You give them both a smile and head off towards the others. You prayed that you were right about Henrik. It was obvious that Brooklyn still had feelings for Gary, but you knew that Henrik could win her over completely if he wanted to, you just hoped that Henrik was up for the challenge.


"Talk to me, Brooklyn. What's wrong? Why are you crying?" You rub the back of the beautiful brunettes long dark hair and hug her tight, feeling her body tremble against you.

She sits back and wipes the tears from her skin. Her honey brown eyes glistened, her nose red.

"Babe, talk to me." You run your hand along the side of her face. "Have I done something to upset you?"

She shakes her head. "No, not at all." She sniffles. "Last night, I acted..." She lets out another soft sob.

"Hey, it's okay." You scoot closer to her and wrap your arms around her small waist, burying your head in her hair. "Don't cry. Just tell me what's bothering you. Whatever it is, you can tell me."

"I owe you an apology." She says through a sob.

You look at her, your gaze soft. "An apology? For what?"

"Last night... when I was talking... Flirting with Gary. It was wrong and completely unfair to you and I'm so sorry." She says as she fidgets with her hands.

"Is that all?" You place your finger under her chin, bringing her eyes to yours, a sweet smile on your face. "Babe, you don't have to apologize because you get a bit flirty when you drink."

"But I do. It was inappropriate and given our history... It wasn't right for me to act that way. I shouldn't have disrespected you like that."

"You didn't disrespect me, and you don't owe me any apologies, babe. I trust you, Brooklyn. I know your last boyfriend was possessive and controlling, but you don't have to be scared of that with me. I'm not the type to get all jealous just because you happen to have some flirty banter with your ex. That's not me. You don't ever have to worry about that with me."

"So, you're not angry with me?" She says to you, her honey brown eyes searching yours. "I completely understand if you want to call it quits. I wouldn't blame you." Her eyes well up with tears again and her voice cracks.

She looked so vulnerable. You had seen her talking with Gary last night and you could tell there was a bit of a playful, flirty vibe between the two of them, but you hadn't let it bother you. There was no point in wasting time getting jealous. You weren't the kind of guy to let that sort of stuff bother you. She may have been flirting with Gary, but it was you she was dancing all over, it was you she was kissing, and it was you she couldn't keep her hands off of. If she wanted Gary, all she had to do was say the word. The guy was like puddy in her hands, but she didn't want him. She wanted you.

"No way. You and Gary have history. I knew that when I came in." You cup her face in your hands, wiping her tears with your thumbs. "I know that you still have some feelings for him and I'm okay with that. It would be unreasonable for me to expect you to just be able to turn them off." You place a soft kiss on her lips. "I like you, Brooklyn. A lot. And until you tell me to, I'm not going anywhere."

"Really? You mean that?" She looks at you with her big beautiful eyes, relief in her voice.

You smile at her. "Absolutely. I'm not going anywhere, Brooklyn. No chance." Your fingers stroke her cheeks softly.

She wraps her arms around your neck as you pull her into your lap. "I'm still sorry babe." She whispers.

"You have nothing to be sorry about. I promise. Besides, I kinda like flirty Brooklyn. I don't mind the others having a little taste of what I have, as long as I'm the one you're cuddling up with at night."

She brings her eyes to yours, a small smile on her lips. "You kinda like flirty Brooklyn?"

"Okay, I like flirty Brooklyn... a lot." You give her a soft kiss on her lips. "And like I said." You kiss her lips again, letting your tongue tease her just a bit. "As long as it's me you're in bed with, we're good." You rub your nose softly against hers as she runs her fingers through your long blonde hair.

"You've stepped right out of one of those romance novels." She says as she rests her hands at the nape of your neck.

"Does the story have a happy ending?" You ask, a small smile on your face.

"Henrik?!" Her eyes go wide as she breaks into a fit of laughter.

"Not that kind of happy ending." You chuckle. "That is, unless that's what you want." You give her your over-the-top wink causing her to giggle even more.

"I'm a lucky girl." She says as she places her forehead against yours.

"I agree." You give her a charming smile, pulling out more laughter from the beautiful brunette. "I'm pretty lucky myself."

"Just pretty lucky?" Her eyes lock on yours as she pulls her face away and softly bites her lip.

You move your face closer and brush your lips softly against hers. "I'm the luckiest guy in the world. I have the most beautiful woman on the planet in my lap." You say against her lips.

"Smooth talker." Her warm breath on your lips makes your skin prickle with goosebumps.

"Guilty." You reply as you let your lips linger near hers, just barely touching, the charge of electricity between them was almost unbearable.

"How long do you think you can go without kissing me?" She whispers into your mouth as she trails her fingers down the sides of your neck and onto your chest.

"Are we having another competition?" You smile.

"Babe, I'm a virgin. Between the two of us, I'm clearly the winner in terms of delayed gratification." Her words came out so sensual, so enticing. You felt the blood rush to your length.

"Delayed gratification, huh?"

"Yes." She grazes her teeth softly against your lip. "I'm a master at it." Her hands continued their way down your chest slowly, making their way to your stomach. Your muscles tensed under her soft touch.

"I'm okay with losing this one." Before she could respond, your lips crash against hers, your tongue parting her mouth and finding its way in. Her lips tasted salty from her tears as your tongues danced against each other. You hug her body against yours and kiss along her jawline, making your way down the side of her neck, pulling out a soft moan from her as she wraps her arms around you. Her fingers played with the hair at the nape of your neck, sending a shiver through your spine. You could feel yourself getting more and more turned on as you tasted her skin, felt her body pressing up against yours. You move your mouth back to hers and kiss her slow, savoring the feeling of her plump lips against yours as you lean her back onto the daybed. You lay beside her and pull her close cupping her face in your hand as you kiss her again softly, before pulling away. You prop yourself up on your elbow and smile down at the beautiful woman beside you. She takes your hand in hers and brings it to her mouth, placing a soft kiss on your knuckles. You loved how sweet and loving and affectionate she was.

"I meant what I said. I'm really lucky that I met you." She gives you a sweet smile.

"I'm the lucky one. The second I saw you on tv, I knew you were a bit of me, and at that moment, I knew I had to get on the show. I needed to meet you." You give her a sexy smirk.

"So you came all the way here just to meet me?"

"Well I applied long before it aired, but when I saw you, I started harassing the producers until they finally gave in." You give her a wink.

"Lies!" She says as she bursts into a fit of laughter.

"It's true! Well most of it." You laugh. "I didn't have to beg them to let me on the show, but up until the moment I laid eyes on you, I didn't care whether I got picked or not. Seeing you, well that changed everything for me."

"Henrik was smitten." She says giggling.

You smirk at her. "One hundred percent."

She smiles warmly as she brings her hand to your face, stroking your cheek. "I'm glad I made a good impression on you."

She snuggles into your chest, wrapping her arms around your waist, her fingers drawing shapes on the skin of your back. You bring your hand to her waist and run it slowly over her side. Her skin was warm and slightly damp from the humidity of the island.

You lean your face down towards hers and skim your lips over the outer edge of her ear. "You made the best impression." She lets out a small giggle, her skin prickling with goosebumps. You smile against her as she digs her fingers into your back, her body shivering at your breath on her ear. You place soft kisses below her ear, slowly making your way down the side of her neck. You could feel her pulse speed up as your lips lingered on her neck, your warm breath hitting against her skin. You trail your tongue lower across her collarbone.

She pulls you on top of her and wraps her legs around your waist, digging her heels into your backside, pulling you closer. You grab the sheet and pull it over the both of you to shield yourselves from the cameras and the eyes of the other islanders. She kisses you passionately, digging her nails into the taut muscles of your back as she lets out a soft moan.

"You're so sexy and beautiful." You say into her mouth as you softly bite her bottom lip. Her honey eyes were filled with passion and lust, her lips pink and plump from the kiss. You softly brush your lips against hers before going back in, your tongues finding each other once again. She moves her body against yours underneath you, causing a jolt of pleasure in your length. "You're also a bit naughty I see." You say with a small laugh, as you lean up, looking into her eyes.

"You have no idea." She purrs.

"Enlighten me." You say as you place another kiss on her soft lips. "You have my attention."

"I'm not an angel, Henrik. I can be bad sometimes." She runs her tongue over your jawline. "I might not be as experienced as some of the others..." You swallow hard as she bites you on the side of your neck, surprising you and sending a jolt to your length. "But I have needs." She says, barely a whisper as her tongue trails the outer edge of your ear. She focuses her honey brown eyes on yours. "I can be a very bad girl when I want to be."

Her words send another surge to your length and you kiss her hard. She was driving you insane. You wanted to be inside of her so bad, but you knew now wasn't the time to be thinking along those lines. It was too soon to be thinking about going all the way with her, but she was making that very difficult for you. She moves her body against you once more, letting out a soft moan into your mouth. You felt like you were on fire, both of your bodies slick with sweat from the summer heat and the sheet overtop of you. She digs her heels harder into your backside, pushing your erection harder into the fabric of her bathing suit. You prop yourself on your elbows and stare into her gorgeous eyes.

"You're making it hard for me to think about not having sex with you." You say with a laugh.

She gives you a smirk and trails her fingertips down your sides and grabs you by the waistband of your swim trunks, pulling you closer.

"I can tell." She says with a playful smile.

You slowly begin to move your hips against her. You were so turned on and there was no way to hide it. She moves her hips in rhythm with yours, a soft moan escaping her lips. Your eyes were locked on hers and it felt incredibly intimate.

"Are you sure this is okay? I don't want to do anything you might regret." You whisper to her as your finger caresses the sides of her neck.

"I want this." She says as she continues to move her sex against your length. "I feel pent up. I need this, Henrik."

That was all she had to say. Even if you couldn't have sex with her, you wanted to make her feel good. You grind your length harder against her, speeding up the pace a little. She bites her lip, letting out a quiet moan of pleasure as she closes her eyes and tilts her head back, giving you access to her neck. You place soft kisses on her salty skin making sure to keep up the pace, your hard erection pushed hard against her sex as she wrapped her legs tighter around you. She knotted her hands in your hair, her breathing becoming faster as her body began to slightly shake beneath you. Her sounds of pleasure were like a drug that you couldn't get enough of. She was so incredibly sexy and you felt high off of her. You wanted her to feel good. You wanted to be the reason she felt good. You grind harder against her, a guttural moan escaping your throat. You had to be careful. The last thing you needed was to unload in your trunks. That would be almost impossible to hide. You bring your eyes back to hers. She lets out another moan before gripping your back, her nails digging into your skin bringing forth sensations of both pleasure and pain as she trails them down your back, pulling you down to her. She kisses you passionately before burying her face in your neck as her body releases. You could feel her sex pulsating against your length, her body trembling. She lets out soft whimpers against your skin as she desperately tries to keep quiet. You slow it down as you nuzzle your face against hers, kissing her wet skin.

"You're incredible, you know that? Hands down, the sexiest woman ever created. No question." You say to her as you pull the sheet from over your heads, allowing a wave of fresh air to overtake the two of you. She looked so content. Her eyes sparkled like pools of honey, her shoulders glistened as the sun bounced around on her skin through the hydrangea bushes, her cheeks were flushed a bright pink and her hair stuck to the side of her neck with sweat. She was stunning.

She smiles at you sweetly as she wipes the sweat from your face. "No babe, you're the incredible one. I'm so lucky to be coupled up with you." She places a soft kiss on your lips.

You slowly lift your body off hers and sit up, adjusting yourself so you didn't show off your massive erection to the islanders. The hot summer breeze felt like a relief to your burning skin. Brooklyn adjusts her bathing suit bottoms and sits up next to you, running her hands through her sweat ridden hair, before pulling it up and twisting it into a bun on the top of her head. She positions herself behind you and takes your long hair in her hands, twisting it up, allowing the breeze to hit the back of your neck. It was such a simple thing, but it felt endearing and intimate in a way that you couldn't explain. You stand up and take her hand in yours, pulling her to her feet as you wrap your arms around her waist.

"I don't know about you, but I need to cool off. Let's go for a swim." She nods in agreement as you kiss her softly on her lips before turning to lead her towards the pool.

A small gasp escapes her mouth. You turn to face her. "What's wrong?" You ask, puzzled.

"Oh my God, your back. I clawed you." She covers her mouth, her cheeks blushing a furious red.

"Hey, I don't mind." You give her a cheeky smile.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." She looks at her hands. "I'll cut my nails. I'm so sorry."

You wrap your arms around her waist and pull her close to you. "Don't apologize. Any marks you leave on me during orgasms, are welcomed in my book." She lets out a giggle as you kiss her softly. "That means I'm doing it right."

"The boys are gonna give you so much shit." She laughs.

You shrug. "Let'em. Doesn't bother me. I don't kiss and tell." You brush your lips against hers again. She wraps her arms around you and hugs you tight.

"Thank you, Henrik." She says with a smile.

"For what? Just being me or that little gift back there on the daybeds?" A huge grin spreads across your face.

She playfully pushes you away. "Stop it! You're making me blush!"

"Looks like one of us got that happy ending after all." You chuckle as you grab her wrist and throw her over your shoulder, before running full pelt towards the pool. The sound of her beautiful laughter ringing out across the lawn made your heart feel full. You leap into the deep end, the two of you plunging deep into the cool water. You surface and swim towards her. She wraps her legs around your waist and leans back, arms outstretched over the surface of the water, a content smile on her face. She was perfect. 

And you couldn't remember a day in your life when you felt this happy.


You lay on the couch with your legs resting around Rocco's stomach, who was comfortably positioned between them, his head resting against your chest. You run your fingers through his unruly cinnamon hair as he rubs your skin affectionately. You had been pleasantly surprised to find that the two of you just sorta clicked. He was romantic and passionate. You loved hearing about his travels and all the places he wanted to take you. For the first time since you arrived in the villa, you felt like you belonged here, like you belonged to someone. Bobby still had a your heart, but Rocco, the two of you were growing closer the more time you spent together. He was interested in what you had to say. He genuinely enjoyed hearing about your love of books and asked you questions, he wanted to hear your story. He had been making an effort to get to know you and made you feel wanted. You had spent the first week pining after Bobby, making yourself available whenever he wanted to hang out. You had lent your ear whenever he needed someone to talk to. You had made yourself one hundred percent available to him in the hopes that something would flourish there, that just maybe, he would realize how much he felt for you and give you a chance. He had shut you out emotionally when the two of you had been coupled up. He didn't take the time to get to know you. All he had done was give you a half-assed excuse as to why you wouldn't work as a couple. He assumed you were this innocent, naïve girl from St. Albans who was too inexperienced to know what love was. If he had taken the time to get to know the real Hannah, the Hannah underneath the innocent looking exterior, he would have found out that you were anything but innocent. Sure, you had your ideologies about love and about what you wanted. You wanted to be swept off your feet, there was nothing wrong with that. But you were also looking for a man who could introduce you to new things, a man who would peel your layers, help you explore your deepest fantasies, someone who would turn your pages and dig deeper into your story instead of basing everything on what your cover looked like. You were no angel. Far from it. None of the other girls could say that they had landed a job with a large modeling agency and been offered a chance to do a spread for Playboy UK. During that time, your life was full of parties, drinking and drugs galore. You were living a life of carelessness, staying out all night, hardly eating or sleeping. You had been introduced to cocaine by a boy you were dating and had quickly plummeted into a downward spiral. By the young age of nineteen you had hit rock bottom, spending two months at a rehab facility in Oxford. You lost your modeling contract. You lost your apartment. You lost everything. The word to describe you was anything but innocent. You came here in the hopes of finding someone you could share yourself with, all of yourself. Your triumphs and your setbacks. You had thought Bobby was that man. He gave you feelings in your stomach like you had never experienced before. He was incredibly sexy and arrogant at times, he radiated confidence which you adored. He was so loud and out there and that turned you on. You had wanted him, and you wanted him to want you back. Sure, he had shown a bit of a jealous streak since you and Rocco had coupled up. Marisol had hit the nail on the head with that one, and last night, he had danced with you like the two of you were the only people in the villa. You run your fingers over your ear at the memory of his mouth lingering there, his hot breath coming out in waves against your skin as he had moved his body against the back of you. It had taken every bit of strength you had not to drag him to the beach hut. But then after the dance, he went back to being the same old Bobby, and you wondered if that dance actually meant anything to him, or if it was just to get a rise out of Rocco? He was confusing and you couldn't read him. One minute he was flirting with you and the next he was treating you like his kid sister. You didn't have the headspace for it anymore, and lets be honest, Chelsea had a thing for Bobby. That was obvious when she picked him for a date today. He didn't seem to mind either. You had to accept the fact that there was never going to be a reality where you and Bobby were together, an actual couple, that killed you, but you needed to be okay with that. You had Rocco and you were happy for the first time since you got here.

"I was thinking when we leave here, I'd like to come out to St. Albans and visit. See where you live, how you spend your day to day." Rocco says, looking up at you, his emerald green eyes squinting, a wide smile spread across his beautiful face.

"I'd love that!" You say as you place a kiss on the tip of his nose. "It's an adorable little town. I think you'd like it." You smile adoringly at him. "Maybe you'd even want to stay for a bit?"

"Or, you could always come out on the road with me for a few months. Take some time off work. Explore a little."

"Sweetie, I'll be going back to work after having a month off already." You say with a giggle.

"Ah, what's a few more months?" He turns over to face you, pulling you down the couch until he positions himself above you. He gives you a gentle kiss on your lips. "Besides, we're all basically going to be like celebrities once we leave here. Who knows what opportunities will come knocking once this is over?"

"I didn't even think of that! That's so exciting!" You say with a smile.

"I love how happy you get over the tiniest things." He says to you with a smirk.

"Being a celebrity isn't exactly a tiny thing, sweets. That's huge!" You giggle.

"I suppose you're right." He smiles down at you, his cinnamon locks hanging around his face.

You run your hand across his jawline. "I bet all the ladies are going to be hitting you up on the gram. They'll be sliding into your DM's."

"Let them. I'm not interested now that I've met you."

"Rocco, where do you see this going? How are we going to make this work once we leave here?" You say, a sad smile on your face. "With you living well, basically everywhere, and me being all the way in St. Albans, how will we ever see each other?"

"We'll have to make time to see each other, that's all. You can come out on the road with me, I'll visit you in England. If two people want the same thing, there isn't anything that can stand in the way of that." He climbs off of you and leans back against the couch cushions.

"What's wrong? Did I say something wrong?" You ask as you sit up.

"No, no. Nothing like that. It's just..." He runs his hands through his hair. "I really like you, Hannah. I feel like you and I just get each other. You're absolutely beautiful, you say all the right things, I feel like you and I connect on a much deeper level than I have with any other woman I've dated in the past."

"I like you too, Rocco." You say with a small smile.

"I'm drawn to you. When I'm around you, I feel like the world and everything in it just makes sense." He sighs. "I have to be honest, that scares me a little. I didn't expect to feel this way. You kinda caught me off guard."

"I know what you mean." You lean forward and bring your knees to your chest, wrapping your arms around them. "I didn't expect you and I to be the next hot romance here in the villa if I'm completely honest. You took me by surprise. The last few days, well, they've been incredible." You smile sweetly at him. "At first, it scared me. You and I were kind of in the same position. Bobby had pied me off, Marisol had pied you off, everyone else was kind of partnered up, officially and unofficially. I always thought you were attractive, but I never thought you'd actually go for being coupled up with me. I was scared that it would be another Bobby situation with you wishing you were coupled with someone else."

He shakes his head at you. "I'm going to speak freely here, and I hope I don't offend you because I know you and Bobby are friends... Bobby is an asshole. He's cocky and arrogant. The way he treated you when you were together was terrible. I genuinely felt bad for you and I'm really sorry that I didn't couple up with you that night when it came down between you and Marisol."

You shake your head at him. "You don't have to apologize. You and Marisol had sparks, I can't fault you for going with what your heart wanted."

"That's the thing though, it was never a matter of the heart with Marisol. Marisol and I had a strong physical attraction, but we were complete opposites. While you and I are different, we're alike in a lot of ways." He smiles at you. "When I'm around you, I feel like I'm home."

"How so?" You ask.

"The other night when we were dancing, it brought back a memory of my mother that I hadn't thought about in forever." He shakes his head shyly. "It's kind of weird now that I'm saying it out loud."

"No, it's not weird at all. What reminded you of her?" You say as you reach out and stroke his shoulder.

He looks up at you, his emerald eyes piercing into yours. "You... smelled like her. I remember as a kid, we would drive out to the Irish Sea and spend hours collecting shells and whatnot. My mother loved those kinds of things. She was so creative. She would bring them home and make little centerpieces and wall hangings out of the things we'd find. Our house was full of mementos of our times at that very spot." He smiles as he gazes off across the living room. "Our last trip there was about a week before she died. We had parked where we usually did, and had spent the afternoon exploring and gathering pieces for her next work of art. I had a school dance the following weekend and I was nervous because I had asked this girl Cara to go with me, but I didn't know how to dance." He smiles at you. "My mother loved to dance. She would dance when she cooked, when she cleaned. If you had a bad day at school, in her eyes, the cure was dancing." He lets out a small laugh. "So, she had decided that she would teach me, right there next to the Irish Sea. We danced and laughed for what felt like forever until out of nowhere, it started pouring. I remember her scent like it was yesterday. She always wore this jasmine perfume." He focuses his eyes back on yours. "You took me back. Your scent, like jasmine and rain, you brought me back to that memory. You took me back home." His eyes glistened with unshed tears.

You take Rocco's hand and pull him into your arms, cradling his head against your chest. "That's so beautiful, Rocco." He wraps his arms around your waist, the feeling of tears trickled down your skin where his face rested. "That's a beautiful memory. Your mother sounds like she was an amazing woman and an even better mother." He nods his head against you in agreeance, squeezing you tighter.

"She was. She was a kindred spirt with a gentle soul."

You rub one hand through his hair, the other stroking his back lightly.

"Sometimes I wonder if she would approve of what I've become. I wonder if she would be proud of the man I am today." He says quietly.

"Absolutely. There's no question." You place your hands either side of his head and lift his face, bringing his eyes to yours. "You're an amazing human being. You're kind, smart, gentle. Your mother would be proud of the man you are. Don't ever question that." You feel your own warm tears make their way down your face. "You have a light around you that people are drawn to. Your words are warm, your spirit is bright and you're just... beautiful."

His gaze softens as he runs his finger across your lips. "No, Ma Cherie, you define the word beautiful. If I'm beautiful, it's only because I'm reflecting off of you." He takes your face in his hands and meets your lips with a soft, tender kiss. "Thank you."

You smile at him warmly. "For what?"

"For listening. And for just being you. I don't know if this is just a summer romance or something more, but what I do know is I've never felt this way about anyone before." He smiles at you, his fingers lingering on your face.

"Well, the only way we'll know for sure is to give us a shot. A proper shot." You say as you wrap your arms around his shoulders.

"You took the words right out of my mouth." He says with a laugh. "Come on, let's go take a dip in the pool. I reckon I need some Vitamin D."

You give him one last peck on the lips. "Okay, I'm just going to freshen up really quick. I can tell my eyes are swollen." You say with a giggle.

He softly strokes your cheek. "I'll meet you out there."

He stands up and heads out to the lawn as you make your way upstairs to freshen up. You bound up the stairs and head towards the dressing room, almost colliding with Bobby.

"Oh, shit! Sorry, Han! I didn't see you there." Bobby smiles at you. "Me and the guys are gonna play some football if you want to join."

"That sounds like fun. I'll be down in a minute." You say as you wipe your nose and move past him.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Bobby asks, a look of concern on his face.

"Nothing, I'm good." You say to him with a smile.

He studies your face for a moment. "Then why are you crying? Did Rocco do something?"

"No, everything's good. Geez, Bobby. Not everything has to do with Rocco. He's not a villain."

"Come on, Hannah." He shakes his head at you. "I knew that prick was gonna fuck you over. Where is he?"

"Bobby, stop it. Rocco didn't do anything. That's not why I was crying." You move past him as he follows behind you.

"So this is where we're at now, huh? You don't need to pretend with me, Hannah. I knew it. I knew something like this would happen." He says after you.

"You really need to stop assuming things Bobby. Rocco and I shared a moment together, he didn't do anything to me. What happens between Rocco and I, well it's none of your business. Just cut it out and leave me alone." You slam the door closed behind you and lock the door.

You wash your face and wait a few minutes in the hopes that he was gone. When you were sure the coast was clear, you slowly open the door. Bobby was nowhere to be seen. You head into the dressing room and change into your red bikini before throwing your hair up into a ponytail. You felt frustrated. You were sick and tired of Bobby acting like Rocco was this awful person. You make your way downstairs and hear screaming coming from the lawn. You dash towards the villa doors and run outside.

"Fuck you! If you didn't do anything then why the hell is she up there crying?!" Bobby yells at Rocco taking a step towards him.

Gary steps forward and places his arm in front of the baker.

"I didn't do anything to her, mate. You need to back the hell up and chill the fuck out. You don't know what you're talking about." Rocco seethes.

"Bobby! Stop it! I already told you that me crying had nothing to do with Rocco! He didn't do anything to me! Just stop it already!" You scream at him as you step in front of Rocco.

"Just cut the shit Hannah! I told you! I warned you about him and now you're going to stand here and defend him? And for what? Do you think he's going to carry you off into the sunset in the back of his fucking van?! Stop defending him and just admit that I was right! I told you he would break your heart, but you thought I was crazy! Admit that you made a stupid mistake!" He yells at you, shaking his head.

"Jesus, he didn't do anything to me Bobby! We were talking and I got emotional. End of!" You take a step back and turn to Rocco. "I'm so sorry, I don't know why he is acting like this. Come on, let's just go."

"Fuck this. You're nothing but a fucking twat, mate. You came here thinking you were gonna be the Cassanova of the villa, making your way through the girls one after the other." Bobby screams at him. "I'm the only one here who can see you for what you really are!"

Rocco turns his attention back to Bobby. "And what am I toe boy? Go on, tell me what the fuck I am!" He moves past you, staring at Bobby with a look in his eyes you hadn't seen before. His body was radiating with anger.

"You're a piece of shit on the bottom of my shoe, mate." Bobby snarls.

"Bobby! Please stop!" You scream at him, tears falling from your eyes.

"Fuck you, you little asshat. You're just jealous because every girl here looks at you like a little brother. Don't take it out on me because nothing works out for you. It's alright mate, you'll get your shot in the big leagues one day." Rocco says with a snarl.

"Can everyone please just calm down?" Noah says, stepping between the two boys. "This is ridiculous. Both of you, just shut up."

"Come on, bruv. Let's go chat." Gary says to the baker as he tries to diffuse the situation.

"Nah, I'm good right where I am." Bobby says before turning to you. "I don't get it, Han. Why are you so blind to this douche? He's no good for you, he's making you look like a fool. You think he actually cares about you? You're another notch on his belt, nothing more. I just wish you would open your eyes and see that."

"Shut your fucking mouth!" Rocco booms as he launches forward. Noah and Jakub grab him before he reaches Bobby. "I've had enough of your fucking shit! You've done nothing but act like a fucking twat since we got here. You know NOTHING about what I feel for Hannah!" He screams at the baker. "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW?! You took her for fucking granted when you were coupled up with her! You were too busy chasing Brooklyn around to even notice what a fucking catch you had! You've spent your entire time here chasing after a woman who doesn't fucking want you! I'm fucking embarrassed for you, you little fuck! You think you know me?! You don't fucking know a Goddamn thing about me!"

"Oh go fuck yourself ya hippie bawbag! You don't know shit about me and Hannah so stop acting like you do! You're a bitch, always have been a bitch, always will be a bitch!" Bobby takes a step towards him, pushing Gary's arm off.

"Fucking shit, mate! Just calm the fuck down!" Gary says, angrily.

"Both of you need to stop it! Look at Hannah! You two are acting like animals!" Brooklyn yells as she puts her arm around you. "Neither one of you is better than the other. This has gotten out of hand!"

"Yea, enough already. Just chill out." Jakub says. "Let's get back to enjoying this place while we're here."

"Come on, Bobby. Remember our chat today? This is exactly what I was talking about." Chelsea says to the baker. "Get ahold of yourself."

You place your hand on Rocco's arm. "Everything's fine, sweets. Just cool off, okay?" His face visibly softens when he sees the tears in your eyes.

Bobby lets out a sarcastic laugh. "Yea sweets, go cool off. Ya fucking douche."

The next thing you heard was Rocco's fist making contact with Bobby's face. It happened so fast, Rocco lunged at him before anyone could stop him.

"YOU MOTHERFUCKER!" Bobby screams as he slams his body into Rocco's, the two of them falling onto the ground. He throws a series of punches at the wanderer's face, all of them connecting.

"Stop it! Please stop it!" You scream. "Somebody do something!" You scammer towards them, begging for them to stop.

The boys all spring into action, grabbing at the two men rolling around on the ground, trying to pull them from each other's grasp.

"YOU WANTED TO FUCK WITH THE BULL, NOW YOU'VE GOT THE FUCKING HORNS YOU SCOTTISH BITCH!" Rocco booms as his fist connects with Bobby's ribs.

Bobby throws a punch back, landing against Rocco's jaw, drawing blood from the wanderer. Rocco swings and misses Bobby as Bobby's fist connects again, delivering another blow to his face. Rocco charges at Bobby again, grabbing him by the neck.

"Fucking chill out, bruv!" Gary yells as he tries to get between the two men.

Lucas grabs ahold of Bobby. "Chill the fuck out, mate!" He yells as he backs him up, standing in front of him, blocking him from going at Rocco again.

Gary wraps his arms around Rocco, squeezing his arms to his sides. "Take a fucking breather, bruv! That's enough!"

"Cracked your fuckin head didn't I, ya fuck? That'll teach ya to run your mouth you fucking scut." Rocco snarls at Bobby, spitting blood onto the pavement.

"Fuck you, bleeding over there like the bitch you are." Bobby seethes back at him, lunging forward.

"Chill out!" Lucas yells.

Rocco shoves Gary, catching him off guard and lunges back towards Bobby, his face filled with rage. Bobby twists out of Lucas's grasp and makes his way back towards Rocco.

"Please, stop it! Rocco! Stop, please!" You cry as you rush towards them.

"Hannah, no!" Brooklyn yells as she grabs your arm. "You could get hit."

"ENOUGH! I FUCKING SAID ENOUGH!" Jakub shouts. His body shaking with anger as he stomps between the two men and shoves them both back. "CUT THE SHIT AND COOL THE FUCK DOWN!"

Within seconds, the production crew had halted filming as two burly men walk over to Rocco and whisper something in his ear. He turns to you, his face destroyed. "Hannah... I..." They take him by the shoulder and lead him into the villa. He glances back towards you, his eyes locking on yours. "I'm sorry." He mouths to you.

You take off towards him. "Wait! Let me just talk to him!" You yell at the crew. A man in a black hat pulls you aside. "Hannah, you all were aware of the rules when you signed up for the show. He attacked another cast member. I'm sorry, but you can't talk to him right now."

"Please, just for one second. Is he going home? Tell me he isn't going home?!"

"Hannah, Rocco knew the rules of the show. In section four, it clearly states that violence of any kind would not be tolerated." He looks you in the eye.

"But he was provoked! It's not his fault!' You yell, shaking your head. You let out a soft sob as Brooklyn and Lottie wrap their arms around you. "That's not fair!"

"I'm sorry miss, but rules are rules." He gives you a sad smile. "I'll make sure you get a chance to say goodbye to him before he leaves, alright?"

You nod your head softly, your lip quivering. You turn your gaze to Bobby. Anger coursing through your veins. "Are you happy now?!"


"Shut up! Just shut your fucking mouth!" You walk towards him. "I told you that he didn't do anything to me! We were talking about his mother, okay?! WE WERE TALKING ABOUT HIS DEAD MOTHER, BOBBY!" You scream in his face. "I reminded him of... home..." You say through a sob. "For the first time since I came here, I meant something to someone."

"Hannah..." Bobby's voice was strained. He takes a step towards you. "I'm sorry. I didn't know... I thought that... I..."

"I asked you to stop." You say, barely a whisper, as you softly touch your hand to the bruise forming on his cheek. You let out a small sob. "He cared about me, Bobby. He wanted me." You grab his t-shirt in your hands. "How could you say such things?! I would never do that to you!" You say, repeatedly pounding your small fists against his chest.

Bobby doesn't even try to stop you. He stands there, a sad look in his eyes as he accepts your backlash. "I thought he hurt you. I'm sorry Hannah." His voice catches, a tear slowly making its way to his cheek. "The thought of him hurting you, it made me lose it. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, lass."

"He didn't hurt me, Bobby. You did." You say with a whisper. "You got what you wanted, right? You pushed him, just like you always do. You pushed until he exploded and now, he's going home." You pull him closer, your hands knotting into the fabric of his shirt. "I meant something to him, Bobby... and now it's... it's over." You release his shirt from your grasp and take a step back.

"Hannah... You mean something to me too, you know." His hazel eyes searched yours.

You shake your head at him, your eyes falling on his bruised cheek. "You should put some ice on that. It'll help with the swelling." You say quietly, before making your way into the villa, Brooklyn behind you.

You dash into the living room and collapse onto the couch, burying your head in the pillows. Brooklyn sits next to you, pulling you into her arms. Your clung to her, your body heaving in her embrace as you sobbed.

You had felt like you belonged to someone. And now... that was done.


"Beer?" Gary's voice peels you away from your thoughts.

You look up at him hesitantly, his arm was outstretched, a cold beer in hand. You take the beer from him and pop the top off.


He tosses the other to Henrik as the long-haired mountain man plops down on the lounger beside you.

Gary takes a seat on the sun lounger across from you. "Don't mention it." He says as he takes a long swig from his bottle.

"Thanks, bruv." Henrik gives him a genuine smile.


"Are the girls still with Hannah?" You ask.

Gary nods. "Yea, she's pretty tore up about the whole thing."

"As she should be." You say, shaking your head. "It was only a matter of time before the tension between the two of them boiled over."

"You're not wrong. Bobby was really goin at Rocco today. I don't know what's gotten into him." Gary shakes his head. "You can't talk that much shit to someone and expect it not to escalate."

"I'm surprised Rocco didn't deck him sooner." Henrik says with a laugh. "I'm not a fighter, but damn... I can't say that I wouldn't have done the same."

"For being relatively lean, Bobby's a strong fuck. I was holding him with all my weight and he still managed to break away." You say with a chuckle.

"Yea, we've grappled a couple times." Gary laughs. "He took boxing for a few years. He's a fast fuck, that's for sure. I thought Rocco was gonna destroy him, but he got a few good hits to the blokes face."

"A few?" Henrik laughs as he looks at Gary. "He got more than a few, bruv. He hit Rocco a solid five or six times in the face. Rocco was mainly goin for body shots."

"I do feel bad for the bloke. It sucks that he's goin home." Gary says.

"He made his bed. Out of all of them, I feel bad for Hannah. Have they come and got Rocco's things yet?" You take another swig of your beer. The taste was foul. You didn't understand why people liked to drink this piss.

"Nah, not yet. I reckon they'll do that tomorrow." Henrik says. "I hope they'll at least give Hannah a chance to say a proper goodbye. It's a shame. I kinda liked the guy."

"I don't think I've had a single conversation with him since I got here to be honest." You shrug. "We don't have much in common."

"Bruv, not to be rude, but you don't seem to have much in common with any of us." Gary laughs. "You're like a proper white collar git. While we're all working construction and blue collar jobs, you've got your Dom Perignon, living the high life." He chuckles.

"I'm more of a Iordanov Vodka kind of guy." You say with a smirk.

"A what kinda vodka?" Gary breaks into a laugh.

"An overpriced kind." Henrik says as he gives you a playful nudge.

You let out a laugh. "It is ridiculously overpriced, I can't lie."

"I'll take a pint any day over one of those posh drinks." Henrik smiles.

The muscular blonde nods in agreement with him. "Cheers, bruv." Gary holds his bottle up and clinks it against Henrik's.

The long-haired adventurer gives him a wide smile. "Cheers!"

This was the first time you had seen Gary and Henrik have a conversation. The past seven days, it had been mainly little words here and there, but tonight, they were having a natter like old friends. The two men were relatively alike. They were both boisterous, playful, cracking jokes and whatnot. They both enjoyed working out and liked the taste of cheap beer. They were like long lost brothers. It annoyed you.

"So, Henrik, I couldn't help but notice the claw marks on your back today. I take it you and Brooklyn are getting on well then?" You say to the mountain man with a smirk. Bringing up Brooklyn clawing the fuck out of Henrik's back in front of her ex, well, it was a dick move. But... You were a dick.

Henrik's cheeks go red. He glances at Gary quickly before looking at you, giving you a what the fuck look.

"It's alright, bruv." Gary says to him with a smile. "You don't have to be all sorts of skittish talking about her in front of me. We're all adults here, right? You're good."

"You sure, bruv? Trust me, I wouldn't exactly want to hear about it either if I was in your shoes." He pats Gary on the arm, before looking at you. "We can talk in private later, mate."

"No, I'm good, honest. Look, all I want is for her to be happy. That's it. I fucked shit up with her. I can admit that." The muscular blonde takes a swig of his beer. "The best man won. I'm not gonna be salty about that." He gives him a smile.

Oh, for fucks sake.

"Thanks, bruv. I appreciate that." The mountain man beams. He was so fucking nice sometimes that it made you want to scream.

"We're good, bruv." Gary holds his hand out, your long-haired friend accepts it graciously. They do this strange handshake type thing that makes your stomach turn.

Fucking Henrik. We don't befriend the enemy.

"So, go on." Gary motions towards Henrik. "I mean, those are some serious marks on your back, bruv. She was either really happy or really pissed at you." The two men break into a fit of laughter.

"Go on then, how was it?" You ask him.

"Well, I don't want to kiss and tell, but it's not what you're thinking. I didn't sleep with her."

"Whatever you did, it must have been pretty impressive." You let out a chuckle.

Henrik shakes his head at you, laughing. "Nah, bruv. It's not like that. She's a sweet girl and I respect her." He says to you smiling. "She's amazing. Everything about her is just, perfect."

"I'm genuinely happy to see you so happy, mate. I mean that." You give the mountain man a pat on his shoulder.

"Thanks, bruv. I really like her. I haven't been this happy in I don't know how long." He looks over towards Gary with a sympathetic smile.

Gary pats him on the arm. "That's awesome.  She deserves someone who knows her worth. She's lucky to have you, bruv." Gary finishes his beer and tosses it in the trash can before stretching. "Well I'm beat. I'm gonna turn in. Have a great night, yea?" He says with a smile.

"Thanks, bruv. Sleep well." Henrik says.

"Night." You respond as you tip your beer towards him.

He makes his way towards the villa. Henrik turns his gaze to you.

"Bruv, what was that about?" He asks you pointedly.

You shrug. "Whatever are you talking about?" You say with a laugh.

He shakes his head at you and chuckles. "You already knew about the claw marks. Why'd you bring it up in front of Gary?"

"Eh, he annoyed me, that's all."

Henrik lets out a laugh. "Annoyed you? He was just sitting here, being nice."

"Nice, annoys me." You smirk at him.

"You're a twisted fuck, ya know that?" Henrik says as he breaks into a fit of laughter.

"I'm not interrupting anything, am I?" Hope says as she approaches.

"I was wondering when you'd be free." You say to her with a smile. "How's Hannah?"

"The poor thing is devastated." She says solemnly. "This whole thing is just a mess."

"Here, Hope. Take my seat. I'm gonna go find Brooklyn." Henrik says to her as he gets up.

"Aw, you're a sweetie. Thanks, Henrik. She's up getting changed for bed. She told me to summon you."

"Well I better get to it then. Don't want to keep her waiting." He grins. 

She sprawls out on the lounger, letting her heels fall to the pavement.

"Night, bruv." Henrik says, squeezing your shoulder as he walks past you.

You could tell by her body language that she had something on her mind. She hadn't been the happiest when Chelsea chose to take you on a date, and she had made that abundantly clear. She had given you a bit of her attitude when you were getting ready to head out. You found it cute. You liked seeing her jealous streak, it made you feel like she cared.

"What's on your mind?" You ask her, a smile playing at the corners of your lips.

She shrugs nonchalantly. "Nothing. Anything on yours?" She asks, crossing her arms across her chest as she looks you dead in the eye.

There it is.

"Nothing. Just enjoying the stars. It's been a nice day." You smirk. "Outside of the fight, that is."

"Ah, yea. The fight. I wonder if we'll get to see Rocco before he leaves."

"I doubt it. I don't think he'll be allowed in the villa. I imagine they'll have someone come get his belongings." You say to her as you place your arms behind your head.

"True." She bites at her fingernail. She wanted to ask you. You could feel it. She wanted to know how your date went.

"So, what did you do while I was away?" You ask.

She lets out a small huff of air. "You mean when you were away on your date?" She glances at you quickly before returning her gaze to her hands. "Nothing really. Just hung out with everyone. Nothing exciting to report on my end."

"That sounds nice." You smile. Most guys would be turned off by a jealous woman, but you rather enjoyed it. 

The truth was you had a meh time on your date with Chelsea. She was beautiful enough, but the girl never stopped talking. She practically had an entire conversation with herself as you sat there, occasionally nodding your head and smiling.

"Did you miss me?" You look over at her, giving her your dashing smile.

She lets out a small laugh. "I think the question of the day is did you miss me?"

"Of course I did. Why wouldn't I?" You tease.

"I can see that you're going to continue playing, whatever this is, so I'm just gonna come out and ask you. Were you as excited as you seemed that Chelsea picked you?" You note the hint of attitude in her voice.

"I think anyone would be excited to get picked to go on a date. You get to leave this house. Get a chance to see a bit of the countryside." You stare at her, watching her body language. "So, yea. I was excited to get picked."

"Is that the only reason?"

"Are you asking if I like Chelsea? Is that what you want to know?"

"I mean, I wasn't going to say it like that, but now that you mention it, yea I'd like to know. Do you fancy her?" She takes one of her braids in her hands and starts to twirl it around her fingers methodically.

"She's a nice girl."

She turns to face you, anger burning in her eyes.


"I don't appreciate being toyed with, Lucas."

"I'm not toying with you. You asked me a question and I answered it honestly."

"I'm just gonna lay it all out for you. I like you, but I'm not about to be messed around. I'm not about that. I've been with plenty of men who mugged me off. I'm not gonna stand for it from someone I just met barely a week ago. You're either in or you're out." Her dark brown eyes stared into yours.

You sit up and place your feet on the pavement as you position yourself closer to her. "You know, I find this jealous side of you to be quite charming."

She huffs. "Is that so?"

"It is."

"Just be real with me. Are you or aren't you feeling me? I'd rather you just be honest. I don't like mind games." She huffs.

"That's a loaded question, Hope."

"How so? It sounded pretty direct to me." She stands up. "Nevermind. Just forget it. I'm not in the mood for this right now." She turns on her heel and heads off towards the villa.

"Did I tell you that we were done talking?" You say to her, your tone commanding.

"Excuse me?" She whirls around, her eyes burning into yours.

You stand up and take a step towards her. "Did I say that we were done talking?" You shake your head at her, your finger slowly waving from side to side. "Tsk, tsk. I don't recall giving you permission to leave yet." You give her a sexy smirk.

She crosses her arms and just stares at you.

You take another step towards her, leaving mere inches between your bodies. "Sit down."

"I'm not in the mood for this, Lucas"

"I said... sit down." You say to her again, more demanding.

She lets out a small sigh and returns to the lounger. You follow behind her, but instead of sitting on your own lounger, you take a seat on hers.

"Do you really think I would be more interested in that airhead over you?" You ask with a smirk. "It's like you don't know me at all, Hope." You say as you slowly run your fingers over her perfectly toned legs.

"Well then, why are you toying with me? Why not just say that?" She asks, her body still rigid with jealousy.

"I'm not toying with you... Well, not yet." Your eyes smolder as they meet hers. Your fingers slowly making their way higher up her leg, reaching her thigh. "I find you incredibly sexy. There isn't a woman on the planet they could send in here that would make me think otherwise."

"Then why didn't you just say that?" She asks, her expression softening a little.

"Where's the fun in that?" You give her a charming smile. "I like seeing you get riled up. It turns me on."

"Oh really?" She gives you a playful smile.

"Absolutely." You trail your fingers higher, slowly taking your hand and parting her legs. You softly brush your fingers against the fabric of her panties. "Can I tell you a secret?"

She lets out a slow breath as she rests her head back on the lounger. "Sure. Go on."

"I've been thinking about tasting you all day." You hook your finger against the side of her panties, slowly sliding your finger inside, trailing it slowly against the smooth skin of her lips.

"Oh really? Why didn't you say something sooner?" She smiles at you as she spreads her legs a little wider.

"I like having the element of surprise." You let your finger move further into her panties, softly stroking her sex, pulling out a soft moan. "You're so wet." You bite your lip as you swirl your finger against the opening of her sex.

Her eyes burn into yours as she places her hand on top of yours, attempting to guide your finger inside of her.

"Patience my queen." You say as you glance towards the villa, checking to make sure that no one was around. You stand up and grab the side of the lounger, angling it so the back of the lounger is facing the villa doors.

"What are you doing?" She asks with a laugh.

"Making sure no one can see what I'm about to do to you." You give her a small smirk as you wrap your fingers around her ankles and slowly pull her body down the lounger. She lets out a laugh of surprise. You take her panties in your hands and slowly tug them down her long legs before sitting back on your feet, taking in the beauty of her. Her sex was bare, not a hair in sight. Just the way you liked it.  "That's better." Her eyes were burning into yours. She wanted you. You could see it in her face. You take you hands and position them behind her knees and push her legs up towards her chest.

"What if someone comes outside? Maybe we should go to the hideaway." She says as she glances back at the villa.

"I want you right here, right now." You smile at her as you lower your face to her sex, blowing a soft stream of air over her causing her to shiver. You let your tongue softly trail her swollen sex before burying your face in her, pushing her knees harder to her chest. You push your tongue firmly against her, pulling out a deep moan from her body. You suck her into your mouth, flicking your tongue across her fast, almost causing her to jump out of the lounger.

"Oh, wow." She says with a smile. "That's good."

You let your eyes meet hers as you devour her, savoring her sweet taste. "Mmm, you taste so good." You say with a growl.

"You like it, huh?"

You nod your head, sucking her harder. She throws her head back with pleasure. You slowly insert a finger inside of her and pet the inside of her sex. She spreads her legs, welcoming it. You flick your tongue against her as you start to fuck her with your finger. Her legs shake with pleasure.

"Mmm, that feels so good." She whispers.

"You like it when I lick your sweet lady don't you?" You say to her.


"You like it when I fuck you with my fingers, don't you?" You curl your finger inside of her, stroking the walls of her sex.

"Oh God yes." She pants.

"Whose is it?" You ask her as you make eye contact.

"It's yours, boo. It's all yours."

"That's right. It's all fucking mine and only mine." You lick her aggressively, your tongue pushing against her swollen sex as she writhes with pleasure.

"I want to fuck you so bad."

"Mmm, yes. Do it." She moans.

You stop licking her and sit back on your heels, your finger plunging deep inside her. "Beg me."

She looks at you, her eyes were dark with lust and her breathing had become rapid.

"I said... Beg me." You say to her again.

"Mmm, please Lucas. I want you inside of me."

You give her a devilish grin. "More. You can do better."

"I need you inside of me. I need it so bad." She closes her eyes as she leans her head back.

"Eyes on me." You demand. "Tell me how bad you want it." You slowly insert another finger inside of her as you softly stroke your length through your shorts.

She brings her gaze back to yours. "I want it so bad. I need it. Please, Lucas. Give me what I want."

"Do you think you deserve it?"


You let out a sigh. "I don't know, Hope. You were rather rude to me today. I'm not sure you deserve it." You flick your tongue against her once more, teasingly, as you continue to fuck her slowly with your finger.

"I'm sorry." She whispers.

"What was that?  I didn't hear you." You say to her as you bite your lip, rubbing your length harder.

"I'm sorry, I got so jealous seeing you with Chelsea. The thought of her with you, it infuriated me."

You pull your finger out and smile at her. "I don't mind you getting jealous, queen." You pull the top of your shorts down, revealing your rock-hard length. You take a condom from your pocket and open it, slowly sliding it over your length. You slide your hands underneath her and grip her ass, pulling her farther down the lounger as you rest your tip at her opening.

"Mmm, yes."

"Ask me nicely." You say huskily to her as you take your length in your hands and rub it over her swollen sex.

"Please put it inside me. Pretty please." She whimpers.

The sound of her pleading turned you on so much. You push inside of her, causing her to moan loudly. You fuck her hard, your hands wandering the length of her body.

"Fuck, you feel so good." You growl. You continue pumping. The feeling of her tight sex squeezing you made your body shake. "You like it when I fuck your pretty lady?"

"Yes, I love it. Don't ever fucking stop." She says as she props herself on her elbows, locking eyes with you. "You're so big. It feels so good."

"Mmm, good girl." You smirk. "You're so tight. It's like you were made just for me." You pump harder, her legs spreading wider.

"Oh yea, keep going."

You slam into her, watching your length disappear inside of her. You run your hands over her tight stomach and grip her sides as you pull her body towards yours with each thrust. The slapping of your skin against hers echoed throughout the lawn. Her breasts bounced fast from the motion of your pumping as you worked her sex.

"You feel so good." She whimpers.

"So fucking good." You say as you lock eyes with her. "Come down here, turn around."

She scoots down the lounger and positions herself in front of you and leans facedown over the lounger. You rub your hands over her plump ass cheeks, giving them a gentle swat before sliding your length inside of her. You take her long braids in your hand and knot them within your fingers, pulling her head back as you begin to pump into her tight sex. The sound of her cheeks slapping against your skin, the way her ass jiggled as you pounded into her, turned you on. You pull her head back farther and bring your mouth to her ear. "You're my queen. I'm gonna fuck you so good, make sure you never forget it."

"Mmm, yes. Do it. I want it so bad." She moans.

You fuck her hard, your length slamming into her as you smack her ass, pulling out a shriek of pleasure from her. You could feel her tightening around you, her body shaking, her muscles contracting. You could tell she was getting close. You slam into her harder and faster. You felt incredible.

"You want me to make you cum, Hope?"

"Yes, please, Oh god, yes."

"Mmm, that's what I like to hear." You graze your teeth against her ear. "I love it when you beg. You're so fucking hot."

"I love it when you make me beg." She says, her voice raspy, her breath fast.

You run your hand down her front, tugging her nipple. She lets out a moan of pleasure as you squeeze tighter. You could feel yourself getting close as a warm sensation begins to spread throughout your body. You slam into her harder.

"Yes! Yes! Right there! Fuck, don't stop. Oh God, don't stop, please." She begs, making you harder.

"Good girl, beg me for it."

You continue fucking her as you kiss her neck passionately, your length slamming into her tight warmth.

"Oh God, I'm gonna cum, boo." Her body begins to tremble. You wrap your arm around her waist, your fingers caressing her soft skin as you thrust into her.

"Oh yea, that's the spot." You say, your jaw clenched.

She gasps. "Oh fuck!" She wraps her arms around behind her body and grabs at your waist, preparing for climax.

"Yes, my queen. I want to feel you cum on me."

She lets out a loud moan as her body convulses. Her sex spasms around you, her breath coming out in fast spurts. You pump harder as you feel yourself approaching release.

"Good girl, fuck... You feel so good." You squeeze her tight against you as you feel yourself hit the peak, exploding into her. You throw your head back, your body convulsing as your length releases every ounce of pent up sexual energy in your body. You squeeze her tighter, continuing to pump through your sensitivity. You bite her neck, letting out a low growl into her skin. She runs her hand over yours and interlocks her fingers in your grasp against her stomach. You slow to a stop, enjoying the feeling of coming down, inside of her.

She turns her head to face you and places a gentle kiss on your lips. "You're amazing." She smiles. "Easily, the best I've ever had."

"Good." You smirk at her as you give her ass another swat and slowly pull yourself out of her. You remove the condom, adjusting yourself before pulling your shorts up, and dispose of it in the trashcan.

She stands up and slides her panties back on before slowly stretching her legs. "I don't know about you, but I'm well exhausted." She says with a laugh.

"Oh, you thought we were done?" You say as you wrap your arms around her waist and gently bite her lip. "I was just getting warmed up."

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