RED MIDNIGHT ā€¢ Twilight ā€¢

By Agustina94

1.3K 119 78

Midnight. My time had finally come. But it was not the way I'd always imagined, in the arms of my beloved. In... More

1 ā‰» Soulless
2 ā‰» Shared Feeling
3 ā‰» Not Like the Last Time
4 ā‰» Outsider
5 ā‰» Goodbye
6 ā‰» Departure
8 ā‰» Tear
9 ā‰» Yes
10 ā‰» Conditions
11 ā‰» Not New

7 ā‰» Scarlet

81 9 5
By Agustina94


Many times in my life I have felt a bit lost, but nothing would compare to that very moment.

I had just left the airport and I was now wandering around the streets of Rome, completely disoriented. Obviously I did not speak Italian, just a bit of French and not so well I admit.

But even as lost as I was, I have to say that I still felt amazing. I was on my own in a different country, a different continent, and very far away from the only person who could hurt me again. Well, not a person actually. Edward.

I stopped walking when I got to a crowded corner and I am sure everybody noticed I was a foreigner because I was looking everywhere, trying to decide which way I should take. Fortunately, a young man, maybe a bit older than me, walked to me and asked me something in a beautiful Italian accent.

"Sorry, I don't speak Italian." I said biting my lip.

"Oh. Mi scusi. English?" he asked me insecurely.

"YES!" I felt so relieved. He was the first person who I could talk to. "Could you help me?" I asked him speaking slower than I normally do.

"Si. Yes!" he laughed.

"Thank you so much." I told him smiling. "I need to get to Volterra."

He frowned at my request. Maybe Volterra was not the most visited place in Italy.

"Rome is beautiful." He told me pointing around. "You not stay here?"

"Oh, yes. Rome is really lovely but I need to visit Volterra."

"Bene. You go in train."

Great. A truck ride, a plane and now I had to take a train. The journey which had begun in Forks was becoming longer than I had expected. Having no option, I heard this guy's instruction to get to the train station.

I had to walk for almost an hour, but I knew it was worth it. The train station was magnificent and, luckily, there were many employees who spoke English. I got my ticket with no problem and boarded the train a little after.

The ride was quite long, a couple of hours in fact, but I did not complain. I was getting more and more excited as I got closer to my destination. My final destination.

As I looked outside through the window I tried to spot any familiar place from the time Alice and I had been here, but it was in vain. That previous time Alice had not only stolen a car but had driven insanely fast. Everything had been a blur.

I told myself I should leave those days where they belong, exactly in the past, and focused on my future, so I kept admiring Italy through the window.

Volterra. Sun.

Those could be synonyms, the exact same thing. As soon as I left the train station the sun blinded me. The people on the street seemed to be used to it, but I had to take a few minutes to adjust my eyes to the shining star in the sky. Maybe the time in Forks had affected my tolerance.

My heart started to beat faster as I walked through the narrow streets of Volterra. I was so anxious to find the Vulturi that I was grinning as if I had gone mad. And then a odd thought crossed my mind. What if they found me first?

Would they just ignore me or would they take me with them? Would they give me a chance to explain why I was here?

It was midday when I suddenly found what I had been looking for all morning, the giant fountain in the middle of the main square. The fountain I had once ran across to save the love of my life to be murdered by the same beings I was looking for now. Of course the place was much emptier now since there was no festival this time, but the energy was the same.

My hands began shaking and my smile got bigger, if that was even possible. At some point I had doubted myself, believing I was not brave enough to do it. Yet here I was now, standing with my bag, my suitcase and my hope, the only things I needed.

Without thinking it twice, I climbed on the edge of the fountain and took a deep breath as I covered my eyes from the sun with my hand. I looked around eagerly, innocently believing I would find the Vulturi so easily.

I remained there until I realized people were staring me awkwardly. Well, I do not blame them, a weird girl standing on the fountain waiting for a bunch of vampires to meet her. That would have been a normal day in Forks.

I tried to come up with an idea to find them since I could not remember exactly where their place was exactly. And all of a sudden the easiest and most obvious answer hit me.

What would attract vampires more than anything else in the world?


I got down of the fountain and moved to sit in a more isolated part of it. I put my suitcase between my legs and my bag on my lap and quickly opened it to look for what I needed. In the huge mess that was inside my bag I managed to find the small scissor I had packed. Without pulling it out, I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and pressed the sharp edge against my palm.

I instantly felt the warm liquid filling my hand so I closed it into a fist and put my bag away, almost throwing it onto the floor. I stood up on the fountain edge again and raised my hurt hand above my head. Trying to ignore the pain I slowly opened my trembling hand and looked horrified at the scarlet liquid going down all the way through my hand and arm.

I was like hypnotized as I could not take my eyes away from my blood shining under the sun. I have no idea if people were looking at me or not, but I honestly did not care at all.

"Miss Swan?" a cold and harsh voice called me, catching my attention.

I looked down and almost shouted at the sight. Standing in front of me was a tall figure, completely covered from head to toes with a black robe. I was sure he was definitely a vampire, not only because of his clothing, but because he knew my name. I gulped and tried to breathe again when I realized my hand was still lifted.

"Would you mind stop doing that?" the voice asked me, angry this time.

"I – I'm sorry," I whispered putting my arm down and getting down of the fountain.

I tried to look at the face of whoever was standing there with me, but he simply hissed, making me shiver and take a step back. It was suddenly easy to remember why the Vulturi were so scary and intimidating.

"Follow me." He ordered me and began walking away, quite slowly for a vampire. "And cover that," he snapped turning his head and looking at my bloody hand. Only then I got to see his eyes. They were wide open and bright red. Thirsty.

Unable to recognize his face, I began doubting again; maybe my plan had not been so brilliant after all. What if this vampire was not taking me with the Vulturi? What if he only took me to a less public place to kill me and drink my blood?

There was just one way to find out. I grabbed my stuff and wished he took me with Aro instead of killing me right away.

I followed the unknown vampire, leaving a trail of scarlet drops as I walked. 


How do you imagine Bella as a vampire? 

Please, vote and comment! And if you have a Twilight story, leave the link in the comments and I'll check it out! 

Love, Agus

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