Spider academia: Summer blast

By lop413

10.9K 189 191

Summer has just started! And it's the return of Peter Parker and Class 1-A to start their Summer vacation wit... More

Ch. 10
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 15
Ch. 16 Final Showdown pt.1
Ch. 17 final showdown pt.2


407 9 7
By lop413

Monday June 6, 2020

Peter is running to the Staff dorms after a Call from Nezu that his new suit is ready, Peter was a Bit excited to see his new suit, As he made it to the Staff dorms Peter Opened the door and walked in.

" Mind if I come in you guys?" Said Peter as he closed the door behind him, " Go ahead young Parker, We Don't Mind at all" Said Toshi.

" Again Peter, Why do you need a new suit, You already have one" Said Aizawa, " W-well...I just want a New one because I felt like it's time for a-" Peter get's cut off by Aizawa, " Don't Lie to us" Said Aizawa in a Serious tone and Peter got scared 

" Ok ok! I need a new one so I can Fight Silver Samurai...." Peter said a bit Embarrassed as he gived a awkward smile, " No you won't fight him" said Aizawa.

" Oh come on Sensei! He won't Fight the other Pro heroes! He will just Teleport away, He only wants me!" said Peter and Aizawa eyes seemed that they don't care, " Again, The Pros will try to stop him before he causes more chaos around here, For now you enjoy this summer" Said Aizawa.

" How am I gonna enjoy My summer if one of my world's Biggest Mutant villain is out their!?" Said Peter, Toshi got up from the chair and walked to Peter, " He will kill you again like last time Young Parker, You are lucky that I showed up just in time, But we Won't let you fight him all by yourself" Said Toshi.

" Yea your right, Even tho He is bringing-..." Peter stops talking and Looked at Aizawa and Toshi awkwardly and Chuckled a bit that sounds that he is hiding something, Aizawa the  Raised his Eye brow.

" You are Hiding something Peter, What were you gonna spill?" Said Aizawa, " um...I don't know what you're talking about..." Said Peter.

Aizawa eye glowed red and Peter gulped, " Ok! He Got in our Dorms and Stoled the spell to Open a Portal to my world that Doctor Strange gaved me and Now he is back in my world to bring his Clan!" Peter shouted as he takes deep Breath, Aizawa and Toshi eyes widen, " What!?" They Both shouted.

" How did he know where you live!?" Said Toshi, " I don't know! But he said that Someone Told him every Information About my Classmates and You guys as well!" Said Peter.

" This is not good...Whoever told him everything is a Traitor to us! Did he said Anything else?" Said Aizawa, " No! But he said that it was someone we know" Said Peter,

Ectoplasm and Midnight walk to the Conversation, " What's with all the yelling?" Said Midnight.

" Turns out that the Silver Samurai is Bringing his Clan from Peter's world to Here, And someone we know spilled every Detail about us and where we live" Said Aizawa, " Impossible! who did it!?" Said Ectoplasm 

" We don't know!" Shouted Peter, " Well what can we do? Mostly all the Pros tried to stop the Villain but he will just Teleport away so he can Fight you Peter" Said Midnight 

" that's the thing- Wait...I think I know who can stop all of those Clan members..." Peter said and the four teachers looked at him, " But...Two things...One I am gonna regret it...and Two....I am still very upset with him" Peter said and Toshi and Aizawa looked at each other as they Know who he is talking about. 

~ Somewhere in the Middle of a Forrest~ 

In the Middle of a Forrest a Portal Opened that Looked like Doctor's Strange's Portal, Silver Samurai and His clan walked out of the portal, Silver Samurai brought like 100 Clan Members, They all Walked out of the Portal and The portal closes.

" It took me a while to figure out to Open this Portal! But at last my clan is here" Said Silver Samurai as he turns around facing them all, He speaked Japanese " Now Listen up! This world Is filled with Heroes, But the One we are Targeting is Peter Parker, You all Don't know who that is, But you will once I say that he is Spider-Man!" Said Silver Samurai in Japanese and His clan started to Groan in Anger.

One of them Raised their Hand and Talked " Sorry Master, But what is that Canister for? That you brought with us from a Lab?" Said a Member in Japanese and Silver Samurai Pulled out a Canister which seems like a Liquid Steel. " That's for later on, But for Now we should Look for a Hideout! Now Go my Clan! Go and Terrorize many!" Said Silver Samurai as he Raised his arm with the sword on his hand and The clan started to Battle cry.

~ Back to the dorms~ 

Peter is waiting with the Teachers, They have been waiting for like 10 Minutes as soon they heard a Knock on the door, Peter took a Deep breath, " I can't believe I am doing this" said a Stressed Peter, Aizawa walked to the door and Opened it.

" Well well well, oh shit you aren't peter" Said Deadpool, " No, Your Ex friend is their" Aizawa Pointed at Peter sitting on the couch and Deadpool looked, " Oh! ok ok Redo" Deadpool walks in.

" Well well well, Look who came back crying for their Daddy" Said Deadpool and Peter Glared at him, " Shut up already and sit down Wade" Said An Upset Peter.

" Geez ok" Deadpool said as he hopped over the couch and sat on it and he looked at Toshi, " Wassup Jack skeleton" Said Deadpool and Toshi Groaned.

" Look...Silver Samurai found a Way to my class dorms, And he somehow knows every detail about us and He stoled Doctor Strange's Spell to Open the Portal to our world and Now he is bringing his Clan here and who knows what will happen!" Said Peter and Deadpool first reaction was his eyes widen because he Told Silver Samurai everything so he went along and Lied that He doesn't know who will do it.

" W-woah...Like I am Sooooo scared" Said Deadpool, " And Peter here told us that you once fought One Hundred Ninjas all by your self, Is that True?" Said Aizawa

" DUH! What you don't watch Ultimate Spider-Man, It shows Clearly that I fought One hundred Ninja's in Episode 16 in the Second Season" Said Deadpool and Aizawa and Toshi looked Confused on what he just said.

Midnight shows up, " Peter, Nezu wants to see you..." Midnight sees Deadpool and she brings a Annoyed face, " oh no...." 

Deadpool turns around and Sees Midnight and he got up, " Midnight~ Como estas Sexy?" Said Deadpool in a Spanish Tone.

" Did you just Speaked Spanish?" Said Peter, " Yea, All the ladies fall for the Spicy Mexican Voice, Why are you falling for me Peter?" Said Deadpool and Peter got Pissed, " NO! STOP BEING WEIRD!" Yelled Peter.

" So Midnight" Deadpool Dashes to her and he layed his arm beside her head to the wall, " How about a Triple Smash with me and Mount Lady eh?"  Deadpool said and Midnight got a Bit flustered and angry and she Kicked deadpool in the balls and Deadpool eyes widen and he falls on his knees and Groaned in Pain.

" No Thank you Wade, I prefer doing it with someone...Less annoying" Said Midnight as she crossed her arms and walked away, Deadpool took a Peek on her ass while she is walking, " Dam Mama! Save some of that Moon cake for me" Deadpool then acts like he took a Bite.

Aizawa, Peter, And Toshi just stood there with No words on their Mind, " i'll just....go to see Nezu..." Peter said as he got up and walked to Nezu's Place.

" We will Keep an Eye on Wade Peter" Said aizawa, " She loves me, she loves me not, She Loves me!" Said Deadpool as he is still on the floor.

Peter then knocked on Nezu's door, He then opens it and walked in and he sees Nezu on a Chair and Eri on the side drawing, Eri looks at Peter and She smiles Happily and got up and run to Peter.

" Peter san!" Eri said as Peter smiled and took a Knee, Eri Gived Peter a Hug and He gived one in Return, " Hey Eri! How are you little one?" Said Peter with a smile.

" Good! I am Drawing" Said Eri as she smiled and Peter Chuckled, " Ah Parker, I'm glad that you showed up" Said Nezu

" Is it my suit Principal? Because if it is I am Thankful for you guys doing it" Said Peter, " No problem Peter" said Nezu as he Hopped down of his chair and took out a Bag and walked to peter and Hands it to him and Peter takes it and checks on it, " Perfect!" Said Peter.

" Listen Peter, We understand that you want to stop This new Villain by yourself, But you can't do it alone, Remember your Huge battle against All for one?" Said Nezu.

" Oh yea...That battle was a biggest Risk in my life, But me and Midoryia Kicked his butt so Good! even with All Might and Iron man" Said Peter, " What will Happen if you fought All For one Alone Peter?" Said Nezu

" I will still beat his-" Peter get's cut off, " Without that Cosmic Power" Said Nezu and Peter then stays quiet and Realizes that, " I...um" Peter thought about it.

" I don't to be Dark but You won't make it out Ailve" said Nezu as he pours a Cup of tea and Gives it to Peter, Peter takes it and takes a sip, " Yea...Your right" Said Peter.

" If it wasn't for the Others you will Probably die, And If it wasn't for All Might Saving you from Silver Samurai, You would be dead, You see it's always a Great idea to Have someone else on your side against a Dangerous Foe"  Said Nezu, " But I am Trying to Make Deadpool to help me" Said Peter.

" But you are making him to distract the Clan Members, And seems like you want to face Silver Samurai Alone again, That sound like a Bad Idea Peter, So I will say take Two more heroes to help you take on Silver Samurai" Said Nezu, Peter takes a sip of tea before talking " Y-yea your right Principal Nezu..." Said Peter

" Anyways...Thanks for Everything Principal Nezu" Said Peter as he places the tea cup on the desk, " No Problem Peter and Good luck with Everything" Said Nezu.

" Bye Eri, Next Time i'll bring you a Apple Candy" Said Peter and Eri Smiles in Excitement, " Yay! Thanks Peter! " Eri Said and Hugged him again, Peter chuckled and hugged her back and He leaves the Room and Heads Back to Living room.

" So, Did you get it?" Said Toshi, " Yes I did All Might" Said Peter and He looks down at Deadpool in the floor again, " So wade.....Will you help me to stop Silver Samurai?..." Peter said a bit Awkwardly and Deadpool got up.

" If I do that, We need to Be Best Sexy Friends again Parker" said Deadpool and Peter sighed " Sure...Only if we stop Silver samurai!" Said Peter

" Yay!!!" Said Deadpool, " Wait, Wade can you also teach me sword Combat?" Said Peter, " Sword Combat? Like the weird way or..." Said Deadpool and Peter groaned and Pushed him, No Sicko! I meant Like Sword Battle such as Star wars Lightsaber battle!" Yelled Peter.

" OH! yea no Problem my guy" Said Deadpool and Peter sighed, " Anyways I'm out Sensei's" Peter said as he Leaves their Dorm with Deadpool and Toshi and Aizawa Waved at them.

~ Back in Class 1-A dorms~

Peter and Deadpool where outside the Door and Peter Looked at Deadpool, " Look, Don't say that I got a New suit ok!" Said Peter and Deadpool Nodded, Peter Opened the Dorm door and walked in.

" Hey guys i'm back" Said Peter, " Hey Peter, How was Everything with the Staff?" Said Ojiro

" Yea man, What was that All about? You got in trouble or something?" Said Sero, " Why would he Get in trouble?" Said Jirou.

" I don't know, That came into my Mind" said Sero, " So what Happened Peter?" Said Midoryia.

" W-well...First...Don't get mad at Me you guys but...I brought some Company..." Peter said as he Gulped, " You did? Who did you bring" Said Tsuyu.

" You could of told us that you were bringing some Company Peter san" Said Momo, " Well....um...That's...The bad news" Said Peter and Everyone is Curious and Suddenly Deadpool was sweating a lot because he is wearing his Suit like always and He rushed Inside for Breeze.

" Ah, Nice cold Breeze!" Said Deadpool, And mostly Everyone Starred at Peter with mad eyes.

" Um....Hehe......" Peter smiled a bit Awkward, " You Kids missed me? Because I am Back like CoryxKenshin when he Disappeared 9 months ago, And Came back, But now He is Gone again" Said Deadpool and Bakugou shouted, " WHY THE FUCK IS HE HERE! I THOUGHT WE MADE IT CLEAR BACK IN CAMP THAT HE WILL STAY AWAY FROM US!" 

" Look! I Need Him to Help Me out to stop Silver Samurai ok!" Shouted Peter, " That's why we are here as well Peter!" said Mina.

" Yea I know, I need like At least Two of you guys to Help me out as well!" Said Peter, " So....Momo did you and Peter Finally Did-" Deadpool Gets cut off by Peter's Voice, " STOP IT!" Shouted Peter

" Geez, Someone is Grumpy" Said Deadpool, Momo Blushed very hard as she knows what Deadpool was gonna say.

" Anyways Me and Peter have some Sword Training to do, Even tho this Kid got a new suit" Deadpool stopped talking and his eyes widen, " Fuck...." 

" Dude!" Yelled Peter, " You got a New suit peter!?" Said Midoryia, " Why would you want a New suit Peter chan?" Said Momo.

" New suit!? what New suit!? I didn't hear New suit!? Come on Merc man, Let's go!" Peter said as he Pulled Deadpool's suit and Drags him to his room.

" Ha, I wasn't dragged like this since the strip club" Said Deadpool and Peter shuts the door of his room.

" I heard exactly a New suit" said Iida, " Same here, Why does Peter wants to Hide that From us? It's just a suit" Said tokoyami.

" I don't know, But he made a Mistake to Bring Deadpool here, I thought he said he wants him to stay away from us" Said Toru

" Well you Heard Peter San...He needs him to stop Silver Samurai" Said Momo

" Hm, Wait, I just came up with something, I Have a feeling that Peter Told Deadpool to not Tell us that he got a New suit, But he Spilled it out, and Everything comes out of Deadpool's Mouth, So don't you guys think that....Deadpool Told Silver Samurai everything about us and where we live?" Said Todoroki and Everyone Looked at each other Feeling like that all of that may be true.

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