What Hurts the Most

By nickym96

15.9K 464 103

After the divorce, Reyhan is forced to return to the mansion when Hikmet takes a turn for the worst. He gets... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 3

758 23 1
By nickym96

Emir is surprised to hear giggling coming from his father's room the next morning. When he goes inside, he can't help but smile at the sight that greets him.

"What's going on here?" he asks, surprising Masal with his entrance. He picks her up and places a kiss on both of her cheeks. "Did you come to see me?"

"No silly. We came to see Hikmet Amca," she says, laying her head on his shoulder. "We brought him a present."

Masal points to the teddy bear sitting atop a basket of flowers on the dresser.

"Thank you, Masal," Emir smiles. "I'm sure my dad is going to love it. He'll always have someone in here to keep him company now."

Masal wriggles out of his arms and waits until he puts her down. She takes his hand and pulls him across the room to Reyhan, and takes her hand as well.

"Reyhan abla said the same thing," Masal says, tugging on both their arms. She looks up at both of them and gives them a grin that has them both shaking their heads when they realize what she wants. "Swing?"

"Masal, you know we can't do that in the house," Reyhan says.

"But we can go outside," Emir suggests, knowing he can't say no to his little cousin. Reyhan just gives him a look and shakes her head in amusement. She also knows he can't say no to Masal.

"Okay, but just for a little while," Reyhan agrees. "It'll give Kemal abi some time alone with Dayı."

Kemal just smiles and nods, keeping an eye on them until they get right outside on the veranda. He can see them from where he sits and he can't help but smile when the sounds of his child's laughter reaches his ears. She has roped Emir and Reyhan into her favorite game where they swing her between the two of them until she gets tired. But he knows his daughter and he knows she's never going to get tired.

"When are those two going to realize they still love each other and that this divorce made no sense?" Kemal asks his brother, knowing he won't get a response, but it makes him feel better to talk to him anyway. "How are you doing today? I know you're happy to see that Reyhan is back. You're not the only one. Emir is ecstatic, although he'll never admit it."

"Emir hates Reyhan."

Kemal looks up and sees that Cemre has come into the room. Her intense frown surprises him. He notes that her gaze is outside on the pair. Her frown deepens when she notices their laughter.

"Looks like he loves her," Kemal corrects Cemre. "Reyhan being back here is good for him. For them both. A love like theirs doesn't just die. It just got a little lost along the way. But they look like they're on the path to finding it again. It'll only be a matter of time."

Kemal gives Cemre another look, his suspicious nature starting to take over. But when it comes to his brother's safety, he can't be too careful. Someone in this house is trying to hurt Hikmet and he can't count anyone out. Cemre may have grown up like another daughter of the house, but something seems off with her. He'll have to tell Emir to pay closer attention to his friend. Kemal can't help but question why the woman appears to be living in the house in the first place. He may have to look into that particular situation himself. It's why Emir brought him into this little investigation. He needed someone with some distance who would be able to be more objective.

"Did you need something?" Kemal asks her, trying to get her focus off of Reyhan and Emir. "Cemre?"

"What? Um, no. I just came to ask Emir something," she claims. "But it can wait. Oh look! Flowers. They're beautiful. Let me take them and have Nigar put them into some water."

Kemal watches Cemre nervously fiddle with the teddy bear before finally handing it to him, at a loss for what to do with it. She takes the flowers and practically runs out the room, tossing one last harsh glare to Reyhan and Emir.

"Strange girl," Kemal mutters before turning his attention back to the bear. He flips the bear over and finds the hidden switch underneath. Turning it on, he sets the bear back on the dresser, making sure it - and the camera hidden inside of it - has a direct shot of Hikmet.

"We're going to figure this out, Abi," Kemal promises. "Until you can speak for yourself, this nanny cam will be my eyes and ears. Soon, we'll know exactly who has been trying to hurt you."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Kemal and Masal stay for a little bit longer, but far too soon it's time for them to go, and Emir finds himself walking them to their car. Kemal straps Masal into her car seat while Emir plants kisses on her tiny hand. It makes him a little sad because the last time Masal visited the mansion, he thought it would only be a matter of time before he'd be holding his own child in his arms. A little girl, like Masal. But with a head full of dark curls to match Reyhan's own dark tresses. Dimples on both cheeks. Huge eyes that would turn him to putty every time she looked at him.

"Are you okay?" Kemal asks him.

"It wasn't so long ago that I used to dream about being a father," Emir admits. "But that doesn't look like it's going to be happening."

"You and Reyhan have plenty of time to start a family."

"Reyhan and I no longer have a family," Emir says sadly. "Her choice, not mine. Plus, she's only here until we figure out what's going on with Baba."

"I see how you two are together, Emir. I don't think all hope is lost."

"You saw us on our best behavior for Masal's sake," Emir sighs. "She doesn't want to be here and I can't figure out how to not be angry at her."

Or how to make her stay, he says to himself.

"Give it time," Kemal says, patting him on the shoulder. He gives one final wave before driving off.

Time won't make her love me again, Emir thinks morosely. When her time here is up, she'll be gone again. He can't let himself forget that.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Cemre waits until Reyhan finishes feeding Hikmet before she pounces.

"You think you can get around our original deal," Cemre hisses. "I see what you're doing, circling Emir again."

"What are you talking about, Cemre?" Reyhan sighs in exasperation. "Why are you even here? I'm simply minding my business and taking care of my uncle. What's your problem now?"

"My problem is you trying to get back into Emir's good graces. I saw you with him and Masal, acting like the happy little family you'll never be. Especially if he goes to jail because of you. You must want him to go to prison, is that it? You must not remember what's at stake," she threatens.

"Cemre, listen ..."

"No, you listen to me," she interrupts. "Put distance between you and Emir again. Don't test me, Reyhan. If I have to handle this on my own, you're not going to like the outcome."

Cemre storms from the room ... and runs straight into Emir. She panics, wondering if he overheard any of the conversation just now.

"Cemre? Are you okay? You look upset."

Cemre inwardly sighs in relief, realizing he didn't hear anything. So she uses this opportunity to her advantage.

"I didn't mean any harm," she says, bringing fake tears to her eyes. "But Reyhan kicked me out of Hikmet amca's room. It's like she didn't want me to see something. Isn't it funny how she insists on being here because he needs her? But she won't let anyone else near him? I'm afraid she may be doing something to him so that we only think he needs her."

"That's ridiculous, Cemre," Emir says, waving off her concerns. "Reyhan wouldn't do anything to hurt my father."

"Are you sure of that?" Cemre asks, an idea forming in her mind. She'll just have to prove him wrong. "I hope you're right about her. Especially after the way she treated you."

On that, she turns and walks away. Finally something is going her way. All she has to do is make it look like Reyhan is hurting her precious uncle and Emir will put her out faster than she can blink. Cemre lets out a laugh and wonders why she didn't think of this before. All she needs to do is be patient and wait for the perfect opportunity.

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