𝐒 𝐔 𝐂 𝐂 𝐔 𝐁 𝐔 𝐒 | α΄‹α΄€Ι΄...

By sadot4ku

60.3K 3.6K 5.9K

"We're going to play truth or dare and the loser, who lies or who doesn't accept his dare, has to use the boa... More

π—π—π—πˆπˆπˆοΌ 𝐄 𝐏 𝐈 𝐋 𝐎 𝐆 𝐔 𝐄


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By sadot4ku

*translation in the comment

Something exploded inside Yeosang heart when she posed that question. He also heard someone screaming like a high school girl and he soon realized it was him, or rather his heart, freeing high-pitched shouts inside him. He felt a weight on his throat and had to suppress the happiest laugh he ever had.

The male wanted to pinch every single centimeter of his skin to check if he was dreaming of if it was reality.

Jieun, in the meantime, was a bundle of nerves, already hearing the sound of the word "no" echoing in her eardrums and she already started cursing herself for proposing that idea to him.

She parted her lips, ready to apologize and dash away from that smothering situation, but Yeosang preceded her.

"I'd like to."

He accepted, before giving her a beautiful and breathtaking smile, showing his perfect white teeth.

Jieun thought that she was flying over the clouds when she heard that reply. Her body was light and her feet didn't touch the ground when he smiled at her so sweetly.

Tears threatened to come flow from her eyes but she managed to dry them by blinking a couple of times. Instead, she gifted him the brightest smile Yeosang had ever seen and, in his opinion, she looked even more beautiful.

The male, then, offered his elbow to the girl for the second time which she gladly accepted, and started walking towards their classroom. Jieun couldn't not notice how the other girls of the campus kept staring at Yeosang and exchanged a malicious grin with the girl on their sides, commenting on his look.

Jieun, insecure and paranoid as she was, let the uncomfortableness win over her rational side and start thinking that maybe those girls were also talking about her and how she didn't fit on Yeosang's side, at all. It was something she was fully aware of and was the main reason why she had never talked to the male.

☆──────═══• ☽ ☼ ☾ •════──────☆

Yeosang didn't listen to a word that had been said during the last three hours inside the classroom. His mind kept wandering in distant lands, continuously asking himself what topic he should've started the conversation from when they were finally sat at the table of the cafeteria.

Jieun wasn't much different from the male: during the lessons, she had repeatedly checked how her makeup looked like and fixed her pale lips by covering them with her usual red lipstick that didn't come off with a thing you rubbed on it. At least, she was sure that she couldn't miss that little "date" they were going to have with smudged makeup.

Like the gentleman he was, but also because he was so clumsy and needed help, he reached her desk to walk her towards the cafeteria. This time, she didn't have to carry any book, only her bag that she let it dangle from one shoulder.

The male took care of everything, even food. As soon as he spotted a free table, he walked in its direction and let her sat down, saying that he was going to bring her the food. She tried to protest, telling him that she could do it herself, but he insisted and she gave up.

By the nervousness, she went on fidgeting with her fingers and the hem of the sleeve of her purple cardigan, mentally preparing a list with what she could say and what was better avoid.

When he came back to the table with both of his hands busy with the trailers, Jieun wondered how he managed to not break his wrists and she soon came to the conclusion that no one was more bumbling than her.

"I bought you some doenjang jjigae with some boiled rice. I know it's not the most tempting food, but I'm sure that it will help you with your sickness."

He claimed as he sat down in front of her. She watched how his cheeks turned in a cute shade of pink while he scratched his nape sheepishly. His worry about her current health status made Jieun melt, finding it absolutely adorable.

The girl started eating it and Yeosang enjoyed how she hummed with gusto when she chewed on the tofu.

"It's delicious! Thank you, Yeosang!"

She sang, smiling with her cheeks stuffed with food. The male observed how she had her hands hidden in the sleeve of the cardigan and he had to repress his willingness to slide his fingers in the sleeve and caress her palm with his thumb. He could've looked at her eating all day without never getting tired of how careless she looked.

Yeosang shook his head, shooing those fantasies that were wildly playing in his brain. He nibbled in his porridge, before talking.

"However, you shouldn't come to school when you don't feel good."

He scolded her, his tone, though, betrayed him, since it sounded more like a joke than a real reproach. He couldn't get angry at her, because he would've done the same thing.

Jieun smiled sheepishly and tried to hide her blame face behind the chopsticks. Yeosang moved on the side to avoid the sticks and have a better look at her visage.

The girl chuckled and covered her mouth with her hand.

"I know, I know. It's just that my roommate is noisy, nosey, and slobby and I can't have a second of peace that she's causing some troubles in the kitchen or in the bathroom. Here, on the campus, I can have some tranquility."

She said, concluding her explanation with a sweet pout on her red lips. She started playing with the tofu and the mushrooms, pinching them and moving the ingredients from side to side of the bowl, before finally eating them.

Yeosang's mouth moved on its own, not giving them time for his mind to realize what he had just said.

"You can come to my place."

He spoke so quickly that he almost didn't even realize he talked. He bit his lower lip, silently and internally churning himself for being so impulsive. Plus, his apartment wasn't big enough to host two people.

Jieun's eyes shone, her lips slightly parted before diving into a violent cough caused by choking herself with the food she was chewing. She didn't expect to hear such a purpose from Yeosang. Though, one thing was sure: she wouldn't have rejected.

The male, meanwhile, thought that the girl was about to throw her bowl full of hot and spicy soup to his face, accusing him to be a pervert and to take advantage of her current health status. When he spot sparkles and a wide smile on her plump lips, all of those scary thoughts disappeared.

"I don't want to be a burden..."

She let the sentence float in the air, without completing it, in the end. She wanted to reply with a "yes" by sheer lung power, showing him how long she had waited for that answer, but eventually decided to keep her cool and act like an adult.

Yeosang shook his head vigorously and thrust open his eyes while lifting his eyebrows.

"You're not a burden! You can never be-"

He said in a murmur, but immediately stopped when he realized he was being too "romantic."

"Anyway, the flat is pretty small and there are only one bed and one bathroom."

He added and soon felt the tip of his ears burning for having supposed that she wanted to sleep at his place. Now, he was scared that she really could start thinking that Yeosang was some kind of pervert.

"I-In case you want to sleep... At my place..."

He forced himself to shut his mouth, before something weird, or worse, regrettable, could slip out of his lips. He was sure that by that moment, Jieun thought that he was some kind of pervert trying to lure her.

Caught by a wave of courage that washed over her body, Jieun replied, for the first time, with something she intended saying. So, she put aside her shyness and spoke.

"Why not?"

She said tightening herself in her shoulders as she bit her lower lip, sensing an incredible shock of adrenaline running through her veins.

Yeosang gave her a kitty smile, loving that teasing side of her he never thought she had. However, he decided to change the topic, his mind was riding crazily into sinful thoughts he shouldn't have, so he took a sip of his water and went on with the conversation.

"So, you like Oscar Wilde?"

He asked, intertwining his fingers between them and tilting his head a little, curious to know her answer. Yeosang had no idea who her favorite author was, he thought that maybe English Literature could be in her wheelhouse.

"I don't mind his novels, but I prefer his poems like La Bella Donna Della Mia Mente* and My Voice."

She replied, her eyes shining again, and the male noticed how that happened whenever she talked about something she adored. Yeosang hummed when the words of those two poems surfaced in his mind. Both of them had a hint of romanticism and sadness inside, which was a detail that surprised the male; he thought that she would've liked something sentimental and never imagined that she was hiding a dark side in behind those red cheeks.

"What about you? I think you're more into the Hermeticism and Decadent movement. You know, pessimism and anger, those are the vibes you release."

Jieun said, bursting into a loud laugh right when she finished the sentence. She partly admitted that Yeosang had a scary aura all around him and the male simply nodded, letting the same words echoing in his head over and over again.

It wasn't the first time someone told him his looks were intimidating. He eventually got used to it, but still, he couldn't understand what side of him was fearsome.

"Mh, yes, you're right. I'm more into modern Literature, especially into the Italian one. I really like Eugenio Montale, Giuseppe Ungaretti, and Gabriele D'Annunzio."

Yeosang replied, resting his chin on the plan of his hand as he stare at her and her immense beauty when she was listening to what he had to say. And Jieun loved listening to him talking about Literature and she wished to have endless time to spend like that.

Nevertheless, fate wasn't on their side and the bell for the end of the break rang right when Yeosang was about to ask Jieun about her likings. Though he wasn't disappointed by that tremendous timing, on the contrary, he was satisfied, since it meant that he had a reason to invite her to his place to continue with that conversation.

As they both were standing up, Yeosang moved waved his hand in front of her, making Jieun understand that she had to go back to her seat and not worry about the trailers and the dishes. The girl pouted and followed his orders, actually liking how he took care of her.

What none of them knew and suspected was that something else wasn't liking how close they've become. His deep interest in that girl made its stomach clench and its hands tightening into hard fists. The fear of not completing its mission and losing the reward started creeping up from its back, creating burning goosebumps and making it grinding his teeth.

It had told Yeosang that Jieun was dangerous. He seemed to have listened to her words and she was happy, but it was evident how strong his feelings were towards that cursed girl.





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