Don't Let Me Go (A Kenyan Sto...

By Samwel_Victor

3.1K 229 46

Jayson has just had his heart broken by his high school sweetheart, after dating for five years. In a bid to... More

Heartbreak in The Club
Dancing In The Rain
"Good morning stranger"
Morning Coffee
Of exes & Heartbreaks
Paintball Fury
Past & Present
Late Night Calls
A Man Named Cyrus
Confession: Part 1
Lion's Den
Confession: Part 2
Master of the Game
Road to Recovery
The Unraveling

All Things Revealed

48 7 4
By Samwel_Victor

The time had come for enacting the final phase of his plan. He could feel the excitement and anticipation humming in his blood. Most of his adult life had led to this moment. He thought back to the moment when his mother had finally told him the truth of his biological father.

She had lain on her death bed, all the life and vitality sucked from her by the cancer. The doctors had found out about the brain tumor a little bit too late for any effective treatment plan. The chemo had just bought her a few months. He was barely out of campus when this happened.

“I have something I need to tell you Mark. But you have to promise me not to get mad at me.” She had said, her voice feeble.

“What is it? I don’t know if there is anything that would make me mad at you now mother.”

“Promise me Mark. Promise me that you won’t let this eat you alive son.” She pleaded with him.

“I promise mother,” he said, tears streaking down his already puffed face.

“It concerns your biological father Mark. Paul isn’t your biological dad.”

“What do you mean!!” his voice rose several octanes higher.

I’m sorry baby. I’m sorry to do this to you right now. But I cannot rest in peace until you know the truth.”

“You can’t be serious. Who is it? Who is it damnit?” he had asked her lividly.

“Kanyi, you and Jayson are half-brothers." The truth had hit him like a truckload of concrete. “Does he know?”


“But he doesn’t care enough about us to give a damn!” he barked at her and left the room, shutting out his mother’s pleas and cries for forgiveness.

He flinched as if in pain as he remembered this particular episode in his life. He made some more calls to some colleagues before leaving for the Kanyis. Everything was falling into place just as he wanted it to.

Elizabeth looked around the dining table at her family. She was grateful to have them all under one roof despite the circumstances that had brought them together.

She had requested they have a thanksgiving dinner as a family. Kanyi had moved back to the compound, though he stayed in a spare bedroom within the main house. This was after a lengthy discussion with both Charlie and Val. She didn’t like the arrangement one bit but she decided to keep appearances for her son’s sake.

“Come on, let’s say Grace, “ chipped in Val, disrupting her chain of thought. “Charlie, do you mind?”

“Okay, let’s pray. Lord we thank you for the meal before us. Bless it as you bless the occupants of this table. We thank you for Jayson, who we almost rest but is now making a recovery. We thank you for the gift of each other. And we ask that you
“Amen.” They said in unison.

“Now, let’s eat before the food gets cold,” Elizabeth said. “ And before I forget, Mark will be joining us in a while.”

The food was passed around the table. She and Charlie had made mukimo, a favorite dish amongst the family and chapatis. Val had made beef stew. It wasn’t long before the meal was cleared and Val brought out some white wine.

She poured each of them a glass and raised her glass. “Here’s to Jay’s recovery, and to family. Cheers.”

“To Jay and family,” the rest repeated after her.

He walked in as they just begun passing around the food.
“I hope I’m not late for the party.” A smile tugged at his lips.

“Of course you aren’t. Don’t be silly Mark. Seat next to daktari over there.” Elizabeth said as she hugged him.

He exchanged niceties and pleasantries with the rest of the family and took his place.

This is where I belong. This is my birthright.

He smiled as he looked at Kanyi Senior. Jayson who was on the opposite side noticed this and smiled back at him. He smiled back as he was passed a plate. He scanned the room one last time and absorbed the happy faces of everyone around him.

Let them enjoy this while it lasts. The evening would not end in such a happy note. And he served himself some mukimo and chicken stew.  He ate silently, mulling over what was about to transpire in a matter of less than an hour. Every now and then, he would glance at his watch and then everyone seated around the table.


It all happened so fast. One minute they were laughing boisterously and the next they were being attacked by armed robbers. Or so they thought.

“Kila mtu chini. On the ground now!” came a deep timbred voice from the leader of the robbers. “Razor, chukua simu zao uziweke hapa.”

“Who do you think you are barging into my house like this? Don’t you know who you are messing with? Dr. Kanyi barked at them. A blow to his face followed by a punch to his stomach was what he got.

“Anyone else wanna play hero?” they all lay down on the ground, Liz silently sobbing. “I thought so.”
They were all frisked and their phones taken from them.

“Why are you doing this to us?” Charlie asked.

Kwa sababu tunaweza. And because your father here is a crooked and vile old man. He is corrupt and an adulterer. We are just taking back what is rightfully ours.”

The room was quiet until Jayson spoke up. “What are they talking about?”

“Hujaambiwa?” the thug laughed loudly. “Your father has been having an affair with some girl half his age. And he and your mother are separated.”

“Is that true mother? Father?” he turned his face on the floor to face his dad. All he saw was a guilt-ridden man.

“And there is more. something he has kept from the entire family. Who wants to hear it?” When no answer came, he laughed. “I will tell you regardless. He has a bastard son. Someone you all love and already consider family. Isn’t that true Mark Katana? Or should I say Mark Kanyi?”

Mark stood up and lunged at him only to be kicked on his groin and he fell down, writhing in pain. The butt of a pistol found its way to his forehead and he saw stars. The last thought before he lost consciousness was that that had not been part of the plan.

“Now that we’ve got that out of the way, tunataka two hundred and fifty million wired to this account.” He handed Dr. Kanyi a piece of paper with an account number. “Na usijaribu kutudanganya, we know you have it stashed in some account in the Caymans. It’s either that, or you watch your entire family being butchered, one by one, piece by bloody piece. So daktari, what’s it gonna be?”

“Okay, I will wire you the funds. Just don’t hurt my family.” He took the piece of paper. “I’m going to need my phone back though.”

“Nice try. But no. everything has been setup.” He waved one of the goons over. A tablet was handed to him and he gave it to Kanyi. “All you have to do is feed in your account number, our account number and your PIN. Ad voila, we will be out of your hair like we never were here.”

Kanyi did as was instructed and he cringed when the text TRANSACTION COMPLETE appeared on the screen.

“Folks, it’s been nice doing business with you but sadly our time together has come to an end. Now if you don’t mind I’ll be holding on to your phones for a while. Thank you for your cooperation.” He laughed and they walked out hurriedly.

A minute had not passed before they heard police sirens followed by gunshots. This went on for a brief minute or two before the police came into the house.
“It’s now safe to get up guys. They all stood up to see Wendy in uniform.”

“Wendy? How?” asked Elizabeth, clearly shocked by this new development.

“I am Detective Lorna with the CID. It’s a long story, one that I’ll explain to you after arresting the mastermind behind this entire fiasco.”

She walked up to Mark and cuffed him as she read him his rights. The shock on everyone’s face was clear.
“But I thought you were dead. I ordered Calvin to kill you.”

“Thing is, Calvin and I have long been undercover in your criminal empire waiting for this moment. Get him out of my sight.”

She spent the next two hours explaining in detail everything concerning Mark’s criminal empire. By the time she was done, to say everyone was shocked was an understatement. She answered all their questions diligently and meticulously.

“Listen guys, I owe you all an apology for deceiving you like that. But it was part of my job.” She tuned to Jayson. “I am  especially remorseful for having being deceitful with you. At first, you were just a means to an end, bringing down Mark and his criminal empire down. But I may have developed feelings for you. I hope I will earn your forgiveness.”

“I won’t speak for the rest but considering you just help put a criminal masquerading as my best friend behind bars, I think I might learn to forgive you Lorna.” Jayson said, staring deep into her eyes, then he left the room.


Hello peeps, yes, the last chapter is finally out. Sorry for the long wait. It's subject to editing, so feel free to critique it.
Read, comment, vote and share widely.
Thank you for sticking with me through out this journey.

Till next time


1. Kila mtu chini.
Everyone on the ground

2. chukua simu zao uziweke hapa.
Take their phones and place them here

3. Kwa sababu tunaweza
Because we can

4. Hujaambiwa?
Haven't you been told?

5. tunataka.... Na usijaribu kutudanganya
We want... And don't try lying to us

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