
By TheEiriniii

117K 4.4K 1.8K

Being the CEO of Kim Corporation, Kim Jisoo is bound to face problems and make decisions that are favorable t... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Surprise 🎁
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Final Author's Note

Chapter 35

1.9K 75 84
By TheEiriniii

POV of Jisoo

"Spare you a time?"

I asked in a sad tone as I turned around to face her.

"Am I that busy already that you have to ask for a time now?"

Rosé nodded, "but I understand because I'm also busy nowadays."

She lowered her body to hug me and rest her head on my shoulder, "I just want to spend a day or two with you, not just a couple of minutes or hours."

I felt guilty upon hearing Rosé's words right now. The guilt worsened when I remembered that I spent half of the day with Soojoo instead of my wife.

"I'm sorry, love. I just thought it's okay to be busy since you are busy too." I said as I hugged her.

"It's okay, I understand that you have responsibility for the company." Rosé said.

I let go from the hug to face her, "Do you want to watch a movie or anything before we go to sleep?"

"Don't you have work to finish?" Rosé asked with a frown

"Work can wait, I need to make up with my wife." I said as I showered her with kisses on the cheeks.

Rosé giggled from what I did, "Yah! Stop it! Hahaha"

"So a movie?" I asked when I stopped, "or you want to do something exciting?" I asked while wiggling my eyebrows.

"MOVIE!" Rosé shouted as she immediately let go from the hug, "Bring some ships!"

(Something exciting is more fun though.)

I laughed from my thought and proceeded to get something we can eat. We spent the night watching one movie only which we also did not finish since both of us slept while the movie was ongoing. I think Rosé woke up in the middle of the night and switched off the television.

For the past two weeks, I tried my best to wake up early to accompany Rosé during breakfast and got home early for dinner since I'm still busy planning for a vacation with her. I can also see her tried so that our schedule will match. These past weeks I can see that something is strange with Rosé, I just can't pinpoint what.

"Sooyah, make sure----Yah! What is that strange smell!" Rosé complained as soon as she entered the kitchen.

"What smell?" I said as I sip from my coffee. "I only smell a freshly brewed coffee."

"That's coffee? What have you put on your coffee why does it smell awful." Rosé complained again as she put her hands in her nose and got ready to get out of the kitchen, "Finish that and I need to talk to you, I will wait at the garden. Please brush your teeth first and put some mouthwash before you talk to me."

(She is getting weird again.)

I looked at my coffee and smelled it, "But you smelled good."

Like what Rosé said I finished my coffee first and did all the necessary things so that there is no trace of the smell of coffee anywhere.

"What do you want to talk to?" I said as I sat on her side but she pushed me to sit on the opposite side. "Yah! What now!"

"You still smell like coffee so don't sit near me." Rosé said while covering her nose.

"Yah! I'm getting hurt by your actions you know and it's just coffee. Why are you acting so weird these days?"

Rosé seems to realize something and change her mood. "Let's not talk about it now. Today is December 24 and I hope you still remember that we have dinner so we have to buy something to bring them."

"Ow yeah about that, I don't think I can go with you to buy something. I need to go to the office and finish some work." I said

"What I thought I already told you to clear this day and for god's sake it's Christmas, Jisooyah! No one works on this day." Rosé said in an irritated tone.

"I did clear my schedule that is why I'm still here this early, but I just need to finish this work. I promise you I will be there and I won't be late. I just can't go with you with the other stuff today."

"But you promise." Rosé said with disappointment

"I know but I just have to go, please understand," I said as I tried to reach her hand but she stood up.

"Fine! Do what you want!" Rosé said and left me alone in the garden.

"Chaeyoung-a, wait!" I tried to follow her until we reached our room but she shot the door, "Yah! Open this!"

I kept on banging the door for her to open it but she kept on resisting.

(Hays, my time would be wasted and I won't be able to arrive on time at dinner if I don't go now.)

"Chaeyoung-a, please understand, I just need to finish this. I promise I'll be at the dinner later." I said but she still did not answer and instead played loud music. "I'll go now."

The moment I arrived at the office I was immediately consumed by my work. I'm the only one at the office since it's Christmas, but I still choose this because we will present everything in February.

(I need to do my best in this.)

Hours have already passed and the sound of my alarm illuminates the silence in the office reminding me to end my work. I set an alarm to be able to remember the dinner because if not I might end up celebrating Christmas here. I'm not yet finished, but I already need to pack my things because I need to change clothes and pick Rosé at the house. I texted her that I'm going home so that she can prepare already.

I'm already at the parking lot and was about to enter my car when my phone rang, which made me pause for a minute to answer it.



"Sooyah" Soojoo replied and her voice cracked.

(Is she crying?)

"Hey, what's the problem? Are you crying?"

"Sooyah, i-it's d-dad."

"Where are you? Send me your location and I'll go there. I'll hang up first so I can drive there."

I hung up immediately and entered my car. While driving I received the message from Soojoo and she is at Kim Hospital. I drive as fast as I can to get there.

"Hey." I called the attention of Soojoo when I saw her outside of the room, "Why are you here?"

I saw her cry the moment she saw me so I gave her a hug.

"It's okay, you can cry. I'm here with you."

I kept on repeating those words to her until she calmed down.

"Are you calm now?" I asked when I sensed that she stopped crying.

Soojoo only nodded and I let go from the hug to face her.

"Do you want to talk about it now?"

She kept silent for a minute so I took that as a no but she suddenly talks.

"I almost lost him a while ago.." She started and tears are forming again on her eyes. "I-i-I w-was placing flowers in the va-vase w-when h-he started to h-have a s-seizure."

I encircle my arms again to her and stroke her back. She is crying hard now.

"It took me mi-minutes to res-respond," She said and she let out a small laugh. "I-I he-hesitated to respond."

I frowned from what she said.

(She hesitated, but why?)

She faced me and answered me as if she read my mind, "Because of him I lost you."

"B-but y-you ca-called for he-help right?"

I asked with so much nervousness in my voice. I don't want to be the reason for Soojoo to hate herself for not doing the right thing.

(Please tell me you did.) I thought while staring at her with pleading eyes.

She turned to face the wall and nodded as if I was there. "because I remembered what you said, *It's all in the past now*"

She leans her head on my shoulder, "I'm too jealous of Rosé for having you, for getting what used to be mine. But I saw how you love her so I decided to forgive my father for what he did, to forgive myself for not fighting for us."

I hug her, "You are the one who first taught me to fight for what I love, although it fell short," I said with a small laugh. "but you contributed a lot in my learnings about love so please don't ever blame yourself for what happened to us. There are things that are out of our control no matter what, things that might slip from our hand because something will replace it which perfectly fitted for us to hold tighter."

After our conversation, I decided to stay to help her. I made sure that she has enough food and has someone to be with her which is one of their workers. When I made sure that everything was fine, I decided to go home.


I slap my head when I remember Rosé and the dinner. I got my phone to call Rosé and I was welcomed by a lot of missed calls and messages from Rosé. I tried to open some.

"Love, sorry for my actions a while ago. Please come at dinner, I have something to tell you."

"Love, you are not mad right? Please reply, I'll be waiting."

"I guess I will just go there by myself. You can just go straight to the mansion."

"The dinner is about to start in a few, where are you? Why are you not responding? They are also waiting for you sooyah"

"The dinner is done. I'll just stay here for a while, maybe you will come."

"It's already 1 am. Alice and her family are going home already. Mom and dad are convincing me to stay here and go back tomorrow but I want to go home, can you please at least pick me up?"

"I guess you won't come."

After reading those messages, my heart started to beat faster. I drove as fast as I could to arrive immediately at home. When I arrived, the whole house was dark which was opposite from the other houses beside us which was still so bright because of the celebration. I entered the house and I saw a light in the kitchen and there I saw Rosé pouring hot water on a teapot. She raised her head and our eyes met but I immediately broke it because I'm guilty of what I did.

"Just preparing a tea, I can't sleep," Rosé said casually as she continued what she was doing.


"Do you want one?" Rosé cut me off. "I'll just leave it here in case you wanted it."

"Chaeyoung-a, I'm sorry," I said as I stopped her by holding her hand.

She just stared at me, "I'll be sleeping in the guest room. Please don't disturb me, I need to rest."

After Rosé said that she goes upstairs without saying anything again. The next day Rosé is still cold towards me. I tried my best to surprise her but she just ignored all of it and went out of the house without telling me where she will be going. We both spent the remaining days of the year without her talking to me. Rosé has her ways to avoid me when it's just the two of us, but when we are with others everything seems to be normal. We seem to have no problem when we spend our new year's eve with my family and hers. Rosé was so sweet and all but when I tried to talk to her privately she would eventually avoid me.

"You really fuck up big time, Jisooyah! HAHAHAHA '' Jeongyeon said as she took a ship to her beer.

It's January 1 and we are having our annual gathering. We have that annual gathering every start of the year and now it is happening in Lisa's house. It was just Jennie, Irene, and Mina that is always here cooking for us in the past gathering. But the difference now is that our group is starting to grow, we have Rosé, Sana, and another doctor whom I forgot the name of.

"You should give her surprises, unnie," Dahyun said as she ate the food that Sana gave her.

"Are you not listening? She already did that but Rosé unnie is still cold." Tzuyu said and Dahyun just gave her a peace sign.

Tzuyu is present this year because she didn't go back to Taiwan so we decided to invite her.

"I just want us to go back to normal," I said as I turned to watch Rosé cook with the other girls.

My friends just laugh at my misery.

"If you want that, you just need to continue to woo her and never do anything stupid at these times." Lisa said as she stood up and she went to the girls to help but before she leaves she said one thing which made me nervous, "be careful, good girls have their own limits, she might blow up."


Weeks have passed and I can feel Rosé is starting to be soft. Rosé already came back to our room. I still tried my best to win her again but I'm more careful to not piss her off or else I'll be sleeping alone again. She is currently on her schedule because she recently made a comeback. I, on the other hand, is still doing my best because we are having the presentation tomorrow.

"Doing good?"

I asked Jennie who is currently monitoring the ongoing shoot for the commercial. I decided to visit them on my break.

"I brought food for you guys."

"Ow, thank you, unnie." Jennie said as she got the food and gave it to her secretary to distribute, "Yeah, we are fine. We will be finished tomorrow."

I just nodded to her and extended the drink that I got on my hand to the person who is on her way to us.

"You look tired."

"Who wouldn't be tired when your cousin is pushing everything to finish in just 3 days!" Soojoo said as she glared at Jennie.

"Yah! We have a timeline and I presented it already." Jennie defended

"Yes you did and I tried to talk to you about it but you won't negotiate about it." Soojoo countered and rolled her eyes.

"Hahahaha, both of you are so funny. You're almost done but you are still fighting about the schedule." I said as I laughed with their reaction.

The two of them just glared at me and got some food that I bought.

"Everything here seems to be alright and in place." I said to them, "I think I should go now, Jen. Please call me if any problem arises."

"You still think I can't handle things don't you?" Jennie asked with a smirk, "Unnie, everything is fine here. You don't have to worry since I am here and I know what I will do if I can't handle things here."

Jennie's assurance somehow helps me to relax. Indeed Jennie already proved herself to be worthy in handling things like this although she sometimes got a bit childish like me in other aspects.

I bid my goodbyes to everyone in the place and proceeded to the company. The moment I entered my office Wendy immediately welcomed me with paperwork.

"Good thing you are already here, let's start checking everything for the final presentation tomorrow," Wendy said and Jihyo also came.

The whole day we just do all the finalization for the presentation tomorrow. Once everything was done, I immediately went home to have dinner together with Rosé. On my way, I tried to see the schedule for the week and saw that the day after tomorrow is already our first wedding anniversary.

(I will make sure to prepare for this! We really need to go back to normal now. I already miss her.)


"Good morning." I greeted Rosé and kissed her cheek.

(Thank god she's allowing me again to greet her that way.)

"Morning." Rosé answered without paying much attention to me.

She just continued to prepare our breakfast and I helped her with that.

"Are you busy today?" I asked as I tried again to have a conversation with her.

"Not really, just practice at the agency then lunch with the girls." Rosé answered, "You?"

I look at her in shock, (FINALLY A TWO WAY CONVERSATION!)

"A big day at the office," I answered with a big smile.

"A presentation?" Rosé asked again while now giving me a look.

"Yes." I nodded

"Then good luck." She said and gave her attention back to the food.

I decided to just focus on my food since Rosé clearly is not yet okay.



CEO Kim Jisoo was seen in the public multiple times with the famous model Hong Suzu. Kim Jisoo was known to be a player wherein she changes her girlfriend every month. Last year it was announced that Kim Jisoo and Park Chaeyoung or famously known as Rosé, the daughter of Lawyer Park, were engaged and later tied the knot on February 2. Sources said that the two got into a fight and is considering divorce. Is the CEO already on the roll again? Find out by tuning in our channel."

My eyes widened because of the news. I immediately turn my attention to Rosé, who is also listening to the news.

"It's not what you think," I said as I reached for her hand but she retrieved her hand.

"I'm not thinking about anything." She said as she got up and placed her plate on the sink.

I stood up and followed her.

"It's nothing I swear. They just only misunderstood it, they are twisting the story."

"I told you I'm not thinking anything about that issue." Rosé said as she turned to pass me after she said it. "I'll go ahead."

"I know you are thinking otherwise."

"Why are you so bothered about what I am thinking?" Rosé said when she stopped and faced me.

"Because it is important to me what you are thinking and what you feel."

"Then did you consider what I would feel when you didn't show up at the dinner?" Rosé said, which made me pause. "did you consider what I would feel when you broke your promise?"

Rosé said in a calm voice but for me, this sound is sending me the opposite feeling. I went silent all of a sudden.

"You also promised me that you won't cheat." Rosé said as tears are now starting to flow in her eyes.

"I DID NOT!" I shouted because of frustration which shocked Rosé.I went near her and held both her face, "I did not cheat on you. I will never do that, please trust me."

She paused for a moment probably internalizing what I said.

"I will and I hope," Rosé started with a soft voice, "I just hope you could stand on what you said."

After the talk, Rosé and I agreed to finish first our respective schedules for today. I felt that there is still something that needs to be said about our relationship so we will talk again later at dinner.

"Why are you late? I kept on calling you since earlier. You know you are the first presenter but you're late and the board is starting to be irradiated so we let Mr. Chan present first." Mr. Lee asked as he helped me with my things.

Both of us are in a hurry toward the board room.

"I'm sorry an emergency came up at home."

"Ma'am, I think the board knows about the recent news about you." Mr. Lee warned me first as I was about to enter.

(aishhh! That stupid issue is making a buzz at the wrong time!)

"That issue is not true and I'm willing to answer it," I said as I entered the board room.

Chanyeol paused when he saw me come in and all the people inside turned to me. All of them stood up except my father, grandfather, and uncles.

"Good morning, Ma'am." Everyone greeted me.

"Good morning. Sorry for being late," I said and turned towards Chanyeol. "Mr. Park please continue your presentation."

Chanyeol continued his presentation and it took him almost an hour to finish his turn since a lot of questions have been raised by the board. Overall his presentation is widely favored.

(I just hope I could get the same result. A lot of people work hard for this.)

"It's your turn, Jisoo," Grandpa said which made me stand up.

"Good morning everyone," I greeted as I came into the center, "My proposed solution on this matter is called Clean and Go. It means that we are going to clean this issue in the right way. We will obey what the authorities have set for this..."

I continue explaining my plan and I can see how they get serious in listening. It took me 30 mins to explain everything and another hour was spent on questions and clarifications of the board. When it was done my grandfather stood up.

"I want to congratulate Chanyeol and Jisoo for the wonderful presentation and also their team. I'm sure the board was also overwhelmed by the presentation so I would suggest a 15 minutes break for everyone before we resume voting."

Everyone in the boardroom stood up and tried to stretch their body from a long sitting because of the presentation.

"Congrats Unnie! It was a good presentation!" Dahyun and Jennie said as they approached me and gave me a hug.

"You really outdid yourself in this presentation, Jisooyah!" Taehyung Oppa said as he also approached me.

"Thank you, guys!" I said as I accepted their hugs, "I really need to do my best on this because the team did their best to come up into this."

"I'm somehow impressed with you this time." Grandpa said as he approached us, "But I don't think it's a good idea to celebrate this early, the votes haven't been cast yet."

(My best won't really be enough with this old man.)

"What do you mean, grandpa?" Dahyun asked

"The board heard about the news that has been released this morning." Grandpa said, "I thought you have changed when you marry Mr. Park's daughter, I should have known that your true color will always show up no matter what things I give you to cover it up."

"Those are just rumors!"

My voice raised a bit which made the other people in the room direct their attention to us.

"I did not cheat and it has nothing to do with this presentation." I continued.

"It has my dear, trust me it has," Grandpa said as he whispered it to me, "That is why I always told all of you to watch every action that you do because the consequences of it will not only backfire in you but to the whole company, to the whole family."

After grandpa pointed out his point to us, the meeting resumed so we just decided to go back to our respective seats. The votes were now cast and Mr. Lee is now counting it.

"The votes are 8:7," Mr. Lee announced and he paused for a minute, "It's in favor of Ms. Kim."

I felt relieved when Mr. Lee said my name. Applauses were heard on the board but it was stopped by one of the members of the board.

"May I speak, Ms. Kim?" One of the board members asked my permission.

"Sure you may Mr. Co."

"We all voted in your favor Ms. Kim, but we have a condition." He said which made grandpa lower his head.

(He knew something about what they wanted?)

"And what is it?"

"We want Mr. Park and his team to handle the problem. We want you to give him your idea." He answered and I saw Chanyeol smirk.

I stood abruptly from what I've heard which somehow scared him, "Are you fucking kidding me?!"

"Kim Jisoo, watch your word!" My father tried to stop me.

"Appa, they wanted to steal my work, my team's work!"

"That is why they asked you politely Ms. Kim. You don't need to show anger, this is a formal meeting." Chanyeol said.

"Easy for you to say!"

"KIM JISOO THAT IS ENOUGH!" Grandpa shouted which made me pause, "Let us hear their reasons first before you let your anger take over."

(This old man! He should be thankful my respect has not yet reached its limit.)

"You having those scandals again and it is not good for the company at this time." He explained, "But we can't waste your idea so we decided to just give it to Chanyeol."

"That fucking scandal is not true! I'm going to answer that scandal after this meeting." I said firmly, "I won't just give our ideas to others."

"No, you are not addressing the issue." Grandfather said. "and you will give the idea to Mr. Park."

"Are you kidding me? Those are not true! I need them to know so they will stop it and no, I won't give him our idea. My team and I will handle this problem"

"Will they believe you? Those are the things that you do in the past, they will not believe you." Grandpa said.

"I don't care if they don't believe me, I don't care if all of you won't believe me." I said while pointing at them, "I only do this for my wife. Her opinion on this matter is the only thing that I cared about."

I exited the board room and immediately entered my car. I wandered around the city not knowing where I'm going. I don't want to go home yet, I don't want to go home to Rosé still full of anger. After a few more hours of driving around the city, I decided to go to the Elite club.

"Don't you think it's a bad idea to be in a club after a cheating issue?" Someone said as she sits beside me.

"Don't you think going near me right now will not put more fire on that issue?" I answered to Soojoo as I sip from my fourth alcohol.

She laughed from what I said and she seem drunk already, "Then let's fire it up more."

Soojoo went near me and suddenly kissed me. The kiss lasted for about two minutes because I pushed her when I came back from my senses.


Someone shouted and it was Lisa. She approached me and launched a punch at me.

"Yah! It is not what you think!"

I said as I tried to shield myself from her punch but it still hit my face. I can already taste blood.

"Yah! Stop this! I said it is not what you think"

I still kept on shielding my face as I tried to get out of Lisa. Lisa's sudden outrage gets me back from my senses that is why I'm not fighting back. Alcohol seems to be washed away by Lisa's punches.

"That's enough, Lisayah."

It's as if a supreme being just told us to stop. Lisa and I both paused from what we are doing. I slowly move to see the person behind Lisa.

"Rosé.." I said and immediately stood up to go near her, "It is not what you think."

Rosé stepped backward when I tried to reach for her. She is just staring at me and hurt can be seen in her eyes.

"Lisayah, I want to get out of her." She said as she stared at me.

"Chaeyoung-a, let's talk, please," I beg

"I don't think this is the right time to talk." She finally replied to me

"No, please let us talk now!" I said as I tried to grab her arm.

I felt scared all of a sudden because of her action. (I don't want to lose her.)

"Please, plea---"

"Ro-Rosé," Lisa shutter as she points at Rosé's leg part

I turn my attention to where Lisa is pointing and my scaredness a while ago doubled.

"wh-why is their a ---"

Rosé also lowered her head to her legs and panic was showing all over her face when she saw blood.


Thank you for reading 😁

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