Forever and Always (Sequel to...


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Watch Max and Demi plan their wedding while taking care of two little ones. How will they deal with the stres... Еще



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Demi's POV

It's now the next afternoon and we just got done eating a late breakfast in bed when Max brings the dishes downstairs. I decide to finally roll out of bed to do my morning routine in the bathroom then throw on one of Max's shirts and underwear and walk to the balcony in our room. I open the sliding glass door and walk out to see a hot tub on the balcony as well as a gorgeous view looking out to the lake. I soon feel arms wrap around my waist and I smile and lean back into Max's chest.

"You wanna talk to me now and tell me what was bothering you last night?" He asks and I take a deep breath.

"Not really." I answer and I feel him kiss my neck before he unwraps his arms from around me and walks around so he's now facing me.

"I think you should. Whatever it was, obviously was affecting you if you were thinking about it all night." He says grabbing my hand and rubbing the back of it and I sigh and look down.

"I didn't want to ruin your night last night and I don't want to ruin our weekend." I say and he looks to the side then back at me.

"I would much rather you tell me what's going on than have you constantly thinking about whatever happened and be sad about it. I can tell it's been affecting you, whatever it is." He answers and I sigh once again.

"Do you think I hold you back?" I ask looking down at our hands.

"What?" He asks and I look up to see him looking really confused.

"Do I hold you back? Or do me and the kids hold you back?" I ask once again. He immediately shakes his head and pulls me closer to him before wrapping his arms around me.

"Of course you don't. Why would you think that baby?" He asks me as he rubs my back.

"I don't know if you're going to believe me or not." I say pulling away from him and he furrows his brows.

"Why wouldn't I believe you? Baby, what's going on?" He asks me and I take a deep breath and walk around him so I can look out to the water.

"Lizzie came up to me last night and asked if we were done having kids because she wants to send you on a tour and that she wished you never met me cause I'm holding you back from greatness. I also overheard her talking on the phone last night and she said that I have you on a leash." I say and his eyes go wide as I briefly look at him before turning my attention back to the lake.

"What?" He asks and I nod.

"I figured if she thinks I'm holding you back, then it's probably true and you're just not saying anything to keep me happy. Max if I am holding you back though, then let me know. All I want is for you to be happy and if I'm not doing that then I need to know." I say now looking at him and he immediately shakes his head.

"You are not holding me back. Don't think like that, okay? And you and the kids make me the happiest, not my career, not the money, not my successes. You and the kids are all I need and I'll always be the happiest." He says walking over to me and grabbing my hands and I nod.

"The way she was saying it though Max, it's like she wants us to break up or something because you're priority is your family more than your career. Im just looking out for you, because I've been down that road before and no one warned me." I say and he nods.

"I'm scheduling a meeting with her when we get back cause I'm not going to accept that." He says rubbing the back of my hand.

"Okay." I say looking down.

"Wait there's more. What else happened?" He asks lifting my head up by my chin and I feel tears burn at the back of my eyes. "Baby, what's wrong?" He asks caressing my cheek as I take a deep breath before talking.

"I also overheard her saying that she was surprised that the fake screenshots between me and Tony didn't break us up because they were really convincing. That just makes me think that she knew about him attacking me in the first place or had some insight in planning it." I say letting a tear fall.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me. I'm leaving her management. I don't want her to be in control of my career anymore. I can't believe she did that. I thought I could trust her." He says running his fingers through his hair as he starts pacing and I bite my lip in an attempt to stop the tears.

"You believe me?" I ask and he turns to me.

"Of course I believe you baby. God, I can't believe she did that to you, to us. This is just making me think of all the other shit she's probably done without me knowing." He says starting to pace again and I walk up to him and grab his hand to stop him.

"Can we just forget about this all. At least til we get back. I want to have a good weekend with you and not have it be ruined by her." I ask and he nods and wraps me in his arms.

"Okay, lets forget about it then. What do you wanna do today then?" He asks rubbing his hands up my back under my shirt and I smile.

"There's a hiking trail. We can do that and then go down to the lake later?" I say and he nods.

"That sounds perfect. Let's get ready then." Max says and I nod as we both walk back into our room.

"Okay, I'm gonna text Lyndan and tell him to get ready." I say grabbing my phone as Max walks in the bathroom.

"Okay, I'll be in the shower. Feel free to join." He says and I smile and quickly text Lyndan to let him know where we're going and he said he would be ready soon. I then walk to the bathroom to see Max already in the shower so I quickly undress and join him. I wrap my arms around him from behind and kiss the back of his neck.

"I miss the kids." I say laying my head against his back.

"I do too. We can call my mom when we get out." He says turning around and wrapping his arms around me and I smile and look up at him.

"I love you." I whisper before leaning up to kiss him.

"I love you too baby." He replies when we pull away and we both smile. We then finish up our shower and when we get out we both get dressed. Max gets dressed in a pair of sweatpants and a shirt with a army jacket while I get dressed in leggings and one of Max's shirts and a black jean jacket. I then quickly dry my hair with the blow dryer and put it in a low bun.

"I'm gonna call my mom right now baby." Max says from the bed and I smile and walk out of the bathroom to sit next to him on the bed as he FaceTimes his mom. She answers on the second ring and we immediately see her holding Ezra.

"Hi mom, we were calling to say hi to the kids." Max says and she smiles.

"Zara, come here princess. Look who's on the phone?" Rhonda says as Zara comes running over and I smile when I see her on the screen.

"Hi princess!" I say and she smiles and takes the phone.

"Hi mama! Look!" Zara says showing a new baby doll and I smile.

"Is that a new baby?" I ask and she nods.

"Nana got it!" She says excitedly and I smile.

"That was so nice of her, did you say thank you?" Max asks and she nods.

"Yeah! Look!" She then says showing a stuffed car toy. "It's bubu's!" She says and I smile.

"That was so nice of nana to get you two toys! Are you two being good?" I ask her.

"Yeah! Bubu cry though." She says and I pout slightly.

"He did? Was he crying last night at bed time?" I ask her.

"Yeah. Nap too." She says and I sigh knowing we need to do something to get them to stop crying when it's time for them to go to sleep.

"What about you princess? Did you cry?" Max asks.

"Little bit." She says shrugging and I chuckle slightly at how grown she looks and sounds right now.

"Well until mommy and daddy get back, let's try not to cry anymore, okay?" I say and she nods.

"Okay." She says and I smile.

"Can you bring the phone to Nana now so we can say hi to bubu?" I ask and she nods and starts running up to Rhonda and she eventually grabs the phone and points it to Ezra. We talk to him for a couple minutes, but he just laughs and smiles.

"Mom, how have the kids been with their sleep?" Max asks Rhonda.

"They put up a little fight last night and this morning for their nap, but overall they were okay. I understand though, you and Matt both started fighting sleep at their age also." Rhonda answers.

"Zara didn't do this though when she was Ezra's age. So why would he now?" Max then asks.

"I don't know. Maybe you can transition him into afternoon naps and just switch up their night routine and that may help with getting them to bed at night." She answers and we both nod.

"Okay, we will try something new when we get back. Call us if you need anything though." Max said.

"Okay. Zara come here and say bye to mommy and daddy!" Rhonda says and Zara comes running back over and I smile big at her large smile.

"Bye!" She says waving and I smile.

"Bye babies. I love you guys!" I tell Zara and Ezra.

"Love you mama!" Zara replies.

"Love you princess! Love you too Ezra!" Max says.

"Love you dada! Say bye bubu!" Zara says lifting Ezra's hand and waving it and I smile big as he giggles. After a final goodbye, we finally hang up and walk downstairs. We grab a couple water bottles and a few sandwiches before we hear Lyndan knocking on the door. Max gets the door while I put my shoes on and then I walk outside where they're both waiting.

"Ready baby?" Max asks and I nod and grab his extended hand as we start walking. Lyndan does give us our privacy and stays pretty far behind us, but the only reason he came was to make sure nothing happens or if people do happen to find us.

"It just kind of hit me when we were talking on the phone with the kids how big Zara's getting. Like she can have actual conversations with us and it just blows my mind." I say and I look over at Max to see him nodding.

"It is crazy. I remember when I first got that call that I might have a kid and it terrified me. Now though, I'm living an incredible life with my family and I'm just so blessed to have you three." He says bringing my hand up to his mouth to kiss it and I smile.

"Do you wanna have more kids?" I ask him and he looks over at me.

"That was random." He says chuckling and I smile slightly while looking down.

"Yeah, I guess. But do you?" I ask again.

"Of course I do if that's what you want." He says and I smile big looking back up at him.

"Wait, you actually want more?" I ask and he nods.

"Yeah I do. I wanna wait until we're at least married though before we have more." He says and I smile and look down at my ring.

"When do you wanna get married?" I ask him and he smiles big.

"I would marry you tomorrow if I could. Which I guess technically we could, but I know you want your big wedding." He says and I smile big and let out a small chuckle.

"I don't want it to be huge. Just family and close friends, is that alright?" I ask him and he nods.

"I am okay with anything that will make our wedding day your perfect day. How about this, you plan the wedding and I'll obviously help and put my insight in and I plan the honeymoon." He says and I immediately shake my head.

"Nope, not happening. I want to know where our honeymoon is going to be." I say and he chuckles.

"You don't trust me?" He asks with raised eyebrows.

"I do trust you and I know that if you were to plan it then it will be spectacular, but I don't want to not know where our honeymoon is. I can barely handle our date night surprises, let alone a whole honeymoon." I say and he laughs.

"Alright fine. But I still want the wedding to be whatever you want baby. Make it your dream wedding, okay?" He says and I smile.

"I want you to help me baby. I don't want to plan it all on my own." I say and he nods.

"And I will help you, but I don't want you to shy away from what you really want, okay?" He says and I nod.

"Okay. I can't wait to finally marry you and call you my husband." I say leaning over to kiss his cheek and he smiles.

"And I can't wait to call you my wife." He says and I blush. We continue walking through the trail for another thirty minutes or so when the path opens up to a field of flowers.

"This is so beautiful." I say in a breath as Max kisses my temple.

"It is pretty amazing." Max says wrapping his arm around my shoulder and I smile and lean into him.

"Lyndan, do you mind taking some pictures for us?" I ask turning to him and he nods and walks over to us and grabs my phone from me. We take several pictures together and one of the last we take I turn to Max and place my hand on his neck as I lean in to kiss him as his arm wraps around my waist.

"Thank you!" I say excitedly while grabbing my phone from Lyndan and he nods. I scroll through the pictures and I smile at how cute they all are and I decide to post the one of us kissing.

Liked by maxehrich, sirahsays, diannadelagarza and 3,529,610 more
ddlovato: The love of my life🧡
maxehrich: I love you baby💘💘
          ddlovato: @maxehrich I love you more😍😍❤️
sirahsays: Bitch!! Your ring is shining to the gods!!😩💍
          ddlovato: @sirahsays 😂😂🥰💍💍
and 12,452 more

After I post the picture I look up to see Max walking towards the flowers and I smile and follow him. Once I get close enough I grab his hand in mine and he turns and smiles at me. He then bends down and picks a flower before handing it to me and I giggle and blush slightly as I grab it from him.

"You're so cute baby." I say and he smiles down at me and pushes some hair behind my ear.

"That's all you." He replies before leaning down and kissing my forehead causing my smile to grow.

"You're being really cheesy today baby." I say and he chuckles and shrugs.

"Don't pretend you don't like it." He says and I laugh.

"I never said that." I say and he smiles and brings me in for a kiss.

"I love you baby." He mumbles against my lips and I smile and bring him in for a longer kiss since that little peck definitely wasn't enough. I bring my hand up to his cheek and rub my hand over his stubble before bringing my hand to the back of his neck and running my fingers through his hair. I push my body closer to his when his hand starts to drift down to my ass and I silently moan then I pull away when I remember that Lyndan is less that thirty feet away and is probably uncomfortable.

"Lyndan is over there." I say nodding my head over towards where he's standing, now looking the other way and I chuckle before laying my head against Max's chest as he runs his hands up my back.

"I wish he wasn't." He groans and I laugh loudly while pulling my head away from his chest so I can look up at him.

"I'm all yours later." I mumble before pecking his lips one final time before fully pulling away and I continue walking down the trail with Lyndan soon following once he realizes I started walking again. "I love you too by the way!" I shout back over my shoulder when I see Max still standing there and I most definitely caught him staring at my ass. I see a smile break out on his face before he starts walking again to catch up to me. "Sorry if that made you uncomfortable by the way. Kind of got caught up in the moment." I say looking back at Lyndan.

"Don't worry about it. You two are always all over each other, I'm used to it by now." He says and I blush slightly while turning to look ahead of me. I soon feel Max's arms wrap around my shoulders from behind as we both continue walking. I giggle and bring my hands up to his that are on my chest and intertwine them as he kisses my exposed neck a couple times. For the next hour or so we all continue walking through the trail before we stop at a picnic table to eat what Max and I packed before we left. By the time we're done eating it's about three pm so we decide to get up and start heading back. We were all pretty exhausted and decided to skip the lake today and just go down there tomorrow and use the small boat that came with the cabin. When we got back to the cabin, Lyndan goes to the guest house while Max and I make our way inside and go up to our room.

"Let's go in the hot tub baby!" I say excitedly as I get undressed in the middle of the room while Max shaves in the bathroom.

"Okay, I'll turn it on and get it heated up." Max says finishing shaving and drying his face before kissing my cheek as he walks to the balcony. I smile and grab my bathing suit out of my suitcase since we still haven't unpacked any of our clothes since we're only staying here for one more night. I brought two bathing suits with me since I couldn't decide which one when I was packing for this trip and I decide to wear my maroon one piece. I quickly put it on before I take off my jewelry including my ring. I hardly ever take off my ring, but when I get in a pool or something similar I take it off. By the time I'm done, Max walks back into the room and gets undressed as well before pulling on his black swim trunks I packed him. I quickly gather my hair in a low bun before we walk out to the balcony.

"You're so gorgeous baby." Max says as he holds onto my waist and I smile and turn around to kiss him as I run my hands up his chest and back down his abs.

"Thank you handsome." I reply when we pull away and he smiles and kisses my forehead before we both get in the hot tub. Max sits down on the step in the hot tub while I stand in the middle and run my hands throughout the water.

"Come here baby." Max says pulling me closer to him by my waist and I smile and wrap my arms around his shoulders as I stand between his legs. He brings his hand up to my face and runs his fingers under my jaw and down to my chin before bringing me in for a kiss. I run my fingers through his hair and let out a tiny moan when his one hand drifts down to my ass. We pull away after a couple minutes and I run my fingers down his cheek.

"Why'd you have to shave? I like the beard." I say and he chuckles and grabs my hand off his cheek and kisses the back of it.

"You do?" He asks and I nod.

"Yeah. I love the stubble when it's short and tamed like you normally have it, but not all long and gross. I hated when my ex..." I say, but then cut myself off when I realize I was about to start talking about my exes and I didn't want to. "Never mind." I say shaking my head and looking down.

"Baby, I don't mind when you talk about your exes. You know that right?" He says lifting my head up by my chin.

"I don't want to make you uncomfortable by bringing them up and I don't really like bringing them up either." I say shrugging.

"You won't make me uncomfortable, I promise. Trust me baby, I've already had to listen to you repeatedly tell a story about how you had a sex tape with a crazy psychopath who basically had an entire group of people black mail you with it. It's okay." I say and I chuckle slightly.

"Good point. But I just don't like bringing them up. Especially you know who." I say and he chuckles.

"The psychopath?" He asks and I chuckle and nod.

"Can we stop this conversation now. We're in a hot tub together and I would much rather not talk about my exes right now." I say and he laughs then reaches outside the hot tub for his phone that was sitting on a small table.

"Okay, deal. Let's take some pictures then." He says kissing my cheek and I smile and grab his phone from him before walking back towards the middle of the hot tub. Max soon follows and wraps his arms around me as I bring his phone up to take a few pictures of us smiling in the camera, kissing, and him kissing my forehead.

"Let's do the self timer." I say propping his phone up on a ledge just outside the hot tub then setting the timer before going back towards Max and wrapping my arms around his shoulders while his one arm goes around my back and we lean in for a kiss. The kiss wasn't just a normal peck on the lips and you can definitely tell in the picture, but it was also so cute. We then spend another hour or so in there before we decide to get out and watch a movie together. After the movie is over we go to the kitchen to make dinner and decided to make chicken Alfredo since it was pretty easy and doesn't take long.

"Remember how bad of a cook you were when we first started dating." Max says when we sit down to start eating and I roll my eyes.

"Whatever." I say and he chuckles causing me to break out in a small smile. "I'm a good cook now though, aren't I?" I ask and he nods.

"Thanks to me." He says and I hit his arm slightly causing him to break out in a loud laugh. "I'm kidding baby. I did help you out a lot though." He then says and I shrug.

"Yeah, I guess. Anyways we never really finished our conversation earlier about the wedding because we started talking about other things. When do you wanna get married?" I ask him and he smiles big and grabs my left hand and plays with my ring on my finger.

"When do you wanna get married?" He asks me.

"I've always dreamed of having a summer wedding outside." I say shrugging and Max smiles.

"Then we will have a summer wedding outside. That actually sounds perfect to me." He says and I smile big.

"Really?" I ask and he nods.

"Really baby. You wanting to do it this upcoming year?" He asks me and I nod.

"I would like to, so I can call you my husband as soon as possible. If we do the summer wedding then it will also give us plenty of time to plan it." I say and he nods and pulls up his phone when we're done eating to look out the calendar.

"Then let's pick a date baby." He says scooting closer to me so we can both look down at his phone.

"What about July 16th. It's right in the middle of July and it still leaves enough room in between for both of our birthdays so not everything is so crowded with celebrations and stuff." I say laying my head against Max's shoulder.

"July 16th sounds like a perfect wedding day and many perfect anniversary dates." He says kissing my forehead and I smile big.

"I love it!" I say excitedly and he chuckles and kisses my cheek.

"July 16th then?" He asks me and I nod excitedly.

"July 16th." I confirm and Max chuckles before typing in his phone on the date. He labels it 'Wedding Day!💘💍♾'

"We're actually getting married baby!" I say practically jumping up and down in my seat and Max chuckles and smiles big.

"We're getting married. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you baby." He says bringing me in for a kiss and we both smile.

"I can't wait either." I reply when we pull away. We then clean up our dishes then go to the couch to cuddle up together. As I pick out a movie for us to watch I look over at Max briefly to see him getting ready to post the pictures we took earlier in the hot tub and I smile.

Liked by ddlovato, maddelagarza, angelokritikos and 231,650 more
maxehrich: I'll never finish falling in love with you baby♾💘💍
ddlovato: BABBBBYYYY😩😭😭 You are the fucking cutest🥰😩🥺 I love you so much, now come kiss meeee😍😭🥰
maxehrich: @ddlovato I can do that😘😘
angelokritikos: Hottest couple everrr🥵
and 5,519 more

At around 11:30 pm, Max and I decide to head upstairs to take a shower and we definitely got distracted do to built up tension from earlier. After we were done we got out and brushed our teeth and washed our face before we both finished drying off and getting in bed not worrying about clothes.

"I still can't believe Maddie is having a baby." I say after a few minutes of tracing patterns on Max's chest.

"I know, It's crazy. She'll be an amazing mom though and Jaylen will be an amazing dad." Max says rubbing my back and I smile.

"I know she'll be amazing. I just feel bad for Jaylen. His family basically disowned him and now he's thinking of not going into the NBA now." I say.

"I talked to him on thanksgiving and he said that Maddie was right in not to give up his dream so he's still going. He just hopes that he will get drafted nearby." Max says and I look up at him.

"Good. I don't want him to give up his dream." I reply and Max nods.

"Yeah, me too. The draft is in a few months and he's already been talking to coaches and stuff. He's a good player so I wouldn't be surprised if he gets drafted high in the first round." Max says.

"I don't know a thing about drafts, so that's a good thing right?" I ask and he chuckles and nods.

"Yes baby, it's a good thing." He says kissing my forehead and I smile.

"I can't wait to find out what their having. I hope they don't keep it a secret or anything." I say and Max chuckles.

"If she's anything like you or your sister then she'll spill if they do try and keep it a secret." Max says and I look up at him with raised brows.

"I didn't spill anything. You did." I say and his eyes go wide.

"How'd you know?" He asks and I laugh.

"My dad told me you spilled to my parents when I first went to the hospital. I just told Maddie the second time in the hospital because I knew my parents already knew." I say and he shrugs.

"In my defense, I was scared something happened to our son or to you. That's why I spilled." He says and I chuckle.

"It's fine baby. I didn't think we would be able to keep it quiet for long anyways. Next pregnancy though, I want to actually try and keep it a secret from everyone. Or just not find out at all." I say and Max looks down with me with a smile.

"How many kids do you want?" He asks me and I smile big.

"How many do you want?" I ask him.

"It's your body so I don't mind." He says caressing my hip.

"I think four would be nice. I want an even number though, at least." I say and he nods. "And one kid we have better look like me." I say groaning slightly and Max laughs out loud.

"I think Ezra looks like you." He says and I glare over at him.

"He's your twin and so is Zara. You can't deny that your genes are strong as fuck." I say pouting and Max chuckles before lightly pecking my lips causing me to let out a small smile.

"We need to have one though that at least looks like me. Preferably a girl." I say shrugging and Max smiles.

"Okay baby." He says kissing my cheek and I smile. We then talk for a little while longer before I start to get really tired.

"Go to sleep baby. You're tired." Max says after I've yawned for the fifth time.

"Okay, goodnight baby." I say kissing his neck as I lay my head in the crook of his neck.

"Night baby. I love you." He says kissing my head and I smile.

"I love you too." I reply yawning once more before I finally fall asleep for the night.

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