Sex With My Teacher [18+]

由 EatingPeopleIsWrong

103K 266 34

Aaliyah Carey-Smith. One word...loser. No one wants to be near her or rather than breathe the same air as her... 更多

Chapter 2: Acquaintances, Just Acquaintances
Chapter 3: Sex On The Table...Really?

Chapter 1: The Meeting

21.3K 96 13
由 EatingPeopleIsWrong

Ok, let's start it off. I'm not a popular chick and I'm not a bad one either. I'm a loner and have no friends. I sit in the bathroom at lunch because I'm too afraid for everyone to see me. Yep, my life is perfect! My name is Aaliyah Carey-Smith. I'm the loser in my entire family. My younger sister Ariel, is the queen bee of the school. People literally bow down to her. My older brother Scott is the king. He is quarterback of the football team, has the features of an angel and has biceps that would knock you out of your socks. He may be my brother but I may have a slight, teensy, small crush on him. It doesn't matter anyway, he's already dating Rebecca Brown. She is the leading star behind my sister. I know what your thinking, how could such a loser like me be related to such majesties like that, but God must have been doing something to set me up with a sucky life. With acne all over my face and dirty, stringy blonde hair. I really am an example of those blonde jokes. I was currently in the bathroom eating my lunch. I couldn't stand to sit at a table all by myself and have everyone look at me. It would be too painful.

"Yeah, so Rebecca told me that she was going to bring Scott to Zachary's pool party tonight and try to get him to fuck her. How genius is that?" I heard voices entering the bathroom. Why were they coming in my lunch lair. I need my personal space! From their voices I could tell that it was Ally and Malia.

"Yeah, so genius. Although I do wish Scott was my boyfriend. It would be so much better. But don't tell Rebecca I said that."

"Don't worry sweetheart, I won't. Hey, did you hear about the new teacher for civics. His name is Dave Lachowski a.k.a. Mr. Lachowski. I heard that he came to replace Mrs. Lamb. Some say he's super hot and young so it wouldn't be so bad if I tried to woo him." Ew, gross! I can't believe their talking about stuff like that, but then again, I've never even kissed someone other than my parents before.

"So you'd leave me for him?" I heard Malia ask. I looked through the stall door creak and saw her ganging up on Allu.

"N-No, of course not. You know I'll always love you." I heard Ally say. I then saw her grab Malia and then they started kissing passionately. At first it was intriguing but it started to get gross. They were starting to strip and I don't think they were going to leave anytime soon. Ok, ok. Keep calm Aaliyah. There had to be a way out of here. I looked up and was thankful that this stall was my favorite. I grabbed my stuff and started to unscrew the air vent. I was just about to climb through when I dropped the screws in my hand.

"Did you hear that?"

"Don't worry about it." Malia then went to her bag and took out a dildo. GROSS! That was it, I was out. I climbed into the vent and just started crawling. I didn't care where I ended up I just wanted to get outta there. I stopped to decide where to go when I heard creaking. I looked around me and saw no one until I realized the creaking was coming from underneath. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! How could I not realize that this thing wouldn't be able to friggin carry me. Ok, the first thing to do in a situation like this is not move at all but, if I don't move how will I get out. I started to get frustrated and moved my hand out of instinct and hit the wall of the vent. BIG MISTAKE! Everything else went by in a blur. First I was in the vent the next I was in some bodies arms having a seizure or panic attack, whichever makes you sleep at night. I saw people beginning to surround us and take pictures and videos and throughout all of this I kept thinking, why me. Why me? I never did anything wrong in my life. No detentions, referrals, expelltions no anything.

"Hey, stay with me. Hey!" I heard yelling all around me. Mostly laughing. I then opened my eyes which I realize to this day was a mistake. I opened them to find my brother and sister laughing with the rest if everybody. Damn those two. I kept shaking until went into slow motion. I stopped shaking and looked around me. There was nobody there except for the boy that was holding me. It was all just an illusion. I looked up at him and immediately fell in love. His chocolate brown hair and luscious lips made him irresistible.

"Hey, you ok?" I heard a voice and looked up. The boy was speaking to me. A boy was speaking to me. Oh my god! Oh my god! This is amazing!

"Uhhhh, um I-Im ok. Yeah, I'm ok." I reassured him as I got up. Oh man, my plaid skirt is ruined now. Do you know how hard it is to get one of these. Ugh, great. I stared straight at the boy wondering why he was looking at me but then realized it was because I was talking to myself- well you guys! Oh god, I am crazy.

"Um, we'll thanks again for the help." I turned to walk away and throw him under the bus but he stopped me.

"Hey, I help you, you help me. Ok?" He said raising his eyebrows in a flirty way. How cute. I kept gawking at him until he snapped his fingers.

"Ok? So where do you want to go?"

"Oh, I need to get to my dads, I mean teachers class. Mr. Lachowski? Have you heard of him." I thought for a moment and then remembered what Ally said on the bathroom.

"Oh yeah, you mean the hot new teacher!" I snapped my fingers in realization. He seemed weirded out after I said that.

"Yeah, the hot new teacher..." There was a moment of awkward silence before he breathed in sharply and spoke again. "So would you have any idea where he would be?" I thought back to the time in the bathroom.

Don't worry sweetheart, I won't. Hey, did you hear about the new teacher for civics. His name is Dave Lachowski a.k.a. Mr. Lachowski. I heard that he came to replace Mrs. Lamb. Some say he's super hot and young so it wouldn't be so bad if I tried to woo him." Ew, gross! I can't believe their talking about stuff like that, but then again, I've never even kissed someone other than my parents before.
Ok, so if the new teacher is replacing Mrs. Lamb, then he must be in the economics room. I took his class schedule and looked at the classroom number which said, #213. Yep, I was right. I looked at him and he winked at me. Woah, could he like me. This is totally awesome. I could finally have a boyfriend for the first time. I can finally have something to write about in my diary. Be brave Aaliyah. Remember what mom taught you. Be flirty to the closest guy you can get too.i closened up on him and flipped my hair.

"The classroom that you're looking for is the first one to your right handsome." I said in a deep, manly voice rather than a sweet, flirty one. Great, he must think I'm a sociopath right now. I hung my head low and waited for the running to start but I never heard it.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah." I nodded my head.

"Cool, you seem like a nice girl. I'll catch you around." He flashed a sexy ass grin and winked at me then walked away towards his class. I sighed in astonishment. That's the first time a boy even paid attention to me. Usually I would be invisible but, now I'm somebody. I turned on my heel to head to class when I heard the bell ring. Damn! Lunch is already here. Crap! I headed towards my locker to get my wallet when I saw none other than my sister and brother. I stopped in my tracks ready to make a run for it when I saw them look up and make eye contact with me. I turned and ran the other direction. I could hear their screams behind me. I ran into the girls bathroom and went into a stall and locked it. Of course, that wasn't enough to stop my siblings. Scott jumped over the door and Ariel slid under the door. Creepers. It was so cramped but my siblings didn't seem to care.

"We need to Liyah." Scott said a bit pissed at how much I made him run.

"Ueah! You have to stop talking to him, NOW!" Ariel breathed out sharply.

"Who in the hell are you talking about?" I seemed confused which seemed to anger them.

"The new kid. The kid you were talking to earlier, yeah you need to stop talking to him."

"Why?" I asked getting a bit defensive.

"Because, that kid is super cute AND is one of the the super popular kids. You're not. So stay out!" They turned to leave but I stopped them.

"Ill blackmail you if you try anything." They turned and looked at me with an evil glare. If looks could kill.

"And how will you be doing that sweety. We are the most popular kids in school, like anyone would believe a loser like you." She flipped her hair back. How the hell does she do that so perfectly!

"Oh, I think I have something." I smirked and showed them a bunch if pictures of them kissing and having sex. I know it was weird having that on my phone but I had a good explanation, honest!

"Where the fuck did you get those pictures?!?" Scott yelled looking like he could kill. They both were blushing hard.

"I thought you said no one would be watching us." Ariel shrieked at him.

"I did but I guess SOME people can't help but super freaks!" My brother was beginning to explode. He kept taking in deep breaths in and out. Then he did the unexpected. He grabbed Ariel and kissed her... DEEP! I'm taking about breast groping and licks to the neck. Ariel was about to unzip his pants when I yelled.

"Hello! Don't forget that I'm still here!" I said waving my hands frantically.

"I know little sister. That's why I'm doing this right now." He smirked in my direction.

"Scott, lets stop now." Ariel said clearly enjoying what he was doing to her. I shook my head in disappointment.

"Wow, you think that this is going to scare me to stop?" I arched and eyebrow questioningly.

"No, but I know this will." He pulled me close and licked my earlobe. He grabbed my hands and pinned them above me. He put his legs in between mine and moved it up and down. I can't believe it but I was enjoying it. I may have a crush on my brother didn't want it to be like this. I mustered up enough strength and slapped his hands away.

"Don''t ever touch me again! Fine I won't blackmail you! My own siblings. I can't believe that you'd be such bitches." I ran out of the bathroom and was heading to the school doors when I bumped into someone. Ouch!

"Hey are you alright young lady?" I looked up and saw and angel in my eyes. He looked around the age of 24 but not too old. Maybe even younger. He had beautiful brown eyes that made me want to melt and a jawline that made me want to die of happiness. This all felt like deja vu to me.

"Ummm uhhh, yes, I am. Thank you!"

"If you don't mind me asking, where were you heading? As I recall you should be in lunch right now and if not in the office." He asked skeptically.

"Oh we'll you see, I don't really have anyone to sit with so...yeah." My eyes looked everywhere but his.

"Hmmm, I see. We'll ill tell you what. Starting from tomorrow you are to report to my classroom during lunchtime." He gave me a flashy smile. I felt like grabbing him and keeping him forever.

"Um, did I do something wrong sir?" I was worried out of my mind.

"Oh no, I just thought maybe you would like to eat lunch with me but I can't today because I have a meeting."

"Oh of course thank you. Well see you then. Oh and by the way, what's your name?" I've been itching to ask him.

"Dave...Dave Lachowski." He grinned then walked away. Woah! Now that's what I call hotness. I was screaming on the inside. Two guys in a day. Could this get any better. I strolled towards my locker and took my lunch and went to the bathroom to eat all in a happy daze. I munched on my lunch and waited until the bell rang for the end of the day. LVHS was a weird school. It starved us kids until the end of the day where we eat. So this school has its ups and downs but is the number one school in Calfornia for its teaching and hot teachers. Even the women are hot! And I'm a girl! I finished my sandwich and threw it in the garbage bin filled with used pads. Awkward! I scanned my phone for messages but why should I. No friends. I opened up subway surfers and began playing. My high score was over 50,000. Pretty sweet huh? I then finally heard the bell and ran out the bathroom and towards my bike. I know what your thinking, where's my car. To answer your question I do have a car. A Mercedes Benz but I prefer to not use it. My siblings and I all have our own car but lately Ariel and Scott have been driving together. Now we all know why. I unchained my bike-not a motor one- and pedaled as fast as I could all the way to my mansion of a house. I dropped it in front of the gates and went up to the speaker.

" Yo Baileywick it's me, Aaliyah!" I yelled into it knowing he wore his headphones during the day. The gates opened and I overheard a grumpy old man grumbling in the speakers. Good ol' Baileywick. I ran to our door and up the stairs. Why didn't I just use the elevator? Like I said before, stupid! Once I reached the 3rd floor I went into my room and locked the door. I went to my window and leaned my head against the window. I looked out recapping everything that happened today. Wow. My life really sucks doesn't it? I kept looking and saw two guys walking down the bank of our lake. My family owned it and no one was allowed except us. I looked closer and saw it was that kid I was talking to and my teacher Mr. Lachowski. Could they be related? They both had some features alike but looked like total opposites. You could mistake them as brothers. As all of this was flowing through my head the door to my room opened. I thought I locked it. I looked up and saw Brady our butler standing at my door.

"Ms. Aaliyah, your mother would like to speak to you." Oh no. What did I do now. I thought all of this as I was following Brady to my mothers headquarters.
So guys hope you like my book so comment and share and do all that crappy stuff. Luv You!
The picture at the top is of Aaliyah!


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