Tina Dancer // TinaxJimmyjr F...

By Grumpy_Camper

5.2K 85 45

Something's been up with Tina lately. She has been distracted and Jimmy Jr swears it doesn't upset him that s... More

1- The Twist
2- Twist and Shout
4- Dancing In the Dark
5- Billie Jean
6- And We Danced
7- I Wanna Dance With Somebody
8- Into The Groove
9- The Dance
Epilogue- (I've Had) The Time of My Life
I made a playlist,,

3- Dance, Dance

616 9 6
By Grumpy_Camper

♪Now playing - Dance, Dance by Fall Out Boy♪

Jimmy Jr. had tried to wait up for Tina after his dance session ended, he wanted to walk home with her after to discuss more about the bet, but it seemed she was already off at the next dance class. He would've stayed behind if he didn't need to be at his father's restaurant for the dinner rush like he promised he would be.

Jimmy Jr. sprinted towards Jimmy Pesto's and made it about ten minutes to 5 o'clock.

As soon as he got in the door, his father shoved a dishes tray in his hands and ordered him to start cleaning up tables. Jimmy Jr. groaned as he slipped off his backpack, putting it behind the bar counter and beginning to take pizza sauce covered plates off of tables so they could start seating new customers.


Jimmy Jr worked throughout the entire dinner rush, only having a chance at a break once before more people would get up to leave the restaurant and he'd have to get up from his seat to pick up their dirty dishes. The tray he held would become heavy, making his arms and shoulders ache.

At one point, his father and the rivaling restaurantear across the street had been spewing insults and back talk with one another. Jimmy Jr would sigh and roll his eyes at his father whenever he did that, he never understood why the both of them hated each other so much. The Belcher family weren't all that bad in his opinion, he'd never admit that to his father though.

He peered over to see the Belchers closing their restaurant and heading upstairs to their small flat, Tina wasn't with them which saddened him even if he didn't want to own up to it. As his family were amingst of closing their own restaurant, he couldn't help but take another glance at the building across the street. A part of him desperately wanted to know more about the bet between Tina and the other girl, even if it wasn't really his business to know. Another part thought it would be best to leave it be. He thought about this the entire car ride home, Jimmy Jr couldn't help but think about it. Now more than ever Tina fascinated him, she normally couldn't keep a secret if life depended upon it but she managed to keep this one from most people. He had so many questions for her, I guess it had to wait for tomorrow.

His family and him made it back to their apartment complex close to eight, they had picked up supper on the way home since his father hadn't felt like cooking that night.

When they had finally gotten inside their place, Jimmy Jr went straight to his bedroom. After changing into a pair of pajamas, he climbed into bed and was able to quiet his thoughts enough to fall asleep for the first time in the last few weeks.


Tada! Chapter 3 complete!!

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