Doctor Who Quotes

By ThatGirlWhoLikeStuff

753 20 0

Quotes from every New Who episode of Doctor Who - starting from Rose and ending with the timeless children. ... More

Series 1 Episode 1: Rose
Series 1 Epsiode 2: The End of the World
Series 1 Epsiode 3: The Unquiet Dead
Series 1 Episode 4: The Aliens of London
Series 1 Episode 5: World War Three
Series 1 Episode 6: Dalek
Series 1 Episode 7: The Long Game
Series 1 Episode 8: Father's Day
Series 1 Episode 9: The Empty Child
Series 1 Episode 10: The Doctor Dances
Series 1 Episode 11: Boom Town
Series 1 Episode 12: Bad Wolf
Series 1 Episode 13: The Parting of Ways
Series 1: Ranking
Special: The Christmas Invasion
Series 2 Episode 2: Tooth and Claw
Series 2 Episode 3: School Reunion
Series 2 Episode 4: The Girl in The Fireplace
Series 2 Epsiode 5: Rise Of The Cyberman
Series 2 Episode 6: The Age of Steel
Series 2 Episode 7: The Idiots Lantern
Series 2 Episode 8: The Impossible Planet
Series 2 Episode 9: The Satan Pit
Series 2 Episode 10: Love and Monsters
Series 2 Episode 11: Fear Her
Series 2 Episode 12: Army of Ghosts
Series 2 Episode 13: Doomsday
Series 2: Ranking
Special: The Runaway Bride
Series 3 Episode 1: Smith and Jones
Series 3 Episode 2: The Shakespeare Code
Series 3 Episode 3: Gridlock

Series 2 Episode 1: New Earth

14 0 0
By ThatGirlWhoLikeStuff

"It's the year 5,000,000,023. We're in the galaxy M87.... and this.... this is New Earth."

"It's just.... that's just...."

"Not bad, not bad at all."

"That's amazing. I'll never get used to this, never. Different ground beneath my feet, different sky."


"So, the year 5,000,000,000, the sun expands, the Earth gets roasted."

"That was our first date."

"We had chips."


"What's the city called?"

"New, New York."

"Oh, come on."

"It is! Strictly speaking, this is the 15th New York since the original so it should be New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New York."


"You're impossible."

"New, new Doctor."


"At last, I can have revenge on that little..."

"Bit rich."


"No shop. I like the little shop."


"Now, don't stare. Think of what you look like to them - all pink and yellow. That's were I'd put the shop, right there."


"Ward 26, and watch out for the disinfectant."

"Watch our for what?"

"The disinfectant!"

"The what?!"

"The dis.. oh, you'll find out."


"Nice place. No shop downstairs - I'd have a shop. Not a big one, just a shop. So people can... shop."

"The hospital is a place of healing."

"A shop does some people the world of good."


"Why? What do you think I am going to do? Flap you to death?"

"Yeah, but what about Gollum?"


"Right, so you're talking out of your..."

"Ask not."


"It's goodbye trampoline and hello blondie."


"Oh my god. I'm a chav!"


"It's said, he'll talk to a wanderer, to the man without a home, the Lonely God."


"Look at me! From class to brass. Although...Ooh... curves. Oh baby. It's living inside a bouncy castle."


"Although.... nice rear bumper."


"Remember that old Earth saying, never trust a nun, never trust a nurse and never trust a cat."


"Yup. Still got it."


"No sign of a shop, they should have a shop."


"What's wrong with him?"

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."


"They were born sick. They're meant to be sick. They exist to be sick. Lab Rats. No wonder the Sisters have a cure for everything, they've build a perfect research laboratory - a human farm."


"If they live because of this, then life is worthless."

"And who are you to decide that?"

"I'm the Doctor. And if you don't like it, if you want to take it to a higher authority, there isn't one. It stops with me."


"Over the years I've thought of a thousand ways to kill you Doctor. And now that's exactly what I've got - one thousand diseases."


"You're not exactly nuns with guns."


"But I've got nowhere to go. My original skins dead."

"Not my problem. You can float as atoms in the air. Now get out. Give her back to me."

"You asked for it."

"Oh my head. Where did she go?"

"Ooh, my, this is... different."


"Goodness me, I'm a man. Yum! So many parts. And hardly used! Ahh... two hearts! Oh baby, I'm beating out a samba."

"Get out of him!"

"Hmm... he's slim. And a little bit foxy. You thought so too, I've been inside your head. You've been looking. You like it. What do we do? What would he do, The Doctor what the hell would he do?"


"Oh god, it was tedious inside your head - hormone city(!)"


"Oh, go play with a ball of string."


"Oh, chavtastic again(!)"


"Inside her head... they're so alone. They keep reaching out just to hold us. All their lives, and they've never been touched."


"Not MOVING. Different thing."


"If you're so desperate to stay alive, why don't you live a little?"

"You're completely mad! I can see why she likes you."

"Going down."


"I'm cocking up a cocktail. I know a bit about medicine myself."


"I've got an appointment. And the Doctor is in."


"Did you kill them? All of them?"

"No. That's your way of doing things. I'm the Doctor and I cured them. That's right. Ahh.. hey. There we go,
sweetheart. You go to him, that's right. It's a new sub species, Cassandra, a brand new form of life. New humans! Look at them! Look! Grown by cats, kept in the dark, fed by tubes, but completely, completely alive! You can't deny them, cause you helped create them. The human race just keeps on going, keeps on changing. Life will out! Ha!"


"You were supposed to be dying."

"There are better things to do today. Dying can wait."

"Oh, I hate telepathy. Just what I need a head full of big face."


"I had grown tired with the universe, but you have taught me to look at it anew."


"Oh, sweet lord I'm a walking doodle."


"I'm dying, but that's fine."


"You were right, Doctor, it's time to die."


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