Queen of the Ravendale (Book...

Par Little_Dreamerz

33.8K 1.9K 61

Four years have passed and now Annabelle is crowned as the Queen of Ravendale. A place where magical secrets... Plus

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 8

957 67 0
Par Little_Dreamerz

Soon, everyone in the kingdom knows about Annabelle's decision. Not all people were happy with it. The nobles who didn't attend the court meeting demanding another meeting. The commoners are also confused with the decision because Ravendale and the Siada Kingdom have opposite values.

Needless to say, Siada Kingdom accepted the first draft of the agreement. The last thing is only needed to do is set up the meeting to sign the agreement.

It's is already late to make me rethink the decision.

Meanwhile, maids helping Annabelle to put on the dress for the Royal Autumn ball.

The dress code of the ball that everyone must wear autumn colors like yellow, red, orange. Nathaniel chose a crimson red gown for Annabelle to wear. As always Nathaniel always chose the best gown that suits Annabelle very well.

Only when Annabelle's maids zipped up the dress, she saw that Nathaniel chose the dress with cleavage around the chest area. Annabelle grimaced at the reflection on the mirror. The only Annabelle's requirement that Nathaniel must follow, that the dress must cover the cleavages.

I guess Nathaniel is helping to get along with my second rank husband. I sarcastically thought then sighed.

To announce that I have a second rank husband in the harem I have to make a speech about this year ball my first rank husbands will lead me to the second rank husband, then I would need to dance with them.

That way nobles will understand that my second rank husbands are debuting. After the ball, my assistant will contact news agencies and release the news about Noble Consort's debut.

Maids are doing finishing touches on my makeup and hair and I'm ready to go.

Nathaniel and Alexander were already prepared for the ball and waited for in the hallway but they didn't wait long.

I left my dressing room and I saw my husbands. They wore a darker shade suit than my dress as always their suit made of the best material and tailored by their figure.

"As always our wife is a Goddess." Alexander complimented me. I smiled at Alexander.

"More like a nymph, I may say." Nathaniel added and I wanted to frown.

Looking like a Goddess - means that I'm beautiful as a Goddess.

Looking like a nymph - means that I'm sexy as a nymph.

I liked the compliment but I didn't exactly want to look sexy for the ball.

After the news got out that I'm true heir to the throne, I started getting more letters from admirers than usual. I never liked that kind of attention.

"You choose that kind of dress for me." I said but Nathaniel only grinned.

"Indeed, and the dress looks perfect on you. If that kind of dress suits you well, why not wear it? It's will be such a waste." I sighed at Nathaniel's reasoning. In my mind, I know what Nathaniel is trying to do but not as bad that I keep imagining.

"Where are my second husbands? I hope they are not missing their debut." I asked my husbands. This is the best opportunity for them to debut.

"They already in the ballroom waiting for you." Alexander informed me.

When the guards saw us coming to the ballroom they opened the door for us.

The guest turned their attention to the door and saw entering the ballroom. Everyone bowed their heads in respect simultaneously.

I looked at everyone at the ball and I prepared mentally for the speech and then smiled.

"Greeting ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the annual Royal Autumn ball" I started my speech.

I said the whole traditional speech for the Royal Autumn ball copied from my ancestors because there is no way that I will be creating a new speech for every Autumn ball.

Nevertheless, people clapped when I finished saying my speech and it was time for the first dance with my husband.

Per tradition Alexander and Nathaniel led me to the Alistair and gave my hand to him and then Alexander and Nathaniel walked away.

I looked at the Alistair, he was wearing a much brighter red suit. He looked very sharp because the red suit tailored just for him. His platinum blonde hair and blue eyes weirdly matched with a red suit.

Alistair smiled then he gently put his hand on my waist and I put my hand on his shoulder, then the music started playing and we started dancing.

Everyone was looking at us. It took them a minute to understand that in that I was introducing my Noble Consorts to the high society.

Then little by little people started whispering. Wondering about Alistair's identity.

I only smiled.

"Your majesty, you seem in a good mood today?" Alistair asked from curiosity.

"Since everything is great for according to what I planned." I told quietly that only Alistair could hear me and he only nodded.

"The dress suits you well, your majesty." Alistair complimented. I almost forgot that I'm wearing a revealing dress. I almost blushed from embarrassment.

"Thank you, I see that red suits you very well." I exchanged compliments with him.

After the song finished playing Alistair led to Abel and I started dancing with him.

Now the guests have understood that I have two Noble Consorts. After dancing with Abel I told him to lead me to Alistar so I could explain my next set of instructions.

"First I will be introducing you to a random group of noble and I introduce you as my second rank husbands, then we will part and you should be introducing to nobles who belong to noble's party since they support you, basically it's will be very beneficial for you to build new contacts." I explained my instruction to them.

Each husband of the Queen is supported by a political party. Alexander and Nathaniel are supported by the Amethyst family dynasty party and they made arrangements with the noble's party to support Alistair and Abel.

Having a political party to support you is very beneficial for my husband and also beneficial to the political party.

We did everything according to the plan I introduced my husbands to a group of noble that approached us.

"It's nice to see you at the ball I'm glad you all came." I greeted them after they greeted me.

"Oh, and I want to introduce to my Noble Consort Alistair and Abel." I beautifully gestured their introduction and they nodded.

"Oh congratulations on your new marriage, your majesty!" They congratulated me.As soon as they split up an one of Sapphire twin approached as soon she saw him she recognized him.

He was the one who she helped to diagnose his son on the train.

Previous Queen Cordelia is born from a noble family but her father was a commoner. Life for half noble blood wouldn't be the best but Cordelia was the only girl in the family. After her mother divorced her biological father, she was adopted by her mother's first rank father who is from Sapphire Household.

After the death of Cordelia, the Sapphire family is now hesitating to support the Royal family. For them, it's a conspiracy that after the death of Cordelia my grandmother quickly announced the new heir to the throne and that happened to be the daughter of the missing King.

They stopped attending the royal balls.

Sapphire household is the biggest household in Ravendale and losing their support wouldn't be ideal for me.

A man from the Sapphire family bowed as greeting me.

"I didn't know you will be attending this ball." I said to him.

"I thought that I must at least talk with you, your majesty." Then he extended his hand. Inviting me to dance and I agreed to dance.

"How is your family?" I asked him hopefully I could understand Sapphire's opinion of the current rulers.

"Our family is feeling great thanks to you our son can lead a normal life, for that the Sapphire is thankful and decided not to condemn as ruler but we only ask for one favor."

"What kind of favor?" I asked.

"To complete investigation of the death Cordelia." He answered. If my grandmother couldn't find out the reason for the death I don't think I will be able to complete the investigation.

"But -" I wanted to interrupt him but I couldn't.

"This the only thing the Sapphire family is asking." He finished saying.

I had no time to answer because Serena was running towards me and whispered.

"Your majesty, Noble Consorts were attacked." 


This is getting very interesting! I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter ^-^

Drop you theory what might happen in this book !

I'm interested to hear your theory :P

Don't forget to vote and comment and I will see you next ^-^!

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