Torn 🤎 (Completed)

By ChantalAndrea01

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Mia Jones was the sole witness to a devastating tragedy that changed her life forever. With that change came... More

Characters List
Chapter 1:The proposition
Chapter 2: The Warning Signs
Chapter 3: The Preparation
Chapter 4:The Date
Chapter 5:The Partnership
Chapter 6:The Understanding
Chapter 7: The Roommate
Chapter 9: During:Part 1
Chapter 10: During: Part 2
Chapter 11: The Aftermath
Chapter 12: Hysteria
Chapter 13:Angst
Chapter 14: The Decision
Chapter 15: Ladies Night
Chapter 16: The End of Ladies Night
Chapter 17: Realization
Chapter 18: A Difficult Discussion
Chapter 19: Crossroads
Chapter 20: Confusion
Chapter 21: Dangerous Games
Chapter 22: Family Is Everything
Chapter 23:True Colors
Chapter 24: Bliss
Chapter 25: Falling Apart
Chapter 26: Revelations: Part One
Chapter 27: Revelations: Part Two
Chapter 28: Questions
Chapter 29: The Truth: Part One
Chapter 30 The Truth: Part Two
Chapter 31: When It Rains It Pours
Chapter 32: Disarray
Chapter 33: Confessions
Chapter 34: Anxiety
Chapter 35: Uncertainty
Chapter 36: O Lounge Part one
Chapter 37: O Lounge: Part two
Chapter 38: Unraveled
Chapter 39: Hopeless
Chapter 40: Karma
Chapter 41: Persistence
Chapter 42: Forgiveness
Chapter 43: The Dangers of a Single Story

Chapter 8: BEFORE

2.1K 150 49
By ChantalAndrea01


I was happy for the weekend and finally being able to relax. This semester I was taking more classes than a typical full time student and so I chose not to work and rely solely on scholarships and student loans.

Plus, yesterday had been stressful and I'd even called my dad to ask for advice on what to do upon finding a listening device in my room. I trusted Alicia but I chose not to disclose to anyone except my father, that I'd found it. I had to be smart about this and I'd rather be safe than sorry.

My father advised me to drive to the nearest police precinct and complete a police report. I'd brought both the listening device and my laptop which they took as evidence and dusted for fingerprints.

After what has been going on recently, I felt better that I hadn't just swept this under the rug. I was happy that a case was now on file to document everything that I'd been going through.

Since then, my anxiety had been trying to keep me stressed. Luckily, I had a meeting with my therapist this morning which helped settle and calm my nerves.

Now with all of that out of the way, I could try and focus on tonight. It was 9 pm and I was excited about the bonfire that Jared invited me too.

Since meeting Jared earlier in the week, he'd found me on Facebook and ever since then, we'd been messaging each other nonstop. I was excited for tonight since I would get to see him again while also experiencing my first real college party of this semester. And of course, it wouldn't be a party if Alicia didn't come and support me.

Alicia strolled out of my bathroom after putting on the finishing touches on her flawless makeup.

"Since I told you about the shit Rebecca said yesterday, are you going to confront her?" I asked Alicia as I sifted through my closet to find something to wear. I had absolutely no idea what kind of outfit I was supposed to wear to a college bonfire party.

"First of all, Ima TRY and keep the peace in our household until her lease is up but after that? That bitch gots to go!" She said while rolling her eyes hard. "I'll play nice with her BUT if the bitch keeps running her mouth I don't know if I will last the entire year." She added while plopping onto my bed.

"I swear everyday it's something new with her and it's creeping me the hell out. I think I'm going to put a lock on my room door since I can't trust that she isn't entering my room when I'm not home." I pulled out a flowy floor length yellow dress and showed it to Alicia. "Do you think this would work for tonight? I have no idea what to wear." I asked while putting the dress up to my front as I stood in my floor length mirror. Alicia cut her eyes towards me before bursting out laughing at my choice of attire.

"Jesus Christ Mia, you're hopeless. If you don't burn that entire dress I'll do it for you." She stated while walking towards me and standing by my side. "I know you have some white high wasted shorts in your drawer. Go ahead and pull those suckers out and I'll grab you a cute top that I think would go great with it." While Alicia quickly left the room to grab the top, my phone pinged with a new text.

I picked up my phone and began smiling at the cute message that Jared sent me about being excited to see me again tonight. Alicia walked back into the room as I began to message him back.

"I hope that smile on your face means your going to get laid tonight. Who is it from? Jared or Zane?" She questioned while handing me a cute off the shoulder blue tribal print crop top. I gave her a quick side eye as I finished my response to him and threw my phone back on the bed.

"You know it's not from Zane. And you know I'm not having sex tonight." I state as I casually begin to put on the outfit she'd chosen for me.

"No.....I don't know. You and him are both pretty vague when I ask questions. And why the no sex rule? Women have needs too." I exhaled a deep breath.

"It's obviously Jared that I'm messaging. And I don't want to ruin our relationship by having sex too early. I think I'm ready to explore that aspect of myself again but I need for it to be the right timing."

"You think too much Mia. Also, Zane and you would be way cuter together than you being with Jared. On top of that, dating him would make us technically family..." She smiled while I ignored her. "I know for a fact that he would treat you like a queen unlike Jared. I've heard shit about Jared and he isn't good for you." She stated while waiting for me to finish getting ready.

"First off, who is Zane to you? I don't get the whole family dynamic. Secondly, It's not like I'm going to marry Jared..." I try to justify why speaking to Jared isn't so bad.

"You're a hypocrite if you date Jared. You had all that shit you were talking to me about Ray but Jared is the same kind of guy." I threw my hands up in frustration as she continued. "And if you must know, he's my honorary cousin through marriage. Basically my Uncle is married to his aunt."

"Well that shit threw me ALL the way off when I saw him! I wasn't expecting to see someone of his..... you know....complexion." I turned to stare at Alicia and I can see the gears in her head are turning at what I'd just revealed.

"So... you won't give him a chance because he's white." She doesn't say this as a question rather, it's more of a statement. I can tell that she knows what's up. A moment later, Alicia places her hands on her hips and shakes her head in disappointment. "Wow..." She adds after a brief pause.

"Enough about Zane." I try to end this entire conversation. "I'm going to a party and I have no expectations from Jared. If we click we click and if we don't we don't. End of story!" I effectively ended our discussion as I put on a nude lip gloss to finish off my makeup look.

Alicia grabbed her phone from off of the dresser and pressed a few buttons. I wasn't really paying her no mind until she placed the phone up to her ears. I looked at her curiously as I played with my hair to make sure my look was complete. She then placed the phone on speaker which made me turn to her and squint my eyes suspiciously.

"Who are you calling?" I asked Alicia the question with distrust laced in my voice. I didn't have to wonder long as a deep familiar voice filled the air. A deep chill ran down my spine as I narrowed my eyes and began to whisper/shout my question. "Why are you calling Zane?" I asked while trying to keep my voice very low. But Alicia's devious smile only heightened my skepticism. She winked at me before responding to Zane.

"Hey Zane..." She paused briefly. "Oh, wait hold on Zane....What's that you ask Mia?" She emphasized her voice. "You want to know if Zane will be at the party tonight?" She asked the question unnecessarily loud and I knew exactly what she was doing.

I instinctively ran towards her to grab the phone from her grasp but all Alicia did was run away and laugh like a 2 year old child. I stopped chasing her once I realized it was pointless and she was going to do as she pleased. I could hear Zane begin to answer her and I couldn't help when my ears perked up curiously in order to hear his response.

"Are you asking this question or is she?" He chuckled lightly. "Because even if I hope it was coming from her, it just doesn't sound like Mia..." He trailed off and Alicia raised both brows at me suggestively with a bright grin on her face. Did he realize he was on speaker phone?

I wasn't going to read into Zane's words about "Hope". All I knew is that we just met and I was impressed that he already knew me well enough to know that it didn't sound like something I would ask.

I watched Alicia closely and I didn't like the look on her face. By the looks of it, she looked like she was about to say some more dumb shit. So before she could answer, I launched a quick sneak attack and grabbed the phone out of her hands to speak with Zane.

"'s Mia, you know that wasn't me know this is all Alicia right?" I asked as I ran out of the room with Alicia hot on my tail. Zane laughed lightly as he responded to my question.

"It's okay Mia, admitting it is the first step..." Admitting what? There was nothing to admit!

I wasn't surprised by Zane's response. From the little that I knew about him, I knew he enjoyed messing with me.

I was about to answer him when he cut me off again. "And by the way, you look cute in that pic."

"What pic-" He cut me off before I could fully respond.

"Hey, I gotta go but I'll see you tonight Mia!" Without another word, Zane hung up the phone on me.

(*insert soulja boy voice lol*)

Picture??? What picture was he talking about? His statement prompted me to check Alicia's messages. And it didn't take long to understand what he meant. I was shocked to see that Alicia sent a picture of me getting ready a minute before calling the guy.

I turned to Alicia and held up the picture. This was typical Alicia type shit; she never just let shit drop. One of her flaws was that she was determined to make the impossible happen. Hence the reason why she was stuck with Raymond despite the fact that he had no intentions of committing to her. Alicia threw her hands up in surrender.

"He needed to know what to expect." She justified herself and I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"You know what you should expect?" I asked and Alicia shook her head no. I smiled slyly before answering her.

"You should expect these hands!" I yelled while running towards her. Alicia giggled while trying to shove me away and eventually I caught up to her.

After pinching Alicia a few times as her payback for calling Zane, we decided that it was time for us to pregame and call our UBER. We headed into the kitchen where Alicia made us a couple of chilled tequila shots. I wasn't much of a drinker so the three shots that I took back to back had me tipsy in no time. The more the shots settled in my stomach, the more I could feel my inhibitions lift and I felt more confident about attending this party tonight. Even seeing Rebecca emerge from her bedroom didn't piss me off like it should've.

"Hey ladies..." Rebecca waved at us. "You ready?" She asked us like she was going somewhere. Both Alicia and I looked at each other before bursting out laughing. Alicia eventually gained her composure to speak up.

"We know where we're going. But where are you going?" She asked with her head turned to the side questioningly. Rebecca smiled before walking into the kitchen and grabbing the tequila and the shot glass that I'd just drunk out of. She poured herself some of the sweet liquor before quickly taking a shot to the head. She then smirked at both of us.

"I know about the party and I'm tagging along." She poured herself one more shot while Alicia and I stood there perplexed. First off, was she drinking from my glass? And secondly, did she just nonchalantly invite herself to this party? Alicia and I didn't say a word as Rebecca continued.

"I'll call the UBER." She added before pulling out her phone and using the taxi app. If there was one thing I knew, tonight was about to be interesting.

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