Daughters of the Gods

By browneyedgenius

293 38 4

Cassiopeia Ward is an orphan, left at the orphanage with a large sum of money, a letter, and a blanket. Made... More

Accidental Magic - Chapter 1
People Lost - Chapter 2
Summer Camp - Chapter 4
A Wall of Hexagons - Chapter 5
Demiwizards - Chapter 6
The Team - Chapter 7
Secret Plans - Chapter 8
Breakthroughs and Letters - Chapter 9
Not an update!

People Found - Chapter 3

30 4 0
By browneyedgenius


Ariadne blinked her eyes open. Fuzzy colours filled her vision. What happened?  With some effort, she managed to sit up. Her throat felt parched. Looking to her left, she saw a plate of cookies, a glass of water, and a note on her bedside table.


I'm not sure if you remember what happened yesterday. You fainted, so I brought you over to the emergency room. They woke you up, but you fell asleep soon after from exhaustion. I brought you home. If you need anything, email me at rosaparker@londonpolice.com. I would leave my phone number too, but for some reason no one in London can hear anything right now. Strangely, it happened at the same time you fainted. 

-Officer Rosa Parker

"So that's what happened," Ariadne spoke to herself. Sure enough, as the officer had told her, she couldn't hear her own voice. Her entire neighbourhood was incredibly silent. 

Ariadne dimly thought back to what the officer had told her about her mum. She still couldn't quite believe it. She half-expected her mum's smiling face to greet her when she walked downstairs. Ariadne got dressed, putting on a soft yellow sweater and jeans, the action bringing tears to her eyes. She still remembered when her mother had brought her shopping for that sweater, knowing that it had caught her eye on their last shopping trip. With an inaudible sigh, Aria walked downstairs to the kitchen. Or at least, she would be about to, if not for the tiny drone holding up a piece of paper that came through the window. 


Phil Coulson

Agent Phil Coulson was standing at the door of a small townhouse with Fitz and May waiting for Fitz's Drowsy the dwarf to deliver the message to the girl. Phil thought that this was probably the least convenient mission he had ever been on. As soon as the Bus had entered the 'circle of silence,' he hadn't been able to hear even the hum of the plane's engine. 

Phil lifted his phone up, sending a text to Fitz. You think she's seen the message yet?

Not yet, he replied. Then Fitz sent a message to both May and Coulson. When she sees it, I'll let you know. 

Beside him, Agent May nodded. She went back to staring at the door of the townhouse. Phil let his eyes roam around his surroundings, keeping track of possible exits in the neighbourhood and other small details. He was brought out of his musings by Fitz's sharp tap on the shoulder. 

She's seen it, Fitz mouthed to him and May. Coulson gave him a thumbs up. 

The door opened. 



Hello, this is Agent Phil Coulson, Agent Melinda May, and Leo Fitz of the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division. We have reason to believe that the city being silent may have something to do with you and powers you may or may not be aware of having. Please come open the front door for us. You will not be in trouble unless you directly oppose this order from a governmental agency. 

Aria paled a little. A government agency was after her? 

She walked down to open the door, and came face to face with a friendly looking man in a suit, a slightly scary woman outfitted with - was that a gun? And a younger looking man with a remote control in his hand.  

The younger man lifted up a screen. Hello! I am Fitz, and that's Agent May and Agent Coulson, it displayed, with Fitz pointing to each of the agents in turn. It's very nice to meet you. 

Agent Coulson held up a screen. Ariadne Zhang, we will need to take you in for questioning, and Fitz here will need to search your house for any objects that may be causing this phenomenon. 

At this point, Aria was really starting to panic. Taking her in for questioning? Searching her house? That sounded like something out of a movie! Aria could feel a slight buzzing in her ears, and a bit of vertigo. The buzzing slowly increased. She felt dizzy. Her vision swam. She could no longer see what the agents had typed out on their screens. She could see shapes of the agents moving around, they seemed almost as panicked as she was. An agent took out a gun, pointed it at her, and Aria fell unconscious. 



Fitz thought the girl looked kind of scared. Was the first message too passive aggressive? Oh, well. What's done is done. Fitz held up his screen introducing himself, May, and Coulson. Then Coulson held up his screen. That was when things started going downhill. Ariadne started panicking, and a buzzing sound appeared. It became so intense it almost gave Fitz a headache. It slowly got worse and worse until - 

Agent May shot Ariadne with her ICER. 

All of a sudden, the world came back into focus. A deafening explosion of sound assaulted the team's ears. All the whirrs and hums people took for granted were brought into sharp focus. Fitz opened his mouth and found that he could speak again. 

"Well, I guess we've got another powered individual on our hands."


Hi everyone! Thanks for reading Chapter 3! How do you think I did? I'm going to be writing some of Maddy's chapters next. Sio's chapters probably won't start until we get to Hogwarts, and then most of the focus will be on her. That's my general plan, anyway. 

Don't forget to vote and comment!


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