Gunslinger (BNHA x malereader)

By Lennieh0618

47.5K 870 403

(DISCONTINUED) At a young age, Y/n was living happily. He had his parents and his friends. It was a perfect l... More

Character Bio
Chapter 1: Time for school
Chapter 2: U.A Entrance Exam
Chapter 3: First Day and Old Friends
Chapter 4: Combat training
Chapter 5: Class representative
vote dis
Chapter 6: Villians
Chapter 8: Aftermatch (End of season 1)
Chapter 9: Quirk explanation
Chapter 10: Sport festival pt.1 : What have I done...
Chapter 11: Sport festival pt2: Just in time!
Chapter 12: Sports festival pt.3: Fight!
Chapter 13: Sport festival pt.3: Y/n Vs Todoroki.
Chapter 14: Sport festival pt.4: Semifinals
Chapter 15: Sport festival pt.5: The End of the Sports festival (End of S2)
Chapter 16: Training camp (Part 1)
Chapter 17: Attacked (Part 2)
Choose the new book (CLOSED)
Chapter 18: Kiddnaped
Chapter 19: All For One
Chapter 20: Lost Memories.
Chapter 21: Y/n vs One for All
Chapter 22: Dorms
Chapter 23: One hell of a morning
Chapter 24: Ultimate moves
Chapter 25: New equipment
Chapter 26: Beginning of the Provisional Exam
Special chapter
Merry Christmas!
Chapter 27: First Exam!
Chapter 28: Second Exam!
Chapter 29: Work-Study.
Chapter 30: The Big Three
Chapter 31: Work Study
Chapter 32: Eri
Chapter 33: Operation Rescue
Chapter 34: Powers revealed
Chapter 35: Thank my Mentor
Chapter 36: Recovery

Chapter 7: Show them the light

1.7K 33 29
By Lennieh0618

With Y/n and Cayde

Y/n pov:

Me and Cayde were fixing the teleporters after I got my new armor and my ghost found me.

"So this world that you are speaking about, how is it?" My ghost asked me.

"It's pretty peaceful, there are only villains there so no vex or fallen or anything." I replied while still trying to fix the teleporter.

"Cayde don't you think it's time to make new ones?" I asked him as I turned my head towards him.

"Hey, you try making a vex teleporter work." Cayde said as he looked up from his teleporter.

"Fair point." I said as we continued to fix the teleporter.

After some time I got mine to work.

"Alright, mine is ready. Should I teleport close to the school?" I said as Cayde turned towards me.

"I mean if you want to-" Cayde began before I teleported to the school.

"You son of a bi-"

Back to you

I teleported close to the school.

"Heh, It's always fun to do that." I said to myself.

"Are you sure about that?" My ghost asked me.

"Well, when you're stuck with an Exo that can't shut the hell up, then yes, it is fun." I said as I put the teleporter away.

"Alright so let's go. I said as I began walking.

My ghost then disappeared.

Sometime later

When I reached U.A I saw someone running towards me, and it was Lida.

"Lida? What are you doing here!" I asked him as he stopped in front of me.

"Our class is in danger!" He yelled as my eyes widened.

"What where?!" I almost yelled back.

"They're at the USJ! We've got to get help!"

"You got help while I help them." I said as I began running towards where Lida came from.

"Wait!!" He yelled out.

But I didn't listen, instead, I kept on running.

"You know you've could have just asked me to summon your sparrow right?" My ghost said.

"You can summon my sparrow?" I asked him as I stopped running.

"What do you think ghosts are made for?" He asked me.

"Uhhh... Information??" I said.

Then out of nowhere, my sparrow spawned in front of me.

"Well then, that made things a lot easier." I said as I got on the sparrow and boosted towards USJ.


Ahri pov:

Me and the rest of the students who were still at the entrance were watching in horror as we saw Aizawa's limbs being broken by the big bird.

"Wh- What are we gonna do?" Akali said as she was still looking at the horrible sight.

"I- I don't know." I said.

We managed to get Lida to get help. He has to hurry!

"We need to help him! Akali said as she took out one of her kunai.

"No stop!" Evelynn yelled as she held Akali back.

"We need to wait for help!" Kai'sa yelled.

"He needs help!" Akali yelled.

"And we can't do anything I yelled making them stop and turn towards me.

"We're not powerful enough to take that thing on Akali! We need to wait for help!" I yelled.

There where silence before I broke it. "We don't want to lose you as we did with Y/n..." I said as I was holding back my tears.

Everyone was looking at me. Akali then hugged Evelynn as she began to cry.

Evelynn was hugging her tight as she tried to calm her down.

"It's alright... It's alright..."

Kai'sa then looked towards the villain and her eyes shot up.


We looked back to see the bird holding Midoriyas arm and about to slam his arm down. The blue-haired guy was reaching towards Tsu and Mineta.

But then something else happened to make them stop.


The doors behind us exploded and a flying bike stopped at the edge of the stairs.

The smoke was in the way so we couldn't see who came.

"Man I was away half of the school day and I come back to this? I swear to god I can't go anywhere without you guys getting in deep shit."

That voice...


The smoke cleared so we could see him. He was wearing some kind of new amour.

"Yep, that's me." He then turned towards me.

"Don't worry, it's going to be fine." He said.

We then heard footsteps behind us.

We turned around to see All Might walking to the edge of the stairs... with no smile.

"I had a bad feeling..." He began as he kept on walking.

"So I tore myself away from my chat with the principal and came."

"I passed Lida on my way... And got a rough idea of what had happened."

"Same here." Y/n said as he kept on looking at the villains.

All Might walked to the edge of the stairs with no smile.

"It's fine now." All Might said as he ripped off his tie.

"I am here!"

Y/n then looked up towards All Might.

"All Might, wipe that not-so-friendly face and put on a smile." He said making him turn towards

"Young Y/n, go back to safety."

"Not happening." He said as he took out his revolver.

Ace of spades

3rd pov:

"That guy with blue hair is one of my guy's to send to jail.." He then paused before

"Or to hell." He said as he began walking down the stairs.

"Young Y/n get back now!" All Might said as he took off his suit.

"Like I said... Not happening." The last part sounded a bit darker and demonic.

"Young Y/n!" All Might yelled.

But then Y/n disappeared and appeared behind the villains.

The villains suddenly dropped, knocked out.

He then walked towards Aizawas body.

"Holy shit what the hell happened to you?" He said as Ghost came and scanned his condition.

"Not good, he's in critical condition, both of his arms are broken he has a broken skull and his right elbow skin is falling off." Ghost said as All Might appeared behind Y/n.

"Young Y/n this isn't your fight." He said as Y/n turned towards him.

"Then I'll join it."

All Might heard how serious Y/n said it and just sighed before he nodded.

"Don't blame me if you get injured."

All Might then looked towards the villains before he picked up Midoriya and the others and punched the blue hair guy's mask off.

Y/n just watched before he spoke up.

"Hey blue hair! Why is that mask so important you to?"

"SHUT UP!" He yelled as he put on his mask.

"Why did you say ' I'm sorry father'?" He said.



KILL HIM!!!" He screamed as Nomu appeared in front of Y/n.

"Young Y/N!!!" All Might yelled out as Nomu punched Y/n.

Y/n was sent flying and hit the wall behind him.

Back with Ahri, she began to cry.


"Hahaha... HahahaHAHAHAHAH!!" The villain laughed.

"THAT BOY IS DEAD ALL MIGHT, WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO?!?!" He yelled a bit insane.

"What I am gonna do is put you to jail and you're never gonna see the light ever again!!!" All Might yelled as he dashed towards the blue-haired guy.


"Nomu" The blue-haired guy said making Nomu dash in front of All Might.

Smash!!" All Might yelled as he X hit Nomu.

All Might then looked up towards Nomu to see that the attack did nothing to it.

Nomu then looked at All Might before it tried to grab him.

But all Might dodged the grab.

"It seriously has no effect at all?!" He said confused before he punched Nomu in the stomach.

Nomu then tried to grab All Might again as All Might dodged.

(A/N: Ima just use AM for All Might.)

"In that case---" AM said before he began punching Nomu on the face.

Nomu screamed as AM dashed back.

"It doesn't work on his face, either, huh?" AM said as he stopped.

Nomu then appeared in front of AM and tried to punch.

But before it could punch AM punched him in the chest twice before he punched its face.

"It doesn't work because of shock absorption." The blue-haired guy said as AM and Nomu kept on fighting. To cause damage to Nomu... It would be most effective to slowly gouge out his flesh." He said.

"Whether he'd let you do that or not is a different issue, though."

AM then ducked, dodging a punch from Nomu.

"Thanks for telling me all that!" AM said as he grabbed Nomu from behind.

"If that's true, then it's easier for me!" He said as he slammed Nomu on the ground making dust go everywhere.

But back where Ahri and the rest of her friends, were not so happy after seeing their friend get killed.

"Y/NN!!!" Ahri yelled as she ran towards Y/n.

Villians got in front of her.

"YOU'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE BEAUTIFUL!" A villain said as he tried to grab Ahri, only for her to use her magic and send a fireball towards him hitting him.

"OUT OF MY WAY!" She yelled as she kept on running and using her magic.

When she got to where Y/n landed she didn't see him there.

"Y/n...?" She looked around. "Y/N!!"

Back where AM was, it wasn't pretty.

When the dust cleared AM was grabbed by the sides of his stomach by Nomu as it squeezed its fingers into AM flesh.

The villain with the warp gate quirk used his quirk below AM so that half of Nomu's body was below AM.

AM let go of Nomu's body and tried to get its hands off of him.

When he tried he looked towards the warp villain.

"Thi's is... your first offense?" AM said

"You'd better prepare yourselves...!" AM turned to the blue hair villain.

The blue hair villain then began to scratch his neck before he spoke.


"I did not want blood and gut's overflowing within me..." The warp villain Kurogiri said.

"But I would be happy to take in someone as great as you."

The warp then began to get smaller as Nomu began to get dragged into the warp gate.

"You are too fast to see with the human eye."

"Restraining you was Nomu's job."

"And then... When your body is halfway in, close the gate... And tear you apart is my job."

Midoriya then began running towards AM as he yelled. "ALL MIGHT!!!"

But then a warp gate came in front of Midoriya.

"How foolish." Kurogiri said.

The out of nowhere Bakugo came from the side and used his explosions to explode him.

"Move, you're in the way, Deku!!" He yelled.

Midoriya then stopped as Bakugo slammed the warp villain down on the ground.

Then ice came and froze half of Nomu's body.

"All I heard was that you all are here to kill AM." Todoroki said.

Then something strange happened.

Nomu's hands just got punched off.

AM took the chance to get some space.

Kirishima then came and tried to attach the blue-haired guy but he dodged his attack.

"Huh?" Kirishima said.

"Damn it! I didn't get to show off." Kirishima said.

"Stop acting so stuck-up, foggy nobody!" Bakugo said to the warp villain.

"The Symbol of peace cannot be killed by the likes of you." Todoroki said.

"Kacchan! Everyone!" Midoriya said before he wiped his tears.

After some time the blue-haired guy turned towards the warp villain.

"Kurogiri... our exit and entrance, has been overcome."

"We're in a pinch."

"You careless bastard." Bakugo began as he turned towards the warp villain.

"You're just what I thought you'd be."

He then began explaining how his quirk worked.

The warp villain tried to move, but Bakugoo made a little explosion with his hand holding him down.

"Don't move!" Bakugo yelled as he came closer towards him.

"If I feel like you're moving suspiciously, then I'll blow you up!"

"His behavior isn't very herolike..." Kirishima said for himself.

"In addition to capturing them, they're almost all uninjured." the blue-haired guy said.

"Kids these days are amazing. They make the League of Villians look bad."

The blue-haired man then turned towards Nomu.


Nomu then began to move out of the warp hole, even with Todorikis ice on half of the body.

When Nomu got out of the warp gate, its right arm and leg fell off as it tried to move.

Everyone was shocked.

"Even though his body's broken... He's still moving?!" Midoriya said confused and shocked.

"Get back, everyone!" AM said as he held an arm up.

The ice then broke off Nomus's body as its arm and leg began to grow back.

"What?" AM said confused. "His quirk wasn't shock absorption?"

"I didn't say that was all he had." The blue-haired guy said. "This is his super-regeneration."

"Nomu has been modified to take you at 100%. He's a super-efficient human sandbag."

Nomu now had his arm and leg back.

"First we need to get out gate back." The blue-haired guy said.

"Go, Nomu."

The Nomu then dashed so fast that AM had problems seeing it.

AM was not gonna make it...


Everyone was knocked back due to the wind.

As the smoke cleared you could see that Nomu held the warp villain.

"K-Kacchan!" Midoriya yelled out, thinking that he was hit.

Midoriya then noticed that he was behind him.

"Kacchan?! Y-You dodged?"

"No, shut up, scum!"

"Then how...?" Kirishima began.

They then looked back to think that AM took the hit.

"Who took the hit?" AM said very confusedly making everyone look towards him.

"All Might?!" Everyone yelled out confused before they looked back.

When the dust cleared you could see Y/n standing there with yellow-ish orange light coming out of his armor.

"Y/N?!" everyone yelled out very confused.

"You thought that punch would kill me...?" Y/n said.

"How are you alive?! Nomu was the weapon to take out All Might and you survived?!". The blue-haired guy yelled out very confused and shocked.

"If you really think that a punch would kill me... then you're stupid."

Y/n then looked back towards All Might.

"You need to rest AM."

"Young Y/n!"

"All Might, just rest-"

"Young Y/n, get back!" AM yelled to try to stop him.

"... No, I don't think I will."

Y/n then turned back towards the villain.

"Nomu, Kurogiri. Get him." the blue-haired guy said as Nomu got up. "I'll deal with the children."

Y/n pov:

I'm impressed that Nomu killed me. Sure I was shocked to learn that Ghost could revive me.

But.. now when I know my Ghost can revive me. I think I can use a bit more than 50% of DSR.

I then got in a fighting stance as more light came out of my armor.

"Now, let's clear this and go home." The blue-haired guy said as he rushed towards them.

'Hey, ghost... Let's show them the Light'

I then dashed so fast that everyone had couldn't see me. Everyone looked towards me and Nomu dashed and connected our fists against each other creating a huge shockwave.

Everyone got pushed back, even All Might got a little pushed back.

"Tch. Hey, Nomu has shock absorption, do you think punching him will help?" the blue-haired guy said.

"I know!" I yelled out as I punched Nomu with 54% of DSR.

I then began to punch Nomu over and over again that Nomu had a very time hard getting a punch in due to my fast punches.

Everyone was shocked that I could push Nomu back.

"If your quirk is shock absorption... Then I just have to raise my power!!" I yelled out as I began to use 57%.

My punches got faster and stronger.

Nomu now couldn't do anything because I was punching so fast.

I then grabbed its arms and threw him away and I dashed towards Nomu.

"Are you really made to fight All Might? Then you're not able to kill a Guardian!!!." I yelled out as I continued to punch Nomu.

The ground below us shattered due to my punches.

The light coming from my armor began to glow even brighter.

I then punched Nomu in the head making it fly back.

I then jumped towards Nomu. "You know... a Guardian is the Light, while the monsters are the darkness."

"The darkness wanted to destroy everything...." I uppercut  Nomu making him fly up.

I jumped up and punched Nomu down towards the ground.

I landed before I continued.

"The darkness destroyed our home...

I began glowing even more.

"And we defeated them with the-"

I pulled my fist back ready to finish it.

"LIGHT!!!" I yelled as I used 60% and punched Nomu in the chest.

The punch was so powerful that it sent Nomu flying out of USJ.

Back with Kai'sa

3rd pov:

"That was a villain up there just now, wasn't it?" Sero asked.

"Y-Yeah..." Sato replied.

"This power is..." Shoji began.

"It's All Might! There's No one else who can do something so amazing!" Mineta cheered.

Everyone up there then began to cheer.

With Ahri

So that is...


"Ahri, my quirk is very powerful, so powerful that I could match All Might's strength. And combined with the light makes it even stronger."

Flashback end.

So this is the power of his quirk...

With All Might

This kid, he's that strong? He was able to beat Nomu with light?

All Might looked over the smoke where Y/n was.

He's strong like me...

"Y/n's quirk is crazy powerful..." Kirishima said.

"What insane power..." Bakugo said. "Does this mean he rushed at him so fast he couldn't regenerate?"

Everyone looked back towards Y/n as he spoke.

"You really made me use my quirk... I'm impressed... Not many people made me use my light and quirk..."

Y/n then looked towards the villains as he panted a bit.

"You made me use 60%."

The light then began to fade.

"And now, the light has to rest." Y/n then took out his revolver.

"Now it's a fair fight." Y/n began as he continued.

"I have used the light."

All Might then walked towards Y/n but stopped.

Y/n noticed that All Might stopped, so he got a smoke grenade, ready to use it in case All Might couldn't hold his form.

"Now villains..." All Might began.

The blue-haired guy was PISSED.

"I'm sure... we'd all like to end this as soon as possible."

The blue-haired guy began to scratch his neck... a lot.

"What's wrong? You're not coming?" All Might asked The blue-haired guy making him stop scratching his neck.

"You said you'd "clear" this or something, right?"

"Come and get me if you can."

The blue-haired guy then backed up from fear.

"All... Might..." Bakugo said.

"As expected" Todoriki began. "It looks like there is no need for us to fight."

"Midoriya! We should get out of here now!" Kirishima said "It'll be worse if we end up getting taken hostage instead!"

But Midoriya then began thinking about how All Might is bluffing.

"Well, what's wrong?!"

The blue-haired guy then began scratching with both of his hands.

"If I only had Nomu...! That guy... Would be able to go up against him without thinking about anything!"

The warp Villian then calmed down the blue-haired guy before he explained how Y/n couldn't use the light anymore and how Nomu was able to damage All Might.

He stopped scratching his neck and looked towards Y/n and All Might.

Y/n and everyone else then began to notice that the villains started to rise.

"Fuck... All Might, I'll let you take the main villains while I take out the rest." Y/n said as he began to run towards the villains and shoot them.

Of course not killing them, instead, shooting their legs or arms.

Y/n didn't notice that the blue-haired guy was rushing towards All Might.

"This is revenge for Nomu!" He yelled out making Y/n turn towards them.

"SHIT!" He thought as he shot another villain in the leg and aimed towards him.


But as luck ran out, the revolver was empty.

"I'm not gonna reload in time" Y/n thought as he dashed towards them.

The warp villain then also began rushing All Might.

But then Midoriya flew towards them at high speed.

"MIDORIYA GET OUT THERE!" Y/n yelled out.

The warp villain and blue-haired guy noticed this and were fast enough to make a warp hole in front of Midoriya that the blue-haired guy put his hand in.

"I won't fall for that again!" The warp villain said.

The blue-haired guy began to laugh as his hand got closer to Midoriya's face.

Y/n was close enough to see the fear in Midoriya's face.


A gunshot was heard as a bullet hit the blue-haired guys hand

Everyone looked towards the gunshot to see Cayde with his revolver

He then began to shoot the villain who was holding Kamanari.

"Don't worry! We're here!" Cayde said as pro heroes came.

"Sorry everyone!" Nezu, the principal said.

"Sorry, we're late!"

"I gathered all who were immediately available!" Nezu continued.

"Lida!" Uraraka said.

"I, class 1-A representative... Tenya Lida... have now returned!!" He yelled out.

The villains then began to attack the pro heroes.

The heroes then began to easily defeat all of the villains.

Back to the villains

"Aw man, they're here." the blue-haired guy said while holding his hand as he backed up.

"It's game over now."

He then turned towards the warp villain.

"Shall we go home and try again later, Kurogir--?"

He was cut off by Y/n and Cayde shooting his limbs making him fall.

The warp villain then began to protect him, blocking the shots.

"We need someone to be able to capture them all from this distance!" Cayde yelled out as he reloaded and kept on shooting.

"Me!" Thirteen said as Cayde stopped shooting.

Y/n also stopped shooting when he only heard his gunshots.

Thirteen then began to suck the warp villain with his quirk.

The blue-haired guy looked towards me and All Might.

He looked at us with an insane look in his eyes before they teleported away.

What the pros deal with... What they fight against... The world of evil... That was an experience... that we were not ready for yet.

Midoriya was laying on the ground in pain.

Y/n began to walk towards Midoriya but then.

Y/n pov:


Fuck, I forgot about that.

I fell to the ground in pain.

My quirk is amazing, but it also has some flaws.

When I use more than I use it, the more pain I will feel.

Right now I was laying on the ground while moving around.

"ARGHH!!" I yelled out in pain while I closed my eyes

Cayde and Ahri noticed this and began to run towards me.

"Ace!!" Cayde Yelled out.

"Y/N!!" Ahri yelled out. That was everything I heard before I lost consciousness.

A/N: HOLY SHIT!!! This is one of the biggest chapters I've written so far, JESUS. I usually skip the fighting part cuz ya know I'm bad at it. So this was my first battle chapter. Hope it was good

Anyways, this chapter has almost 4000 words, Jesus.

This is not the last chapter cuz there's gonna be a chapter about what happened when you lost consciousness.

So yeah that was this chapter.

-Lenny out.

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