Living in Cavetown

By Breonnajo03

937 28 2

Jessica lives with her dad and brother after her mother died when she was younger. Things go from bad to wors... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Conclusion and Next

Chapter 4

54 2 0
By Breonnajo03


*Chapter inspired by the song You Broke My Heart Again by Teqkoi* 

((Take my hand and stay with me my dear. I think you broke my heart again.)) 


This chapter will contain talk of sexual assault, drug abuse, and childhood trauma that might trigger a panic attack or flash backs in mentally unstable or recovering readers. Read at your own risk.!!

Walking into the house was worse than I imagined. HE waited until Chance was long out of sight and decided to punch Jamie hard enough to knock him out. I choke out a sob and watch as he turns around quickly towards me. He's blocking my only way out of the house so I can't run away again. I silently cry as he comes closer and closer to me, he smells of alcohol horribly. I cringe away from him. Big mistake. 

   His fist connects to my face twice before her picks up my face to look at him by the cheeks and slams me into the hallway wall. I wince in pain and groan out. He is so much bigger and stronger than me, I can't fight back. I won't. It will only hurt more. "You're just like your mother. A little slut is what she was. I loved her, and she died going out to see some man. You influienced her. You told her you wanted a different Dad. She went out to get what you wanted. She's dead because of you. Now you will pay for taking away the love of my life. Worthless piece of shit," he spits on my face and I cry silently as he pins me to the wall by my throat. 

   The tears fall harder and harder as I cry. I wish he would stop. He tears off my pants with one hand and moves my underwear to the side before taking advantage of me. Without protection. I cry harder and harder as he continues until he finishes and drops me to the ground as I sob. I cry so hard my face hurts. I can't seem to move so I lay on the floor crying half naked and feeling disgusted with myself. I let this happen to me. I'm so weak. 

   Jamie wakes up and looks at me with disgust and sadness. Disgust? Does he think it's my fault too? He probably does. I'm so disgusting. Jamie picks me up and takes me into the room before putting on a blank face and putting me in different clothes. He doesn't say anything. He just lays me on my bed across from his and pulls the blanket over me before laying down shirtless in his own bed. I feel so useless and tired. So ashamed. 

The next morning I wake up later than usual to Jamie throwing me a box with an emotionless face before he puts down a bag of food and sits on his bed without a word. I wonder why he's so upset with me. Not like I can ask. He'd ignore me even if I could talk. I shrug and pick up the box before reading it 'Plan B'. Oh. That's why he's being so quiet. I take the pill out of the box before taking it without a word. At least he got me something to eat. I look insied the bag and it's fries and a burger. Better than nothing, and at least I get to eat something other than a pop tart or granola bar today. 

   After I eat Tyler tells me he has something to do today so he's going to drop me off at a friend's house on his way. I look at him sideways and he shrugs before we walk out to his old run down red truck. I sit in the passenger side and stay quiet while Cavetown blares through the tiny truck. I watch as our surroundings go from torrible to worse. I never thought there was a worse side than ours, but here we are. 

   Run down trailer houses sit everywhere, but there are people living in them. I watch as we pull up next to one of the nicer run down trailers and look at Jamie with a puzzled look on my face. "You're going to stay here while I handle some things. I have a good friend that lives here and she'll take good care of you while I'm gone. I'll be back before tomorrow. Now come on," he says before climbing out of the truck. I climb out as well, and look around. 

   There are only about 12 vehicles in the about 50 trailer lot and they all look even worse than Jamie's truck. I don't see any children outside and it looks like half of the six people outside are talking to invisible people. I shiver as one person makes eye contact with me and wink at me after looking me up and down. Why would Jamie bring me here? 

   I follow Jamie into the trailer and see a pink and blue haired girl about three or two years older than me sitting on the very much broken in couch. She looks strange. Almost like she's drunk, but it isn't alcohol that's affecting her. She looks at Jamie and smiles before sqealing out,  "Jamie Poo!" and putting him into a death hug. To my shock Jamie smiles and hugs her back. 

   "Hailey!" he chuckles and lets go of her before turning her to me. "This is my little sister, Jessica. This one I was telling you about," he tells her and her face goes serious before she looks me up and down. 

   "I'm not sure if I can do this to her. She's so young and has so much to live for," she says in a fake sweet voice. 

   "Then I'll pay double for you to help her," Jamie says seductivley to the strange girl named Hailey. She smiles and nods before kissing Jamie. She kissed him! My mouth popped open and I heard both of them laughing. Jamie chuckled and kissed my head before waving bye to me and leaving. I watched him go and then looked at the strange girl who was already starring at me. 

   "I have a lot of work to do on you if you're as messed up as your brother says you are," she clicks her tongue and looks at me questioningly. "So you actually don't talk?" I shake my head 'no', and she clicks her tongue again before turning around and getting something off a shelf behind the chair next to the couch. 

   "Sit down little girl. I will make it all feel better. All you have to do is exactly what I tell you to do, okay?" she turns her head back to look at me and I nod. What does she mean by all of this? I'm so confused as to what is going on. Hailey turns around with a mirror, baggie, and empty pen capil and a smile on her face. "Today we will be trying Oxy," she says with a grin. I look at her in question and she snears a little before putting the mirror on the table in front of the couch I am now sitting on with her. 

   Hailey puts some of the white powder she called 'Oxy' earlier on the mirror and starts linning it up on the mirror. She looks at me and says, "Now, your brother has paid me a lot of money to make the pain go away babygirl, and that's just what I'm going to do. Make the pain go away. Now, do everything I do and you'll be feeling amazing in no time. Alright?" she says and I nod with a questionable look on my face. Hailey takes the empty pen capsil and snorts one of the line into her nostril and hold the other. When she's done with the line she sniff and patts her watering eyes before handing the capsil to me. 

   Before I could even think about doing what she had done, the door busted open and there stood the Branch brothers. And boy did they look mad. I looked at them in question and Chance stormed over to Hailey before picking her up by her collar and yelling in her face, "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING WITH HER HAILEY?!" I have enver felt more confused my whole life. "I TOLD YOU THAT IF YOU EVER EVEN MENTIONED GIVING JESSICA MORGE DRUGS I'D SNAP YOU IN HALF!" Chance's whole face is a dark red as he screams in Hailey's face. Drugs? What drugs? 

   "Should have told her brother that then. He's the one who dropped her off," Hailey sneers and Tyler looks more upset than his brother, which I thought was impossible. Tyler storms over to his brother and Hailey. 

   "You're fucking lying. Jamie would never do that to Jessica," he says in a stern tone. It's as if he's threatening Hailey to say otherwise. 

   "Let me ask you something, Branch. How did she get here then?" she raises an eyebrow and I see a single tear roll down Chance's face before he dropps Hailey like an old rag doll. 

   "If I ever hear you're anywhere near Jessica again, I'll slit your throat," Chance says in a serious tone before coming over and picking me up. All I can think is, 'What did Chance mean by drugs?' 

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