Pinky Swear

By author_sky_angel

2.6M 99.4K 42.2K

"So you're saying, that if I kissed you right now, you wouldn't feel anything?" He asked, taking steps closer... More

Chapter 1: Broken Promise
Chapter 2: Back Home
Chapter 3: New Girl
Chapter 4: Surprise!
Chapter 6: Best Friends
Chapter 7: No One Like You
Chapter 8: Let's Party
Chapter 9: Hung-over
Chapter 10: You Might End Up Drunk
Chapter 11: A Drunken Fight
Chapter 12: Green Eyes
Chapter 13: I Miss You
Chapter 14: Depressed Alex
Chapter 15: New Look
Chapter 16: Double Date!(or Trouble)
Chapter 17: One Kiss Is All It Takes
Chapter 18: Ditch Day
Chapter 19: Failed Disguise
Chapter 20: Classroom Secret
Chapter 21: Being Popular
Chapter 22: They Tweet Your Whereabouts
Chapter 23: Crazy Move
Chapter 24: Melting Sundae
Chapter 25: Confused And In Love
Chapter 26: An Unusual Breakup
Chapter 27: Jealous Sam
Chapter 28: Jenny is a Bitch
Chapter 29: Confessions
Chapter 30:A Clichè Proposal
Chapter 31: Crazy Ex
Chapter 32: The Jealousy Game
Chapter 33: Stay Away From My Boyfriend!
Chapter 34: Brownies
Chapter 35: Shattered
Chapter 36: Afar
Chapter 37: Addiction
Chapter 38: Girl Time
Chapter 39: A Picnic To Remember
Chapter 40: A Happy Ending

Chapter 5: Dinner At The Adams

76.8K 3K 1.3K
By author_sky_angel

I stared at my reflection in the mirror, unsure if I should cancel and make up an excuse to stay home or not.

Currently, I had on a short black flay dress paired with white sandals and light makeup on. My hair left down in its long waves.

Come on, Sam. You can do this. You can do this. I kept chanting in my head till I got downstairs, where my parents and Jax were already waiting.

"Okay, is everyone ready?" Dad asked, and we all nodded. We all walked out and went to dad's car, with mum at the passenger's seat, then Jax and I at the back.

It was a thirty minutes drive there, and we made it before seven.
Jaxon wasn't kidding when he said they moved to a more luxurious place. What I was staring at was a freaking mansion!
I kept staring in awe as dad drove in through the gate.

We got down and immediately were welcomed by Ryan's mother, Lauren Adams. She was wearing a sky blue floor-length dress with matching heels, and she carried herself so gracefully, like a queen.

She went over and hugged my mum and dad, and then Jaxon, before directing her attention towards me.

"Oh, is this Samantha?" She gasped, placing both her hands on my shoulder to inspect me.

"In the flesh," I answered, and gave her my best smile.

"How long has it been? Five years?" She asked before pulling me in for a hug.

"Four, actually." I corrected her.

"I thought you'd forgotten about us. You didn't even once visit us." She scolded, while I looked down at my feet, ashamed. I should have tried to come here, at least once. They were nice to me and treated me like I was one of their own.

"Come on, you all should come in. It's cold out here." She led us all into their really lavish living room and advised us all to sit on the plush sofas.

"Joseph is a little busy with some business calls. But he will be down soon enough. In the meantime, why don't you all relax while I go set up the table."

"Want me to help?" I offered.

"No need dear. I've got it all covered." She declined politely.

Immediately she left, a little girl who looked to be around the age of twelve or so, came galloping down the steps screaming excitedly,

"Jaxon! Jaxon!" I was almost scared she was going to fall before Jax hurried to catch her and lifted her. She squealed and hugged him tightly.

Wait, was that Kira? She was all grown up now. When I last saw her, she was like seven. Meaning she might be eleven now.

"And how's my little bunny doing?" Jaxon gently put her down and ruffled her hair, making her giggle.

"I'm good." She then walked over to my mum and dad to hug them before looking over to me. Her eyes widen in surprise as she took me in.

"Sammy?" That's what she always calls me. "Is that you?" She walked over to where I was seated, and I offered her a small smile.

"Well, you've certainly grown," I replied. Suddenly, she lept on me and wrapped her tiny arms around my neck, taking me by surprise.

"I missed you." She leaned back, and I could see a huge grin on her face as her brown eyes sparkle under the light.

"Missed you too, dear."

"Sorry to keep you all waiting. I was just attending to some calls." I looked up to see Joseph Adams coming down the stairs, and behind him was Ryan. His cold brown eyes flashed to me as he gracefully walked two steps behind his father.

"Joseph." My dad greeted him as they hugged while patting each other at the back. Then his eyes caught me, and there was a hint of surprise in them.

"Samantha?" He asked, and I nodded while placing Kira down. "Guess you decided to pay us a visit this time." He smirked while I blush. I tried as much as possible to avoid eye contact with Ryan, as we all moved to the formal dining table.

The table was already set with different kinds of dishes, which were all mouth-watering, and I licked my lips as we all sat down.

"Wow, you've really outdone yourself, Lauren." Mum complimented.

"Oh, You know I've taken a break from work. So I decided to attend some cooking classes, and it's really paid off."

Joseph sat at the head with Lauren on his right and my dad on his left. Then my mum beside my dad, and I was next. Next to Lauren was Jaxon, followed by Ryan, making him opposite me, then little Kira. I avoided looking up, even though I could feel Ryan's burning gaze on me as we all ate.

Our parents were the ones who mostly did the talking, while Jaxon and Ryan chatted on about football. Little Kira, on the other hand, kept throwing different questions at me.

"Do you love cartoons?" She asked, with a mouthful.

"Yes, I do."

"Will you be visiting more often now that you're back?"

"Maybe..." I could still feel Ryan's eyes, but I only looked at my food then at Kira.

"You should. You look more exciting than his dumb girlfriend." She pointed at Ryan, earning a scowl from him. I had to resist the urge to laugh. She was probably talking about Jenny.

"Who's up for dessert?" Lauren walked in, holding up a coconut cake. As soon as she placed it down, everyone took a slice except me. I hated coconuts.

"Sam dear, won't you have some?" Lauren asked, and I wanted to explain, but was startled instead when Ryan spoke;

"She hates coconuts." I froze, and for the first time that night, I looked up at him and was immediately met with his burning gaze. He had a scowl on his face, and I didn't think he had wanted to say that out loud intentionally.

Even after four years, he still remembered my likes and dislikes.
The room was silent t for a while before Lauren broke it.

"Okay, then." Lauren smiled before Ryan stood up and muttered an excuse, before storming out the dining room.

"What's his problem?" Kira muttered too before reaching for his remaining slice of cake.

After dinner, it was time to go home, and The Adams bid us farewell. Everyone except for Ryan, though. He never came back downstairs after storming out if the dinning.
Lauren kept reminding me sternly to visit some other time. We were pulling out the gate when my eyes trailed up at a room upstairs that had its light on. Through the window, I could see the silhouette of a guy watching us drive out. But I knew without a doubt that it was Ryan.

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