Shadowhunters/Malec One Shots

By piadreamer

18.5K 930 1.5K

One shots of my favourite otp, Malec. May also contain other pairings but mostly Malec. Contains fluff, angst... More

A giggly morning.
What are you?
My immortal boyfriend
We always seem to find a way back to each other.
I will carry you.
Perfect Criminal
Perfect Criminal •Part 2•
Perfect Criminal •Part 3•
Perfect Criminal •Part 4•
Drunken mistake
My boyfriend's a cat-fox.
I'll always protect you.
Thunderstorms and cuddles.
Relationships... they take effort.
Relationships... they take efforts. •Part 2•
You might be gold but I love Silver.
The story of Madeline Lightwood Bane.
Dimensional Issues
My Sleeping Prince
Beautiful Evening
My innocent Fiancé.
First date
Heartbreak and misery
Lost willpower
Lost willpower •Part 2•
Lost willpower •Part 3•
I'll love you for a thousand more.
Together, always and forever.
Play day.
Play day •Part 2•
Portal Mishap.
Portal Mishap •Part 2•
Melodious escape
Melodious Escape ~ 2
Melodious Escape ~ 3
Melodious Escape ~ 4
Melodious Escape ~ 5
Deal with the Devil
Love that never fades
The Return - Chapter 1
The Return - Chapter 2
The Return - Chapter 3
The Return - Chapter 4
The Return - Chapter 5
The Return - Chapter 6
The Return - Chapter 7
The Return - Chapter 8
The Return - Chapter 9
Deal with the Devil • Part 2 •
Will You Still Love Me?

War of hearts

431 22 17
By piadreamer

Prompt suggested by 6Ahirbhairav6 hope you'll enjoy it.


~~Come to me
In the night hours
I will wait for you
And I can't sleep
'Cause thoughts devour
Thoughts of you consume~~

Alec was tossing and turning on his bed as he couldn't sleep. He was thinking about all the good memories, all the best things that had happened to him in the previous one year. He met one of the kindest souls to ever exist on this planet, Magnus Bane, his favourite drag queen whom he had idolized for years. They became good friends then to his own shock, became boyfriends. They were dating from a few months and he was sure he was already falling in love with him.

Turning, he picked up the picture of Magnus that was kept inside the book from the side table and ran his fingers over Magnus' spotless, beautiful face. A smile crept upon his face as he kept admiring his features.

"You mean the world to me, Magnus. Thank you for coming in my life." He whispered to himself as a sad smile formed on his lips. His life was a complete misery before Magnus happened and now he felt like he was the happiest person on earth. There was a spark in him which lights up everything around him and yet it's been around a year and he wasn't able to tell one of the biggest secrets about himself to Magnus. He was scared to lose the man he was falling in love with. It was stupid, he knew it was. Magnus was one of the most open-minded person he met yet he still was afraid to share one of the biggest secret to him.

A sudden thud against his window broke his chain of thoughts and his heartbeats quickened as another loud bang shuttered his windows.

"Who... who's there?" He slowly turned towards the window frames and asked in a frightened voice then gulped.

"Phssss! It's me, open!" A familiar soft brown eyes and spiked up hair appeared on his window and he sighed as he put his palm above his racing heart then got up and walked towards his idiot boyfriend.

"Magnus! You idiot! You scared the hell out of me!" He whisper yelled as he helped him to sneak in.

"Sorry...." Magnus softly whispered and pecked his boyfriend's lips. Alec sighed and shook his head as they walked towards his bed.

"You know you could've just walked in from the front door, right? Nobody would have minded."

"And what's the fun in that?" Magnus grinned as he fell back on his boyfriend's cozy bed but suddenly his eyes fell on his own photograph and his mouth fell open. He picked it up before Alec could snatch it from him. It was a snapshot of one of the behind the scenes of his drag show and he had no idea that his boyfriend had this one printed out.

"Really, darling? You keep my photo? Were you talking to it before I came?" His voice held surprise, amusement, and curiosity as a deep shade of red crept up on Alec's cheeks.

"Uhh... umm..."

~~I can't help but love you
Even though I try not to
I can't help but want you
I know that I'd die without you~~

Magnus held his boyfriend's wrist and pulled him down as Alec landed on top of him with a cute yelp making Magnus grin and placed a loving and sweet kiss on his lips.

"You know, now that I'm here, tell me what you were saying to my photo which I didn't know you had by the way!?"

"Nah ah! That's between me and your photo. Live in suspense forever. Besides, what are you doing here?" Alec asked as he held his waist and twisted them so now Magnus was on top of him as they laid down comfortably on his bed.

Magnus snuggled closer and pouted earning a cute and quick kiss on his cheek. He sighed and rested his head on his boyfriend's chest. "Mom and dad were fighting again because of me, specifically about me being a drag queen. I couldn't stand it so I came here."

"Why don't your mom leave that son of a bitch? Sorry if I'm crossing my line but he's not even a good person. Why do you both live with him?" He asked as he ran his fingers through Magnus' soft hair making the man humm with the feeling.

"Mmmmmmmm.... keep doing, your hands are magical." Magnus snuggled closer and closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of his boyfriend's long fingers running through his hairs.

Alec sighed, knowing well what Magnus was doing. "I asked you something, Magnus." He said firmly and felt a long breath against his chest.

"Because he's my father and mom claims to love him and sees good in him even though he's a monster. I'm tired of telling her the same thing again and again and I can't leave her alone with him, so I can't leave either. Now please change the topic." He groaned and felt Alec tightening his hold around his waist.

"Sorry, didn't mean to upset you." Alec said in a low voice.

"It's okay, darling. Now can we just cuddle?" Alec hummed in response and wrapped his arms around Magnus' waist as they both just lay in each other's embrace in comfortable silence.

~~Stay with me a little longer
I will wait for you
Shadows creep
And want grows stronger
Deeper than the truth
I can't help but love you
Even though I try not to
I can't help but want you
I know that I'd die without you~~

After an hour, Magnus opened his eyes and noticed the time which made him quickly hop off of the bed waking up his boyfriend in the process who was having the most peaceful sleep he ever had.

"Crap! It's too late, I should get back before my father finds out I'm gone!"

"Mmmhmm... Magnus...?" Alec rubbed his eyes and looked at his boyfriend who was looking down at him with an apologetic look.

Magnus leaned down and quickly pecked his lips. "Sorry, I need to leave now." As he was about to walk towards the window Alec grabbed his wrist making him stop in his tracks and he looked towards his boyfriend only to notice his glossy eyes looking up at him pleadingly.

"Stay...." Alec softly whispered as a teardrop escaped from his eyes and fell on the pillow. Magnus' heart broke noticing the tears in his beautiful sapphire blue eyes.

"Hey..." He sat down beside his boyfriend and wiped those tears off. "Why are you crying, Alexander? We'll meet in a few hours."

"No... stay..." Alec pleaded and held on to Magnus' arms. He didn't want this moment to end. It was the most peaceful sleep he had in his whole life, without a nightmare, without getting frightened. He knew his feelings for Magnus was getting strong, he was becoming his rock. But he was scared to lose him, there were so many things he still hadn't told Magnus about him, his past, so he wanted to cherish every single moment spend with his boyfriend if he decides to leave him.

Alec's alarm suddenly buzzed getting them out of their trance-like state. Magnus reached out to pick his phone to shut off the alarm but his mouth fell open when he saw what the reminder attached with the alarm read. 'Summer Diamond's makeup tutorials and talk show- Episode 15.'

He turned the phone's screen towards Alec and a beetroot colored blush crept up from Alec's neck towards his cheeks as he quickly snatched the phone from his boyfriend's hand and cleared his throat.

"Really, darling? You watch my show in the middle of the night? I don't know what to say!" Magnus pursed his lips trying to suppress his smile making Alec glared at him and that was the cutest face he had ever witnessed.

"So? My phone, my wish!" Alec pouted and Magnus couldn't resist placing a quick peck over those pink lips. "Please stay... one night... please..." He pleaded again making Magnus' heart melt at the way he was talking. He felt there was more to his pleas, something deeper but he didn't want to force his boyfriend into telling him anything he wasn't ready to share so he sighed and laid beside him once again.

"Scoot!" Magnus said and a bright smile appeared on Alec's face. He made space for his boyfriend and when he laid down again he snuggled into his chest and intertwined their legs.

~~I can't help but be wrong in the dark
'Cause I'm overcoming this war of hearts
I can't help but want oceans to part
'Cause I'm overcoming in this war of hearts~~

Magnus placed a sweet kiss over his boyfriend's silky raven black hairs making Alec humm in contentment.

"Thank you." Alec mumbled against his chest.

"You know, if there's something bothering you, you're free to talk to about it, Alexander. You know I won't judge, right?" Magnus put forward his worries after a long debate with himself. Alec looked up and in those soft brown eyes and simply hummed, not knowing how else to response. Closing his eyes, he wrapped his arms tightly around Magnus' waist and buried his face in his chest, feeling safe and sound in his arms and the tears he was trying to suppress fell on Magnus' T-shirt.

When Magnus felt wetness over his chest his heart raced ten times quicker than it normally should. He softly kept stroking his boyfriend's head and placed a tender kiss over his head.

"Alexander, what is it? You're making me worried... please talk to me."

Alec wasn't able to hold back his emotions and started crying hysterically as he held the back of Magnus' T-shirt in his fist tightly. He wanted to tell him everything but was scared. For the first time ever in his miserable life, he was finally happy and didn't want it to be gone. It was stupid but the people he thought would stay in his life, the people he trusted the most had left him in the phase of that part of his life when he needed them the most. He trusted them blindly but they didn't just turn their back on him but also bullied him, making his already hard life a misery. He trusted Magnus but was scared. But the fact was also there that he loved him and he wanted him to stay. It was a war of hearts he was having but he couldn't hide from his boyfriend forever. He deserved to know his truth. He can't keep him in dark and keep pretending like he lives a normal life, because he didn't. His life was far from normal and maybe today was the day to tell the beautiful soul about his truth.

"Alexander... shh... shh... what's wrong, cupcake? Please talk to me." Magnus kept stroking his boyfriend's head, trying to be strong for his boyfriend but from inside, he was completely shattered by seeing his sweet angel like that.

"N...Not Alexander, Alexandria..."

"What!?" Magnus frowned with confusion.

"A...Alexandria, Alexandria Gideon Lightwood, my real name." Magnus suddenly stopped stroking his head making him gulp and he slowly lifted his head to meet those soft brown eyes which were looking at him with shock. Tears fell down on his face noticing that look on Magnus' face, that's exactly what he was scared of. "I'm... I'm an FtM transgender, Magnus." He finally said it out and kept scanning his boyfriend's face with his vulnerable eyes and the different emotions that appeared on his face within a second only made his heart shatter in millions of pieces.

"M...Magnus, please say something." He kept waiting for his response but when minutes passed and he got no answer in return he turned around, curled up into a ball, and just burst into crying uncontrollably. " hate me! You're disgusted by me... just like others... you... you don't want to be with me anymore, right? *sniff* I'm a freak, that's what I'm being called. Please... please just... *sniff* *hic* just leave if you want to but... but don't say those words... I beg you... I can't tolerate them anymore... I'm not... *sniff* not strong..." He kept crying and crying until he felt two strong arms hugging him tightly and soft lips pecking the corner of his eyes then his cheeks then his temple, above his eyelids, and finally a sharp tip of soft nose trailing up and down on his face.

"Don't cry..." Magnus finally spoke up with a huge amount of guilt in his voice making Alec turn his head slowly towards Magnus. "I'm an ass, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you, Alexander. I was just so shocked and didn't know what to say that I went speechless and you interpreted my silence in the wrong way. I'm sorry and no, I'm not disgusted by you and certainly don't hate you, sweetheart. I'm right here and I always will be. And..."

~~I can't help but love you
Even though I try not to
I can't help but want you
I know that I'd die without you~~

"And?" Alec asked with hope in his voice.

"And... I love you, Alexander. I... I know it's too soon but I do. I love you." Magnus admitted truthfully and pecked his quivering lips.

Alec savoured those lips against his and smiled into the kiss and felt Magnus' soft fingers gently wiping away his tears.

"I... I love you too, Magnus. I love you too." Alec felt so relieved saying those words and that his boyfriend was still there and loved him back.

"Why you never told me this before, cupcake? We know each other for almost a year now." Magnus straddled his boyfriend and got on top of him, softly caressing his face and head.

"I was scared, Magnus. That you'll leave me as others did. They think I'm a freak who decided to turn into a male when I had a better body than Isabelle. They all just..." He trailed off and sniffed.

"Don't think about it, darling! You have me now, I'll never leave you. I know how difficult it's to get accepted in this society. Being a drag queen isn't easy. This society thinks of us as freaks too. A man who likes to dress as a woman, that's what they think but they don't understand that there's so much more to it. You are so much unique than you think, Alexander. Don't let mean comments put you down. And whenever you feel like talking, I'm right here, okay?"

"Thank you so much, Magnus. You're the best thing that happened to me." Alec smiled brightly then grabbed his T-shirt and pulled him down, locking their lips in a deep kiss filled with longing and unconditional love.

"YO! SERIOUSLY!" A voice echoed in Alec's room, breaking their beautiful moment and both men groaned.

"Jace! Could you please not wake everyone up!" Alec groaned as Magnus buried his face in the crook of his neck. "And what are you doing in my room?"

"I thought I heard you crying, didn't know it was those type of crying!" Jace grimaced but then noticed his brother's puffy bloodshot eyes. "Wait, you do were crying? Alec, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Jace, don't worry. We'll talk later. Now please leave."

"Seriously, dude! What is your boyfriend doing here by the way? And... the position you both are in seems really wrong! Ow! Really, Bane?" Jace moved the pillow that hit his face and glared at Magnus.

"Leave us alone, Herondale!" Magnus growled and threw another pillow at Jace which hit him just above his crotch.

"JACE! WHY ARE YOU YELLING? IS EVERYTHING OKAY?" Izzy yelled from her room making Jace turn towards Alec who was shaking his head, signalling him to not tell his sister about his crying knowing well how much protective his twin was towards him. Jace nodded and turned towards Izzy's room.

"Nothing Izza! I thought I saw the monstrous duck in the hallway!" Jace yelled back.


Jace sighed and looked at Alec who was trying not to laugh and so was Magnus making him groan.

"Go help our sister sleep, Jace!" Alec pursed his lips and looked away when he noticed Jace's expressions.

"And close the door!" Magnus added.

"Fuck you both!" Jace growled and left the room and finally, both men burst into laughter.

"Your family is weird, Alexander!" Magnus stated and wrapped himself around Alec like a Koala.

" I know Magnus." Alec said. "You're staying right?" He suddenly went serious and looked in those soft brown eyes.

"Fuck Asmodeous!" Magnus said and nuzzled into Alec's chest. "I'll stay, but please don't cry again."

Alec nodded and locked their lips in a much-needed kiss pouring every emotion into it. When they broke the kiss Magnus pecked his forehead then wrapped the blanket around them.

"Good night, cupcake."

Alec chuckled as he wrapped his arms around Magnus, knowing that he'll never be sad again now that he knows Magnus loves him back even after knowing his truth. This was the best moment of his life.

"Good night, Magnus."

~~I can't help but be wrong in the dark
'Cause I'm overcoming this war of hearts
I can't help but want oceans to part
'Cause I'm overcoming this war of hearts~~

Reviews and feedbacks are welcomed. ❤️❤️

Prompts are welcomed too.

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