Pretty Little Liars

By Pluto_Planet

16.8K 304 57

#Wattys2014, Four friends band together against an anonymous person who threatens to reveal their darkest sec... More

Pretty Little Liars
R.I.P Alison Dilaurentis
The Jenna Thing
That Blonde Woman...
Not Everything Goes As PlAnned
I'm You're Puppet
Close Enough
Where It All Started
Don't Say I Never Warned You....
The Death Anniversary of Alison Dilaurintes
That Night
The Kissing Rock
Blonde's Are Everywhere
Who? What? Where? When? Why?
Where There's Smoke There's Fire
The Questioning
Free Fall
Aria's Wildlife
Bad Things
Narc No More
I Kissed A Girl And I Liked It
Duck, Duck, Liar [Part 1]


191 5 2
By Pluto_Planet

Pretty Little Liars

Chapter 23



“She wants to see you guys” Olaf said in shock. Thousands of emotions ran across Emily’s face. Excitement, Horror but mostly Sadness….

“Are you sure that it’s her---“

“Yes I’m positive” He said in frustration, almost yelling

“Then that means Ali’s okay” Emily sighed in relief, Olaf squinted at her in confusion

“What do you mean” He asked, the girls exchanged looks. A had made it clear that if anyone finds out about him or her then they’re going to end up like Meredith

“We’ve been receiving phone calls from a blocked I.D of Ali screaming for help” Aria explained, leaving out A

“And are you guys still getting them?”

“No I think it’s been at least a month or more” Aria explained

“And all of you have gotten these calls?” He asked

“Everyone except for Hanna” Spencer blurted out; Olaf looked at Hanna in suspicion

“What” she snapped

“Nothing, nothing” he said defensively “but I just realized something”

“And what’s that?” there was a hint of annoyance in Hanna’s voice

“Ali never really talked about you as much as she did about the others when she emailed me” he smirked

“I know Hanna, I know” He stared at her, Hanna was confused for a second till she realized what he meant

“Know what?” Spencer asked, he looked over at Hanna who gave him a pleading look

“Nothing” he smiled as he hit the brakes “We’re here” the girls rushed out the car and took in their surroundings. Cold shivers ran up Emily’s spinal cord… The Kissing Rock, the last time Emily had been here she had ended up at a hospital

“Where is she?” Spencer spat, Olaf looked around and there was a hint of worriedness on his face

“She said she would be here” Olaf cried

“Well she’s clearly not” Spencer snapped, suddenly a twig snapped, the girls froze. A figure stepped out from the shadows



A/N: Kill me right now!! Just kill me for doing such a thing!! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and i'm really sorry for the delay. Also, I had the pleasure of being interviewed by @AthenaPure450. She is such a sweetheart :D Make sure you go check that it out. I hope you guys enjoy your day, Bye :)

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