The Kissing Rock

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Chapter 11

"The Kissing Rock"

Emily's P.O.V

"ALISON!!" Emily ran towards a figure, Emily was in the woods where the kissing rock was, the girls had named this place the kissing rock because their was an huge rock in the middle of no where and couples usually came her to make out

"Alison!! I know that's you!!" The forest was pitch black, Emily didn't have a single clue where she was going, all she did was follow the footsteps of a person the Emily was pretty sure was Alison, the blond figure was running away from Emily, just when Emily was about a feet away, a rope tangled up in her feet, shooting her  10 feet of the ground, her gaze was upside, that when she realized, she was hanging upside down from a tree, this was a trap!!!

8 hours earlier.......

"Emily Honey, would you come downstairs for a second" Emily's mom (Pam) yelled on the top of her lungs

It was a Monday morning and Emily was getting ready for her first day to school, before school had officially started the school had decided that students could volunteer to help out around the school, for ex amply decorating classes, hallways and etc, the girls thought it would be a great Idea for them to have an excuse to meet up but the volunteering work was done and now came the real day, to be honest Emily wasn't that nervous she had her friends so she had no problem with the "fitting in" part

"Yeah mom just a second" Emily yelled back, Quickly Emily applied some mascara and an extra coating of gloss, she ran downstairs to where she saw her mom sitting on the dining chair checking her emails on her I-Pad "yeah mom?"

"I just got an email from rosewood day" her tounge ran over her teeth "they've decided the school won't open till next week" Emily groaned in response, really she thought, so all this time she was getting ready for nothing, she'd even watched a video for "back to school" make up tutorials, outfits and etc...

"Is the volunteer thingy still going on" Emily twirled her hair with unconssiacly, Pam looked at her like she had said the most craziest thing in the world

"Are you telling me you're still wanna go to that boring volunteer instead of volunteering at the homeless shelter with your mom?" she exclaimed

"Yes!!" Emily said louder then she was supposed to "look I promised the girls I was going to help them, and you know I don't break my promises mom" Emily lied "didn't they teach us that in church?" Emily added trying to sound convincing but Pam obviously wasn't being convinced "Please" Emily pouted "I'm your only child" she whined

"That doesn't mean anything" Pam plucked a string out from the hem of her shirt

"I'll even go to mass with you if you let me go!" Her made a let-me-think-about-it face

"Fine!" she sighed

"Yes!" Emily jumped up and down excitedly like a 6 year old girl "Thank you" she kissed her mom on the cheek and sprinted towards the door before her mom could change her mind

"See at the church on Sunday" Emily's mom yelled, Emily let out a frustrated groan


"And don't forget to sign up for girls field hockey next week" Everyone rose to their feet when the bell rang and sprinted out of the classroom, Hanna caught up with Emily

"Have you seen Aria and Spencer around" Hanna bit her lip

"Aria texted me that she wasn't in a mood and Spencer didn't reply back to my text" she responded, Hanna looked at her curiously

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