Kizuato, the Vigilante (disco...

By NaLuStarFire

211K 8.8K 2K

After being cast out by society, izuku Midoriya still strives to be a hero. After being a hero the only way h... More

Important info for the story
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Welp im a dummy
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Ideas for story

Chapter 16

3.9K 195 33
By NaLuStarFire


(The reason that Mineta wasn't there is because Nezu saw how he acted towards girls and stuff like that. So even though he found him, he didn't put him into 1-A because he wanted demi humans to leave a good impact. He did however still give him his contact info in case he needed anything or was in trouble because of the fact he was a demi human.

Also someone made a good point that the 'demi humans' in 1-A aren't demi humans and just have mutant type quirks. I know that by definition they are not demi humans but like I said in the info chapter, that's what they're called. It's kinda like negative slang towards them, it's what they're called and they are treated like animals which is why other people call them demi humans. They call them that because they don't see them as humans anymore, and since 'demi humans' have been around for awhile, the name stuck and it lost its hateful meaning after awhile. Now it's just a name to show the difference between people that have quirks that affect them physically or not.

-3rd POV, Midoriya-

       After settling into the dorms, he starting walking around to memorize where everything was at. Midoriya's room had been on the second floor, which had five students in it. The four other students that were on his floor was Mina, Iida, Tokoyami, and Ojiro. The rest were on the third floor so he really didn't know where exactly their rooms where yet but he thought that it wouldn't hurt to know. Midoriya made his way up the stairs and looked at the signs by the doors which had each of their names on it. On the left closest to him was Shoji then Koda and lastly Sero. On the right was Tsuyu, but she insisted on being called Tsu, Jiro, and Hagakure. On Midoriya's floor, on his left was Iida and Ojiro on his right, past Ojiro was Tokoyami. Across from him was Mina, who felt a little disappointed that all the rest of the girls was on a different floor, but didn't say anything.

       After memorizing the two floors with the dorms, he made his way back down to the first floor. Since it was already quite late, the sun had gone down and it was night. When he was done checking out the dining area and laundry room, he sat on one on the couches in the middle area. He then looked outside and saw the moon through the tinted windows, probably in case if anyone was spying, so they couldn't see in at all of them there. Seeing the full moon, it reminded him of the nights he'd be out saving people. Sometimes when his patrol was over, he'd just sit up on a roof and lay down, looking up at the moon and stars. Although he could rarely see any stars because he was in the city, plus it wasn't always a clear sky, he still however enjoyed those moments. He sat there for awhile just staring at the moon, reminiscing the the good memories that had come to his mind. His ears then twitched at the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs, quite soft, whoever was coming down seemed to not to ever make any noise. However the person could still be heard with the help of his increased hearing. 'Must be one of my classmates' he thought as he turned around to face the new incomer.

       "Can't sleep either, um, Midoriya right?" Ojiro asked.

       "Yep, Ojiro right? Anyways, I'm just used to being up till 3, being a vigilante and all."

       "I guess that makes since, I didn't really get to say anything before since everyone was talking to you and everything, but I just wanted to say thank you."

       "I'm guessing that you are one of the ones that was taken by that awful lady?"

       "Yeah, even just thinking about that place was terrifying." He said starting to shake a little bit.

       "You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to, I can guess what was happening there and I don't want you to have to think about those memories anymore. However if you want to talk about it, I'm here. Just know that I'm not really good with trying to cheer anyone up, I kinda suck at it being completely honest." Midoriya said scratching his neck nervously, looks like he's already picked up some Shinso's habits. "But if you just need someone to listen, I will."

        Ojiro nodded and sat down on the couch beside him. "I won't say anything about the others since I don't know if they're ready to say anything, but I can just remember the fear. Everyday I was in that cage, sitting there dreading the day that one of her henchmen would take me. I've never been good with tight spaces so I would never really sleep that much, just shaking in the tight space of the cage. Then at random times, the people would come, looking at us all carefully and then pick one of us and bring us out of our cages. There used to also be others along with the five of us, but they disappeared after getting taken. All we knew is that when a person gets taken, they sometimes never come back. That's what happened to the girl in the cage beside me. She was a nice girl, her name was Haley and she was my friend. She said that her and her family had been on a vacation here from the US when everything happened. She had gotten split up from her family with all of the chaos that was happening, she then was snatched from the street and ended up here. She would always help me when I was having one of my panic attacks or was struggling with something. Even though we were stuck there in that awful place, she didn't let it get her down. So even though I was stuck there, she made it not as bad. When the men would  leave, she'd always make me laugh and have fun despite the situation we were in. Then a day before you and Eraser Head saved us, the man walked in like he normally did, looking at all of us there. Then his eyes rested on me, the look in his eyes, I've never been so terrified in my life. Whenever I can actually fall asleep, I'll still see his face, haunting me even in my dreams. After what felt like hours, he looked away from me and I felt so relieved. I was so happy that I'd get to live another day, however I had failed to notice that his stare had gone off of me and had gone to Haley instead. "You" he said, his keys echoing loudly in the silent room. Everything happened in slow motion, I look over and I see her with a glare on her face, however no matter how hard she tried, her body told how she was truly feeling. She was shaking like a leaf as the man slowly lifted his hand, holding the key to unlock her cage. A loud click the rang out through the room, probably sounding louder than it actually was. Then the door swung open, the man reaching in with an evil look on his face. That was when my brain had finally caught up, that Haley was being taken, I started crying and started to pound on my cage. Begging him to not to take her, to take me instead, even though I was scared of what would happen if I was taken, it didn't matter as long as she wasn't taken. The man however coldly smiled at me and said, "don't worry, you'll be next". With those few words it broke me, I couldn't save her no matter how hard it tried, I think that was when a flip in me switched. I could feel the power inside me start to swell, and I could finally use the power stored inside me. With power coursing through me, I busted my way through with my tail, the cage that had kept me there for so long was finally gone. With all the new power rushing inside me, I failed to notice that the man had called for backup. I guess I should have realized that if they have people as powerful as us there, that they had a way to control it. I punched the man and he went flying into the wall, my power letting me become stronger then I was before . I then took his keys and me and Haley started to get people out of their cages too. We were all in the situation together so we might as well escape together right? I was too naive, by the time we unlocked everyone, backup arrived. They came with guns and shot something into the room. They quickly grabbed the man I punched and closed the door. Right after, the thing they shot opened and let out what was inside, sleeping gas. Even if we are very powerful, there was nothing we could do about it, each of us passed out, one after the other. By the time I woke up i was back in my cage, I whipped my head around to look for Haley and she was gone. Then I notice the same man was crouched in front of my cage glaring at me. "I was going to kill you but today is your lucky day, the boss has spared you life. She said it was so you'd have to live with it, it being that you killed your friend by trying to rebel. Have fun all by yourself, killer." He then laughed and walked away, the silence was deafening." Ojiro said and wiped away the tears that had been flowing down his face. He then looked at midoriya and continued, "that's why I want to be a hero,  no, I need to be. Ill never be able to forgive myself otherwise, saving others unlike before with Haley, maybe then she could forgive me."

       "I'm sure she already has, it wasn't your fault, you tried to save her. I know that she knows that too, you did all that you could." Ojiro's started crying again, hearing the words he probably had been wanting to hear for so long. "You'll be a great hero Ojiro, I know it." Midoriya said patting his back comfortingly.

         "Thank you Midoriya."

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