10 Days to Forever

By lukeoflourdes

8.1K 580 58

Chimon, a regular student who lives a regular life has a weird secret: when he dreams of someone dying, that... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15

Part 6

507 35 1
By lukeoflourdes

Day 1 (Sunday)

Chimon has never prayed as intently as he did at church early that morning. When the mass ended, Rosa had to stay behind to meet with her prayer group and do some charity work so he had to go home alone.

While on his way, he texted Drake and Frank to come to his house. He needed to talk to them about his dream or he would go crazy thinking about it.

In less than an hour, Drake and Frank were already at Chimon's house. They were quite nervous since Chimon rarely sent texts like that. They still managed to bring lots of food though. They were still in high spirits after reconciling the night before. Besides, they both loved Rosa too and they missed her so they even bought her a cake.

"I said I needed to talk to you guys. I didn't say I was having a potluck party," Chimon jested upon seeing them.

"We're celebrating our relationship, you're just a guest," Drake replied as he arranged the food they brought on the dining table. He and Frank had spent countless hours hanging out at the Reyes' residence since high school so they felt very at home already.

"I miss Lola Rosa. Where is she by the way? We brought her favorite strawberry shortcake," Frank wondered.

"You know her. Aside from prayer meetings, she probably has ten other things to do at church. Then one of her friends will most likely invite her for lunch somewhere. Sunday is her socialization day."

"Aww. So she won't be able to join us for lunch then?" Drake sounded disappointed.

"Yep," Chimon answered. "And that's good too. I need to talk to the both of you in private."

Frank and Drake looked at each other, both slowly walking towards Chimon.

This was how advanced their friendship was. They knew if something was up with each other.

Chimon noticed the worried looks on his friends' faces.

"Relax, guys," he said calmly and ushered them to the sofa. "Sit so we can talk."

The two followed him to the sofa and got ready for what seemed to be a serious conversation.

"Remember when I told you about my weird nightmares about the death of people I love?" Chimon started. He had talked to his friends about this three years ago when his parents died.

Frank replied, "Yes. It's like a premonition or something right? When you dream of someone dying, they actually die after 10 days."

Drake's eyes widened with sudden fear. "Chimon, no. Please, no. It's not Lola Rosa, right?"

Frank immediately looked devastated too.

Chimon quickly answered, "No."

"Is it one of us?" Drake asked holding Frank's hand.

"Dude, I would have been crying like mad already if it was one of you," Chimon stated. "It's someone else."

"Then who? Your grandparents on your mother's side are gone. Your grandpa and parents are gone. You're an only child. Your father's an only child too and your mother's only sister has not contacted you for years now. Who could it possibly be?"

"Haha. You know my family that well?"

"What do you expect? You know me even better. You even know the name of our maids' husbands," Drake chided. Then his face turned serious again. "So who is it?"

Chimon fidgeted for a while before answering. "It's Pluem. Ms. Alonzo's nephew. He currently lives in her house right now."

"Huh? How long have you known this Pluem guy?" Drake questioned.

"Just a little more than a week."

"And you already love him?" Drake was suddenly curious.

"What?" Chimon was weirded out by the question.

"I said, why is this Pluem guy so important to you when we don't even know him?" Drake was persistent.

"Huh?" Chimon still looked clueless.

"I think what Drake is trying to say is, this Pluem guy must be special to you. You don't dream about random strangers dying right? It has only happened with your grandpa and parents. So I'm curious too. Who is this Pluem and why is he so important to you?" Frank simplified.

Chimon finally understood.

He was so shocked by his dream about Pluem's death that he has not even wondered why he dreamed of him in the first place.

"Hmm. I don't know. We're just acquaintances, I think. Not even friends," Chimon answered. "I'm not sure why I even dreamed about him." Chimon considered telling them about last night's kiss but resisted.

Drake's face lit up. "Chi, do you have a crush on this guy?"

Frank joined in. "Do you have a photo of him?"

Chimon managed to laugh. "You two suck. Just yesterday, you won't even talk to each other. I was willing to do anything for you to get back together. But now you're here ganging up on me. I should be careful what I wish for next time."

Drake took a throw pillow and hit Chimon's head with it.

They shared a good laugh before Frank brought up the issue again.

"So what do you plan to do now?" he asked, looking at Chimon.

"I have no idea. Why do you think you're both here? I didn't just invite you to come because I wanted to see your ugly faces. Help me deal with this please."

Drake pretended to be annoyed. "You dare call me ugly then ask for my help? You wish." He then stood up and walked to the kitchen. He came back with a box of pizza and three cans of soda. "Here, eat something. Just thinking about your problem makes me hungry."

Chimon smiled. How could he have ended up being bestfriends with a rascal like Drake? He shook his head.

"So in your dream, he stabbed himself with a knife? In the stomach?" Frank asked.


Drake almost choked on his pizza. "Whoa. That's hardcore. Why didn't he just slit his wrist?"

Chimon glared at Drake. "Ok Drake, you can't talk for the next 5 minutes. Let me and Frank have an adult conversation."

Drake just laughed and focused on his pizza.

"Does he look like someone who would kill himself?" Frank asked.

"I don't know for sure. But he has hinted about not liking his dad. And he seems sad all the time. I haven't seen him smile. He also smokes and has a stock of beer in his fridge. On top of that, he lives on his own. I haven't heard him talk about his mother. Nor siblings. Nor his past."

"Wow. So this guy's a complete mystery."

"Why don't-" Drake started to talk but Chimon shoved a pizza in his mouth.

"Your five minutes is not yet up Draco Malfoy," Chimon said. He loved calling his friend Draco Malfoy especially when he's being annoying.

He turned to Frank, "Maybe I should just wait til the 10th day and just follow him wherever he goes so he won't be able to hurt himself?"

"What would be the tenth day?"

"It will fall on a Tuesday. Shoot. I'll have to miss some classes if ever."

"Wait, in your dream, was it clear if it was day or night when it happened?"

Chimon tried to remember. "It was morning time when I saw him dead. And he was already cold by that time. So maybe he died during the night."

Frank felt goosebumps all over his body. Drake started to look very serious too.

"That means he will actually die on the night of the 9th day, right?"

Chimon nodded, he too felt the weight of Frank's words. They were talking about someone's death after all. It wasn't just some computer game.

"May I talk now?" Drake asked but no one responded. "Why don't we tell him about your dream?"

Frank was first to react. "Drake, the death is not an accident or anything. It's suicide. We can't just go to Pluem and tell him, 'Hey dude, you're going to kill yourself in 10 days.' He probably KNOWS he is going to kill himself soon. He is probably PLANNING it right now. Us telling him about it might just drive him crazy and do it sooner."

"Frank's got a point. We have to learn more about suicidal tendencies. I think if he really is suicidal, even if we will be able to stop him on the 10th day, who knows how many times he'll try again?" Chimon seconded.

"Fine," Drake agreed. "Then we'll have to do this scientifically then."

Frank raised his eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"Let's first gather data about him. How is he feeling right now? Does he have thoughts about killing himself? What issues are he dealing with? Is he mentally ill? Is he taking medications? Is he doing substance abuse or something? He's not from here, right? Think of the many possible reasons why he transferred to Baguio in the second semester. This means his moving here was unplanned, sudden."

Chimon ruffled Drake's hair. "Okay. That's a good sign that my best friend's brain is still in there somewhere," he joked.

Drake was about to rebut when Rosa arrived.

"Oh wow! My favorite boys are here! Come give Lola a hug. I missed you two so much!"

Frank and Drake readily stood up and hugged her.

Rosa looked at the wall clock. "Oh no! It's almost lunchtime and I haven't prepared any food yet. Chimon, why don't you go buy a snack for you and your friends while I cook lunch," Rosa was flustered.

Drake put his arm around her. "Don't worry Lola. We brought food for you."

"Really?" Rosa was happily surprised.

"Uhuh. We even have your favorite pandan cake," Frank said.

Rosa looked at him with a tinge of disgust on her face, "You're kidding, right? You know I hate that flavor."

The boys all laughed. "I was joking Lola," Frank replied. "How could we forget that strawberry shortcake is your favorite? It's the cake we always give you on your birthday."

Rosa pinched Frank's cheeks. "I love you boys. You should come here more often. I love having you here. And oh, I have a new friend I would like to introduce to you."

"Who, Lola?" Drake asked.

"His name is Pluem. He's Mary's nephew. He's a sweet boy just like you. He must be lonely. Mary is always travelling and he has no friends here yet."

Drake turned to Chimon to see his reaction. Chimon just rolled his eyes at him.

"We will be happy to meet him," Drake said. Then looking mischieveously at Chimon, he continued, "Maybe we should invite him to have lunch with us today."

"That's a good idea," Rosa eagerly agreed. "Chimon, why don't you go and invite Pluem? Tell him I won't take no for an answer."

"Lola.." Chimon wanted to protest.

"Just go," Rosa prodded.

"Fine!" Chimon answered tartly. "Sorry, I meant, okay Lola," he said in a much gentler tone.

Frank and Drake could barely contain their laughter.


Pluem was still suffering from hangover that morning when he heard their doorbell ring. He had continued to drink after Chimon walked out on him.

He felt bad for what happened, half angry at Chimon for leaving without an explanation and half mad at himself for kissing someone he didn't even know that well.

It just felt so right at the time, he convinced himself. And Chimon's lips were so kissable, he thought with a smile.

"What's up?" he asked when he saw Chimon at the gate. He tried to avoid looking at the guy's lips.

"Errr.. Lola says you should join us for lunch today," Chimon said, looking at the ground.

"You can't even look at me directly and you're inviting me for lunch?" Pluem asked blankly.

"I said Lola wants you to have lunch with us. Not me."

"So you don't want me to join then?"

Chimon didn't speak.

"Are you mad a t me because of the kiss?" Pluem asked.

"No. Forget that happened. You were just drunk."

"It takes more than a couple of beers to get me drunk, Chimon. I knew what I was doing."


"Well what?"

"Just come join us for lunch."

"Kiss me first."

Chimon finally looked up and glared at Pluem.

"I told you not to bring that up again."

"Why not? I liked it. And I'd like to do it again."

Chimon was about to walk out when he saw Drake approaching.

Drake walked past him and approached Pluem.

"Hi, I'm Drake. Chimon's bestfriend. You're Pluem right?" he said extending his hand.

Pluem shook his hand but didn't smile back.


Drake made a mental note to tell Frank and Chimon he felt a dark aura around Pluem. The guy had no emotions on his face.

"Lola Rosa said you should come eat with us," Drake said still smiling.

Chimon shook his head. Typical Drake. He remembered how Drake was always so friendly to everyone. He was the first person to talk to Chimon when they were freshmen in high school. Chimon tried to avoid him back then since he was always doing foolish things but Drake somehow still followed and talked to him all the time. They eventually just ended up hanging out every day.

"Okay, I'll just go get changed," Pluem agreed.

Chimon looked at Pluem just to roll his eyes at him but he then realized Pluem was actually just wearing boxers, his abs and chest on full display.

Chimon looked away and yelled to Drake. "Let's go Drake. Pluem knows how to go to our house anyway," he said sharply.

Forget his abs and focus on how to save him from dying, he reminded himself.

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