My Host's Luck Is Too Unbelie...

By kieriyii

342K 12.2K 3.1K

The story where the Host only have to do little scheming and hugs his lover's golden thighs, Host just sits a... More

Prologue - Meet Bái Qiú!
Arc 1.0 - Wei Ming Jun's New Life
Arc 1.1 - Ming Jun's Arrival
Arc 1.2 - Yao Chen's Obvious Pursue
Character Introduction~
Arc 1.3 - Revenge
Arc 1.4 - Ming Jun Became a Crossdresser!?
Arc 1.5 - Prince Charming Is Late To Save The Damsel In Distress
Arc 1.6 - A Happy Day
Arc 1.7 - End Of The First World.
I'm very sorry
Arc 2.1 - New Beginning
Arc 2.2 - An Otoge!?
Arc 2.4 - A Dumb Bet
Arc 2.5 - Reminiscence
Arc 2.6 - Fourth Capture Target
Arc 2.7 - Goodbye, Mother

Arc 2.3 - Mission Completed..?

6.9K 307 9
By kieriyii

Edited by : Galaxy723

[The original storyline is that Lilian was a commoner and an orphan that was found to have holy healing abilities, so she was prioritized by the king and was treated like one of the princesses of the royal family. She would be chased by four handsome guys and marries one of them. She uses her holy powers and the head of the knight's swordsmanship to go on a conquest to defeat the demon king together.

They defeated him and she's supposed to marry the knight, have a kid, and lead a happy fulfilling life. But, a transmigrator suddenly invaded the heroine's body, making the plot plunge into disarray. She suddenly chased after the prince, picked fights with the royal princesses, and seduced the demon king. 

She was also one of the reasons why Leopold died. After pillow talking with the demon king, Leopold was made a cripple because he was in her way of chasing after Xavier, the duke's eldest son. She also thought Xavier would thank her for this action because Leopold often harasses Xavier with stupid little pranks that 100% will annoy even the kindest saint in the world. 

Leopold would also still be friends with Theodore if the transmigrator didn't frame him. Making the friendship since childhood meaningless because of the usual rule of 'What the heroine says must be true and credible.' All of the people in this world suddenly became brain-dead when it comes to Liliana.

Sadly, the people blamed Leopold when he tried to defend himself, and the heroine started to play as the victim. He was finally thrown away from the Greymont house and became a social outcast. Everyone knows him as an evil and vile creature, even little kids will at least hear his name once in their life because he was made into a villain in a popular fairy tale after the defeat of the demon king.

The fairy tale was about how the prince and the heroine could marry and defeat the demon king even while Leopold was constructing malicious plans to kill the main characters and get in their way]

Changle shook his head, was it his fate to encounter female leads that are snakes pretending to be white lotuses? He sighed and stared at the pair of kids, thinking about how eleven year olds could possibly flirt with each other. But no, they look like they are already seventeen years old? Wait, wait, he had to live with this short height and looked exactly as his age but other characters would look like an adult just because they're main characters!? Changle almost puked blood. 

He could see the pink bubbles surrounding the heroine, but then he turned to Theodore, who was contrasting with the heroine's atmosphere greatly. He looked like he was going to die soon, ah. Changle prepared himself and walked past where Theodore could see him. 

Theodore quickly stood up from his place and sprinted towards Changle. "Hey, look. I know about the rumours and my father punished them when I said you were distancing yourself from me. Nobody will talk about you anymore. I'm sorry and I really want you to continue talking to me. Friends?" Theodore said this all, and by the end of the sentences it almost sounded like he was begging. 

Changle was shocked. Shouldn't they get into a fist fight and  Changle would 'accidentally' blurt out the brats that were spreading rumours and make Theodore aware of what's happening because he's still brain-dead after hanging out with the heroine?

"W-what? Wait, what did you say?" Changle's brain was lagging behind, unable to process what's happening. Well, according to Leopold's tsundere personality, he should probably accept the apology while saying how kind he is?

"I want to be friends again, I'm sorry." Theodore tugged the sleeves of Leopold's school uniform. It was quite the weird sight as Theodore is a giant compared to Leopold. Leopold even had to stretch his neck to see Theodore's face.

"Hmph, because you were this Laozi's childhood friend, I will accept your apology. Thankfully I'm in a good mood today."

[Ahhh!! Host!! Bai qiu is rooting for you!!!]

'What do you mean rooting!? Theodore suddenly had a personality change and you still have the time to root!? Do you have an explanation for this?'

[I don't know, Host. Even my questions are getting ignored by the higher-ups. I even got an upgrade so it will automatically fix the bug wuwuwu… Sometimes fate is really mean, please still trust me, Host, Bai qiu is doing its best! QAQ]

Theodore had sparkles in his eyes and hugged Leopold so tight that Leopold had a hard time breathing. The system notification popped up while they were in the middle of their happy reunion.

[Host earned 500 points from the side mission: Fix Leopold's relationship with his best friend. Total points : 2,100 points.]

 (Fine…I won't get mad if the higher-ups don't punish me for the plot being slightly weird. You know what to do right, bai qiu?)

[Yes, Host! Q-Q] 

It seems like the system had to seek help to its senior systems…for them to not report it to the higher ups. Bai Qiu cried silently, accepting its fate of begging its senior systems.

Lilian clenched her teeth and gave a vicious glare towards Leopold, her expression seems similar to someone he knows…Elizabeth. Lilian for now retreated and walked away from the hugging pair. Leopold saw her moving her mouth, and suddenly his body felt slightly more exhausted. He could bear this kind of exhaustion though.

Leopold knew it was some kind of a warning Lilian gave him. To get away from Theodore or suffer the consequences.

Theodore released Leopold from his hold and quickly invited him to eat together. There was still about 15 more minutes of lunch time, enough for them to finish eating. Leopold didn't bring his lunch to this place, so Theodore offered him his food.  Theodore was piling up food on Leopold's plate, knowing his favorite dishes. He even ate more than Theodore.

This…is very weird. Changle concluded that this world must be another one deviating from the plot so he didn't think about it that much and just ate quietly, seperating from Theodore after the bell rang. 

He came into class and did the same thing he did before. Sleeping. The teachers after the lunch break are mostly ignorant to Leopold's action as this was what he usually does. As long as Leopold earned a satisfying grade, they won't complain about him sleeping in their class.

School ended and Leopold expected that he'd have to ride with Xavier again. Surprisingly, Xavier was dismissed from school much later than him. He went home alone, escorted by the butler and the coachmen. He came into his room and relaxed a bit, happy that he got 500 more points. 

But after a quiet evening, a shrill shriek was heard from the first floor of the Greymont mansion.

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