Wind Star a Star Wars story...

By Michellechill66

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Ben finds new Jedi text. Will it change the galaxies perception of the Force? There is a threat to the peac... More

In the Jungle
Running the course
A Putz , A schlemiel and A Mensch
Ammon Windstar
Going over a cliff
Broken silence
Ben's dream
A single tear for you
Being worthy
The heart of the island
A perfect target
Daddy's little girl
Racing to my destiny
A secret sanctuary
New Jedi texts and a new Jedi
Pure substance
A Serene Proposal
A new furry friend
My Twin Flame
A priceless gem
Smoke gets in your eyes
Life is fragile
From out of the ashes comes hope
A time to relax
All good things must come to an end
Fallen rubble
The power of the Phoenix
Cast of characters

Casting Lots

54 3 6
By Michellechill66

                                                                     Your path you must decide.... Yoda

                The three Windstar brothers touched down on the planet Zerahemla. They knew that they had to get the  Cortosis  armor and it wouldn't be easy. " I don't want to go first, you go first!" Lemuel whined is his nasally voice.  " I flew all the way here, I'm exhausted, I need a break."  He sat back in his seat and propped his feet on the ships dash board, refusing to budge. 

             Lamen  pulled out of his pocket a chance cube. "O.K. fine,  we will let  the chance cube decide."   " I choose three." Ammon said. "Five." Lamen  said. Lamen lost the toss .  He had five million Galaxy credits in a satchel which was for buying back the armor. He wouldn't have thought twice about keeping it and sneaking away to the outer rim but he had his goody goody younger brother with him and he wouldn't  get away with it. Was it a good idea to have brought him along?

                           Lamen  trudged down the path to the home of Laban. It was heavily guarded by sinister looking creatures. Fear griped Lamens heart and he didn't know if he could go through with this mission. "I'm here to see your master Laban." He spoke with as much confidence as he could muster.  "I'm here to talk business."  He rattles the credits in his satchel and they let him pass.    

                      Easy getting in, now for the bargaining.  Laman could feel sweat drip down his face and his armpits perspire. Laban came limping  into a room dimly lit with candles. He didn't like anyone to see his faces. He was two faced, literally. . He was a freak of nature , laying low and hiding in the shadows. 
              Most of his dealings were just this side of  being legal  or sometimes not. Lamen didn't know which face to look at. . "I'm here to buy all your Cortosis armor.We can't have any more Jedi killed in the line of duty. They are trying to keep peace in the galaxy. The armor make them vulnerable to our enemies."  

                Laban could have cared less. He was no friend of the Jedi. He thought they were busy body's who stuck their noses in to other peoples business and tried to force their religious zeal on to those that would rather be left alone. The  Cortosis armor was highly valuable if sold to the right buyer. But he wouldn't sell it to just anyone. He had it in his possession for years. A large Corillian had sold him the metal for a bargain. Stupid man practically gave it away. He could have gotten twice what he received .
                       "How much do you have?"Laban's two mouths began to water. "Two million." Lamen lied. If he could hold a some back all the better. He wasn't very good at this bargaining business, it made him nervous. Lamen couldn't sit still and his eyes darted back and forth.
                  Laban was very discerning and instantly spotted the lie. His faces turned bright red and he reached for his blaster."Get out robber!" "You try to cheat me,I kill you!" Even with two sets of eyes, Laban couldn't see very well in the dimly lit room. He tried to shoot at Lamen and came close a few times but missed. Lamen screamed and ran for the door ducking his head as laser blasts shots passed him and hit a wall, sending shards of debris everywhere.
         The guards, hearing the shots came  running into the room and chased Lamen out  into the night. He couldn't believe he had gotten out of there with his life and limbs intact! But that was the last time he'd go there. They would just have to give up the armor and the Jedi would have to take their chances. But Ammon would not except a defeat. "I will go.....I will do what is commanded of me."said Ammon undeterred. He would persevere despite the setback. Lemuel scoffed "Did I just roll my eyes out loud?"  Ammon pretended not to hear his brother. " We can't let Master Solo down, he trusts us and is counting on us to do our mission!" He wasn't sure what he was going to do, but he  cleared his mind and tuned into the Force. It would direct his actions.  
                                   Ammon approached Labans dwelling and was quickly escorted indoors. But before he could even talk to Laban, he was attacked from behind and the  five million credits was taken from him. When he woke up , he was laying on the ground, bleeding and confused. How could he go back to his brothers and tell them he lost the credits and still didn't obtain the armor?  But he had to. 
                           "What are you talking about? bellowed Lemuel.  "You didn't get the armor and you lost all the credits!" "You worthless piece of  shit!!!" Laman roared. Lemuel grabbed Ammon from behind and pinned his arms behind his back while Laman punched him repeatedly, until he was unconscious. Laman was more furious about loosing the money than the armor.
                    Ammon was thrown out of their spacecraft and left on the ground all night long. His groans carried off by the wind. In his delirium  he dreams of Pearl. Her lovely face smiling at him and whispering secrets into his ears. Her breath tickling his skin and making him hungry for her. He dreams of laying next to her on the beach, just talking about life, their life together. Thoughts of her kept him warm until dawn.

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