The Tutor » Ziall AU ✔

By ZiallSmut

1.3M 40.3K 23.5K

[Completed] • Zayn Malik. Everyone knows him in Bradford High school. He's the school bad boy. Every girl in... More

★ Prologue
★ Chapter ①
★ Chapter ②
★ Chapter ③
★ Chapter ④
★ Chapter ⑤
★ Chapter ⑥
★ Chapter ⑦
★ Chapter ⑧
★ Chapter ⑨
★ Chapter 10
★ Chapter ①①
★ Chapter ①②
★ Chapter ①③
★ Chapter ①④
★ Chapter ①⑤
★ Chapter ①⑥
★ Chapter ①⑦
★ Chapter ①⑧
★ Chapter ①⑨
★ Chapter 20
★ Chapter ②①
★ Chapter ②②
I'm so so so sorry! :(
★ Chapter ②③
★ Chapter ②④
★ Chapter ②⑤
★ Chapter ②⑥
★ Chapter ②⑦
★ Chapter ②⑧
★ Chapter ②⑨
★ Chapter 31
★ Chapter32
★ Epilouge

★ Chapter 30

14.8K 617 216
By ZiallSmut

It was Friday afternoon which means last day of of school for the week. All week Harry's has been jittery about his date with Dylan.

They all was at Harry's house, inside his room helping him pick out his clothes.

"What about this one?" Harry said while pulling out a black shirt. "or this one." he pulled out another shirt. "or maybe-"

"Harry!" Niall laughed. "Don't be so nervous."

"How can I not be nervous? Dylan is wow and I-"

"Look look amazing." Liam said, cutting off Harry mid sentence.

Zayn and Louis laid on Harry's bed, playing around with his phone. A familiar ping came from Harry's phone indicating that he has a new message.

"Oh look, a new message from Dylan!" Louis said, singing out Dylan's name.

As soon as Harry heard Dylan's name come from Louis mouth he snapped his head towards Louis direction in an instant. "What he say?!"

Zayn laughed at Harry, "Keep doing that thing you do with your neck as soon as you hear Dylan, you'll break it one day."

"Whatever, but what he say!" Harry wined.

"He said, 'hey, I'm ready. are you?' and then he said, 'oh and text me ya address ha' with a smiley face." Zayn read the message.

Harry slapped his forehead, "We've texted nonstop and I never brought up to tell him my address."

"It's okay, Zayn can text it to him while you-" Niall shoved some clothes to Harry's face. "-try this on."

Harry nodded and walked to the bathroom that was connected to his room. Trying out the clothes Niall offered him.

While Harry was changing the res of the boys were patiently waiting for Harry to come out.

"There, just texted the address, he said he'll be here in 20 minutes." Zayn said as he put down Harry's phone.

"I'm nervous for Harry!" Niall said, placing his hand over his chest.

"Don't be Harry's date gonna go well." Zayn said placing a small kiss to Niall's lips. Somewhat calming him down.

Harry came walking out of the bathroom doing some kind of weird dance moves making everyone laugh.

"Harry, what the actual hell are you doing?" Liam laughed.

"Showing off my goooods!" Harry said while making another weird pose.

"Harry oh lord. Do another pose like that and your skinny jeans will pop." Louis said as Harry stood up straight.

"You guys aren't being supportive to me." Harry pouted.

"You look amazing Harry." Zayn said sincere. Giving a small genuine smile small to Harry who smiled back with a blush. "Really?"

"Really." Zayn said making Harry pull Zayn into a hug.

"Maybe 'really' can be our always." Harry whispered into Zayns ear, but Niall still heard it.

"Hey!" Niall said, pulling Zayn away from Harry and into his arms in a protective/jealous way. "this hunk is taken. Go quote The Faults In Our Stars with someone else!"

"Trust me I don't want Zayn, honey. I'm way out of his league." Harry joked as he flipped his hair back with his hand.

"Hey!" Zayn said fake hurt. Placing his hand over his heart but ended up intertwining his fingers with Niall.

Harry laughed "Just kiddi-"

Harry was cut of by the sound of the doorbell. "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!" Harry kept repeating frankly moving around his room.

"Harry the door, it's probably your date!" Harry's mom, Anne said from the door.

"I'm not finished!"

"Harry calm dow-" Niall started but got cut off by Harry. "Go distract him or something!" Harry said going back into the bathroom with more random clothes.

Niall turned to Liam who shrugged. "Okay." Niall said as he nudged Liam to come with him.

Niall untangled himself from Zayn and got up the same time as Liam. "I've got this Anne." Niall said as she nodded before going back to her room.

"Want us to go with you." Louis said pointing at himself then to Zayn.

"Nah, just stay here and help Harry find with his clothes." Niall said.

"And plus, this is a best friend's job." Liam said lightly punching his chest.

Niall nodded in agreement, "Yeah, gotta make sure our little baby chose the right guy." he said doing the same thing Liam did before they both left to open the door.

"We're both dating dorks." Louis laughed as Zayn mumbled a small "agreed." and picked up Niall's phone from the floor and put it into his back pocket.

"Heard that!" Niall and Liam yelled in sync before walking to the front door letting Dylan in.

"Did I get the right address?" Dylan thought to himself giving Niall and Liam a confused look.

"Hi, is um, Harry home?" Dylan asked as Niall nodded with Liam.

"You must be Dylan, come in, come in!" Niall said moving aside for Dylan can walk in.

Liam singled for Dylan to sit on the couch, Dylan obeyed and slowly sat down.

"Tell me Dylan, what are your intentions tonight?" Liam asked as Niall nodded and mumbled "yeah, yeah, good question."

"To have a good time." Dylan said but coming out more of a question.

"But not too much fun!" Niall butted in, slightly tip toeing to look over Liam's broad shoulder.

"Of course not." Dylan said while shaking his head and hands.

Liam and Niall kept asking pointless questions making Dylan more and more confused.

"Leave the poor lad alone, you're scaring him!" Zayns voice was heard from the top of the stairs. Harry and Louis standing next to him with raised eyebrows.

Dylan sighed in relief when he say Harry. Dylan gave Harry a small wave with a dazzling smile making Harry blush.

Harry walked to Dylan giving him a small hug. "Shall we go before they scare you off?" Harry suggested as Dylan nodded. "Sure."

Liam opened the door for the two. "Have fun." Liam told them on the way out.

"But remember not too much fun!" Niall said again before the door was closed by Liam.

"He's a nice boy!" Niall smiled.

"Come lets clean Harry's mess of clothes before we go Liam!" Louis said dragging Liam up the stairs and into Harry's room.

"We'll wait for you here." Zayn yelled and walked closer to Niall, a smirk made it's way to his lips.

"Hi." Zayn whispered huskily, trapping niall with his hands on the wall.

"Hi." Niall said placing his hand on Zayn's waist bringing him closer.

"What ya wanna do before Liam and Louis come back." Zayn said, booping Niall's nose with his. His lips an inch away from Niall's.

"Well." Niall paused his lips ghosting over Zayn's. His hands traveled down to Zayn's (flat) butt.

Niall quickly pulled out his phone from Zayn's back pocket and ducked away from Zayn. "I've got scramble on my phone." Niall smiled innocently while shaking his phone side to side.

Zayn playfully rolled his eyes, "Tease." he said making Niall smile wider.

"Love you too Zaynie." Niall laughed.


I hope this update didn't take too long?

This book is sadly coming to an end *sighs* Probably 3-5 more chapters before an epilogue.

Dedicated to anelis1010 :)

Next dedication to whoever tells the best joke! I wanna laugh :B

Silent readers come out and let's party! all you have to do is...




- ZiallSmut

• PS: can y'all please check out @zaynlovesniallx story Stockholm Syndrom, it's ziall and it's amazing so far!

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