A Black Thorned Rose (discont...

By 444TheNumber4

41.3K 427 384

The story of Raiden Rose, Ruby's twin brother who was abused and wanted to run away from his family and start... More

Prologue: A Hero's Beginning
Chapter 2: Our Performace Begins
Chapter 3: From Zero To Hero
Chapter 4: Unwanted Reunion
Chapter 5: The Truth Will Set You Free
Chapter 6: Friends Reunited
Chapter 7: Rebuilding Bonds
Chapter 8: Learn To Let Go
Chapter 9: Tales From The Past
Chapter 10: Setting The Stage
Chapter 11: Let The Games Begin
Chapter 12: Attack On Vale
Chapter 13: Two Terrors
Chapter 14: A Needed Conversation
Chapter 15: Mending Bonds
Chapter 16: Welcome To Haven
Chapter 17: The Desert Rose
After a long while I have decided....
An Important Announcement

Chapter 1: Six Years Later

4.7K 52 35
By 444TheNumber4

----(Y/N's POV)----

It's been 6 years since I've left from my old family and Abaddon found me raising me like his own son. He taught me everything like how to use my semblance, how to fight with my weapons, and other things about survival

Abaddon: (So Y/N? Where are we going?)

Y/N: (To a dust shop called "Dust till Dawn")

Abaddon: (You ran out of dust?)

Y/N: (Yea I barely use Bonecrusher or Bloodrazor that much so I'll have to use this scythe pistol more often)

Abaddon: (Makes sense, we don't want them to notice some kid with a giant sword that looks like its made of flesh now do we?)

Y/N: (Even though that sword is made of flesh it could still cut through steel like a hot knife cutting through butter)

About 2 years ago I gotten myself a new weapon from Abaddon, it rather looked weird since its a pistol but its also a scythe well a mini-scythe that is. The way you shoot with it is rather strange since you can slice the air and you can hit your target as long as their in range if they're out of range well I wouldn't be able to hit them at all, but it does power itself with dust and I don't need to aim to hit someone I just need to think about them and slash my scythe in the air

Abaddon: (Your new weapon is quite unique and bizarre as well)

Y/N: (Is that so?)

Abaddon: (Kinda, I mean your weapon hitting them without any bullets as long as your thinking of them in your mind you can just slice the air and hit them. Heck they can hide behind anywhere and you'd still hit them as long as they're in range of course)

Y/N: (Yeah, It's range is about 13 meters)

Our conversation was cut short after we saw two guys flying out the window, I took out my scythe pistols and then I noticed a girl with the same hair color as me and she had a giant scythe that kinda looks like a gun too

Y/N: (Is that who I think it is?)

Abaddon: (Your twin sister Ruby)

Y/N: (Wow talk about overkill with that scythe)

Abaddon: (Tell me about it)

We then decided to join the party and started beating up some of Roman Torchwick's goons and ended up savung Ruby from one of them

Ruby: Thanks for helping me out

Roman:*looks at me* Its been a while hasn't it?

Y/N: Yeah I guess you could say that

Roman: Well then sorry for what I'm about to do next

Roman then fired a shot from his cane creating small explsion forcing me and Ruby to dodge Roman was nowhere to be found but Ruby and I spot him climbing up a building trying to escape from us

Ruby:*looks at the old man* Do you mind if we go after him?

The old man who I assume is the shop keeper nods, Ruby and I started getting up the building chasing after Roman only to see him get on a bull head and was about to leave

Roman: It was nice meeting you again Y/N and as for you red I believe this is the end of the line for you

Roman then threw a crystal at me and Ruby he then shot it making explode but we were both protected by a barrier, a woman then came out of no where and started attacking the bullhead Ruby turned her scythe into a gun and started shooting the bullhead while I just stood there and did nothing the bullhead was more than 8 meters so my scythe pistol was useless even if the woman was probably using her semblance to hold the bullhead still. A woman from the bullhead then start firing back against us with fireballs all of us had to take cover and the woman seblance deactivated letting Roman and that other woman get away

Ruby: Woah.... your a huntress, can I have your autograph?

I decided to run away but I still get caught by this huntress I would assume since Ruby did say she was a huntress but other than that she took me and Ruby to an interrogation room

Huntress: I hope that both of you realise that both of your actions tonight will not be taken lightly, both of you put yourselves and others in great danger

Ruby: But they started it

Huntress: And if it were up to me I would've given you two a pat on the back----

Ruby looks up and smiles while I didn't care much about her lecturing

Huntress: ----And a slap on the wrist

She them slams her corp on the table hard enough to scare Ruby just a little bit

Huntress: But there is someone who would like to meet both of you, but I'll have to go out and get him first and you two stay here

She then starts walking out of the room to go and fetch the person who's gonna interrogate me and Ruby, the room was silent after she left Ruby however looked at me and from the looks of her face it seems like she wants to start a conversation with me, might as well play along

----(3rd Person POV)----

Ruby: Sooooo..... how's it going?

Y/N: *looks at Ruby* not the best

Ruby: Ohhh.... how come?

Y/N: I went to buy some dust for my weapon but I decided to help you out there it was a 1 to 7 may as well make it 2 to 7 instead and then I get captured and interrogated cause of you

Ruby: Oh yeah sorry about that, anyways my name is Ruby Rose, what's your name?

Y/N: Y/N Bloodborne

Ruby: So what are your weapons? I didn't get the chance to look at your weapons during that fight with Roman Torchwick and his goons

Y/N took out his scythe pistol and placed them on the table Ruby looked in awe since she's never seen a weapon like Y/N's in her entire life

Ruby: Woah, it looks so cool

Y/N: I don't have a name for it yet but its a scythe pistol

Ruby: How does it work?

Y/N: Let me show you then

Y/N grab his pistol and focused on one of the chairs across him, he the sliced the air which also sliced the chair in half, Ruby had sparkles in her eyes after seeing what Y/N's weapons can do

Ruby: Did..... Did you just cut that chair in half!?

Y/N: Yeah pretty cool right?

Ruby: Yeah it really is, how does it do that anyway?

Y/N: I'm not sure anyways, it took me a while to learn how this things worked

After my small talk with Ruby the huntress came back with a man with silver hair wearing green clothing and holding a plate of cookies in one hand and a mug in his other hand

????: Glynda was not wrong about you two having silver eyes

Abaddon: (Silver eyes?)

Y/N: (I don't know what he's talking about)

The man then sat down on the other side and the huntress too although she saw the chair was cut in half so she had to stand right beside the man instead while looking at me with an annoyed/angry expression Ruby then started grabbing all the cookies eating them all at a fast rate

????: So where did both of you learn to do all of this?

Ruby: Signal Academy

????:*looks at Ruby* They taught you how to use the most dangerous weapon ever designed?

Y/N: (Are scythes that deadly?)

Abaddon: (You have no idea)

Ruby: Well one teacher in particular *starts shoving a lot of cookies all at once*

????: Its just I've seen only one scythe-weilder of that skill before. A dusty, old crow

Ruby: Dats mai unkle *swallows all 3 cookies* Sorry, that's my uncle Qrow he was a teacher at signal academy

Y/N: (That drunktard's a teacher!?)

Ruby: I was complete garbage before he took me under his wing and now I'm like *karate noises*

????: So I've noticed *looks at Y/N* And what about you young man?

Y/N: From my "father"

????: I see, you've never been to school before haven't you?

Y/N: No not really

????:*looks back at Ruby* And what's an adorable little girl like yourself doing in a school designed to train warriors

Ruby: I want to become a huntress----

Y/N: (How ironic)

Abaddon: (She wants to become a huntress after what she did to you? Maybe she must have moved on and forgot about you, anyways why aren't you going to kill here?)

Y/N: (I'm just trying to play pretend here, I really want to cut her head off right now but not here) *looks around* (There's a bunch of security cameras watching us so even I kill them all then the camera's got footage to hunt us down and if we attack the camera's that huntress will probably bubble us again same thing if I attack Ruby as for the man. I don't know what to do about him)

Abaddon: (This man looks familiar too me)

Ruby: ----I mean the police are alright, but Huntsmen and Huntresses are just so much more romantic and exciting and cool and really, gosh, you know?

????: Do both of you know who I am?

Y/N: No clue

Ruby: Of course, you're professor Ozpin. You're the headmaster at beacon

Abaddon: (OZPIN!?)

Y/N: (You know him?)

Abaddon: (Yes I do somewhat know him.... I wonder if he also has it)

Y/N: (Has what?)

Abaddon: (Just ask him some questions later)

Y/N: (Alright fine)

Ozpin:*looks at us both and smiles* Hello

Ruby: Nice to meet you

Y/N: Yeah, what she said

Ozpin: Do you two want to come to my school?

Ruby: More than anything

Ozpin:*looks at Y/N* and what about you?

Y/N: Sure why not

Ozpin: Good, Ruby you're free to leave now

Ruby: Thank you Headmaster Ozpin

Ruby then leaves leaving me behind with the huntress who's still looking at me with a pissed off expression and Ozpin

Ozpin: Its good to meet you Raiden

Y/N:*looks at Ozpin with a death stare* How did you know?

Ozpin: I've been watching you for some time

Glynda: Wait you're telling me this is the same boy that dissappeared 6 years ago?

Ozpin: Indeed Glynda, this is Raiden Rose

Y/N: Okay first off don't call me Raiden especially "Rose" and second it's Y/N Bloodborne now

Ozpin:*suprised expression* How come?

Y/N: Because the Rose/Branwen/XiaoLong family have been abusing me, treating me like a slave and they use me as a human punching bag to train their hellspawns

Ozpin and Glynda were shocked about the truth, Glynda expression change from being pissed off to being sorry while Ozpin clenched his fist looking like he's ready to cut the table in half

Ozpin: I see, I knew something was off. When I met them during your 9th birthday you weren't there and when I asked them where you were they were sweating as if they were about to get killed by something and after you've dissappeared when I ask them what happend to you they had different answers while Raven wants to change the subject

Glynda: Are you still going to beacon? Both of your sisters will be there

Y/N: I will, Ruby didn't recognize me while both of us were alone here so what are the chances of Yang noticing me too not like they would care anyways

Ozpin: Its settled then I assume you want to start within a few days

Y/N: Just start my initiation on the 3rd day of beacon since I remember every student starts their initiation on the 2nd day

Ozpin: Alright then if that's what you want your initiation starts on the 3rd day

Y/N: Also I have a few questions to ask you but only you and nobody else *looks at Glynda* not even her

Ozpin: Glynda if you may

Glynda then leaves the room without saying a word, but she glared at Y/N just to threaten him in case something happens

Y/N: I was expecting her to say something back

Ozpin: So did I

Y/N: Anyways you can reincarnate right Ozpin?

Ozpin looked at Y/N with a shocked expression but then he quickly calmed down and decided to ask Y/N a question of his own

Ozpin: How do you know?

Y/N: You have your secerets and I have my secrets

Ozpin: If I told you how I knew your identity you'll tell me how you know I'm immortal am I correct?

Y/N nods making Ozpin sigh in defeat still curious about Y/N's knowledge

Ozpin: Alright to be honest I didn't know you were Raiden, I was suspicious about those red tips on your hair and your silver eyes so I just asked you if you were Raiden and you responded

Y/N: You cheeky motherfucker

Ozpin: Language! Anyways how did you know I was immortal

Y/N: Because a certain "someone" wanted me to ask you that in case I met someome named Ozpin

Ozpin: And who is this "someone"?

Y/N: My father

Ozpin: Taiyang?

Y/N: Oh no not him

Ozpin: Your foster father?

Y/N: Yes, would you like to meet him?

Ozpin: Sure

Abaddon then seperated himself from Y/N's body which shocked Ozpin as he looked at Abaddon

Abaddon: Greetings Ozma, I am Abaddon Bloodborne

Ozpin: How.... How do you know my real name?

Abaddon: Because I met you from my world

Ozpin: Your world?

Abaddon: My world is called Earth and yes I know about your wife Salem too

Ozpin: I.... I'm just lost, where do I begin

Abaddon: Don't worry anyways I just wanted to know if you were the same as Ozma from my world

Ozpin: Why are you here?

Abaddon: Two reasons. 1 raising Y/N and for number 2 because I destroyed my world

Ozpin: Why would you destroy your own world

Abaddon: Me and Y/N share the same pain, we were abused by our family

Ozpin: I see

Abaddon: If you're wondering what happend to you and Salem well....

Ozpin was curious on what Abaddon was about to say next

Abaddon: Both of you died, I took both of your immortality

Ozpin: How?

Abaddon: That's a secret.... oh and I must say, you are quite the lover boy, wanting to see your wife in the afterlife

Ozpin: I see, I would also love to join Salem in the afterlife if she still loves me that is

Abaddon: Also if you're curious to know why I destroyed my world well.... let's just say it was fucked up

Ozpin: I guess that answers all of my questions

Y/N: Also Ozpin can you do me a favor?

Ozpin: What is it?

Y/N: If everyone finds out the truth, keep them away from me please

Ozpin: Of course but what about Ruby and Yang?

Y/N: Just don't let them get near me unless its a mission or some important task

Ozpin: Okay then

Y/N: I would also like to be in a solo team

Ozpin: Why? Gou could have teammates to help you out

Y/N: Don't worry about that, the shadows are all that I need

Ozpin: Does your semblance have anything to do with shadows?

Abaddon: Smart as always no matter what world you're at Ozma, and yes one of his semblance has something to do with shadows

Ozpin: (one of his semblance? Does he have more?) Thank you Mr. Bloodborne, I'll be seeing you in a few days Y/N

Y/N: Sure I'll be there during lunch to provide some entertainment for those who would like to challenge me

Abaddon then returns to Y/N's body and left as Glynda came back into the interrogation room

Glynda: So what are we going to do about Ms.Rose and Ms.XiaoLong?

Ozpin: We'll let them be for now, however if Y/N's identity was ever exposed keep them away from him

Glynda: Will do Ozpin

Ozpin: Looks like things are shaping up to be an interesting year

--------[ TO BE CONTINUED ]--------

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