Wanted By His Diana

By sweetchoclate9

1.3M 62.8K 8.6K

It was almost over between them. Nothing was remaining. Everything was broken into pieces. At least that is w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter- 7
Chapter 10
Author's Note
The Possessive Duke


36.5K 2K 255
By sweetchoclate9


-Martin, Cara Mia

Diana Thomas's POV

Moving all the files to the left of the table, I place the glass of water and his pens to his right so that he can easily access them. Placing his note pad in the front I take one look at his now cleaned table. Everything looks perfect.

"Cara Mia." There he is! He has meetings the whole day and his table looks as messy as always. So I decided to be a good girlfriend and assistant and help him with at least this. He comes and I instantly open my arms wide waiting for his hug. I haven't seen him the whole day and I miss him. He gives me the hug I am waiting for. Oh! I feel warm again. Just the way I like it.

"I missed you."I have to say it. He kisses the crown of my head.

"You don't know how much I missed you." He pulls away but doesn't let go of my hand. I stand beside him and pull my hand from his hold to hand him a file.

"I almost forgot. You need to sign this. I have checked everything." Giving him his pen, I push aside the note pad I placed giving him place for his file. He signs it and closes the file. He turns me to him and his hands are on either side of waist. Sitting in his chair, he hugs my waist and leans his head against my stomach. My fingers instantly brush his hair. This feels so natural. This is natural. "Feeling tired?"

"Hmm." Humming, he pulls me down on his lap and adjusts me to help me sit comfortably. Just like always. I still run my fingers through his hair. He closes his eyes and relaxes. He likes it.

"Shall I bring you some coffee? You will feel relaxed and refreshed."

Instead of answering, he just makes me lean my head on his shoulder. His other hand is on my knees."I am relaxing, Baby." I can't help the smile on my lips. Here I have the world's most handsome man and I am sitting on his lap and we love each other. How can I not smile?

"That's cheeky." I say playing with his shirt buttons.

He kisses my forehead without opening his eyes and hugs me tighter. I feel his beard poking my skin. My hand goes up to his jaw. His beard grown long.

"You need a shave. Come on, I will help you shave." I say as I lift my head in an attempt to get up, but he pulls me back.

"We can do it later. Stay here, Cara."

"Okay. But you can't kiss me till you shave."

"No kisses?" His eyes are still closed. He knows I am only teasing him.

"No kisses."

"That's bad. You are heartless," He says. I gasp at his words.

"I am heartless?"

"Yes." He opens his eyes now looking at me. "And you know what's the punishment for that?"


He starts kissing my face. His beard keeping poking my skin and causes tickles here and there. I can't help giggling like a school girl.

"Stop it!" He doesn't stop. He keeps giving kisses on my neck. "Babe, Please!"

Before I know it, we are kissing. This feels like home. This is my home. In his arms.

"Did you get the mail of his weekly schedule?" I ask William who is sitting near Mr. Vincento's table. Mr. Vincento is currently in a meeting.

"Yes, I got it." He clicks on the mail and I sit beside him to clarify any doubts he might have. "Okay. So, he is busy the whole Monday. Can you reschedule his evening meeting for the next day? He needs to meets with the CEO of Malcom Industries."

"Sure. I can do. Anything else?"

"That's it for now."


He turns to me. "So, what have you decided about the date with that guy in the finance department?" He wiggles his eyebrows.

"Oh stop it! Nothing happened since I have not decided anything on that."


"What's so good about that?"

"Oh. I mean..." He looks away. "He dodged a bullet I think." He gives me a sarcastic smile. I give one back.

"Ha-ha. So funny!" He goes back working on his laptop. "I want to ask you something."

"Sure, what is it?" He eyes are on his laptop as he speaks while he is furiously typing on the keyboard.

"Did you see Mr. Vincento's ex-girlfriend?"

That's all it takes for him to stop working. He turns to me with a serious face. "What-What do you mean?"

"No. I just wanted to know if... Um... Is she hot?" I look down at my fingers when I ask him that. I can't ask him that while looking at him. Slowly I look up and he is looking at me from my head to toe, not in a creepy way. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Nothing." He sighs and murmurs to himself. "She is."

"Oh. Is he... Is he still in love with her?"

William takes a minute before looking at me. "I think he is in love with her."

"Who is in love with who?" Both our heads turn to the door. Mr. Vincento walks in and out eyes follow him. He sits in his chair and looks at us.

"We were just talking office gossip." I say before William says anything. I stand up and go to him to get him to sign a few files.

"I will go get a cup of coffee. Shall I bring you a cup as well?" William asks Mr. Vincento.

"Yes, please." He runs his fingers through his hair, pushing it back from his forehead. His hair grew a bit longer. Why am I observing all this? I need serious help! Diana, concentrate! He massages his temples while closing his eyes. He must be really tired. He has continuous meetings since past two weeks and he even went on a business trip for one day. He must be exhausted. I feel really bad for him. I am so engrossed in my thoughts about him that I didn't think through what was coming out of my mouth.

"Martin." I can't believe his name left my lips. It feels so right.

His fingers that were massaging his temples freeze at that and he opens his eyes directly meeting mine. The way he was looking at me... It is indescribable. All the nerves in my body are telling me to hug him tightly. What is this? Why am I feeling this way? All this while, I thought I was only attracted to him. Why is my heart aching when he is in pain? He is still looking at me with those eyes. Before I know it, he is looking at me with shock. That pulls me back to the real world.

"Um... Mr. Vincento, are you okay?" I quickly get myself together. He just stares at me... Like he is waiting for something. "Mr. Vincento?"

"I am fine. I thought you left." He looks away as he speaks.

"I was about to. But you need to sign these files." I put three files in front of him. I look at him and he looks like he might pass out. My heart is hurting looking at him. I can't take this anymore. "If you don't mind me asking, did you have lunch today? You look at bit tired."

"Where should I sign?" He completely ignores my question and sits up straight. That's it!

"Just a minute. I will be back." I rush to my cabin and grab my bag. Pulling out the box of cookies, I quickly go to his cabin after knocking. He is drinking water. I go to him and put the small box in front of him. "This might seem stupid, but my mom made cookies yesterday. You should have some." He looks at me like I have lost my mind and maybe yes I have, giving homemade cookies to the company CEO. But I just can't see him like that. A smile breaks on his lips and he takes a cookie from the box.

"Thank you, Ms. Thomas. That was very considerate of you." He eats one and in the meanwhile I clear his table. Few of the files are lying around and it looks unorganized. "You don't have to do that."

"It's fine." I smile at him.

"These are very tasty. Please tell you mother that I said thank you."

"I will." I can't stop the smile that is spread on my face. It has been weeks since we have spoken to each other this naturally. It is always awkward no matter how much I deny it. The door opens and William walks in with a cup of coffee. He places it in front of Mr. Vincento.

"Thank you, William." Mr. Vincento says before taking a sip of the hot coffee. He looks a bit relaxed now. He sure looks tired though.

"Shall I go to the cafeteria and grab you something to eat?" I can't help but ask him.

"No, Ms. Thomas. I am good. Thanks to your cookies." Mr. Vincneto says taking another one of them.

"Oh you brought cookies. I love them." William stands up to grab them, but suddenly stops in his tracks and sits back. "On the other hand, I am not that hungry." What was that all about?

"So, where do you want me to sign?" Mr. Vincento opens a file. William's phone rings.

"I have to take this." He leaves the room again.

I go to Mr. Vincento and take the pen on the table before giving it to him. I go to stand beside him. "Here." Showing him where to sign, I turn the pages and give him water while I shift from one file to another. This all feels so natural. "And here." He signs them all. "Done." I put the files aside and bend to put the pen in the pens stand.

Suddenly, his hands are around my waist and he turns me around, putting his head against my stomach while his arms are holding me. Like a command is given, my hand raises and my fingers run through his hair. His hair is so soft. I always wondered what it feels like to do that. He lets out a deep sigh like he is relaxing. I don't want to disturb him. A feeling of déjà vu sets in my heart. What is all this? Why isn't my heart racing? Why does it suddenly feel so calm? Why do I feel so calm? Like this is meant to be.

I don't want this moment to end. Ever.

"Hm..." He humms and even that sounds good to my ears. I smile as I realize that he is feeling relaxed because of me. For a minute I forget that he is my boss. In this moment... he is just a man that I... I like. I run my fingers through his hair again. Suddenly something flashes in my mind. Like a memory.

"Shall I bring you some coffee? You will feel relaxed and refreshed."

"I am relaxing, Baby."

"That's cheeky." My hand goes up to his jaw. His beard grown long. "You need a shave. Come on, I will help you shave." I say as I lift my head in an attempt to get up, but he pulls me back.

"We can do it later. Stay here, Cara."

My hand goes to my head. My head starts aching. What is that is it a memory? Is it me? It sounds like me. Who is the man though? Am I dreaming? Or was it real? Is it a memory or my imagination?

"Cara Mia." Before I know it, I am suddenly in reality. Cara Mia? Who is Cara Mia? Is it his ex-girlfriend? He is thinking that I am his ex-girlfriend? That's why he is feeling relaxed? Of course it must be that? Why would he feel that with me? I am just a regular employee! What was I thinking?! Diana! But his voice... It sounds like the one just heard in my head. What is all this?

I immediately pull away from him. He seems taken aback by it. Our eyes meet and he looks away adjusting his tie. He clears his throat.

"I am sorry, Ms. Thomas. That was completely out of line." He apologizes.

I open my mouth to say something, but nothing came out. Should I accept his apology? Should I say sorry? I don't want to say sorry though. I am hurt! What should I do? "It's... It's..." I can't say it's okay, cause it's not! I grab the cookie box and just leave his cabin before going into mine.

I plop down in my chair and clutch my head. What is all this?! I am hurt and confused at the same time.

Why does the voice in my head and Mr. Vincento's voice sound the same? Who is the Cara that the voice was calling? Was it me?

Who was the Cara Mia Mr. Vincento was calling? Was it his ex-girlfriend?

If it was his ex-girlfriend, was he imagining me as her while he was hugging me?


I am so confused.

Do I know Mr. Vincento before he was my boss? But the voice in my head can't be him.

If in fact it is a memory instead of my imagination, then it sounds like I am in a relationship. But what if it is just my imagination? I might be imagining things because I like him.

If it is so, why did I imagine him saying Cara? I have never heard him say that before.

I let out a sigh. I need to relax my brain first. I am relating things too much. May be it's not that complex.

Is Mr. Vincento connected to my forgotten past?


Hey my cute dumplings!

So Diana is getting close to past, huh? She is catching on all the clues. What do you think? Like it? Love it? Let me know.

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