Chatoyant College Book 7: Upo...

By clarekrmiller

349 63 2

As Edie falls deeper into her relationship with Leila, her friends worry about her. The revelation about her... More

Prologue: The Dream
Chapter 1: Get Our Blood Moving
Chapter 2: A Picnic
Chapter 3: Embarrassment
Chapter 4: The Haunted Sticker
Chapter 5: It's Real Food
Chapter 6: Dreams and Visions
Chapter 7: Curious
Chapter 8: Not That Long
Chapter 9: Pizza
Chapter 11: Digging in Dirt
Chapter 12: Poster Experiments
Chapter 13: Faeries in the Department
Chapter 14: Theories
Chapter 15: Invited
Chapter 16: Candy
Chapter 17: Party Time
Chapter 18: Antlers
Chapter 18: Antlers
Chapter 19: Painting
Book 7 now on Smashwords!
Chapter 20: Dancing
Chapter 21: Thresholds
Chapter 22: Under the Influence
Chapter 23: Sleeping
Chapter 24: Empty Campus
Chapter 25: Rest and Relaxation
Chapter 26: Halloween Ball
Chapter 27: Escape
Chapter 28: ID
Chapter 29: Over the Wall
Chapter 30: Cold Morning
Chapter 31: Don't Tell Me
Chapter 32: Breakfast
Chapter 33: Craft Fair
Chapter 34: Globe
Chapter 35: Glitter
Chapter 36: Hair Brushing
Chapter 37: Unusual Interest
Chapter 38: A Tumble
Chapter 39: Dolls
Chapter 40: Science and Magic
Chapter 41: A Talk
Chapter 42: Thread
Chapter 43: Needling
Chapter 44: Brandon
Chapter 45: Vanished
Chapter 46: Searching
Chapter 47: The Path
Chapter 48: Following the Path
Chapter 49: Men Sell Not Such in Any Town
Chapter 50: Faerie Food
Chapter 51: Magical Pranks
Chapter 52: Questions
Chapter 53: Rules
Chapter 54: Come Buy
Chapter 55: The Rat-Faced Spoke a Word
Chapter 56: Stormy Weather
Chapter 57: Conference
Chapter 58: Gone or Invisible
Chapter 59: Friends
Chapter 60: Power
Book 7 Is Complete!

Chapter 10: Dream Posters

4 1 0
By clarekrmiller

Tuesday, October 28

Edie felt fine when she woke up in the morning, and she had no trouble eating a normal breakfast, a bowl of cereal—though she did choose a particularly sugary one. The having-a-cold theory didn't hold up. Maybe she'd averted it by eating all her vegetables and no dessert.

After breakfast, she, Annie, and Corrie headed for their English class like usual. Edie was still thinking about Corrie's poster. They'd both checked it this morning, and it was still on "happy." And Corrie did seem to be her usual happy self. Still, Edie wondered about it, so she didn't waste any time when Troy turned up in class. "Hey, Troy. Random question. Did you happen to get anything at the poster sale at the beginning of the year?"

Troy looked startled, but then, Edie had begun to suspect that "startled" was just his standard facial expression. He didn't seem to expect most of the things that happened in the human world. "Uh, no, I didn't. Link tried to get me to go, but I was still in freaked-out-by-everything mode that early in the year."

Edie grinned sympathetically. If it hadn't been for Corrie, and to a lesser extent Dawn, she probably would have been in the same mode for most of the semester. "Did Link get anything?"

Troy shook his head. "He already had some posters, I think. At least, there's stuff on his walls."

"I got a poster there," said the girl sitting on the other side of Troy, a redhead with copious amounts of freckles. She leaned forward to see past Troy at Edie. "Edie, right? Why are you asking about posters?"

Edie nodded (though she couldn't remember the other girl's name at the moment), trying to come up with an explanation that wouldn't give away the secret of faeries, but her mind was completely blank. Thankfully, Corrie swept in to explain. "Some people are having weird dreams with their posters. And you never know what's going on at this school."

The other girl nodded. "That's definitely true. I honestly didn't believe magic existed before I came here but I've seen enough that it almost seems normal."

Edie managed to drag up a smile. "It was the same for me. So I wouldn't be surprised if some of the teachers put spells on the posters or something."

"Dream spells?" the redhead laughed. "Well, that would explain a lot."

"So you've had weird dreams too?" Annie asked, her voice soft as usual but still loud enough for the other girl to hear, over—or perhaps under—the sounds of everyone else in the class talking.

"Well... not weird, exactly. I mean, they're actually kind of less weird than my usual dreams. But, um, Russell Crowe has been in a lot more of them than usual."

"Ah," said Corrie, with a grin. "See, that's not fair. I have a Labyrinth poster and David Bowie is totally failing to show up in my dreams."

Edie frowned as a thought occurred to her. "Where did you stick your poster?" she asked the other girl. Julie, that was her name. She even lived in Gilkey, so she would have the same dorm room configuration as they did.

"On the wall over my bed," said Julie. "Do you think that has something to do with it?"

Edie turned to Corrie and nodded. "Your Bowie poster is on a different wall. Maybe that's why it doesn't mess with your dreams." She was careful not to mention Annie; it didn't seem like she wanted other people to know about her weird dreams, at least not yet.

"But my mood poster doesn't mess with my dreams, either."

"Well, I didn't say it was a perfect theory."

"Are any of you taking magic?" Julie asked. "Maybe you could ask the magic teachers."

"Professor Lal does not like explaining things outside of class," Corrie said.

"Neither does Professor Rook," said Annie. "But you're right. I'll ask him later today. If it's not something they did on purpose, they'll want to look into it."

"I'll ask Link about his posters," said Troy.

"You know," said Julie, "Halloween is coming up soon. That could be why things are acting different than they usually do."

"I hadn't thought of that," said Edie. She hadn't realized how close it was to Halloween, but it was in just a few days. She'd never thought much of Halloween before, but now that she knew magic and faeries were real, well... maybe the veil really was thin that day.

They had to stop talking about posters and magic at that point, because Jasmine started class, but the conversation clearly wasn't over. Troy slid a note over to Edie's desk when Jasmine's back was turned. What is Halloween?

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