The Spellman Twins (1)

By AmultifandomRandom

796 14 24

The Spellman twins, and the core four team up to take down the devil himself, but loose ends always don't hav... More

Chapter 1, Sportsmanship
Chapter 2, Oh Brother...
Chapter 3, Maybe We Should've Learned To Swim...
Chapter 4, The Two Detectives
Chapter 5, Purification Of All Demons
Chapter 6, Sisterly Love
Chapter 7, A Fight You Can't Win
Chapter 9, Our Only Hopes
Chapter 10, Disciples
Chapter 11, Reality Or A Fantasy

Chapter 8, A Deal Is A Deal

30 1 8
By AmultifandomRandom

Skylar woke up with hot chocolate next to his bed, It was Aunt Hilda's of course, He couldn't move again, great... I wonder if Sabrina is awake

ʼSkylar lie downʼ Hilda said, pushing him down gently ʼA-Aunt Hilda where's my sister?ʼ ʼShe's still unconscious loveʼ Hilda repiled

Skylar looked in a mirror next to his bed, his eyes were still red

He realised Archie, Jughead and Harvey were in the room asleep, how long have i been out?
ʼWhen is she going to wake up?ʼ Veronica asked Zelda ʼI've no ideaʼ they just stared at her lying there motionless ʼHow much magic was she using for her to be out for three days? Because Skylar just woke upʼ Betty told Zelda ʼSabrina has been using alot of her herald abilitys lately, maybe even the Queen privileges she gotʼ Ambrose said

ʼWhat do you mean? By Herald and Queenʼ Veronica asked suspiciously ʼSkylar and herself were both heralds and King and Queen of hell, when they light up their hands their using those powersʼ He explained

ʼWait they ruled hell?ʼ Betty asked, Ambrose just nodded, Betty just was taken by surprise

Roz held Sabrina's hand to see if their was any vision's she could get, she did get one

ʼSabrina no...No...This can't be realʼ Skylar cried ʼDAMIT! Dam you Satan!ʼ he cried out

The vision always ended there all she saw was Skylar crying and that conversation, she kept wondering what it meant

Skylar limped into the room ʼHelloʼ Zelda gave him a hug slightly and broke away, he sat down next to his sister

Roz realised his eye's were red ʼSky what happened to your eye's?ʼ ʼNothing, it's fineʼ

Skylar held Sabrina's hand and kept muttering something under his breath, Sabrina started muttering something to and she woke up... But not quite the way it was supposed to go, Skylar's eyes went full red, so did Sabrina's

ʼWhat the heck?ʼ Veronica murmured
It was the place when Lucifer was inside of Nick, The devil's play

They both looked at eachother confused ʼWhy the-ʼ ʼWell i just wanted to visit youʼ Lucifer came out from the shadows, Skylar gestured for Sabrina to stay behind him ʼWhat the hell do you want?ʼ Skylar shouted

ʼWell it seem's the more i see you the more control i have over you, you do realise what those red eye's mean right?ʼ He taunted ʼIts not going to happenʼ Sabrina snarled ʼOh yes it is and im not taking no for an answer, isn't that right?ʼ

ʼYesʼ they both said not having control over their words ʼStop it!ʼ Skylar yelled, Lucifer just chuckled ʼYou won't defeat me this timeʼ Lucifer told them, he dissappeared, and they opened their eye's

Skylar had fell back on his chair from fright, he groaned in pain as he got up ʼWhat happened?!ʼ Betty asked concerned ʼNothingʼ Skylar said ʼI tried waking Sabrina up and it went all weirdʼ Skylar and Sabrina were sick of dealing with their father at this point, Skylar asked everyone to leave so Sabrina and I could talk, he made sure everyone left

ʼWhat are we going to do?ʼ Sabrina said sitting up ʼMaybe he can help us, once we figure out who the betrayal angel isʼ He said
ʼWho- ohʼ ʼI'll deliver the stuff to Caliban, and we'll start tracking tomorrowʼ ʼCan i come and deliver it with you?ʼ ʼSureʼ

Betty was listening in, their conversation, who is Caliban? And what are they tracking?

Sabrina got changed in the bathroom and came back out wearing an casual outfit ʼʼIanuae magicaeʼʼ they said together and they were out in the woods, they left the dirt on the altar and teleported home

Skylar realised their eye's were glowing even brighter, we'll need to do this fast

-The Next Day-
Sabrina and Skylar went into the secret room they used to use as kid's, to train, the tracking Table was still there, they placed the dirt on it

ʼReveal your secrets, reveal your past, show the owner of broken imbalanceʼ they chanted ʼZacharias Hervëʼ the table revealed

As the white flame's went around them, they were in the clouds again with a bright orange sky ʼYour back?ʼ Yahweh said ʼWe have a name, Zacharias Hervëʼ Skylar said desperately ʼOne more thing before we continue, we ask for something in returnʼ he continued ʼFor me to break you free of your father, i'll see what i can doʼ Yahweh floated down elegantly from his throne ʼYou'll get this angel for me will you?ʼ ʼW-wait what?ʼ Sabrina said ʼJust do it and i'll do as you askʼ

He told them where they could find the Angel

ʼWhere in the heaven's has our Niece and Newphew gone?!ʼ Ambrose asked quickly ʼTheir not in there rooms?ʼ Hilda responded, Ambrose just shook his head

-5hrs later-
Sabrina and Skylar had knocked out the angel and brought him to Heaven
ʼVery goodʼ they threw him to the ground and Yahwey woke him up

ʼZacharias Hervë, have you realised what imbalance you've causedʼ ʼThe devil forced me to do it!ʼ The Angel cried ʼBring him to the groundsʼ The angel kicked and screamed as the guards took him away

ʼVery good, thank you, the only thing is to finsh what that angel started, oh and also here you areʼ

Skylar and Sabrina's eye's were red on one side and blue on the other ʼIt's the best i could do for you twoʼ

The gate's opened behind them, A bunch of Nephilim came in with their rune's on their necks ʼExcuse me, Morningstar's were having a disturbance in the court roomʼ

ʼWhy is there Morningstar's in the courtroomʼ The guy with dirty blonde hair asked ʼJohnathan there's no need to be threateningʼ ʼWe can smell there dirty demon blood from hereʼ The dark haired boy said

Skylar and Sabrina stood there awkwardly ʼWhat do, you need?ʼ Yahwey had asked ʼThere's been multiple breaches in the institute, we'll need your helpʼ A orange haired girl said ʼThere i've sent in extra powerʼ he said in a bored voice ʼJohnathan, Alexander and Clarissa, never barge into the court room when we have people hereʼ ʼWell demon blooded creatures can waitʼ

The Twin's temper started rising, Yahwey seemed to wait for this to happen ʼYou stubborn Nephilim always think your better than former Queen's and King's of hell, on a sidenote were still herald's so i'd watch what your sayingʼ Skylar said threateningly ʼSeriously threatening me?ʼ Skylar and Sabrina snapped their fingers and he started choking

ʼStop!ʼ the dark haired boy said desperately, they stopped, the dirty blonde got up feeling his neck ʼDon't ever disrespect us like that again, you hear me you, pathetic Nephilimʼ Skylar said in a satisfactory tone

ʼSkylar and Sabrina that will be all, you've showcased enough remember finsh what that angel startedʼ yahweh said quietly smiling at them, as they left they could hear the Nephilim fighting amongst themselves
The four woke up, and made breakfast ʼWhen are we going back to Riverdale?ʼ Archie asked ʼWe'll spend the whole summer here i guessʼ Betty responded ʼHave they caught the Blackhood?ʼ ʼI told the police station and their on the look outʼ Betty said

ʼAnyway, did he ask you to do something?ʼ Veronica asked ʼHe... Asked me to kill one of the... Spellmansʼ Betty told them in a ashamed tone ʼYour dad is nuts, asking you to try and kill one of them, they could probably kill us in a heartbeatʼ Jughead told them ʼWould've you done it?ʼ Archie asked

ʼThey've done so much for me, i couldn't do it, i wouldn't do that to any of them especially Sabrina she's helped me alotʼ Betty said

They ate their Breakfast and headed off to the movies, even though it was the morning, they were allowed in
When Skylar and Sabrina got home they were exhausted ʼWhere have you two been?ʼ ʼAunt Zelda were not in the mood right nowʼ Sabrina told her ʼExcuse you, your not in any condition to be outside, or using magicʼ ʼAunt Zelda we already said were not in the moodʼ Sabrina raised her voice

Zelda noticed there eye's were different ʼEver since this all started you've been secretive about where you've been going, you've came back with with odd effect's, we're your family and we should know what's going onʼ ʼYou so don't want to be pushing us right nowʼ Skylar said

Zelda was taken aback ʼYou don't want to be pushing my patience eitherʼ she replied back

Hilda and Ambrose came out of the kitchen, and realised they were interrupting

ʼWe were only gone for a little bitʼ Skylar said ʼ5 hour's is not just a little bitʼ ʼSo your our keeper now, that's it?ʼ Sabrina responded

ʼIm your guardian, and if your not going to obey me then there will be consequencesʼ Zelda shouted angryily

If we get mad... That's what lucifer wants, Sabrina said in her mind

ʼClearly you snuck out this morning, no letter or reason, the mortal girl told us you were planning to track someone, and if it's your father, I swear to Hecrate you'll die trying to find himʼ Zelda yelled

Sabrina and Skylar just sighed in annoyance ʼWe couldn't even track our father if we triedʼ

ʼThat's not the point-ʼ ʼThe point is your not our motherʼ Skylar didn't have control over his words, Sabrina realised he didn't

ʼIs that what you think?ʼ ʼAunt Zelda i didn't-ʼ ʼGo to your rooms now!ʼ Sabrina and Skylar went to their rooms

ʼWhat are we going to do with those twoʼ Zelda told them in a annoyed  tone ʼThey're up to somethingʼ Ambrose said suspiciously ʼAmbrose since your the librarian, do you know what happened to their eye's?ʼ Hilda asked quietly

ʼI'll look into itʼ he said
Nick was at the academy studying in his dorm for 5th years, while he was reading he heard a low growl behind him... It was the dark lord ʼNicholas so good to see youʼ he turned around, and ran out of the dorm ʼTHE DARK LORD IS IN THE ACADEMY!ʼ He screamed at the top of his lungs

Every single student started to panic and head to Dorian's, Zelda came out of her office to see why everyone was screaming ʼWhat in Heaven's name is going on here?ʼ ʼThe dark lordʼ Ambrose rapidly walked out ʼHow did-ʼ Ambrose just dragged her with him

Hope you enjoyed! ❤️

Word Count: 1784

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