Star Wars Episode II: THE SCO...

By Gabe40

358 31 2

Make sure you go read Episode I: THE RESURGENCE OF THE JEDI before this story! Over the past few months, I ha... More

Main Title and Flight from Ajar Skota
Eraxo and the Star Reaper
Jurek Rido
Return to Rou Flodi
The Test
Duel on Roaxia
Back to Base
The Transmission
The Assault on Daoplov
Jeb vs. Zekko
The Star Reaper Unleashed
The Dawn of Hope and Finale

The Sith Pursuit

14 2 0
By Gabe40

Lord Zekko's shuttle drops out of the Reaper's hangar bay. Brand new Spire-Class Fighters emerge as well. Nothing like we've seen before. Sharp wings. Black body. Foreboding presence. These ships can swoop in and out of places with ease. Better than the average Elitist fighters, these are more versatile and sleeker. The screech of the ships create a noisy scene as they zoom over the debris that was once the Jedi planet.

Enter the Centurion.

Jurek looks out the side window and sees the fighters approaching. "Guys!!! We've got company!"

Jeb runs over, "Get to the guns!"

Sarodhi talks to Kellus, "Those civilian ships aren't meant for battle! They are defenseless! They must make for Daoplov. We will hold the fleet off as best we can."

A transmission comes in.

None other than Master Dytrillia. "Sarodhi. I see the fighters. I'll help you hold them off. I'll protect the citizens. Masters Leli, Dayto, and Set Ju Idda will draw the fire away from the ships!"

Sarodhi replies, "Thank you Master, you got it. Make for Daoplov. You must hurry!"

The transmission ends and Sarodhi begins zooming towards the fleet.

G7 states, "With these odds we won't survive the day!"

Sarodhi shakes her head, "You know I don't like when you tell me the odds! Divert all power to weapons!"

"On it", G7 says.

Zekko readies his turrets. "Fire on those ships! I'll handle the Centurion!"

The Spire-Class fighters make their way toward the civilian ships. Firing blasts. Dytrillia zooms ahead in his star fighter. Shooting the fighters. Maneuvering through the debris,

Dytrillia manages to evade the blasts. "That was close," Dytrillia says as he almost hits an asteroid.

A Sith pilot inside the fighter readies his turrets to fire on the civilians.

Master Leli intercepts the attackers, "I got you now!" She says.

Leli targets one of the ships and rips it to shreds. As multiple fighters get dispatched, The Centurion intervenes.

"We got one shot! Let's get these people to safety!" Master Set Ju Idda says.

While the centurion combats the fighters, Zekko's Interceptor, different from his shuttle, approaches. Trying to impress his master, Zekko fires on the civilian transports and one of them explodes. This shuttle carried Jedi Master Orruk Eso. The Jedi Master who helped Jeb create his lightsaber. Jeb falls to his knees. Out of breath.

"NOOO!" Sarodhi yells.

"What happened?!" Jurek yells.

He looks out and sees the explosion.

"No..." Jurek says under his breath.

Kellus helps Jeb up. "They're gone...I felt it too Jeb. We must get out of this fight. We have to aid these people."

Jeb stands up, "You're right Master."

Kellus grabs his padawan's arm. "I'll go with you Jeb. Jurek can stay up here with Sarodhi."

The two Jedi make their way to the guns.

"Just like old times?" Jeb says as they get into the gunner seats.

The Jedi Star Fighters are zooming around having a dogfight with the Elitists. Master Dayto, a new alien species, makes a bombing run for Zekko's star destroyer.

"DD-7 prepare to drop bombs." Dayto says to his droid. The droid beeps as it readies charges.

Cut inside the Destroyer.

An Elitist trooper approaches General Riox, "Sir a single Jedi fighter has prepared an attack on our ship. Orders?"

Riox smiles, "Bring it down, then fire on the civilians."

The trooper nods, "Yes sir."

Master Dayto begins his bombing run on the destroyer. Taking down multiple guns. The destroyer shakes and causes Riox to fall to the ground.

"Bring that ship DOWN!" He commands.

Dytrillia hails Dayto on the comm system, "Heading your way!"

Master Dayto looks over and sees the fleet of Jedi heading toward him. But, the destroyer begins firing on the Jedi master's fighter.

Dayto gets distracted by the oncoming fire, and his ship gets hit. "I'm going down!" He yells as his ship descends on the destroyer.

Dytrillia watches along with the other Jedi as Dayto falls to his death. An exploding sound is heard. Dytrillia is silent, lowers his head. The Jedi are being taken out one by one. This small fleet is no match for the power the Sith posses.

"Master what do we do?" Master Leli asks Dytrillia.

"Retreat. We must retreat!" He yells as the ships turn around.

Sarodhi hails the Jedi, "Get these people to safety! No more death today.."

"I agree Sarodhi, we will see you on Daoplov..." Dytrillia says as he and the other Jedi attach their star fighters to the few civilian transports and blast into hyperspace.

Ravok looks on, "Cowards! They run...but not for long. Take this ship back to Eraxo...Lord Zekko can handle the others..."

The Star Reaper and Zekko's destroyer leave Rou Flodi airspace and make for Eraxo.

Zekko continues to pursue the Centurion, Jeb shoots at the interceptor but fails to hit it. A few of the Spire-Class fighters remain. The follow Zekko in formation. Kellus shoots at one of the fighters and causes it to collide into the one next to it.

"WHOO!" Jurek yells. "WE GOT IT!"

Inside Zekko's ship, he pinpoints the Centurion.

"Goodbye Rangor..." he says and launches a blast right for the ship.

The blast hits the fuel tank and hyperdrive. The ship rattles.

"What was that?!" Jurek asks.

Jeb walks up from the gunner seat.

"Zekko." Jeb says. "The dark lord of the Sith."

A beeping is heard.

"Hyperdrive is blown. We are losing fuel!" Sarodhi exclaims.

Kellus walks into the cockpit. "There's a planet nearby. Roaxia. I have good relations with the Roaxians. It's a gaseous planet. Do you have any protection? The gas fumes get strong."

Sarodhi nods, "We have masks in the storage compartment."

Jeb looks at the monitor, "Zekko is coming back..."

Sarodhi puts a headset on, "Then let's make sure he doesn't destroy us."

She aims at his interceptor. Roaxia is near. The fight has caused them to make their way to the neighboring planet.

Sarodhi maneuvers around the mini Sith fleet. The Spire-Class fighters zoom toward the Centurion. She readies the pulse canon on her ship and fires at Zekko. This causes his interceptor to lose all power.

"I'm hit! Head down to the surface!" Zekko commands his squad.

The Centurion escapes the dogfight and makes its way down toward the gas planet of Roaxia. Sputtering and stalling. Little do they know that Zekko too is crashing down on the surface as well...

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