Star Wars Episode II: THE SCO...

By Gabe40

375 31 2

Make sure you go read Episode I: THE RESURGENCE OF THE JEDI before this story! Over the past few months, I ha... More

Main Title and Flight from Ajar Skota
Eraxo and the Star Reaper
Jurek Rido
The Test
The Sith Pursuit
Duel on Roaxia
Back to Base
The Transmission
The Assault on Daoplov
Jeb vs. Zekko
The Star Reaper Unleashed
The Dawn of Hope and Finale

Return to Rou Flodi

16 2 0
By Gabe40

Cut to Rou Flodi. Late day.

"There it is, the Jedi Temple. Kellus will he expecting us." Jeb says. "There they are."

As the Centurion docks, a few Jedi masters greet them. Var Kellus in the front. Jeb runs and greets him.

"Hello Master. It's so good to see you. I bring urgent news." Jeb pleads.

Var Kellus smiles in pride over how well Jeb looks as a padawan. "Yes, it's good to see you too Jeb. I assume the mission to Ajar Skota went well?"

Jeb looks at him, "Yes, but what was on the transmission is not good..."

Kellus sighs, "Then we must act quickly. Sarodhi it is good to see you again."

Sarodhi smiles, "You too Kellus."

G7 runs over to his master, "MASTER KELLUS! It's good to see you!"

Kellus walks to him, "It's good to see you too buddy!"

Master Orisus Dytrillia looks at Jeb. "Young Jeb, Kellus has trained you well. I can see it in your eyes. You have your father's light in you. I overheard what you and your master were just talking about. I will call the council immediately."

Our heroes continue to walk toward the Jedi Temple at the top of the sky mountain.

As they walk, Kellus meets Jurek for the first time. "And who might you be?"

Jurek gets his hand out, "I'm Jurek Rido. You are Jeb's master?"

Kellus shakes Jurek's hand, "Var Kellus, yes. It is nice to meet you Jurek."

Cut immediately to the council room. Sarodhi and Jeb stand in the middle.

Sarodhi speaks, "We have received news. A spy in the Elitist army has informed us that, in fact, the Sith have created a weapon. Using the crystals from Scora. This could bring an end to hope and all we've worked for. I ask you now that you help us destroy it. Before it's too late."

Jeb speaks next, "I hope you do aid us, this thing could wipe out entire planets. The Resilience does not have enough allies. We need help!"

Master Dytrillia thinks for a second, "This is what we feared. As protecters of peace we must take action. Zekko knows the location of our temple, I know they will target this first. I will call for a planetary wide evacuation. I will speak to the citizens and make sure they are ushered off safely. The Sith have become a great force. We will help you, young Jeb. All of us."

Jeb nods. "Thank you Master. Truly."

The council disbands.

Sarodhi meets Jeb outside the council room. "You did good in there Jeb. I'm happy the Jedi will help us."

Jeb smiles at her, "Thank you, we should get ready to leave. It's only a matter of time before the Sith approach."

Jeb looks outside, the sun starts to set. In the distance you can hear, "PLEASE REMAIN CALM. EXIT THE CITY IMMEDIATELY."

Over the PA system. Jeb sees citizens preparing to leave in the ships. "I can't believe this is happening. The Sith instill fear into people. But we need to stand strong. Fight back."

Sarodhi grabs his hand, "We will. We have the force. And each other..."

Jeb gets peace.

It is now his time to rise up with the Jedi. To become what he was meant to be.

Kellus walks in, "Jeb, we need to go..."

Jeb nods, Kellus talks again, "Jeb, thank you for informing the council of this threat, with your help we are able to plan for this attack, but what I fear is if we can't take this thing down, we won't be able to prepare for it's next strike. Master Chorbli has decided to stay and help the citizens. To ensure their safety. Other cities are readying their departure."

Jeb tears up, "Wait what? He can't stay! If he does he'll die!"

Kellus puts his hand on Jeb's shoulder.

"Jeb sometimes Jedi must make selfless decisions, remember what I taught you in our training?"

Jeb looks down but then looks up, "Yes master. I understand."

Dytrillia walks in and tells our heroes they need to leave. "We need to go. Where will we take the people? They won't have a home anymore."

Sarodhi looks at Dytrillia, "Master, lead them to Daoplov. I will inform General Quitos of your arrival. We will follow."

Dytrillia grabs Sarodhi's hand, "Thank you dear Sarodhi. May the force be with you all...Quickly, you must get to your ship. The Jedi and me will guard the civilian ships. We have fighters"

Her, Jeb, Jurek, G7, and Kellus all make their way to the landing pad. As Jeb walks by he notices the Jedi temple one last time. It's empty. The Jedi texts have been cleared out, nothing.

Kellus sees this and stops too, "This is just a building Jeb, the Jedi are not dead today. Not today. Come on, we must go."

As our heroes make their way to the Centurion, the sun is setting. Some ships are taking off. But something attracts their attention, the sunlight gets blocked. Citizens look to the sky. Screams are heard. The Jedi masters aid the citizens off the city, but Master Chorbli stays behind to ensure the safety of the people.

"Hurry!" Master Chorbli yells.

Dytrillia runs up to Master Chorbli. "My friend...May the force be with you."

Chorbli chokes up. "I will always be with you my friend. I will do what I can to get as many people off this planet."

Dytrillia sales his hand and hugs his fellow master and makes way for his star fighter.

Jurek looks up. "Is that...?"

Sarodhi replies, "Yep."

For in the sky, approaches the Sith fleet, led by the Star Reaper...

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