Acquaintance {supernatural fa...

By Diana_Superwholock

824 53 7

I tripped and found myself in the middle of the street, a car was honking like crazy at me to move out of its... More

Chapters 1 & 2
Chapter 3: The Family Business
Chapter 4: Victims of Emotion
Chapter 6: Wrapping my Head Around It
Chapter 7: Hello Boys!
Chapter 8: A Stroll Down Memory Lane
Chapter 9: Belong Or Do Not Belong
Chapter 10: No Explanation

Chapter 5: Victims of Emotion Part 2

93 7 2
By Diana_Superwholock

We went into the Impala and then headed to the amusement park. Dean parked the car. We got out. "Sam and I are going in. We are going to look out for scared kids then follow them and wait for the Succubus to show up."

I looked at Dean. "I'm going to come with you." Dean refused and Sam looked at me with disapproval. I started protesting. "You know what Sam? " Dean said "She can actually be helpful." Sam looked at Dean then he looked at me. "Ya she can." Dean pulled something from his jacket. A gun. "Here. You can shoot a gun right?" I took the gun from him and showed him the drill. Bullets in, bullets out, safety on, safety off. "Great now hand it over here for a second."

I did so and then everything happened so fast. Dean grabbed my hand. The gun was wrenched out from my fingers and gone in a flash. Sam opened the door. I was pushed in the car, all that time Dean had good grip on my hands. My hands came in contact with a bitingly cold metal. I looked down. "Handcuffs? Really?" I was cuffed to the car. I looked at Sam with the best betrayed looking eyes I could pull off. "We will be back soon." Sam pulled back. "Dean!" I tried loosening the cuffs. I was a fool for thinking they would let me help. I watched as they walked away.

I pulled out my new phone and turned it on, stared at it for a minute then threw it on the driver's seat. I had no one to call. I wasn't going to be left behind. I don't want to be left behind. I checked my pockets. I did not have any bobby pins. Damn. I added it to the list of things I need to have on me all the time. I checked the car's floor for anything sharp. I couldn't find anything. I sighed and lay back.

Something glinted between the window and the dash board. I leaned forward. There was these little soldier toys in the air vents. I reached out and pulled one out. It had a long thin gun of sorts. Ok. That was a first. I never picked a lock before. That was gonna take a while. It did. About fifteen minutes later, with sore fingers and a frustrated me I heard the click I was hoping to hear. Alright Dean Winchester. I'm sure you did not expect that.

I reached to the back seat and pulled the duffle bag to my lap. I pulled out a gun and a knife, as well as a mini torch. I picked the lock on the otherside of the cuffs. I never fought a sole in my life and hoped I'd never have to. I hooked my gun in the back of my jenes like Dean does and headed to the park.

Shoot! I needed tickets. I read the ticket prices. General Admission $59.99. I pulled out all the money I have in my pocket and counted them 50 dollars. Shoot! I went back to the Impala and checked the pockets and chairs for 10 dollars. I didn't find anything. I tried opening the Impala's little storage compartment, it was locked. I applied pressure to it. Still locked. I yanked harder and the lock popped open. I broke it. I cursed under my breath. Dean was going to be so pissed he might even take a swing at me. I looked around the compartment. Mobile phones. More mobile phones. Some papers, articles, pictures ah there we go. I took out the money took a ten dollar note. Returned every thing to the way it was, went to the ticket stall purchased a ticket. I had to persuade them and tell them that it was urgent and my other Agent friend needed m. The hesitantly allowed me to enter with a gun and a knife.

The sun was high up in the sky and the place was packed with kids just like the last time. I walked around the place. Observing. I ended up setting down on the steps of sone stairs till noon waiting for something to happen.

There was lots of noise coming from somewhere up front. I went to check it out. A clown show. That was when I saw Sam in the middle of the whole thing. Was he a big fan of clowns. I walked closer. No, not with the way he looked at them. He looked petrified. They were clapping and dancing around him, and he was all tensed up as if they were going to jump on him any second and eat him whole. When he was finally able to squirm his way away from them Dean came up to him. "Hey Sammy!" He shouted for Sam to hear him. Sam looked at Dean.

A look of relief washed over Sam as he headed towards Dean. "Come on, there is nothing here come with me." And he headed the other direction from myself. Then Sam said "Hey the Impala's the other way."

Dean looked at Sam. "Who cares about the Impala right now. Look at you, you need some air. Come we will take a walk." I frowned. Who cares about the Impala? That was Dean we were talking about. He was in a co-dependent relatindhip wuth his car that he called baby. There was also something wrong with Dean. He was wearing a necklace. I could not figure out what was the charm hung up on it, but Dean doesn't wear a necklace.

Shoot. It wasn't Dean! A Succubus feeds on strong emotions. Sam looked like he saw the Devil himself when he was around all those clowns. A Succubus takes on any form to lure its victim and feed on him. I wasn't sure if Sam noticed the flaws of Fake Dean and I wasn't going to risk it. I pulled out my phone and called Dean. Fake Dean didn't have phobene. Real Dean does. Damn. Fake Dean got real Dean. I looked around me. I started to panic before I ordered myself to pull it all back together. This son of a Bitch can smell fear. And I ain't gonna be scared.

Sam and Dean had a single advantage over Fake Dean / Succubus. That advantage was me. Fake Dean didn't know that I existed. Since Fake Dean was going to ignore my calls. I was going to follow them around. Sam would definitely notice if I followed them. I wasn't so sure about Fake Dean. I have to be careful, I can't afford having Sam know I got out.

I kept a good distance between them and myself . I was only able to see the shadow of Sam and the Sucubbus before I started following them. After a good two miles of walking and a very reluctant Sam as to why Dean was making him walk all of this distance they took a turn to the right and then disappeared. It was a dead end. Where in the name of heaven did they go? I looked around for a door, there wasn't any. It was dark and I could barely see a thing. I pulled out the mini torch I found in the duffle bag. I examined the ground for hidden entrances. I looked at the wall for vents that could act as pathways. I even went as far as touching and feeling the ground and walls for pressure points. Nothing. Could Succubuses teleport?

"Hey you looking for something?" I spinned around. Dean- no Fake Dean was standing there looking at me. "I- lost something, my bracelet my friend gave it me and I think I dropped it somewhere here." I didn't think it will buy my lie. "Was that why you followed me and your friend huh?" I stood tall and strong. If I was going to lose this fight. I wasn't going to give it the satisfaction of finding some feelings to feed on.

"You are going to come with me." And he walked up to me. He grapped my hand. I had to move fast. I twisted my hand and jerked my hand finding exist where its thumb and index fingers meet. I then kicked behind its knees to bring it down. I then kicked between its legs to make it kneel further and then I grabbed its arm and pressed down hard just near its elbow. And then my hand came down karte style to hit the side of its neck. I didn't give it time to think and it didn't see it coming and fell down unconscious. If you were going to take on a human form then all the pressure points would work. And all those YouTube videos on how to fight someone did come in handy.

Now this Succubus wasn't human and it was way stronger than one. It wasn't going to stay unconscious for long. I hand cuffed it to the dumpster with the same handcuffs Dean used on me. Then ran to where it showed up in the first place. There was a door, I just didn't see it. Right before the turn. I opened it and went in. The whole place had an overwhelming smell of rotten eggs mixed with bleach. I had to force myself not to vomit all over the place. I got out my gun and flash light. I shouted "Sam! Dean!" No answer. I did it agian. Still no answer.

I broke into a run. At the end of the tunnel were stairs that took you down. I followed them. There was another door. I tried to open it. It was locked with chains. I pulled back and fired two shots at the chains eventually breaking them. I went in. The smell of rotten eggs and bleach became more condensed.

That was when I saw them. Their hands and legs were tied and their heads were in cloth bags. I ran over to them pulled off the bags. They were unconscious. Their mouths were taped. I yanked the tape and they woke up with a jerk. Dean croaked "The hell Iris. What are you doing here? You were supposed to stay in the car." "And let you die? Not a chance." I went behind them. "Those chains are hard to losen I'm going to have to shoot them open. Sam didn't like the idea, and started protesting. I didn't listen to him and blasted the chains open. They all stood up on their feet. I checked that they were not hurt and then quickly told them what had happened. I was right. Sam did notice that I was following them which the Succubus had known since they were emotionally connceted.

We were heading to the door when Dean was yanked and flung to the wall he then fell to the ground. We turned around. Fake Dean was standing there ready to bounce. Sam charged at the monster and for a good two minutes they were throwing punches and kicks at each other, neither of them gaining more ground on the other. Dean regained control over his body and ran at the Succubus and stabbed it in the back with what I would assume to be the demon knife. The Succubus stopped short, and then reached back, pulled the knife out and started laughing. "What an astounding piece of work this knife is. But only a person unaffected by emotions could use it on me. Sam snatched it from its hands and stabbed it into its heart. The Succubus laughed even harder. It pulled it out and threw it on the ground. "Oh Sammy. Angry Sammy. Terrified of clowns Sammy. Scared to fail again Sammy. You are the last person on the face of this earth that should try to kill me. Poor Sammy misses his mama, and is mad at his papa. Your father never liked you. He liked big brother Dean. He gave Dean all the work because he was scared you would screw up. And you did, you screwed up everything."

I took the knife. I wasn't scared. I wasn't emotionally hindered. "Sam!" Dean shouted. "Don't listen to him. He is playing with your emotions. It's what he does Sam. It's what he does." The Succubus turned around and looked at Dean. I didn't give that shitty excuse of a monster a chance to play around with Dean's emotions and I threw the knife at it. It hit him in the stomach. Not bad. Yet I was certain I was going to get him. He looked up at me. "You are scared." I wasn't. "You are scared to admit it. Far away from home and not knowing why or how. Taking comfort in these men knowing that they are just as damaged as you are. The life you chose was what it caused it all. It was your fault."

I didn't know what he was talking about. But the feelings that rushed through me were real. Even though I don't remember feeling them before. Yet somehow I knew they were my feelings. The feelings of betrayel and embarrassment. The feelings of great loss and pain. Like my heart was wrenched from my chest. Like I was impaled by a thousand swords and was still somehow forced to live to feel every second of it. Those were my feelings.

A Succubus doesn't introduce new feelings to you it just brings ones that already exist to the surface. And right this second I was more vulnerable that I had ever been. What was he talking about?

He bent down and looked me in the eyes. Those were not Dean's eyes looking at me. Those were the eyes of a hungry monster toying with its meal. Its eyes turned black and its hands made contact with my forehead. Every cell in my body was squeezed dry. Every string was pulled. I could feel the life and emotions wrenched from where they belonged. A blood curdling scream filled the room. I begged for him to stop as the emotions grew stronger and stronger. I couldn't take it anymore. The pain was too much.

And then it stopped. And a bright, white light filled the room. Screams of my name were the last thing I heard. Ice blue eyes were the last things I saw. And the feeling of being shaken to wake up was the last thing I comprehended. The bliss of not feeling anything was too powerful to not get consumed in.

And for now I was at peace.

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