(COMPLETE) Blood Brothers - A...

By TheSeraphim

4.2K 100 26

This a story of what happened after Sean and Daniel crossed the border. A story of their lives in Puerto Lobo... More

Episode 1 - Family
Episode 2 - Friends
Episode 3 - Parents
Episode 4 - Sons and Daughters
Episode 5 - Brothers
Epilogue - Wolves
Afterstory - Extra : The Beginning of the End

Prologue - Port of the Wolves

1.2K 23 8
By TheSeraphim

(A summary of the story and choices that was made. Taken from Life is Strange 2 Game.)

"Once upon a time... In a wild... wild world... there were two wolf brothers, living in their home lair with their papa wolf... They all lived happily together, but...

one day... hunters took their Dad away... Forever.

So now the brothers were alone... and they had to find a new home... They started a journey... through the great big forest.

The wolf brothers wandered for days and nights, learning how to live on their own... for the first time...

They slept in the backwoods among creepy creatures, and barely ate anything.

They eventually found a peaceful orchard, and were able to eat in peace... But they didn't know...

Hunters tried to tie them up... but the wolf brothers managed to escape, with the help of a friendly bear.

He showed them how to survive, and helped them find a warm camp for the night.

That's when the big brother discovered... that the little one... was not an ordinary wolf... but a superwolf!

That's how they found themselves even further, headed to the faraway land of their papa, where they hope... to find peace.

And then... they worked together to learn how to use his power, and to follow the rules for them.

They discovered a secret hideout where they could train day and night... They were happy.

But the little wolf got very sick so they had to move on...

On the way, a deadly predator attacked them, but the little one destroyed it using his power...

They decided to journey to the home of their nearby ancestors to seek help...

Finally, the tired and hungry brothers, made it to the home of their ancestors... The old wolves invited them to stay. They even took care of them... They were happy to have a safe, warm place to rest...

The little wolf even made friends with a raccoon, and together they went on awesome adventures!

Unfortunately, hunters were hot on their trail, and found them. But the tiny raccoon helped the brothers escape... and almost got hurt...

The brothers had nowhere to stay again... so they decided to keep going South... to the distant homeland of their papa wolf...

They soon entered the old forest of the giants... where they met a pack of stray dogs who worked on a secret farm.

The brothers joined them, and worked hard to stock up on gold for their future.

They were happy to find others like them... and everybody loved the little wolf, who was growing up fast...

His power was growing too... The little wolf was more and more confident, and independent.

The big brother hooked up with a cool she-dog... They had their own adventures...

Suddenly, the mean farmers who owned the land tried to hurt the brothers...

The little cub turned into a super wolf... and destroyed the farm, the crops, everything.

The big brother was badly wounded... and worse, he didn't know where the little cub was...

After a bad accident, they were separated. The big brother had been hurt and the hunters finally captured him.

They put him in a cage... But when he finally escaped, he went to search for his little brother...

He soon found out that the little wolf had joined a coyote cult... and he would not leave them.

Suddenly... their mother showed up after all that time... She said she came to help rescue him.

They begged the coyote leader, but she would not release the little wolf... he was their idol.

So, the little brother got so angry he killed her...

The wolf brothers, now reunited, followed their rogue mother... far into the desert... to her hideaway."

(What happens now, the start of the fanfiction)

"They were free... able to do anything... The little brother had fun as their mother's friends accepted his power...

Yet it didn't last long... The mother learned the hunters are on the trail...

So the wolf brothers moved once again... their only chance to live in peace was to go their father's land...

They found the great wall seperating them from their father's land... The little brother turned into a superwolf and destroyed the wall that was holding them back...

They were almost there... but the hunters found them and shot the little wolf... They were captured and put them into separate cages...

Angry and defeated... the little wolf woke up and turned into a superwolf... he destroyed all the cages of the hunters and killed a few of them...

Together with his brother they ran back to the wall... But the hunters didn't stop and guarded the walls...

Hoping they will surrender... one final time...

The little brother turned to his big brother... asking him how their story will end...

The big brother looked at the wall... It was the last obstacle they had to take... He finally answered...

They get to the other side...

The little wolf turned into a superwolf... he killed everyone that was stopping them... destroyed who opposed them and laid waste to their last battle...

The wolf brothers finally entered their father's land... Finally they felt the world on their side..." -end of introduction.

July 4, 2017. Sean and Daniel felt the rubble under their car as they entered the border to Mexico. It was the right time to call it Independence Day.

Daniel looked through the windows and saw the chaos he had caused. He then saw the FBI agent who was once holding a megaphone, now laid down with her gun five feet apart from her. Was it Agent Flores? He must've seen the card from Sean's backpack.

"How're you feeling, enano?" Sean asked as he drove the car to the right, following the empty desert road. He then glanced at the gate of the border torn off by Daniel's power. He knew they're fugitives and they can no longer go back to Estados Unidos

"I'm fine, Sean. I'm just wondering what dad's home would look like." Daniel said as he raised the window to feel the air passing them by.

Sean thought for a moment, he remembered Daniel asking this awhile ago.
"Probably trashed. No one's been there since dad left." Sean felt jitters in his stomach. They're finally free. They can do anything they want now. No more police chasing them. No more running.

Two hours driving, Sean realized that the desert sand was gone and concrete buildings were once again around them. He now knew they're far away from the border.

"Sean, I'm hungry. Can we eat somewhere?"

Sean realized he was too as he felt his stomach was rumbling. Must've been too focused on driving.

"Sure, Daniel." He looked around and saw a restaurant called La Pasadita. He then parked the car on the alley and grabbed his backpack.

"Daniel. I think Karen -I mean mom packed some clothes. You should change.

"Do I have to?"

"Enano, you're shirt all worn out and your bandages are all over the place. People think we were in a car crash."

"Alright." Daniel said disgruntled as he pulled out a shirt from the backpack. He remembered this one. It was from the time Sean was locked inside that room of the convenience store. He remembered himself running to the woods to escape. He felt the rush in that moment. He haven't realized he had powers yet. He knew if he had, he could've rescued Sean easily. "Sean, remember this?"

"How could I not? That dickhead sucker punched me."

"You did steal some food from that store."

"Yeah, I did." Sean chuckled as he help tear Daniel's orange shirt.

"Do you want me to help you put it on?"

"Nah, I'm fine. It's just a graze."

Sean and Daniel went inside the restaurant and was greeted by an old woman.

"Mesa para dos por favor."

The woman directed the two to a corner seat.

"Let's wash up first." Sean said to Daniel.

After they washed their faces in the comfort room. Daniel sat down and opened the menu. "Sean, can we get this?"

Sean nodded and called for the woman. He then ordered four pieces of quesadillas and a whole enchiladas for them to share. He then pulled up the map and start to find where they are. "I think we're here." He said placing a coin as a marker between El Doctor and El Golfo de Santa Clara.

"How far are we to Puerto Lobos then?" Daniel asked as he look at the map.

"More or less two hundred miles. If everything goes well, we'll be there before sun down."

The woman came back with their dishes and serve the quesadillas and their enchiladas. The woman then placed the service water and brought two glasses to the table.

"Gracias." Sean said to the old woman.

"De nada."

As Sean and Daniel ate, they felt they're truly free for the first time. After months of running they thought this was the most delicious food they had eaten.

It was truly an experience.

Sean opened his wallet and surprised he had forgotten one thing. He then placed his hand on his forehead, thinking of what to do? "Shoot."

"What's wrong Sean?"

"Do you think they'll accept our money?"

Daniel knew what his brother meant. They didn't have any mexican money on them, just dollars.

Sean inhaled as he prepared himself to approach the old woman.

"Disculpe, señora."

The old woman smiled toward the young man and asked what's wrong.

Daniel looked around once more and saw the cash register by the counter. It looks like the old woman was the only one managing the restaurant aside the cook inside the kitchen. He then looked toward his brother directing him if he should use his power to get some money.

Sean scratched his head as he opened his wallet and showed it to the old woman.

"Ah, Americanos! Si." The old woman replied.

Sean pulled out some cash and gave it to the old woman. He then continued thanking her for the food and asking for forgiveness.

The old woman laughed as she gave Sean a hug.

Sean apologize once more and asked to where he could change his money to peso.

The old woman gestured her hand, indicating the nearest currency exchange.

"Muchas gracias, Señora." The old woman nodded and smiled as she continued to get the people's orders.

"Sean, are we in trouble?" Daniel asked as he followed the old woman with his eyes.

"No, Daniel. It's fine don't worry."

Daniel nodded and continued eating the quesadillas, followed by the enchiladas.

After they finished eating Sean and Daniel waved goodbye to the old woman who was smiling back at them.

"She's nice." Daniel said as he followed his brother. "Wait, Sean. The car's over there!"

"I know. Let me just trade our money to pesos. It's good the Señora accepted our money but we can't do that to everyone."

As Sean and Daniel finished their small trade and finally hit back the road, Daniel can't help thinking what their father's home looked like. All they know is the address. What does Puerto Lobos looks like? Daniel imagined wolves prowling and some other things that make him scared at night. He hushed himself and looked toward Sean who was busy reading signs and looking at the map on the dashboard. Daniel then smiled and watched the road from rubble to concrete. "Right, we're the Wolf Brothers. No one can hurt us... anymore." He said in his mind.

Several hours later, Sean woke Daniel who was having dreams on what Puerto Lobos looks like. "Are we... there yet?" Daniel asked as he wiped his eyes and turned to the road. He smelled rustic aroma of the salty air as they pass through the small houses around them.

"Almost. Just have to find Dad's house." Sean said as he continued counting numbers to match the address.

Daniel looked around and saw the beach trailing on the houses. He then remembered Sean telling him it might not looked good. With that thought, he spotted a house from a mile away that looked like a garbage dump.

"Um, Sean. I think it's that one right there."

Sean looked at a two-storey house with different things surrounded by it. From afar, he could see a large streak of blue on the second floor. He then had a gut feeling that his brother was right.

The car continued to follow the road as Daniel and Sean got closer and closer. Finally, Sean stopped the car and looked at the address his mother gave to them. A picture of Puerto Lobos with the address of Esteban's house at the back of it.

"Well, is it?" Daniel asked once more.

Daniel continued to inspect, as if waiting the numbers to change. He then looked at the trashed house and replied. "Yeah, I think we'll just make it for the night."

Sean parked the car beside the road and got their backpacks.

"Don't worry. This would be easy with my power."

"Yeah, but not right now enano. There's still sun. Someone might see us. Why don't we look around for awhile?"

"Okay. Race to the beach then?"

"Are you serious? I've just drove six hours, Daniel."

"Loser smells like a rotten whale!"

Daniel said as he ran first, leaving his brother to dust.

"Hey, no fair!" Sean said as he tried to run with his tired feet.

Daniel ran through the trash that covered the ground and tapped the palm tree on the right. He was then blinded by the sun's ray as he made a left and see the glistening beach in front of him. "Sean, look at this! It's really cool!"

Sean groaned as he followed his brother and watched him discarding his backpack and shoes on the white sand before running to the beach.

"Daniel be careful!"

Daniel jumped into the sparkling water and splashed it to his brother.

"Come on, Sean! I can smell you rotting there!" Daniel laughed as he continued to jump on the water while his brother carefully placed their backpacks on the concrete terrace of the house.

"Coming!" Sean replied, pulling off his shirt and pants before running to the beach.

"Sean, watch this!" Daniel proceeded to lift a large wave on the water and pushed it to his brother.

Sean was shocked at the approaching wave and dive down to pull Daniel's legs underwater.

"Aaack!" Daniel fell down as he swallowed the salty taste of the water. He then rose up and pushed Sean before coughing and expelling the water from his throat.

Sean chuckled as he pulled his brother on the sand before asking if he's alright.

Daniel continued to cough until it was exchanged into laughter as he laid his back on the sand. He can't distinguish if the water on his eyes was sea water or tears but pretty sure after the laughing, it was changed to sobbing.

"Daniel, what's wrong?! Were you hurt? I told you to be careful." Sean said confused.

"I'm fine, Sean." Daniel said as he wiped the tears from his eyes. "It's just that I'm glad you're here with me. I wouldn't change it for the world."

"Me too, enano." Sean smiled as he watched the sunset from the horizon. "It's our home now. No more running."

"No more running." Daniel said as he sat beside his brother. He then felt Sean placing his arm on his shoulder.

As they watched the sun down, Sean released a loud howl that surprised Daniel.


Daniel realized, it was the first time Sean inititated the howl after all those months. He knew himself Sean was truly happy after the things that they went through.

"Awooooooo!!" Daniel followed.

Daniel watch the sun go down, he thought about his father and mushroom watching from the heavens.

Daniel placed his arm on Sean's waist as they watch the sun refract its colors to the beach of reds and oranges.

As the sun slowly goes down, their story is about to close.

Together no one can stop them.

Out of all the things they had faced, family was the one they turned to, first.
With new adventures to face, they will always remember their blood will always be thicker than the strong tides of the water.

As this day is about to close comes a new story for the Wolf Brothers.

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• a series of oneshots • last updated: 04/19/20 • not taking requests currently • decent enough grammar • Mature language