The King's Devotion

By ishtararahman

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Xason Anderson. My name was enough for everyone to get down on their knees and plead for their lives. Everyon... More

Chap 1 - Hatred
Chap 2 - Tried
Chap 3 - Smoke
Chap 4 - Piece
Chap 5 - Broken Glass
Chap 6 - Angry bird
Chap 7 - Control
Chap 8 - Queen
Chap 9 - Disappointed
Chap 10 - Jace Williams
Chap 11 - Queen (II)
Chap 12 - Choked
Chap 13 - Smack
Chap 14 - Demands
Chap 15 - Urgency
Chap 17 - Stay
Chap 18 - Familiar
Chap 19 - Stitches
Chap 20 - Regret
Chap 21 - Blue eyes
Chap 22 - Trouble
Chap 23 - Blue Margarita
Chap 24 - Freedom
Chap 25 - War
Chap 26 - Date
Chap 27 - Gift
Chap 28 - Red Window
Chap 29 - Purpose

Chap 16 - Pain

952 30 6
By ishtararahman

Reece was standing outside of their pack house to receive me. The patrol men must have informed him of my arrival. I parked the car in the front of the pack house.

"Thank you for arriving at such a short notice, Alpha Athena." Reece exclaimed. He led me inside and I followed.

The pack house was quite familiar to me. Even though I did not know my way completely. It was eerily quiet. Not because it was late and everyone was asleep. The atmosphere was cold and deadly. I could hear a distant sound of banging but it was really faint. Almost inaudible.

"Your luggage will be taken up to your room. I hope you have a comfortable stay." He gave a tight smile. I looked at him passively. There was something he was not telling me. Something he was restraining himself to tell.

"Where is he?" I enquired without beating around the bush. He almost seemed relieved at this.

"Do you want to see him now?"


"Sure." He sighed out a breath. Growls were heard but like before they were distant too.

Reece led me from the enormous hall to the underground dungeons. The familiar smell of the dungeons filled my nostrils. It was twice as much worse as the dungeons back in my pack. The banging and growls became clearer as I climbed down the stairs with Reece ahead of me. It was dark inside but due to werewolf abilities I was able to see clearly. At the end of the stairs were two separate routes. We went to the one on our right. It wasn't long before we reached a steel door. My curiosity was at its peak.

"Let me tell you something, it can get bloody." Reece informed me before opening the door. I entered and the scene was not what I was expecting.

In the vacant dark room, chained to the walls with silver chains sat the mighty King on the ground. His feet were also chained up but they were longer than the ones on his hands. Those on his arms were short in length. Probably to stop him from moving his hands. His chest was bare of clothes exposing six perfect abs that glistened with a thin layer of sweat as moonlight streamed in from a small window with bars. His sweatpants covered the rest of him. The smell was horrid. But his state was much more horrifying. Infront of me was my mate who was growling and vigorously moving his hands to free him. The chains rattled as he continued to tug at them roughly. He snarled and growled tugging at them. His futile attempts seemed to fuel his anger more.

His hair was disheveled and rested on his forehead. His forearms had patches of dirt on them and so did his waist. He did not even acknowledge my presence and like him I failed to acknowledge the presence of others in the room too.

"Who is that?" I turned to my left to see a lady with brown hair and enchanting green eyes. Her facial structure seemed familiar. Nonetheless, she was beautiful.

"Athena Black, Alpha of the Luna Rossa pack." I beat Reece at the introduction. Her eyes widened in recognition and she gave me a bright smile.

"I am Elizabeth Anderson, Xason's mother." That explains why she looked familiar.

"Nice to meet you."

"Likewise. It's a shame we had to meet under such circumstances." She looked at his direction and sadness filled her eyes.

"So, what do we do?" I asked, noticing a third figure beside Elizabeth. She was a doctor which was obvious due to her attire.

"We need to sedate him to stop him from hurting himself. It would get worse if he is not stopped." She explained worriedly. The tiredness visible in her eyes.

"Then why don't you do it?" I frowned. What was stopping her from sedating him. It was not like he would hurt her. He was chained up for fuck's sake. There wasn't anything he could do to her.

"That's the thing. He commands us anytime we get closer to him. This has been going on for two days now." Reece exasperated digging his hands in his pocket. Everyone was tired.

"What makes you think I could help?"

"You are the only one who does not have to listen to his commands. You can defy him." Defying him was something I had done before. It would be easy.

"What do I exactly do?"

"We need you to distract him so that Dr Susan here can finish her job." He explained and I nodded.

In the midst of our conversation, he seemed to have calmed down. His head hung low hiding his face with his luscious hair. I took baby steps towards him. I was fully alert. The air was tensed. One wrong move would cost us a lot. Just when I reached close to his foot, he growled at me. His eyes were yellow golden. It was his wolf not him.

"Stay away." His voice was deep and deadly. A shiver ran down my spine as I stared his eyes. He did not recognize me. If the situation was different, I wouldn't mind checking him. The moonlight made him look absolutely gorgeous. A Greek god. His eyes looked like pools of fire and I felt like drowning in them. I tip toed closer to him only to get yelled at.

"I told you to stay away!" He yelled the last part out loud and I felt obliged to listen to him. The chains rattled as he shifted. His posture straighter than before.

"I am not going to hurt you. It's just me, Athena." I intentionally mentioned my name hoping it would trigger him and he would recognize me. I took another step crossing the chain that was around his left leg. His calculative eyes watched me like a hawk as I took careful steps towards him. The growling had stopped. His eyes remained the same meaning his wolf was still in control.

I crouched down when I got closer to him to meet his gaze.

"What's wrong?" I softly asked, afraid he would snap at me any second. He was nothing less than a ticking bomb now. His face was a couple inches away from me.

"They won't let me out." He replied lowly but his voice was hard. Void less of any emotion.

"Why don't you let Xason take over?"

Wrong question. He snarled at me displaying his fangs. I backed away a bit in shock. Again, he tugged at the chains.

"No! I wont." He struggled trying to reach me. His attention was solely on me. The anger in his eyes was visible. They burned with rage. I could see Dr Susan inching towards him from the corner of my eye.

"Then what do you want to do?" I asked trying to distract him so that he doesn't notice Dr Susan.

"I want out."

"Maybe if you calm down a bit then we can let you out."

"How dare you tell me to calm down!?" He growled. The sound was deafening and full of authority. I could feel myself close to submitting to him. But I knew I couldn't. Not now. They brought me here for a reason. I pushed back my wolf's instinct to submit. It was now or never.

"It was not right of m- " My words were cut off by the sound of his snarl and the snapping of chains.


That's what I felt. Unbearable pain as his claws dug deep into my flesh. The metallic smell of blood filled my nostrils. I clutched his hand that was digging into my upper waist. He pulled me close by my flesh. His claws digging deeper causing me to cry out. He snarled on my face as I struggled to free myself. Looking up so close, he looked dangerous than ever. Deadly. Within a few moments, I was pulled back. His claws scratching me further up in the process. My vision was hazy. My ears were ringing. My head was thumping like a drum. Their words were incoherent to me. I looked at my bloody hands with blurry vision. Reece's blurry face entered my sight of vision. Pain shot through my veins as I felt myself being picked up. I groaned not being able to handle the excruciating pain anymore. My eyes were closing on their own accord and soon enough I was out like a light.


A very late update for y'all. What do you think of this chapter? What's going to happen next? Let me know in the comments.

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