Make Me. ~ T.Stark

By xxitssteverogersxx

2M 50.6K 79.5K

"I'm gonna need you to shut that mouth of yours before you say something you're gonna regret." "Make me." COM... More

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By xxitssteverogersxx

"Do you think the universe fights for souls to be together? Some things feel too strong to be a coincidence."

Aphrodite Stark.

We came at Thanos in different directions.

Tony shot large beams at the Titan using both of his hand repulsors, and I used a tornado of air to hold him in place, forcing Thanos to get hit by the beam.

I jumped on his back to take the air out of his lungs, and Steve threw his shield at the Titan at the same time.

Thanos grabbed me, holding me in front of him to take the blow of the shield, but I raised the Earth to form my own shield, blocking myself from the impact and making the Titan roll his eyes.

I made a ring of fire around him to prevent him from moving, and he looked at me in surprise, not expecting it.

"Do what you want to do boys!" I exclaimed, but Thanos used his double ended sword to sweep the flame off the ground, stepping outside of the ring.

Bad choice.

I manipulated the fire in his sword, sending it racing up his arm, burning the flesh there as he yelled him anguish, dropping his weapon and making me smirk, walking towards him.

Thor threw Stormbreaker at the Titan, and I grabbed onto it, letting go right before it hit his chest.

I wrapped my legs around his neck, and placed my hand above his mouth to finish the job, but he grabbed my waist, throwing me towards a stalagmite.

Before it could impale my stomach, I pushed myself up, flying into the air and standing on a rock, twisting my ankle slightly on impact.

I'll take a twisted ankle over death any day.

"Okay, Thor. Hit me." Tony said, after his suit grew back, allowing a chamber to harness energy.

Thor hit Mjolnir and Stormbreaker together, combining them with the sheer power of his lightning, sending the blast straight to Tony.

His suit absorbed the blast, and Tony used both his hand blasters to send the beam barreling towards the angry Titan.

I quickly reacted, using the rubble to lock the Titan's feet in place, making sure he couldn't move or defend himself against impending attacks.

It proved to have little success though, as Thanos twisted his blade around to divert the energy, almost like a fan maneuver, and it worked, much to my surprise, and annoyance.

Thor was unfazed by it though, and used Stormbreaker was a bat, to hit Mjolnir and send the hammer flying over to Thanos.

The thought made me grin, but Thanos picked up Tony with ease, using my husband as a shield, resulting in Tony flying backwards.

I sent a gust of air underneath my husband, making sure he wouldn't hit the ground too hard, but the impact was still rougher than I wanted it to be.

I thought he was going to get up and keep fighting, but he didn't.

Steve tried to attack Thanos, but was easily tossed to the side, so I wrapped the Earth around the Titan's body like vines.

While we was struggling against the restriction, I formed a large first with the rubble, punching him in the face with it, knocking him over and destroying the rubbley constriction I'm the process.

Thor tried to hit him again, but was blocked, hit by the Titan's sword, and thrown against a tree, getting punched in the face.

I sent a gust of air after Thor, pushing him out of Thanos' grip, and the Titan turned to glare at me.

He grabbed Thor again, and before I could react, threw him into a rock, and started punching Thor relentlessly, making me tell a string of colourful words at him.

I've had enough.

I began summoning a tornado, sending it towards Thanos, and sucking him inside of it as he dropped his sword.

I smirked to myself, pushing myself up into the air as the angry Titan yelled while he was being tossed around inside the tornado, and went flying out the top after a minute.

Exactly where I wanted him to be.

Once he was visible, I flew above him, and placed my hands on his shoulders, letting gravity take us down to the ground.

He looked at me with fear in his eyes, and I smirked, knowing he thought he was going to die.


I stopped myself at the last second before I hit the floor, but Thanos sent debris flying at his impact, groaning.

He got up, though.

Why does he always have to get up?

The Titan made a move back to Thor, who hadn't moved yet, and began punching him again, to finish the job.

I went to jump on Thanos' back, but Steve put his arm in front of me, stopping me from helping Thor, much to my confusion.

I opened my mouth to shout at him, but I noticed that Steve wasn't even looking at me. He was looking somewhere else.

Once I followed his gaze, I saw what he was staring it.

Mjolnir, sitting on the ground.

Thor tried to summon Stormbreaker to defend himself, but Thanos quickly grabbed it as it flew to the Asgardian God.

The Titan began trying to push the weapon into Thor's chest, and I looked at Steve, panicked and wanting to help him.

Steve walked towards Mjolnir, wrapping his hand around the handle.

Was he more worthy now than he used to be?

I looked back at Thanos, and noticed that he had managed, just barely, to push Stormbreaker through Thor's chest plate.

Waiting wasn't an option anymore.

I sent a gust of air underneath Stormbreaker, holding it centimetres away from Thor's heart, pushing with the God against the pressure from Thanos.

Looking back at Steve while holding the air in place, I saw he was already looking at me, and I watched as he slowly lifted Mjolnir, making me gasp.

Before I could say anything, he sent the hammer hurdling towards Thanos, which hit him hard in the back.

Fuck yes.

It flew past the Titan after the impact, and swiftly returned to Steve's hand, who looked at me with a triumphant expression.

Thanos looked confused, and angry, most likely since he hadn't killed Thor yet, but the Asgardian God looked happier than he'd been in a long time.

"I knew it!" He exclaimed, but his happiness came to a quick halt as Thanos kicked Thor in the head, rendering him unconscious.

And then there were three.

Steve charged at Thanos, swinging Mjolnir, and easily managing to hit the angry Titan in the face, knocking him down.

He threw his shield at Thanos, but he deflected it easily, so Steve threw Mjolnir at the shield to create a shockwave, which threw the Titan off his feet.

Once I saw that Thanos was stumbling backward, I sent a large gust of air at him, knocking him down.

I stomped on the ground, summoning large vines made of rubble, and wrapping them around the Titan's torso, holding him to the ground, and Steve nodded at me.

Cap used Thanos' situation to his advantage, throwing his shield at him, and when the shield returned to Steve, he threw it again, hitting it with Mjolnir to give it more power.

While the Titan was still down, Steve summoned lightning, shocking Thanos, but he managed to get up, grabbing me by the arm.

For a second, a split second, I thought he was going to kill me, or at the very least, break my arm, but he held me in the air, looking at Steve.

"You are both specs in an indifferent world." He said, and threw me to the side with so much force I barely had time to protect myself.

I went tumbling down the battlefield, feeling cuts adorn my body, before I rolled to a stop.

Once I looked up, I saw Thanos stab Steve in the leg, knocking Mjolnir out of his hand.

He then destroyed Steve's shield, and threw him across the rubble filled field.

We both lay on the ground, groaning in pain as Thanos was the last man standing.

Steve barely managed to get up, and I sat on the floor, coughing as I watched Thanos grin triumphantly.

"In all my years of conquest, violence, slaughter, it was never personal." the Titan said, and I spat blood on the ground next to me.

"I'll tell you now, what I'm about to do to your stubborn, annoying little planet. I'm gonna enjoy it, very, very much." Thanos smirked, and the next thing I knew, his entire army was brought to the ground, including his children and the Chitauri.

Steve gave me determined look, and I have him a broken, defeated one.

He wanted to keep fighting, but I didn't know if I could.

I felt like were going to die here.

My children were going to be orphans.

How would Happy explain to them why Tony and I never came home?

Steve just shook his head at me, knowing what I was think about, and he held his hand out for me to take.

I groaned, and took his hand, letting Steve pull me to my feet.

He then took his broken shield off his arm, groaning at the pain from the gash he'd sustained in the fight, during the process.

That didn't look good at all.

I looked at Steve, looking for some guidance.

I didn't know what to do.

It was the two of us, against all of them.

We couldn't win this.

"Hey, Cap, you read me?"

I looked at Steve in confusion, and he mirrored my expression.

Is that Sam?

"It's Sam. Can you hear me?"

Bruce did it.

He brought everyone back.

Steve and I looked around, confused, until a yellow portal began to form behind us.

"On your left." Sam said, and I looked to the portal on my left, to see three figures step through.

T'Challa, Okoye, and his sister, Shuri.

They were healthy, and they were okay.

It's a miracle.

Sam flew through the portal above their heads, and my heart lurched in happiness.

Dozens of portals began opening behind us, and I began crying when I saw Stephen Strange descend through the portal he created.

He was joined by Drax, Mantis and Quill, making me smile.

Then, Peter flew through the portal using his webs, landing on a rock and standing up.

He de helmeted, and I almost screamed from joy, and even though Peter couldn't see me, but I could see him.

I need to get to him.

I watched in awe as several more portals opened up behind me, people walking out from all corners of the universe, ready to fight alongside us.

The Wakandan army emerged, and our numbers increased by tenfold.

I saw all different beings, most of them I'd never met, but I'd heard about.

I saw the ravager ships, the Asgardians, Wong and the remainder of the Masters of the Mystic Arts, Valkyrie, Groot, and Hope Van Dyne.

Bucky Barnes walked out of a portal, holding his gun at the ready.

Then I saw Wanda.

We locked eyes, and she smiled at me.

Let's do this.

"Is that everyone?" Strange asked, as he and Wong walked up to us, and Wong gave him a look of disbelief.

"What, you wanted more?"

As if on cue, Scott emerged from the rubble of the facility, and he was absolutely massive.

I guess that's how he planned on saving the others.

He opened his hand, allowing Bruce, Rhodey and Rocket to jump out, and I smiled, happy they were okay.

Everyone began their battle stances, and our armies looked evenly matched, giving me a glimmer of hope.

Tony pulled himself to his feet next to me, and we smiled at eachother.

I knew what I was fighting for.

If we're only going to win one battle out of fourteen million, then please God, let it be this one.

"Avengers!" Steve yelled, standing next to me, alongside Tony and Thor.



next chapter is the last one, I hope you're all ready x

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