
By meeRANduh91

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Image by currens from Pixabay Laurell, who became a millionaire over night (thank you lottery), was what you... More

just a little info
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

Chapter One

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By meeRANduh91

Thank you for clicking on my story. Chapter one is just the beginning, literally. It explains what is happening and how the main character knows what's going on. Please leave comments or stars (whatever that does) if you like it and if you don't please let me know what I can do better. I ask that you please stick with me, it does get better. This chapter is pretty boring but it only gets better from here. Thank you again.


I stood there at my register, waiting on Mrs. Blanyard to finish placing her items on the conveyor belt so I could scan them. Just thinking of how my life would be so much easier and would be so much better had I not met Jake. Not only did he ruin my life but he ruined the life of my kids as well.

"Good morning Mrs. B." I said with a smile. I worked at the only big store we had here in Hudson Wyoming, it sold everything; from food to clothes to home decor but if you wanted furniture, you had to drive to the nearest big city which was two hours away.

"Good morning dear. How are you today?" Mrs. Blanyard asked me.

"Oh, I am alright. Thank you for asking. How are you doing today?" I asked back. Living in a small town with less than three hundred people, everyone knew everyone. About ninety percent of the people who lived in Hudson was born and raised here. Mrs. Blanyard was my teacher from first grade to fourth grade and again in high school; she was also my next door neighbor.

"I am doing well dear. How is Nick doing?" She asked softly. Nick is my step-dad and the reason I returned home. My mom needed help talking care of him so instead of going to a campus where I was working on getting my master's degree to become a doctor. Now I did online classes.

"He is doing better, thank you for asking." I told her as I continued scanning her items.

"Ugh! Can you hurry up!? We don't have all day." I heard another customer say from behind Mrs. Blanyard.

"I am sorry." I mumbled.

"Oh don't be sorry Laurell." Mrs. Blanyard said as she turned around, "You hush Angie, she is going as fast as she can and she is being nice."

"She could go faster." Angie said.

"Would you like to take her place? Would you like to do her job?" Mrs. Blanyard asked.

"No." Angie said, grinding her teeth.

"Then hush. She'll be done when she gets done." Mrs. Blanyard told her as she turned back around to face me.

"Your total is fifty two sixty four, Mrs. B." I told her with a smile.

"Here you are dearie." Mrs. Blanyard said as she handed me three new twenty dollar bills.

"Here is your change ma'am. Five, six, seven dollars and thirty six cents. Thank you Mrs. B. Hope to see you again soon." I told her.

"You will. Come over after work and pick up some of the cookies I am making." Mrs. Blanyard said as she grabbed her bags and headed out.

"About time." Angie said as she placed her items on the conveyor belt and walked to stand across from me. I eyed her items but didn't say anything. She had a pregnancy test, condoms and chocolate. Too late for the condoms I thought to myself.

"Your total is twenty two forty." I told her with a forced smile.

"Whatever, here." Angie said as she handed me a twenty and a five.

"Your change is one, two dollars and sixty cents." I told her, "Have a great day."

"Sure." She said as she snatched her bag and took off out the door.

There was no one else in my line so I yelled to my manager that I was going on break, it was eleven o'clock. Time for me to eat my lunch.

I picked up my phone and called my mom to see how my girls were doing and how my step-dad was doing. I am twenty three years old, with two children and three years into college to get my degree.

After I finished talking to my mom, my children and finished my lunch, I made my way to the counter at the very front of the store and bought a lottery ticket. Silly I know but I did it every week. I bought one for myself and one for my mom.

I got my tickets and walked back to my register, which is where I stayed for the next six hours.

The next two days were uneventful but on Wednesday, something happened that would change my life forever. I won the lottery, I won ninety million (sixty after taxes) dollars. I was on cloud nine. I was so excited. I got it "cashed", it went into my bank account of course. The day it hit my bank account, I started planning. I am a doomsday planner and paranoid to boot. I don't trust our government. Whether it be zombies, nuclear bombs, invasion of mer-people, I was getting prepared.

I called a relator and told her what I was looking for, two hundred acres that was out of town. I met her at her office that day, went out to land and bought it straight out. It was eight miles outside of town. There was a dirt road leading from the main road to the back of the property but the dirt road was hidden by bushes and trees. It was perfect because no one would know it was there. I went home and got on my computer and started my plans. It was going to be a bunker that was two football fields long, two football fields wide and would go down eight stories. There would be rooms, bathrooms, a common room, mess hall, garage, back up power, storage, greenhouse, hospital, a school, a park, a dog park, security room, a gym and a shooting range. The outside door would be impenetrable and the doors leading to the tunnels would only be accessible to a handful of people. Everything was perfect. I called a contracting company and got started on it. If you have ever seen Resident Evil, the first one, you get the idea of how the bunker will be, how it will be built in the ground.

After I got the plans for that worked out, a date set for them to come out and get started on it, I called another company and had them come in that day to put in a concrete fence around the property that I bought with barbed wire on the inside of the fence about five centimeters from the top. I had my mom, my dad, my brothers and their families, houses build inside the fence as well as mine. My house was closer to the bunker as was my moms but my brothers had four wheelers to get them to the bunker fast.

My oldest brother said that he wouldn't live there because he would feel like he was in prison and he didn't want that but it was built any way, sitting there waiting on him to change his mind.

Two years after winning the lottery, the bunker was done so now all I had to was get the things I needed for the inside. Everything from hospital beds to cafeteria tables to crayons for the school. I contacted numerous vendors to buy the non-perishables for the bunker. Things that would last years passed their expiration date, it took two semi trailers to deliver just the food. Then come the furniture, ordered from the same place. I bought the medical supplies we needed for the hospital. Including little bassinets for the nursery section of the hospital. After I got everything for the common room, mess hall, bedrooms, bathrooms, hospital, greenhouse and back up power, I went out and custom ordered two humvees that were delivered two weeks after I bought them. Four four-door Ford trucks, two small buses, a large bus and supplies to upgrade them if need be. Then came security, I went to the local gun shop and pretty much bought everything and went to an "underground dealer" and bought more guns along with tons of ammo. Lastly came computers, I bought the fastest ones and bought cameras to install throughout the bunker and on the outside. I also went and talked to a man about solar panels and had some delivered. The good thing about the bunker was, it had temperature control and we'd never lose power.

See what you don't know is that I have a very close friend that works with the CDC and he has an amazing skill. He's a hacker. He hacked into their system and seen that the CDC were going to test a new neuroagent to see how humans and animals reacted to it. The day he called is the day I set the plans into motion. They had a date that they were going to release the neuroagent. I couldn't tell anyone about it, that was the deal. He told me so I could things prepared but I wasn't allowed to tell anyone. He downloaded everything about the neuroagent on to his computer and he went AWOL. We were preparing and counting down the days until it's release.

My friend that worked with the CDC, Benji, moved into the bunker and was getting all the computers set up along with the cameras and he had a friend who was good with electronics come in and make radios because cellphones would probably stop working.

After everything was set up, I went to every store within a 100 mile radius and bought clothes. Different sizes. Men's, women's, children's, babies. I bought bed clothes, sheets, comforters, fans, underwear, bras, everything a person would need. I bought black clothes in different sizes, combat boots in different sizes, holsters, backpacks, water bottles, just everything you would need when impending doom was right around the corner. I went back to the car dealership and bought two more humvees and requested two armored cars and two vans. After I got every little thing we would absolutely need, I bought things that people might want. From chocolate bars to toys. Everything was ready and again, we needed trucks to deliver all of our stuff and one of the drivers made a comment, "what are you planning for? The end of the world?" If only he knew.

Days ticked by, we were counting down the hours. Six days before the neuroagent was set to be released, I drove to he border of Wyoming. They didn't have it blocked off yet so I figured they wouldn't be setting it off yet but there were people about two miles from the boarder, drilling holes for something.

I stayed in a hotel close to the boarder, I only stayed for three days because I wanted to get back to get my girls, animals and family prepared. The morning of the third day, I went out to the parking lot to get in my car and I seen the CDC and members of the US Military setting up about twenty miles down the road and it had me curious because they weren't closer. I got in my car and drove home, it only took an hour and I was home before my daughters got up, so I made my way to the bunker.

"Look at what they are doing." Benji said from behind his computer.

"I know, I seen that when I was up by the border, what are they drilling for? How are you seeing this?" I asked.

"That my dear friend, is the military and CDC prepping to release the neuroagent." He told me without looking from the screen, "and I am watching with the birds."

"The birds?" I asked.

"Yes. We created ten life-like mechanical birds with a camera in the eyes and belly, we are watching different areas of the border" He said.

"What are they doing though?" I questioned one of my best friends.

"They are about to blow the border." He said in awe, "Watch."

"But it's two days until they release, why are they blowing it now?" I asked.

"Because they want to leave enough time to fix mistakes." Noah said from the other side of the room.

"Shh!" Benji almost yelled, "watch!"

I watched the screens in front of Benji. Technically they were TVs but Benji had set up so that the computer projected on to the TVs. Each screen was showing something different, each bird was showing a different thing but it was similar. The military and CDC were using drills to drill into the ground to put in the charges.

They would drill a hole, place a charge, drill another hole about twenty feet down. They had been working on drilling for four days and nights. After they drilled the last ten holes, the three of us watched as they went one hundred yards back and blew the charges. They all went off at the same time and Benji made the birds fly higher. The charges blew holes in the ground, it was about two foot ball fields wide, and it looked like it went down for ever. It didn't surprise me though, the people who are about to release the neuroagent were able to create a bomb that made a hole super deep.

"Holy shit!" I said.

"Yeah, I know. We are now trapped. We need to have your family in the bunker by tomorrow afternoon." Benji said. "No later than that. Honestly, I would be more comfortable if we got them in the bunker tonight. But no later than tomorrow afternoon, get all your things together and get your asses down here."

"Okay, I will go get all of our things together and get everything transferred into here. Noah, you think you could help me bring my girls toys and things in here?" I asked as I turned to face Noah.

"Sure, Benji, wanna help?" Noah asked, pushing his glasses up.

"No. I need to stay here and watch the screens." Benji said as he turned the computer chair around, "help her and then get back in here! I don't want any of you trapped outside when they release the agents."

"Okay." Noah said as he walked over to Benji and gave him a kiss, "I will be back soon. Love you."

"Love you too." Benji said, "Lo, you wanna go ahead and bring your dogs down here?"

"No, I want them to enjoy the outside because I'm not sure when we will be able to let them out again. The fake grass only does so much." I replied, "do you know anyone that can install chain link fence on short notice?"

"Yes. Let me give him a call. Where do you want it installed at?" He asked.

"I want fence installed around the bunker door. Four acres on each side and around the solar panels then fence leading from the back of the bunker to the solar panels so we do not have to go outside the fence." I told him. "I forgot to have them do that when they were here. It needs to be at least eight feet tall with barbed wire at the top and connected to an electric box. We can't take any chances."

"Okay, I will call him now." Benji said as he turned back to his computer.

"Thank you Ben, love you!" I told him as I made my way out of the security room.

"Love you too!" He yelled which made me smile.

I walked out of the bunker door and headed to my house. Noah was already at my house in his truck.

I made my way to my house and seen that my mom was sitting on her porch sipping her coffee in her rocking chair. When she seen me, she waved. I waved back and walked over to Noah.

"Could you...." was all I could get out.

"Consider it done. Which rooms?" He asked.

"The girls rooms. Just their blankets, clothes and toys. The toys and clothes are already in boxes ready to go, you'll have to pack their blankets. They will be on the bed. I'll pack my own stuff and load it, unless you don't mind packing my underwear and bras." I told him with a wink.

"That's fine." He said with a smile. "Are the girls awake?"

"UNCLE NOAH!!!!" We heard two little girls yell as they ran to him.

"I guess they are." He said with a smile as he turned around and knelt on the ground so he could scoop the girls up.

"Where is Uncle Ben?" Kylie asked.

"He is working on his computer." I told them. "You will be able to see him soon. Either tonight or tomorrow. Will you help Uncle Noah? He needs your blankets and blankies so he can take them to Uncle Ben."

"Okay." Sofia said. "Can we go with Uncle Noah and Uncle Ben tonight?"

"Yes. I need to go talk to Nana. You two get in there and get all your things together." I told her.

I walked over to my mom's house and sat down next to her in the other rocking chair. We sat in silence for a few minutes and I grabbed my mom's hand.

"Mom, we have to get you and Nick into the bunker." I told her.

"Why is that Laurell?" She asked.

"Honestly?" I asked and when she nodded her head, I continued, "the CDC is going to release a neuroagent. I'm not sure what it's going to do to us but we need to get you all into the bunker."

"Okay. Go tell your brothers." My mom said. "I will go get our things together. We will go down there tonight."

"You don't have to be down there until tomorrow afternoon though." I told her.

"Nonsense. We will go down there tonight while Nick is feeling a little better." My mom told me, "is Benji down there as well? I seen Noah."

"Yes he is." I told her.

"Is that how you know?" She asked.

"Yes. He told me about it a couple weeks ago before he went AWOL at his job. He downloaded all the information about it that he could. He's down there working on security." I told her.

"Security?" My mom laughed. "Security for what?"

"To protect us against everything that isn't safe for us." I told her.

"Okay. Go tell your brothers." She said, "Let me finish my coffee in peace."

I got up and bent down to kiss her on her cheek then told her, " Yours and Nick's room is on the third floor second door on the left, I love you mom."

I hopped on the golf cart that was sitting in front of her house and headed to my brother's houses. I have four brothers but only three are living inside the fence, my oldest brother and his family are currently living in a house two towns over because he didn't want to feel like he was in prison.

I got to my second oldest brother's, Daniel's, house. I parked the golf cart and headed up to the door. It sucked keeping secrets from my brothers because we always told each other everything but being honest, I am closer to Daniel and Aiden than I am the other two. William is hardly ever around and Gabriel doesn't live here so I spent time with the other two.

I walked up to the door and knocked. After a few seconds, the door opened and I looked down to see my four year old nephew, Daniel II standing at the door in his superhero panties. I picked him up and walked in the house.

"Hey DJ, where is your daddy at?" I asked him.

"He's using the potty." DJ told me.

I heard the bathroom toilet flush and the bathroom door open. I kissed him on the cheek and sat him down on the couch.

"Hey Lo. What's up?" Daniel asked as he walked in the kitchen in his pajama pants, headed towards the fridge.

"Hey little man, go check on your little brother please." I told DJ and turned to look back at Daniel.

"Okay." DJ said.

"What's going on Lo?" Daniel asked as he sat his cup on the counter.

"I need you to get the boys and Kendall and head to the bunker." I told him in my serious voice.

"Are you serious?" He laughed.

"Yes." I told him.

"Why?" He asked.

"The CDC is planning on releasing a neuroagent, they have already blown holes separating us from Montana, Idaho, Utah, Nebraska, and South Dakota but they left the Colorado border in tact. Benji is at the computers, seeing if Colorado is blocked off from the other states or if it's just us. I think they set up a fence, one you have to pass the military to get through." I told him.

"Are you serious?" He asked as he slammed his fist down on the counter. "Why didn't you tell us?"

"I couldn't tell you until it was time. I didn't want you to tell everyone and get them in a panic. We need to have everyone in the bunker by tomorrow afternoon, no later than five." I told him.

"Shit! I wish you would have told us so we could get prepared." He said as he started pacing.

"I already have everything a person could need down in the bunker, even beer. You just need to get personal belongings that you want to keep and take it down to the bunker, to your little 'apartment' on the third floor, third door on the right. Have you talked to Gabe?" I asked.

"Yeah. He's suppose to be swinging by today, not sure if he is going to or not but he's suppose to." He told me.

"Okay. Can you get the boys and Kendall ready and down in the bunker by tomorrow afternoon? Is dad still staying at Gabe's house?" I asked.

"Yes he is, I will get the boys things and get them loaded in the truck. What about Holly?" He asked.

"Bring her. You can put your truck in the bunker" I told him. "Danny?"


"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner." I told him as I walked out of his house. I walked down the stairs and got in the golf cart. One down, three to go.

I went to the next house which was Aiden's house. Aiden was walking out of his house as I pulled up.

"Hey loser." He said as he made his way to his truck. All of the boys had trucks and I had a newer jeep and mom had her tahoe.

"I need to talk to you, A." I told him.

"I don't have time sis, I have to go to work. I am late." He said.

"A, you need to hear this." I told him. "Please?"

"Okay. You've got five minutes." He said as he put his lunch box in his truck.

"You don't have to worry about work." I told him to start off.

"Why?" He asked confused.

"Because the CDC is letting off a neuroagent in two days, we need to get everyone in the bunker." I told him. "We are blocked off from all states except Colorado, I'm not sure if they are blocked off from anyone or not but what I do know is there is a fifteen foot high fence with barbed wire at the top blocking us from getting to Colorado and there are military members on that side, camping close to the fence."

"Holy shit!" Aiden just about yelled, "Why didn't you tell us before?"

"Like I told Danny, I wasn't able to tell you. To be honest, I wasn't sure they would really be setting it off but they already blew the borders and the clock is counting down. I've already told mom about it and am about to head over to Will's house to tell him." I said. "Can you just forget about work, grab your belongings and head to the bunker. You can stay in your house for one more night if you wish but I need you there by tomorrow afternoon, no later than four. Your apartment is on the third floor, fourth door on the right. Will you be there?"

"Yes, Lo. I will get my things and head down there." He told me.

"Good. You can park your truck in there as well." I said.

"Okay. What about FatBoy?" He asked.

"Bring him, there is plenty of room for him. Mom should be there by the time you get down there if you're waiting until around five. She's drinking her coffee right now. Once we know what the neuroagents are going to do to people, we will start target practice." I told him.

"Okay. Fourth door on the right?" He asked.

"Yes." I said as I got back in the golf cart, "A, I'm sorry I wasn't able to tell you before."

"It's okay Lo. We will have a family meeting later and you can explain better there. Okay?" He replied.

"Okay. Thanks for being understanding A." I said as I drove off and headed to the next house. Two down, two to go.

I drove over to William's house and pulled up. Finally, I was happy to see one of the girls instead of the boys. Lisa was sitting on the front porch on her phone and held up one finger to me telling me to wait just a minute.

"Okay, I will." She said. "Okay. Talk to you later." When she hung up and put her phone down I asked her,

"Where's Will?".

"He's in the house. What's up?" She asked.

"Come with me. I need to talk to my brother and since you are up, you need to be there as well." I said as I made my way into the house.

"Will?" I said as I walked in.

"Lo?" He asked as he walked down the hallway. Looking at the clock on the wall, it was now noon.

"I need to talk to you. Please sit down." I told him.

"You're not pregnant are you?" He said sarcastically.

"Ha, you're funny. Funny guy." I said, "You have to have sex to get pregnant Will and I haven't been with anyone for the last three years. So no, no I'm not pregnant funny man."

"What is it?" Lisa asked from behind me.

"Please just sit down." I told her. She made her way over to the couch and sat next to Will, placing her hand on his leg.

"Lo, you're scaring me." Lisa said.

"You should be scared." I told her.

"What do you mean?" Will asked.

"The CDC is letting off a neuroagent." I told them.

"What does that mean for us?" Lisa asked.

"I'm not sure. They are letting the neuroagent off on Monday morning. They have already blew up the borders, all except Colorado. The Colorado border has a fifteen foot high fence, with the military camping out on the other side. I'm not sure what the agent is going to do to people but they are releasing it." I told them, "I need you all in the bunker by four tomorrow afternoon. Your apartment is on the third floor third door on the left."

"Okay, we will get our things together and be in the bunker in the morning." Lisa said. "What about our animals?"

"Bring them. There is a 'green room'. It's got artificial grass and what not, for the dogs." I told her. "Please be there. I will stop by again in the morning. Park your truck in the bunker if you want to Will. I have to go talk to dad."

"We will be there." Will said as he stood up when I did. Will might be my little brother but he was taller than I was. All of the boy were. I am five six while my brothers are all over six foot.

"I am sorry I wasn't able to tell you all sooner. Ben and I thought it was best to not let anyone know until we were for sure, ya know?" I said and let a tear slip out. I hated not being able to tell them sooner but I wanted to make sure it was happening, I didn't want to get them worked up over nothing.

"It's okay." Will said as he brushed the tear off my cheek and kissed my forehead, "we understand."

"We will have a family meeting after everything happens." I told them. "I have to go to Gabe's and talk to dad. I will see you in the bunker. Love you guys."

"We love you too Lo." Lisa said.

I left the house and got in the golf cart to head to my oldest brother's house where my dad was staying. My dad wanted to stay closer to us kids and his grandkids so he decided to move into my oldest brother's house.

I pulled up to my brother's house and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and walked up to the door. I didn't have to knock because my dad was staying here.

I opened the door and yelled, "Pop?"

"Lo, is that you?" my dad said as he stepped into the living room.

"Yeah, it's me. I need to talk to you. I need you to get whatever belongings you have and head to the bunker." I told him.

"What ever for?" He asked as he sat down on the couch.

"The CDC is setting off a neuroagent and we aren't sure what it does to a person. We need everyone that's here, in the bunker. Gabe is suppose to go by Danny's later on today, I'll catch him while he's there and talk to him. Will you head down there? I need you down there before four tomorrow afternoon." I told him.

"Yes sweetheart, I will go down there. I'll go grab Daisy and head down." He said.

"Alright, you can take your truck down there as well." I told him.

"Okay Lo, I'll see you down there. Where are the girls?" He asked.

"They are with Noah, they are packing the things they really want and heading down to the bunker." I told him.

"Alright. Is Ben down there as well?" He wondered.

"Yes, he is working on the computers." I said.

"Perfect! There isn't anyone better for that." Dad said.

"Your apartment is on the third floor, first door on the right." I told him, "and Pop, I'm sorry I didn't tell you before."

"It's alright Laurell, I understand." He told me as he kissed my cheek.

"Okay. We are having a family meeting after we find out what the neuroagent does to people. Love you." I told him as I kissed his cheek and headed out of the house.

I got on the golf cart and headed back to my house to check on my girls and fix them lunch. As I drove passed the boy's houses, I noticed they were doing what they said they would. Loading up the belongings they want. I am glad they are taking me seriously.

I pulled up to my house and turned the golf cart off, and laid my head on the steering wheel. Breathe in, breathe out I kept telling myself.

"Mommy?" Kylie said standing next to the golf cart.

"Yes sweetie?" I said as I lifted my head up.

"Are you okay?" She asked softly.

"I am okay sweetheart." I said as I got off the golf cart, picked her up and headed into the house. "Are you hungry?"

"No, Uncle Noah already fed us. He fixed...." Kylie said.

"His famous grilled cheese." I finished for her with a laugh. They loved Noah's grilled cheese for some reason.

"Yep. Sof already ate two." Kylie said.

"Did you two get your things packed?" I asked her as I opened my front door.

"Uh-huh." She replied as I sat her down.

"Thank you for feeding them. I managed to talk to everyone but Gabe, we need to head to the bunker and get everything set up." I told Noah.

"Okay. Girls, wanna ride with me?" He asked the girls.

"Can I drive Uncle Noah?" Sofia asked.

"You've gotta ask your mom that Sof." Noah replied.

"You can drive to the bunker but once you get there, Uncle Noah has to drive. Deal?" I said.

"Deal!! Thanks momma." Sofia said.

"I already packed everything into the truck. All we have to do now is get the dogs and their things. What all do you want to take?" Noah asked from behind the kitchen island.

"I need to grab the crates, their food and water bowls, their food and treats, and their beds." I told him as I walked into the pantry closet next to the washer and dryer. "I will get all of it and put it in the jeep then head to the bunker. I can meet you all down there. Just watch out for the boys and my parents, they should be heading down there soon."

"Okay. We will see you down there, I am going to take them to see Ben as well." Noah told me from in the kitchen.

"Alright, just make sure they don't touch the computers." I told him. "You two be good, we will be down there in a little bit."

The girls raced out to Noah's truck and waited for him so they could get in. Once they were in the truck and headed to the bunker, I took the dog food and treats out to my jeep then backed it up closer to the front door so I wouldn't have to carry the crates too far. After I got everything loaded up, I went throughout the house and grabbed a couple things I know I'd want down there with me like: my camera, my pillow, my house shoes, a couple set of pajamas, my Apple laptop, fan, pictures of my family that I had hanging up in the living room, and a few other things. I loaded everything up that I wanted, locked my front door (still a little paranoid, so what) and headed to the bunker. On my way there, I noticed my oldest brother's truck at Daniel's house so I decided to drive over there first.

When I pulled up, my oldest brother Gabriel came out and walked up to my jeep. I hoped out and he started badgering me.

"Why didn't you tell us sooner?" Gabriel asked.

"Because, I wanted to make sure it was happening. I didn't want you all to freak out and it never happen, I've been as prepared as possible. I have the bunker and underground quarters ready to go. I was going to come over here and talk to you anyway because I need you to get the kids and Erika and head to the bunker. We need to get everyone situated and ready for what's coming." I told him.

"Damn it Lo!" He yelled. "You should have told us sooner. What are we going to do about Erika's family? Huh? Her mom and her dad, her grandma?"

"You can tell them, get them prepared. We don't have time to get everyone we want to try to save, to the bunker." I said.

"See! This is exactly why you should have told us sooner, so we could get everyone prepared." He replied as he ran his hand through his hair, frustrated.

"No. We can't save everyone, Gabe. Surely, you of all people understand that." I said softly. "If you want to bring Erika's parents and grandma, so be it but that is all. We can't save everyone. You tell one person, they tell one person, the next thing you know everyone will be panicking."

"With good reason Lo. We have to try to save everyone that we can." He said.

"No Gabe! Damn it. Do you not understand? You can't save everyone. After the neuroagents are released and it's safe to go out again, we will go out and search for survivors but we can't tell anyone else." I hollered.

"See, that's the difference between you and I. I want to save everyone I can BEFORE the agents are released and you want to save everyone AFTER. It's bullshit." Gabriel said.

"It's not that I don't want to save them Gabe, I can't save everyone." I said.

"No, you can't. You only care about saving those closest to you." He replied.

"Think that, if it makes you feel better. I had the bunker built for this. The bunker is MINE and I am sharing it with my family, to keep them safe from what ever the CDC is planning on releasing. If that makes me a bad person, so be it but I refuse to send the community into a panic. They will know Monday morning." I said, placing my hand on his arm. "You all should go get your things together and head to the bunker. Bring Erika's mom, dad and grandma but be there Gabe. Please."

"Alright Lo. We will be there." He said softly.

"I'm sorry it has to be like this Gabe, I really am. If you want to be mad at me and hate me, fine but as long as you all are safe in the bunker, that's what matters. If I could've told you sooner, I would have." I told him.

"I understand Lo. We will be there. We will come back tomorrow afternoon." He said.

"No later than five please. Your apartment is on the third floor, second door on the right. We can get her parents and grandma situated when they get here." I told him as I walked back to my jeep and hopped in. "I love you Gabe."

"I love you too Lo." He said as he started to go back to Daniel's front door, "see you tomorrow."

As I made my way towards the bunker, I noticed a familiar car at my mom's house.

"Damn it!" I said under my breath.

I pulled up to my mom's house and got out of my jeep. As I made my way to the front door, I heard the voice I heard throughout grade school and throughout high school.As I walk through the front door my mom smiled at me and that smile told me one thing, she called Mrs. Blanyard over.

"Look who's here Lo." My mom said with a smile on her face.

"Mrs. Blanyard. It's nice to see you." I said with a forced smile.

"Now Laurell, how long have I known you?" Mrs. Blanyard asked.

"You've known me all my life ma'am. You're my mom's best friend." I replied.

"Then why didn't you tell me about the nonsense that the CDC is doing? I had to hear it from your mother, two days before they are suppose to release.. what did you call it Kat?" Mrs. Blanyard asked my mom.

"A neuroagent." I said.

"That's right. A neuroagent. Now Laurell, why didn't you tell me?" She asked and my mom smiled at me, a smile that said busted.

"No offense Mrs. Blanyard but I didn't tell you because I didn't want you telling everyone. I know how you are with your sewing circle, you like to gossip and this is one thing you would've told everyone. Gabe is the same way. I just ran into him and he's pissed, with good reason to be but Gabe would have told everyone and that's the last thing we need." I told her nicely.

"I wouldn't have told anyone Laurell, you're right. We don't need everyone panicking about something they can't change. Were you going to come get me or even tell me before it happened?" She asked.

"Of course! I was going to come over to your house once I got my children and my dogs settled into the bunker." I told her.

"Okay dear." She said with a smile, "my things are in the car. If you can, put them in your jeep and take them to the bunker with you."

"Yes ma'am." I said. "Your room will be the first room on the right, on the fourth floor."

"Alright Laurell, I don't have to go back to my house. My dog is in the back yard so everything is good to go. I will sit here with your mom and Nick, then help them to the bunker when they are ready." Mrs. Blanyard said.

"Okay Mrs. Blanyard." I said as I walked over to my mom and kissed her cheek.

"Enough with the Mrs. Blanyard nonsense, you're not in school anymore." She said.

"Okay Aunt Tina." I said and walked over and gave her a kiss on her cheek. "See you all down there."

I walked out of my mom's house and headed for Tina's car to get the things she wanted out of it and transfer them into my jeep. When I opened her trunk, I was surprised. There was a small suitcase and a small box. Hell, the girls could've carried this stuff to the bunker. I sighed and put them in my jeep and headed to the bunker.

The bunker had the main door that you had to come through to get into the bunker. It was a room with three doors. One to the left which led to the garage, one on the right led to hall with two elevators, the door in the middle led to another room which is where your face would be ran through facial recognition and it had three doors, the one you walk through to get into the room; the one on the left which led to a holding room if you are not recognized, you'd be held there and the one on the right that led to a hall where the security room was and the hall had two doors; the door you had to come through and the security room and it had two elevators, one on each side of the hall. If you weren't recognized; the door on the Where you will be questioned and what not. If you are recognized, the door on the left will open up and you can go anywhere throughout the bunker and with the secondary door, if you are in a vehicle, the garage door will open up so you can drive down and park The main door and door in the middle could be opened manually. There were cameras everywhere inside the bunker, every where except the dorms, the apartments and the bathrooms. It sounds confusing but it's very simple.

So far, I was the second one who came to the bunker with my stuff. The first being Noah and the girls. Still waiting on the boys to show up. I parked next to Noah's truck which was close to the elevator and stacked all of our things in there then headed up. Once I got to the third floor, I got a powered cart and loaded our things up and headed to our apartment.

My apartment, Daniel's and Gabe's apartments were three bedrooms, mom's, dad's, Aiden's and Will's were more like studio apartments. I went into my apartment and noticed the girls things were already there in the living room, waiting to be put away. I stacked them on top the powered cart and went to the bedrooms. After putting things where they go, I took four powered carts down to the garage and put them next to the elevator. We had plain metal carts (not supermarket carts but the kind warehouses use) next to the elevator so everyone could get their things where they go. I went back to my jeep and grabbed Tina's things out of the front seat and headed to the fourth floor. Once I put her things in her dorm room I headed to security.

When I got to security, I noticed my dogs were already in the bunker with the girls and the girls were sitting on the floor watching cartoons on TV.

"Might as well let them fry their brains now on this pointless crap, right? Since it won't be there on Monday." Noah said when he noticed me looking at the girls.

"That's fine." I told him then turned to Benji to ask, "Any news?"

"Yes." He said.

"Okay, what is it?" I asked.

"Well." He said as he turned around to look at me. "They didn't block off any thing from Colorado except us. They have electrified the fence now so if anyone makes it close enough, they will get a good zap."

"Okay. Anything else?" I asked.

"Um." He said.

"You're evading the question Benji. Just tell me." I told him.

"Come over here please. I want you to see it for yourself." He replied.

"Alright." I murmured and walked over to the computer. Benji typed a few things on the computer and brought up the view from a bird close to the Colorado border. He pulled it up on the computer and not the TVs. When I realized that, I seen why.

"He knew?!" I said quietly.

"Apparently." Benji said.

"Why hasn't he called or warned us?" I asked, more to myself than Benji.

"I'm not sure Lo." Benji said softly.

"Just shows he doesn't really care about his daughter." I replied, staring at the man I was married to for four years on the computer screen.

"You knew that already though Lo." Noah told me.

"Yeah but this takes it to the next level. I mean damn. He is in the military, working with the CDC. Knowing that they are releasing a neuroagent and he doesn't even call to see if I have her somewhere safe or not." I said turning away from the screen. "He makes me sick. Please don't tell the girls."

"We won't." Noah and Benji said at the same time.

I looked over at my girls and it felt like my heart was going to explode. I think I was having an anxiety attack. I got married when I was eighteen to a man in the military, he was a Navy SEAL sharpshooter and together we had a daughter. Married for four years and then divorced. Not a day too soon either. My girls were my life so I didn't care whether my ex cared about his daughter or not, I cared enough for both of us. It takes a strong person to be a single parent to not one but two children.

I sat down in a chair next to Benji and continued to watch my girls. I wasn't sure what the neuroagents were going to those here in Wyoming and it had me scared but I knew that inside this bunker, nothing would get to us unless we let it. We sat there and continued to watch the girls watch tv.

"Well, looks like Aiden took you seriously and didn't think you were a nut job." Noah said.

I looked over at the monitor that he was looking at and Aiden was at the main garage door. Benji hit the button to let him in and I stood up.

"I'm going to go down and show him around." I told them.

"Okay." Noah and Benji said in unison.

I made my way from security on the first floor to the elevator so I could head down to the eighth floor, where the garage is. Once I got down there and the doors opened, I came face to chest with my youngest brother. I looked up at his face and smiled.

"Thank you A, for taking me seriously." I told him.

"We all are Lo. The others will be down in a few. All except Gabe, he left." He told me.

"Okay. I talked to him, he said he would be here before five tomorrow night." I told him. I put my hand on his to stop him from hitting the button to go up. "Listen, I need to tell you something before you find out from Benji or Noah."

"Sure thing. What's up?" He asked.

"Jake is at the fence separating us from Colorado." I said softly.

"WHAT!?" He yelled so loud it made me jump. "What the hell is he doing there?"

"I'm not sure but he is. I know he is one of the SEALS sharp shooters. He's camped out at the fence. He seen Benji's bird and looked right at it." I told him.

"Has he called to check on Ky?" Aiden asked.

"No." I said. "I haven't heard from him in two years."

"Damn it Lo." Aiden said. "I'm sorry. He's a piece of shit and Ky is better off without him."

"I know. Please don't mention it to her." I said. "She stopped asking about him and stopped trying to talk to him."

"I won't." Aiden said softly.

I pushed the button to head to the third floor and once we left the elevator, I showed him to his apartment.

"I know it's not nearly as nice as your house, but it'll do. Right?" I asked him.

"It's perfect Lo. Thanks." Aiden said as he wrapped his arm around me. "Don't worry about the douchebag. You have us."

"Thanks A. I need to head back to the first floor and see if anything new has happened." I told him.

"Love you loser." He said to me as I walked out his door.

"Love you too punk." I said and made my way to the first floor.

When I got into the security room, Benji threw me a small box.

"Here." He said. "These are ear pieces, everyone can hear everyone. It doesn't have a range limit, you could drive from here to Florida and we'd still hear you. Only we can hear each other, you don't have to worry about someone else picking up or over hearing anyone else. Noah designed them. You can say the name of the person you want to communicate with and it sort of rings on their end, they are pretty cool."

"Thanks." I said and opened the box. They were so thin and the size of a dime. Something must have shown on my face because Noah looked at me and said, "Put yours in."

I took one out of the box and stuck it in my right ear. It adjusted to the size of my ear and extended kind of like a bluetooth ear piece. It was amazing.

"Awesome." I said. "I will go give Aiden his now."

"Better give Will and Lisa one too." Noah said and when I looked at the screen, I smiled. It made my heart happy to know that my family was taking me seriously.

I headed back to the elevator again and met Lisa and Will in the garage. I walked over to Will's truck and took two ear pieces out of the box and handed them over.

"Here. They are so we can communicate with each other. Sort of like a bluetooth. You put one in, it adjusts to your ear and you say the name of the person you want to talk to. The ear piece that belongs to that person, sort of rings like a phone or vibrates. It sounds cool. Try it." I said.

"Thanks Lo." Lisa said.

"Will, I need to tell you something." I said.

"Better wait a minute, looks like Danny and Dad are pulling in now." Will said.

Once Danny and Dad got parked I told them about the ear pieces and handed theirs to them. One for Danny, one for Kendall, one for dad. I explained about them and went over to the elevator to get the carts for them so they could get their things to their apartments.

"You wanted to tell me something Lo?" Will said.

"Yeah. Danny, come here." I said and everyone came to stand beside Will's truck.

"Before Aiden tells you. I have something I need to tell you all." I said slowly, trying to take my time before having to tell them about Jake.

"What is it Lo?" Kendall asked as she put her hand on my shoulder.

"A little bit ago, Benji brought something to my attention. He was using his bird drones to find out the situation with the Colorado borders as well as the borders around Wyoming. When he showed me the Colorado one, I seen that the military and the CDC are camped by the fence. The fence that is blocking Wyoming from Colorado. When he zoomed in a little bit, I um." I said. I didn't want to bring it up because talking about Jake was a sore spot for my family. Everyone hated him.

"You what?" Will asked.

"I seen Jake." I almost whispered.

"WHAT!?" Will and Danny yelled in unison.

"What do you mean you saw Jake?" Lisa asked.

"He's there. He's camped out at the fence with his sniper." I told them, letting them hear how mad I was about the whole situation, "and before you ask. No he hasn't called to check on Ky. He hasn't called to see if she was in a safe place. He doesn't care. Not about her, he only cares about himself. Please, don't say anything to her about him. She's stopped asking about him and I don't want to hurt hers or Sof's feelings."

"Of course we won't say anything." Kendall assured me. "Are you okay?"

"I guess. I mean it kind of hurts knowing my daughter has given up on her dad because he's consumed with himself but I am okay." I told her, letting all the tension out.

"We won't say anything Lo." Will said as he and Danny walked over to me hugging me and each other.

"Thanks guys." I said. "Put your ear pieces in, so we can keep in contact. Family meeting about three hours, which will be at nine. The kids should be asleep by then. Can you find your way to your apartments?"

Everyone nodded.

"Yep." Will said.

"Third floor. Don't forget." I told them and headed to the elevator. "Security is on the first floor. I will tell you all where everything else is in the family meeting."

"Okay." Kendall said. "See you up there."

I pushed the number one button and headed back to security.

This is the first time I've ever released any of what I have written. If you have read this far, thank you! I promise it gets better. Please let me know what you think. And I am terribly sorry for any typos. It's hard to catch them all with the chaos of 4 kids running around. Thank you all.

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