A Sapphire in the Snow

De riocat1

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If Brienne could give Tormund a chance, he would give her the world. Set after the events of Season 8, Brienn... Mai multe

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 18 - Epilogue

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De riocat1

Two moons after Jaime Lannister left the North without Brienne, she presented her husband, Tormund, with their second child. She had again correctly predicted their baby's gender, as she would with all of their children. Their eldest daughter arrived near midday, and they called her Annalyse, a name inspired by that of one of Brienne's departed sisters. The infant joined her brother Selmund as he had come into the world, delivered by the midwife, Vrenna, on a fur spread across the floor of their warm hut surrounded by her entire family. Munda and Anya again assisted Brienne's delivery. The babes were followed soon after by two more sons and another girl. Their next child, a boy Galladon, was the namesake of Brienne's dear brother who had died in childhood. Their youngest daughter's name was again found in that of Brienne's sister, and sounded much like her own. Rianne was the spitting image of her mother, and the only one of their children who wore her sunny yellow hair. Not long after, they named their youngest son once more for his father and grandfather. Torwyn was the baby of the family and was doted on by all of them. Munda and Anya filled their house of nine. Tormund was certain there had never been a happier, more complete family in all of the Seven Kingdoms.

Over the years, as their children grew strong, the deep love and devotion between Brienne and Tormund strengthened and flourished. Brienne thrived in her role as wife and mother, North of the Wall. She also became a respected and revered member of the village, as Tormund was already. They were leaders in their frozen world, and saw to their community as they did their family with kindness, caring, and ferocious protectiveness. Queen Sansa had once described Brienne perfectly. She was every bit the vigilant, watchful mother bear. She was also the most devoted and adoring wife. Her husband and children were her entire world. Tormund never once took the blessings he had been given for granted. He was the proudest husband and father in the entire Realm. Together, he and Brienne raised a legacy from their love.

Bran Stark had been correct in what he had told Queen Sansa about Brienne and Tormund, their destiny, and the family they would raise. It seemed their name and blood were to be forever entwined in both the history and future of not only The North, but the whole of Westeros. The family remained close to Queen Sansa and her husband Sandor Clegane, as well as their six children. In her eighteenth year, Annalyse would marry the Queen's eldest son, Robb Stark Clegane. While his older sister, Elinore would sit the throne in the North, and her line would rule from Winterfell, it was the descendants of the three children that Annalyse gave Robb who would cement the bond between the North and the Land Beyond The Wall.

Rianne remained close to her parents. She wed a son of one of the elders of their village. She was as fierce a protector as her mother, whom she looked exactly like. She was also as loving a mother to her four children as Brienne had been to her and her brothers and sisters. Anya, also made her life in their village, her calling was to be a fighter as well. Brienne and Tormund taught her well, and Anya along with her man and their two children became defenders of their village. Torwyn married a sweet farm girl from near Mole's Town, and happily raised his family of five on a modest plot of land just south of The Wall.

Galladon was bestowed title and lands on Tarth, becoming a bannerman to The Evenstar. He fell deeply in love with a village girl, and brought his Wildling wife to his mother's ancestral island, to become a southern lady. They raised their four children in warm sunshine, and were happy for all of their days. Munda was introduced to the son of a distant cousin of Brienne's during one of the family's trips to Tarth, visiting Lord Selwyn. Several years later, she stood in the Godswood at Evenfall, that young man's bride. She gave her husband six sons, and took them North often to visit their grandparents, and learn the ways of her people.

Despite the distance between himself and his family, as well as his advancing age, Lord Selwyn visited Beyond the Wall regularly. He swore that not a year would pass without him enjoying his grandchildren. He was fascinated by the Real North, and it took him no time to feel at home in the Wildling village. Tormund and Brienne traveled to Tarth with their family several times over the years, eager for their children to know both of their heritages. It had been decided that, as the eldest heir to House Tarth, Selmund would become The Evenstar when the time decreed. The boy understood the importance of his future title. He loved Tarth, he loved his grandfather, and he had inherited the same intense sense of honor and duty that had made his mother the first woman knight in Westeros. He would accept his role with pride and integrity.

In his seventeenth year, Selmund was called to Tarth by his grandfather. He would begin his stewardship at Evenfall, and learn all that came along with becoming the lord of House Tarth. Brienne's proud smile shown brightly even through her tears as she bid goodbye to her son and sent him upon the path of his duty. On the young man's twenty-first Nameday, an aging and ailing Lord Selwyn anointed his daughter's eldest son, Selmund Giantsbane of Tarth, the Evenstar. Lord Selmund soon after married the beautiful young first daughter of House Rowan from the Reach, thus strengthening the influence of his house across the middle of Westeros. The advantageousness of the union was only a happy benefit to another Giantsbane marriage founded in deep and enduring love. Selmund and his wife Maliya, adored each other and were as deliciously happy as his parents always were. They would give Brienne and Tormund four grandchildren.
Jaime returned to Casterly Rock after his failed quest to win back Brienne's heart. He had nowhere else to go. At first, he brooded. No balm could ease his broken heart. No liquor could create a haze deep enough for him to forget. No pit could have ever been deep enough to bury him in his misery. Being the oldest Lannister heir, Jaime was now Lord of The Rock. Tyrion, busy in the capital with his duties as Hand of The King, was happy for his brother to assume the position of Lord Lannister. Jaime hated his own home, the place where his memories were of Cersei. There was nothing of Brienne in this place, save for the aching longing in his soul.

"I cannot be here, Tyrion" Jaime confided to his brother several months after he left the North, while the younger Lannister was visiting to check on him.

"There are no distractions." Jaime lamented. "Even the silence speaks her name." Every moment of his existence in his massive sprawling fortress, Jaime thoughts were consumed with Brienne.

Tyrion had forced Jaime a top his horse within minutes, and rode him all the way to Lannisport. Lord Lannister received a personal tour of some of the more broken down places Tyrion had frequented while carousing in his younger days. Jaime was speechless at the poverty he encountered. Women begged in the street for food with which to feed their emaciated children. Men, some handicapped, some downtrodden, some obviously addicted to all sorts of demons prowled the streets. Orphans, were left to mercy of any predator whose path they happened to cross.

"I have never seen this place." Jaime declared, confused.

Tyrion gave him a glare that partly smacked of irony, and was partly tinged with disgust at how sheltered Jaime had been.

"Do you think Tywin would have allowed his great golden lion in a place like this?" He chuckled. "You and Cersei barely left The Rock during our youth." Tyrion reminded him.

"Why bring me here?" Jaime questioned, regarding the magnitude of human suffering around him. "Is this meant to make me feel better?" He rolled his eyes.

"What would Brienne do if she saw these poor people?" Tyrion suggested.

The ghost of a smile passed Jaime's face. His thoughts went to the depths of Brienne's caring. "She would be feeding and clothing them all, and trying to open Casterly Rock to shelter them." He grinned. It was the first time he had smiled in weeks.

Tyrion raised him a quizzical eyebrow, and turned a serious face to Jaime. "You have lived like a dead man long enough." He asserted. "Brienne is happy with her family in the North. She is living her life. It is time you returned to yours." Tyrion eyed his brother, judgmentally.

"How?" Jaime shot back. "Without Brienne, there is nothing for me." His voice faltered, as he thought again that the woman he loved would never be his.

"You cannot be with her." Tyrion agreed. "But you can honor her." He continued. It was Jaime's turn to raise a brow. "Live a life of purpose and meaning, in service to others." Tyrion turned to study the inhabitants of the streets, guiding his brother's glance to the poverty around them. "Not kings and lords. You've done that bit. Look where it got you." Jaime snorted his understanding at Tyrion's meaning.

"What can I offer these people?" Jaime shook his head remorsefully.

"You are an important man, with a vast estate and huge fortune." Tyrion began. "You could help them better than anyone." He stated emphatically. "You do not need to be the Kingslayer all your life." He offered "You could be the man that Brienne always saw in you. The man you were always meant to be." Tyrion turned back to Jaime with a twinkle in his eye. He was surprised at how quickly the idea seemed to take root in his brother's mind.

From that day, forward, Jaime devoted himself to helping the poor and needy of the Westerlands and anywhere else his influence could reach. He worked countless hours to improve the lives of the destitute. He spent much of his vast wealth providing for those in need. His ancestral home became a shelter, an infirmary, a school, whatever was called for to help those who had not known the same fortunate accident of birth he had. No one whispered 'Kingslayer' behind his back anymore. No one called him 'Outlander' because he did not belong. They smiled, welcomed him, and proclaimed him "Lord Jaime the Generous" to his face. None of his newfound friends, as he thought of them, were ever aware that it was all done for the woman he loved, or that she would never know.

Jaime worked with many of his fellow lords across Westeros during the days of King Bran's reign. He was surprised at the number of highborn nobles who were also eager to help those under their protection. One of those was Lord Selmund Giantsbane of Tarth, the Evenstar. It was in Kings Landing when Jaime had sought an audience with the King to request his aid in relocating victims of a large forest fire in the Westerlands, that Jaime met Brienne's grown son.

Jaime had not realized how many years had passed since he had last seen the capital. His body ached and his gate was slow as he trudged through the corridors. It was much different from when last he had sped back to the Red Keep in the worst decision of his life. He had dreaded making the journey. Kings Landing, where he had died, was the last place he wanted to be. He thought there would be too many painful memories there. However, as he walked through the Red Keep, he realized that he had grown past the place where even memories of Cersei could hurt him. Each day, he still woke to thoughts of Brienne, and dreamed of her each night. It was knowing that she lived, and was somewhere happy that gave him the courage to continue his good work. He wished she knew that he had done everything for her. Somehow he had found a purpose, and had lived a life for which Brienne would have been proud.

"You're Ser Jaime Lannister." An extremely tall, fiery haired young noble gasped as he passed in the corridor outside the throne room. The man recovered his propriety and corrected himself. "Forgive me." He begged, flustered. "Lord Lannister." He bowed.

Jaime turned, at first perplexed as to who might know him in the capital these days. He regarded the younger Lord questioningly. Recognition dawned when Jaime notice the red and blue patch upon the young man's chest, emblazoned with suns and moons. The sigil of House Tarth. "And you are...The Evenstar." He had heard that Lord Selwyn had gone to the Heavens and that his grandson, a half Wildling from the True North, had been bestowed the title. This was Brienne's son. The babe she had protected so fiercely when he had found her in that tiny hut all those years ago. Jaime eyed him with fascination, already seeing Brienne in the man's face.

"Selmund Giantsbane of Tarth." He swept low, with a broad smile. Jaime recognized that The Evenstar did not use his title when introducing himself. Undoubtedly a vestige of his Wildling upbringing. Jaime failed to realize he was staring at Selmund in awe.

Selmund stuck his arm out, eager to meet a man now considered a hero. Jaime took his hand and shook it in greeting, unsure if he should be uncomfortable. How much did Selmund know of his past relationship with the young man's mother.

"My Lord." Jaime answered. "It is good to meet you." He acknowledged, his eyes searching Selmund, his thoughts focused on Brienne.

"It is my honor." Selmund nodded respectfully. As he raised his head, his glance lingered over Jaime. "I believe you know my parents." He offered pleasantly.

Jaime's eyes grew distance for a moment, lost in a memory of himself and Brienne, swords flashing side by side. "Yes." He cleared his throat. "I fought with...them, at Winterfell." He said, leaving out the details of that day.

Selmund nodded softly. "Of course." He smiled thoughtfully." Jon Snow has told me about you." He replied. Jon had been pardoned by King Bran a few years after the death of Daenarys Targaryen, and Queen Sansa had bestowed the Lordship of Dreadfort upon him. Thus, making the onetime bastard of Winterfell a noble. Jaime noticed that Selmund's knowledge of him had not come from Brienne. He found no fault in that. What could she have told him, anyway?

"He has?" Jaime almost chuckled. "And what has Lord Snow told you of me?" He replied goodnaturedly, nervous at what Selmund's answer might be.

Selmund looked at Jaime with what could only be called sympathy in his gaze. "That you loved my mother, but that she chose my father." He answered plainly, and without judgement.

Jamie nodded and smiled to himself. "A wise decision, don't you think?" He laughed painfully. Selmund lowered his head, but a grin played on his lips.

The pair stood in an awkward silence for a moment, until Jaime spoke again. "How is your mother?" He inquired nervously.

A wide smile broke across Selmund's face, thinking of her. "She is well." He reported. "She is a leader in our village, along with my father, of course." He said proudly.

"Then, your father is also favored with health?" Jaime questioned. He truly hoped that Brienne had not known the heartbreak of widowhood.

Selmund nodded vigorously. "He is. As always." The young man beamed. "Mama says nothing will bring down the Old Bear." He laughed affectionately.

Jaime smiled. "And the rest of your family?" He asked. "Forgive me. I was aware of you and one other, as well as two from your father." Jaime did not know why he was so fascinated by this unexpected news of Brienne, but he felt as if he had to know what her life had held. It made him happy to hear of her.

Again Selmund almost laughed. "We are nine." He saw Jaime's eyes widen at the thought. "My mother presented my father with two more sons and two daughters after me, and there were our two readymade sisters, of course." He continued. "However, it is her grandchildren upon whom my mother now dotes." His face was warm and thoughtful.

Jaime was left breathless. "Brienne is a grandmother?" Again, he had lost track of the years that had passed since he had last seen her.

"My brothers and sisters and I have given my parents twenty-six." Selmund answered proudly.

Jaime could not help but regret that Brienne's children and grandchildren might have been his as well, if only he had stayed with her. His heart pained him at the thought. He studied Selmund, imaging what his blood might have looked like in the boy. It was folly to consider such a thing. It mattered not. It never happened.

Selmund could sense that Lord Lannister was uneasy. The man they once called Lion was lost in a memory. The Evenstar knew Jaime Lannister had been in love with his mother. Jon Snow had told him more than he had mentioned, but he did not wish to cause the Lord of Casterly Rock embarrassment. Selmund knew his mother was an amazing woman. He had been raised amidst the love she and his father shared. He could not imagine how painful losing her must have been. Jon had remarked to him that this man, once believed dead by all, had remained a steadfast bachelor. He hoped that Jaime Lannister had not spent his lifetime mourning the loss her.

"And...You Ser?" Selmund stammered. He knew that at one time, Jaime Lannister had been his father's rival. He also knew the man had broken his mother's heart, but he could not help liking this Lord who had become the benefactor of so many. "You...never married?" Selmund asked sympathetically.

Jaime's expression was wistful. "No." He shook his head, as if the thought had never occurred to him. How could he tell Brienne's son that she was the only women for whom his heart had ever yearned. From somewhere, he found words to convey the love he had for her, which still burned warm in his heart. "I once loved the brightest star in the sky, more brilliant even than that very sun and moon on your own sigil." As he spoke, Jaime saw Brienne as clearly as if she were standing before him. "There was a time she could have loved me, but through my own stupidity, my failure, and my weakness I destroyed that affection. I left her to protect her, but I left her for a lie." Jaime swallowed the lump in his throat. "It took me years to find my way back to her." He lamented. "When I returned, I discovered that during that lost time, she had fallen deeply in love with another. My bright, brilliant star had stepped from the Heavens and had been caught in the paws of a big wild bear. She had given her heart to him." Jaime eyed the ground, knowning that Selmund would realize he was speaking of his mother. "She was happy, and I could not begrudge her that joy. I could not take her from the life she chose. Nor would I wish anyone else for her but her wild northern bear. For there is no other who would cherish her, love her, and protect her as he did." Jaime smiled. "No, My Lord. I would rather live a thousand lifetimes with only her memory, than share a life with anyone else." He finished, lost somewhere in time.

Selmund was silent, considering Jaime's words. It was obvious of whom Lord Lannister spoke. It was clear the man was still very much in love with Selmund's mother. He was certain that Jaime realized Selmund's understanding that his own mother had been the bright star in the story. Suddenly the young man was abundantly grateful to Jaime Lannister. If not for his sacrifice, he might not even exist. He studied Jaime with a kind eye, and finally found his voice. "If I may say so, My Lord." He began. "I am sure, where ever your Lady Love is, she would be extremely proud of the good you have accomplished." Selmund affirmed. He knew Brienne was the woman for whom Jaime had done all.

Jaime looked embarrassed for a moment. He did not want credit for his charitable works. Even if Brienne never knew, he had done everything for her. All he wanted was her happiness. "Thank you, My Lord." Was his only answer.

Jaime lived long into his elder years. He continued to see to the needy of Westeros, helping untold multitudes with his work and generosity. Then came the day that he looked upon his final sunrise. Thousands honored his memory. Casterly Rock was surrounded by mourners as Tryion held the flame to Jaime's pyre and sent his soul to the Heavens. Only the previous day, as Jaime lay on his death bed, Tyrion had watched as his eyes opened for a moment, and his sunken face smiled. Jaime's gaze floated dreamily around the room, as if he were peering through the years, searching for someone. He still loved the woman of whom he had dreamed for so long. It was as if he saw her in his mind one last time. Then he closed his eyes, as his final breath floated upon the wind. "Brienne." He called, and died.

In the North busy with her day and her duties, Brienne thought it odd that she should feel the very moment that Jaime's soul left the world. It came to her in a flash of knowing so strong that it took her breath from her lungs. He had not found her thoughts in so very long. It was not a sadness that enveloped her. She had already mourned him, years before. It was a calmness, a peace that took hold of her. Brienne knew that Jaime was finally at rest. She took a long moment to contemplate his life and all they had once meant to each other. Brienne gave up a silent prayer to the Gods, that they would be merciful. Then she filled her lungs with the cold crisp air of her home, and went on.


Beyond the Wall, Brienne and Tormund lived a long and joyous life together. They welcomed their aging decades as much in love as they ever were. Still, the passion flowed between them as freely as it did the first time they reveled in each other. Now, however, it was made that much sweeter by the life they had shared together. One night not long after her father, Lord Selwyn, had peacefully gone to The Heavens in his sleep to meet her mother, Brienne lay pensive and awake in her fur covered bed with Tormund.

Tormund had slept for a short while, but somehow as he always did, he sensed Brienne's mood even in his slumber and awoke to her loving eyes studying his face. He smiled at her as broadly as when he was trying to woo her, and brought his hand up to caress her hair. She marveled that he seemed he never noticed her newest wrinkle, or the gray in her hair. He was still as fierce and strong, and fiendishly handsome as when she had lost her heart to him all those year ago on the roads of the North.

He kissed her forehead, and looked at her with concern. "Are you alright, My Love?" He asked softly.

Brienne laid her hand over his gently, and brought it round to her lips. She kissed his palm and pressed it to her heart. "I'm fine. Just thinking." She smiled sweetly at him.

Tormund propped himself up on an elbow next to Brienne. "About what?" He questioned, his finger finding the angle of her jaw.

"Everything." Brienne smiled lovingly at him.

"Everything?" He teased. "That's quite a lot." He pretended to be worried.

Brienne chuckled, rolling onto her side to face him. "About us." She grinned joyfully. "About how I am the luckiest woman in all the Seven Kingdoms." She sighed, and nestled closer to him.

"And I am the luckiest man." Tormund's lips returned to Brienne's face. He kissed the slope of her nose to her lips, and lingered there, feasting on the sweetness of her.

They rested in the assurance of each other for a long while. Once they parted, Tormund could still sense Brienne's solemn mood. He wondered if perhaps she had begun to think of what might have been, with someone else. He was afraid to ask, but he had to know. "Do you ever regret...anything?" He questioned, unable to look into her eyes.

Brienne's breath choked in her throat. She leaned closer to him, and looked deeply into his eyes. The same eyes that had been her strength all these years. Her mind filled with all they had been together, everything they had created. Their children, their memories, their life, all of it played in her mind and delighted her once more. Brienne smiled warmly at the images she recalled, and at the gaze of the man she adored. She took Tormund's face gently in her trembling hands.

"The only thing I regret is that I cannot live it all over again." She declared to him, tears in her eyes.

Brienne understood what he had meant. For the first time in years she pictured Jaime's face. She saw him once more, naked and kissing her greedily in her chamber at Winterfell. She saw his haunted eyes unable to meet hers on the night that he left her in the freezing courtyard. She watched once more as he stood only paces from where she now lay, when he returned from the dead and had come to claim her. She watched his hurt as he realized she would not go with him. All of it disappeared from her thoughts as she stared deeply into Tormund's eyes.

Brienne brought herself to hover over Tormund, still holding his face to meet her eyes. She beheld him, and could not believe she had been the one he loved. She thanked the Gods that she had been blessed with loving him. "Listen to me." She whispered, her hot breath teasing his lips. She swallowed hard, and held him in her stare. She had never been more sincere about anything in her life. "I would not trade one moment that I have been given with you..." She leaned even closer to him. "...for an eternity with anyone else." Brienne swore to Tormund. "Do you hear me?" She beseeched him. "Anyone!" She repeated. "I love you, and only you." She breathed. Her mouth found his, and she sealed her proclamation with a passionate kiss.

Tormund wrapped his arms around Brienne, and smiling, laid her back into the pillows. He kissed her as he had always done, as if he were afraid his precious gift would disappear. Brienne thrilled to his touch, and felt her body shiver with need for him, as it always did when he touched her. Tormund sensed her desire, and answered her silent call eagerly. They held tightly to each other, their bodies moving as one. The years they had spent together were now the source of their passion. However, whenever they enjoyed each other like this, it was as if the years melted away and they were perpetually young, and their love always exciting and new. The love they shared never wavered, and never weakened.
Tormund saw eighty-seven Namedays. After all the fierceness and fighting with which his life had been filled, it was a fever that felled him in his old age. He had insisted upon accompanying the hunt that year, had fallen sick upon returning, and had not lasted a week after that. Brienne refused to leave his side as his body betrayed him. His eyes never left hers as he took his final breath. Brienne lay holding his body for a full day, before she would let anyone near. She lit his pyre and watched the flames send his soul to the Heavens. After that, Brienne sat next to the remains of her dear husband for three days and nights, refusing to allowing anyone to gather what was left. A fistful of his ashes she clutched close to her heart. Her children watched her with concern. She was never the same.

Brienne lasted not quite a year after Tormund's death. The healers said she had succumbed to the weakness of old age after a lifetime of battle. Her children knew better. They understood that without her beloved husband, she no longer wished to remain. They knew she had died of a broken heart. Upon her deathbed, as her last breathes left her body, Brienne raised her head and beheld the doorway of the hut she had shared with her family. She smiled, and held out her hand as if to take that of one who was reaching for her. It seemed her true love had come to take her to The Heavens with him. She whispered his name, and then left her legacy to the ages. "Tormund." Brienne sighed, as she died.
Centuries later the Red Keep had become a cold and lifeless museum. The hallways that once held witness to the rise and fall of Westeros' greatest leaders were now filled with families on vacation, children on school field trips, and tourists taking in the once magnificent castle. The deceit, the drama, and the blood that was once the game played within its corridors had long since dissolved and dried. Cersei's name had been forgotten to history. All that remained of Jaime Lannister was the entry that Brienne had written of him in the Whitebook. The book had been laid open to his page, frozen under glass on the table in the White Sword Tower. It was a distant part of the castle to which few ventured after a full day of site seeing.

Brienne and Tormund's bloodline continued to spread and thrive. The love they shared had created a legacy that outlived even the memory of them. Their children for generations became leaders, and innovators. They were always strong, determined, and fearless. The Giantsbane name was widely respected all over Westeros, both North and South. It seemed that those of their blood were always to know the blessings of deep love, and strong family. Somewhere in the frozen wasteland beyond what had once been The Wall, Brienne's and Tormund's ashes still clung together, playing on the wind and settling beneath the ice. Their souls enjoyed each other in The Heavens. Their children and descendants conquered the world.

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